Tag Archives: Biden

Why Trump in 2020?

Okay Folks, I’ve been silent long enuff, it’s time to speak up again. Here are the many  reasons why Donald Trump deserves to be reelected. If you disagree, you’ve been living under a rock!?

I like this guy, he doesn’t hold back., lays it all on the line, and I can find nothing wrong or incorrect with any of his facts. but then you be the judge. Six minutes and thirteen seconds of truth for which liberal Washington has no defense.



Originally posted 2020-05-29 10:42:54.


This is a re-post of an earlier, and here’s why. I’m sure you read the one titled “A Must Read for every American.” In fact, it has received more hits than any post I have every made since this blog began back in October 2015. It has thus far reached 1,149 hits and is still being viewed as I write this. I am excited about that, and I hope everyone is forwarding it, which I am sure many are thus the reason for so many views.

I believe this to be the issue right now before elections. Americans NEED to understand what is going on with our elected officials, and I am not just speaking of liberals. Many GOP congressman and senators are beginning to murmur words against Trump, and now we all should understand why. He has all but taken away their Golden Egg and if given four more years he will slaughter their Golden Goose for good. 

So I am re-posting this post, which is the Trumps ad for the upcoming election. Keep in mind what you read in the “Must Read” post as you watch this ad again. He talks about what he is doing and why he can do it. The two posts belong together, they enhance one another.

Trump is the only one who can destroy this sad state of affairs within our government. He is beholding to no one, lobbyist, major corporations, Wall Street, Unions, etc. He owes no favors, receives no kick backs let alone his salary. 

Please re-pass this one on to your friends and explain what I am saying here. Folks, fellow Americans, this is important, you must be involved. As I have repeatedly said, the DNC cannot afford four more years of Trump. Trust me, this will be the worse election in the history of America!

The 2020 Election


If Trump is not re-elected in November, our legislative system and form of government will be gone forever! This is not a conspiracy theory my fellow Americans, it will happen.

Originally posted 2020-05-06 12:45:21.

President Trump and the Media

Copied from Trump Train News (TTN) to which I subscribe. Don’t always agree with some of the wild things they post, and some of their writers need to go back to school and take a grammar course. But sometimes they post something I fully agrees with and consider sharing, such as the one I posted below. I know not the author, but it’s well written. Enjoy.

Donald Trump has a spectacular opportunity right now to put his opponents in the Fake News Media right where he wants them – but he’ll want to strike while the iron is hot.

My son is 3 years old, and he loves dinosaurs – he’s absolutely obsessed with them. Dinosaur books, dinosaur toys, and every dinosaur documentary Disney+ and Amazon Prime have to offer. Inevitably, we end up watching a lot of shows that weren’t really made for kids – full of all the cheap poetic metaphors you expect from the made-for-TV documentary film writers who couldn’t get a writing gig for the next Summer blockbuster. My favorite is at the end of the BBC Walking with Dinosaurs series, where Kenneth Branaugh reminds the viewer that as death rained from the heavens, the dinosaurs could not look to the sky and contemplate their demise.

Extinction-level events are hard for the creatures living through them to process. We’re in the middle of an extinction-level event right now. No, not COVID-19. What we’re seeing is the death of the major media cartels – especially on the information side. News media has, since Donald Trump’s historic 2016 run, been contracting quickly and thousands of would-be Walter Cronkites are being turned out to prepare iced vanilla lattes for decidedly less interesting people than they think they are. The best they can do is thrash about while it happens, oblivious to why it is happening; frankly, they seem almost dedicated to hastening their own end.

Take the pandemic coverage: COVID-19 has been treated like a godsend for these people – with major sports leagues shutdown and businesses closing, they’re quickly becoming the only entertainment game in town. It also gives them a convenient bludgeon to use against their bogeyman-of-choice, President Trump. They accuse him of being malicious, incompetent, both, neither… whatever allows them to continue justifying their hatred of him. COVID-19 has led to a lot of them piling blame on him for problems that truly stem from problems in healthcare, labor laws, and immigration control – problems that he has as President worked tirelessly to address only to be blocked at every turn.

