Tag Archives: borders

Which Border?

You all know I watch no news, nor do I listen to podcasts. However I get lots of emails from relatives, friends, and Marines Brothers wanting me to see something, all of which usually raises my blood pressure. As a result when I see the title of what they want me to watch, I normally simply delete it. Sorry folks, but I am 81 years old and have been blessed, until the past year, with low blood pressure, and I’d like to keep it that way.

However, I received something this morning as I was waiting for the market to open and I clicked on it. DAMNIT, should have known better. I used to watch Tucker on FOX, but even stopped that as well. The link below will take you to a Tucker episode and if it doesn’t boil your blood I don’t know what will. He includes all the issues about border security., and trust me there are many. How in God’s name can someone with a brain in their head instead of up their ass not understand what is going on here. No one, and I mean that all inclusive is saying anything about this, even that RINO Mitch McConnell the GOP fellow from KY, For the love of God, what have we become?

It’s long, but I had time while waiting for the NYSE to open to see how much money I was going to lose today. So, I listened to all 15″ of it and what an eye opener. I sincerely believe this issue is the MOST important of all the things Biden is doing to our country. GEEZ. You don’t have to watch it all, but please listen to some of it. Talk about Democratic hypocrisy!!!!! How long can we allow this to happen until it’s too late, if not already?

I’m sorry but I had difficulty pasting a good link to it, so you will have to copy and paste into your browser.
