Tag Archives: Article V

Convention of States – It’s Time has Come

It’s not often I post two blogs in one day, in fact, while I find much stuff to bitch about, I keep posts to a bare minimum; however, I received an email from a very dear friend and brother retired Marine that grabbed my attention quickly and I immediately took the action requested by the email. I sent three emails to my elected officials, two liberals who will not reply (Senators) and one Congressman who is a super guy, which is surprising considering I live in the cesspool of politics. I also donated to the cause.

I am thoroughly convinced our founding fathers had no idea that some day we would have career politicians who spend their entire working years supposedly representing the good folks from their state or district. The time some of these people spend in office where they had to be wheel-chaired to the gallery, fast asleep during deliberations, and someone had to wake them up to tell them which button to push is unimaginable. But, as you know it happens. Why did they set the term limits for Congressmen to two years? They were supposed to be “citizen representatives,” not life-long careerists.

Everyone of them leaves office with a healthy pension, health care for life, and more money than they can spend in a lifetime; look at McCain’s mansion. Where did he get that money? From his salary? NOT! Hillary claimed they were broke when Bill left office. Oh really? Is that why she stole all the things from the WH claiming it was theirs?

It’s time folks, it’s time for term limits, just like POTUS.  Serving is an honor, a sacrifice to your country. Serve your term and go get a job. Leave with no pension or a small one that would still require one to go to work like the rest of us.

We can do this, but you can bet your elected officials will not do it on their own. We, the people, have to force them to do it. Write your officials, see what they say, and go from there when election time comes. Nuff said, the rest is up to you.

Have a good day.


Copy & Paste the following and you decide what to do.





Originally posted 2018-09-20 15:41:49.