People aren’t blind to this, though, and eventually, the fallout from the Wuhan Comet is going to settle. The novel coronavirus is a bad disease, but it’s not Smallpox or the Bubonic Plague. Media hysterics have put millions of people on the ropes – and criticism of Trump trying to help the folks on Main Street only hastens the extinction of the dinosaurs here. When the American citizens who have been made to suffer by this panic realize just how exaggerated the threat of COVID-19 is, President Trump is going to have a fantastic opportunity to reach anyone who still thinks CNN or MSNBC is on their side. They tried to get him with lies about Russia, then lies about Ukraine, and now all of their crying wolf has almost tanked the economy.

Ever since the Kennedy-Nixon Debate, every Conservative candidate has had to run against two opponents: the Democrat and the Media Cartels. Trump is the first in a long while to defeat both in his campaigns, and COVID-19 has given him another opportunity to keep the Media Cartels on their back foot. Even if the leading Democrat candidate was someone who could string together a coherent sentence, the Media hysteria has given Trump such an upper hand that he’ll win handily. By running around screaming that the sky is falling, they’re bringing the roof down on their own heads.

I often enjoy the comments as much as the article itself. I especially enjoyed this one:

I am embarrassed to admit it, but when I registered to vote I register as a Democrat. You must remember that in the fifties and the sixties this Party was the Party of Labor. The agenda of both major Parties was clear then. Democrats fought for Labor Rights and the Republican fought for business rights. YES, even then, each Party had their faults;but this was the accepted norm then. What has changed? The Parties started talking about social justice. Social justice that defines the rights listed in our US Constitution. Politicians took these accepted rights and made them political. By doing so this the Republic moved away from our US Constitution , thus giving the nation Political Correctness. This Political Correctness has replaced Rule of Law, putting the nation on a path to it’s own internal demise with Socialism. Those who drafted our US Constitution knew the importance of Rule of Law. They even required a Oath of Office to remind those we elect to follow Rule of Law as our Constitution demands of all US Citizens. Political Correctness severed this link between our Constitution and it’s Rule of Law. We now hear politicians claiming no one needs a “Assault weapon” or a thirty round clip. People tend to forget that to be called a “Assault weapon” it has to be used to assault another human being. We could call a rake or shovel a “Assault weapon” if it is used to assault another human being. We are also hearing that people must respect and accept other faiths, yet this is not what our US Constitution states. People are free to accept who or what religion they choose. Citizens are even allowed to hate another minority as long as they do not infringed on the rights of this minority. In the United States people are given the right to speak their mind and assemble as they choose as long as they do not become a threat to others. Politicians have taken rights that are quite clearly stated in the US Constitution and twisted them so badly that their true meaning is distorted for political gain.

There is only one thing that will save the US from it’s demise. Return to Rule of Law and stop this Political Correct BS. Respect our US Constitution and do not use this constitution for political gain.

My one deep concern with what was said is I hope and pray DJT does not step on his shoe strings and say or do something stupid between now and November 3rd! We all know he his personality and there have been times where he has not served himself well. I’m hoping!


Originally posted 2020-04-11 10:34:05.

Pre-Super Bowl Potpourri

Today being pre-Super Bowl Day, thought I’d throw out some things to give everyone some things to chew on.

First an excellent article by Tony Perkins. A Marine friend sent me the article and said,” The Left and its ideology are like termites, constantly eating away at the foundation of our society morals, values, ethics, and culture”.

Our Military Should Be Cultivating Masculinity, Not Denigrating It

January 30, 2020

By Tony Perkins

A recent review of U.S. special operations forces pointed to a leadership crisis in our military, concluding that leadership, discipline and accountability must be strengthened at all levels. West Point, which is supposed to be the Army’s preeminent leader development institution, hasn’t been immune to this breakdown in leadership. Earlier this month, West Point cadets attended “Honorably Living Day,” a mandatory event dedicated to promoting diversity and feminist thought where facilitators discouraged what they called “toxic masculinity.”

The curriculum featured the documentary Miss Representation, which was produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, first lady of California and wife of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.). The documentary included commentary from left-wing commentators such as Katie Couric, Rosie O’Donnell, and Jane Fonda. What does any of this have to do with fighting and winning wars? That was the question Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. “Jerry” Boykin asked when he joined Washington Watch yesterday to discuss this new initiative. “In no way does this help enhance the readiness of our military,” he told me. “It is a reflection of what was forced on our military in the Obama administration. The disappointing thing is that it’s still there…”

Instead of developing leaders, West Point is taking time to attack masculinity. The program even questions the phrase “be a man.” Yet, by attacking masculinity, mandatory trainings such as Honorably Living Day undermines the very characteristics our military desperately needs. General Boykin quoted George Orwell, who fought in the Spanish Civil War and observed the hardships of battle first-hand: “Orwell said, ‘We rest well in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence against those who would threaten us.'”

General Boykin argues that the campaign against masculinity inflicts a great deal of damage on society beyond the military. “This whole idea of ‘hyper-masculinity,’ which is one of the phrases that they’ve coined now… is absolute nonsense, has nothing to do with reality. It is about destroying men because they are the foundations of the family… The men are so important, and the men are walking out of their families today all over America. And this is a reflection of exactly what the crisis in masculinity is all about.” Indeed, a lack of male leadership has certainly taken its toll on American families. All the more, this highlights the importance of preserving strong and moral male leadership in the military, despite the Left’s effort to destroy it.

For centuries, men have largely been the ones fighting wars, protecting their countries, and defending their people. Instead of disparaging a perceived “toxic masculinity,” the U.S. military should be building the character of men and fostering their natural instinct to protect and defend. The strength of our military and the security of our nation depends on it.

Tony Perkins Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.

Second up. Don’t know how many of you follow the economy? I do very closely; that’s what my degree is in and I’m a hobby investor and have been for many years. Don’t make a lot of money at it, but for me, it’s fun. And I get the kicks hearing folks chat on about this and that within our economy as well as the global, when they haven’t a clue what they are talking about. I especially like the late great ads run by that billionaire for NY who considers himself a viable candidate for the upcoming election this year. Yes, I refer to Dumberg. Anyway, here’s some economic news from this past week that is simple to understand, even for a liberal.

On Thursday, the Department of Labor reported that initial jobless claims for the week ending January 25 were 216,000, a decrease of 7,000 from the previous week’s revised level of 223,000 (revised up from 211,000), however, 1,000 claims below expectations of 215,000. Importantly, the four-week moving average for claims (used as a gauge to offset volatility in the weekly numbers) was 214,500, a 1,750-claim decrease from the previous week’s revised average of 216,250 (revised up from 213,250). The low rate of layoffs reflects a strengthening labor market as claims have remained below 300,000 – the threshold typically used to categorize a healthy jobs market – for an incredible 255 consecutive weeks, the longest streak for weekly records dating back to 1967. The previous longest stretch ended in April 1970 and lasted for 161 weeks.



Thirdly, a touch of humor.







And one more for the road.

Dear Lord:  The last four or five years have been very tough.

You have taken my favorite actor – Paul Newman;

My favorite actress – Elizabeth Taylor;

My favorite singer – Andy Williams;

My favorite author – Tom Clancy;

And now, my favorite comedians – Robin Williams and Joan Rivers.

I just wanted you to know that my favorite politicians are: Adam Schiff, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Joe (touchy) Biden and Barry Sanders, and I also have a special place in my heart for George Soros, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel and my favorite shoe salesman Colin Kaepernick.  Amen”

Okay Gang, enjoy your weekend, and hope your team wins tomorrow. I have no dog in fight. I just hope it’s a good close game and not a blow out like some have been I heard on the news here in FL that upper level nosebleed seats are going for $7.000 each. Wow, is this a money game or what.

Originally posted 2020-02-01 11:58:45.


Once again, I am remiss in posting anything. My only excuse is age-related – I guess having turned 83, I’m just slowing down. Otherwise, my health is good. I find this latest from my friend and fellow Marine Greg earth-shattering as well. I cannot believe the Supreme Court can find anything in the Moore case to go along with the government. Absolutely crazy and could change everything about a capitalistic economy.

Taxing Tremors                                                              By: Greg Maresca

A 7.6 earthquake and its resulting tsunami on New Year’s Day that shook Japan set the stage as the faultless metaphor that will reverberate throughout 2024 and beyond.  With the impending presidential election aside, the tremors of improbability arrived a month earlier when the Supreme Court decided to hear a case with profound implications for the federal income tax.

Moore v. U.S. will decide if the federal government can tax unrealized capital gains not yet received under the 16th Amendment.  The justices agreed to hear the Moore’s appeal as the couple wanted their $14,729 refund that the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against. The Ninth Circuit, known in legal circles as the “Ninth Circus,” has the worst record of any appeals court before the Supreme Court.

Like Roe v. Wade did last year, this case will have a huge and lasting ripple effect regarding future taxation that should concern everyone.

It is no secret that the nation is accruing debt that is unsustainable. The day of reckoning approaches. The irony is the case is named Moore – indeed “more” income through taxation.

Over a century of income tax laws has resulted in thousands of pages of decrees that carve out craters of exemptions in a labyrinth of directives. The tax code is a bloated, crony orchestrated, lobbyist measured disaster for those unable to manipulate it by hiring all those cunning accountants and attorneys who are paid handsomely to circumvent it.

When was the last time a member of Congress did their own taxes?

A fundamental reckoning from the ground up is long overdue to bury the income tax along with the IRS and replace them with a consumption tax or flat tax.

To tax unrealized capital gains not yet received is extreme. The power to regulate and tax is the power to destroy. Congress’s authority to tax does not include reinvested capital and personal property as income.

Income is money received.

Assets may increase in value, but until they are collected as interest, dividends or sold, there is no income. If you cannot spend it, it is not income.

You can’t pay the rent or fill your gas tank with paper gains or the appreciation of your home.  When you gain on any financial instrument but do not sell you earn a “paper profit.”  If unrealized gains are taxed, and the taxpayer has no cash to pay, a forced liquidation would be necessary for payment.

Are you prepared to pay a tax because your assets go up in value?  House, car, pets, trading cards, comic books, Auntie Estelle’s antique coffee table – where does it end?   Provided market values decline would monies be refunded?  Stop laughing, that was no joke.

Uncle Sam wants all the golden eggs without having to buy the hens, the henhouse, and the chicken feed. The power brokers in Washington believe everything is subject to taxation real or imagined.

It is pitiful that this case is even necessary.

A tax in bad faith resulted in a revolution nearly 250 years ago. Such taxation realizes the socialist dream of equal outcomes regardless of effort, ingenuity, innovation, or lack thereof. Ayn Rand’s nightmare is finally realized.

The Supreme Court’s job is not about maximizing taxable income for Uncle Sam but to interpret if this tax is constitutional.

A ruling in favor of Uncle Sam will unleash Congress’ taxing power and devastate our economic system as we know it.  Going forward, all unrealized income will become whatever the government says it is.

The Supreme Court’s decision is expected in June right in the middle of the presidential campaign. Provided the government loses and refusing to allow what they perceive as a crisis; Democrats will condemn the decision as a political red herring.

A Moore victory would also challenge other sections of the tax code that stands at nearly 7,000 pages.  Provided they are unconstitutional; they must fall, too.

The income tax has been around since 1913 and its ability to produce revenue has never been assuaged by politics. The hardcore issue is the United States does not have a taxing problem, but a spending problem. Revenue is up but it can’t compete with current spending levels.

A ruling in favor of the government would only exacerbate such spending.

Postscript: I have given up on all the latest coming out of the military and especially our Corps. Absolutely sad! I am simply too old to even bother with it anymore. My stress level is more important to me.

In case you have not read your copy of the latest “Semper Fidelis, or if not retired and don’t get it, I always look at the “Taps” column looking for friends with whom I served. I saw MajGen Dennis Murphy listed this month. Sad, I considered him another Ernie Cheatham – a warrior. He gave me Huxley’s Whores.

Well, this is election year. Do we really believe the liberals are going to allow a legal, valid election? I don’t!