I read this piece of Trivia several years ago, and found it very interesting. I received this copy from one of my fellow Marines, who, BTW was one of my recruits back in the early 60’s. And I thought I’d share it with those who perhaps never heard the story. IT IS TRUE!! What I found interesting though was those same ignorant, highly educated, useless bureaucrats who existed back in that day, are still here! LOL That damn can is still in existence today. . . . . Amazing .




During World War II the United States exported more tons of petroleum products than of all other war material combined. The mainstay of the enormous oil-and gasoline transportation network that fed the war was the oceangoing tanker, supplemented on land by pipelines, railroad tank cars, and trucks. But for combat vehicles on the move, another link was crucial—smaller containers that could be carried and poured by hand and moved around a battle zone by trucks.

Hitler knew this. He perceived early on that the weakest link in his plans for blitzkrieg using his panzer divisions was fuel supply. He ordered his staff to design a fuel container that would minimize gasoline losses under combat conditions. As a result the German army had thousands of jerrycans, as they came to be called, stored and ready when hostilities began in 1939.

The jerrycan had been developed under the strictest secrecy, and its unique features were many. It was flat-sided and rectangular in shape, consisting of two halves welded together as in a typical automobile gasoline tank. It had three handles, enabling one man to carry two cans and pass one to another man in bucket-brigade fashion. Its capacity was approximately five U.S. gallons; its weight filled, forty-five pounds. Thanks to an air chamber at the top, it would float on water if dropped overboard or from a plane. Its short spout was secured with a snap closure that could be propped open for pouring, making unnecessary any funnel or opener. A gasket made the mouth leak proof. An air-breathing tube from the spout to the air space kept the pouring smooth. And most important, the can’s inside was lined with an impervious plastic material developed for the insides of steel beer barrels. This enabled the jerrycan to be used alternately for gasoline and water.

Early in the summer of 1939, this secret weapon began a roundabout odyssey into American hands. An American engineer named Paul Pleiss, finishing up a manufacturing job in Berlin, persuaded a German colleague to join him on a vacation trip overland to India. The two bought an automobile chassis and built a body for it. As they prepared to leave on their journey, they realized that they had no provision for emergency water. The German engineer knew of and had access to thousands of jerrycans stored at Tempelhof Airport. He simply took three and mounted them on the underside of the car.

The two drove across eleven national borders without incident and were halfway across India when Field Marshal Goering sent a plane to take the German engineer back home. Before departing, the engineer compounded his treason by giving Pleiss complete specifications for the jerrycan’s manufacture. Pleiss continued on alone to Calcutta. Then he put the car in storage and returned to Philadelphia.

Back in the United States, Pleiss told military officials about the container, but without a sample can he could stir no interest, even though the war was now well under way. The risk involved in having the cans removed from the car and shipped from Calcutta seemed too great, so he eventually had the complete vehicle sent to him, via Turkey and the Cape of Good Hope. It arrived in New York in the summer of 1940 with the three jerrycans intact. Pleiss immediately sent one of the cans to Washington. The War Department looked at it but unwisely decided that an updated version of their World War I container would be good enough. That was a cylindrical ten-gallon can with two screw closures. It required a wrench and a funnel for pouring.

That one jerrycan in the Army’s possession was later sent to Camp Holabird, in Maryland. There it was poorly redesigned; the only features retained were the size, shape, and handles. The welded circumferential joint was replaced with rolled seams around the bottom and one side. Both a wrench and a funnel were required for its use. And it now had no lining. As any petroleum engineer knows, it is unsafe to store gasoline in a container with rolled seams. This ersatz can did not win wide acceptance.

The British first encountered the jerrycan during the German invasion of Norway, in 1940, and gave it its English name (the Germans were, of course, the “Jerries”). Later that year Pleiss was in London and was asked by British officers if he knew anything about the can’s design and manufacture. He ordered the second of his three jerrycans flown to London. Steps were taken to manufacture exact duplicates of it.

Two years later the United States was still oblivious of the can. Then, in September 1942, two quality-control officers posted to American refineries in the Mideast ran smack into the problems being created by ignoring the jerrycan. I was one of those two. Passing through Cairo two weeks before the start of the Battle of El Alamein, we learned that the British wanted no part of a planned U.S. Navy can; as far as they were concerned, the only container worth having was the Jerrycan, even though their only supply was those captured in battle. The British were bitter; two years after the invasion of Norway there was still no evidence that their government had done anything about the jerrycan.

My colleague and I learned quickly about the jerrycan’s advantages and the Allied can’s costly disadvantages, and we sent a cable to naval officials in Washington stating that 40 percent of all the gasoline sent to Egypt was being lost through spillage and evaporation. We added that a detailed report would follow. The 40 percent figure was actually a guess intended to provoke alarm, but it worked. A cable came back immediately requesting confirmation.

We then arranged a visit to several fuel-handling depots at the rear of Montgomery’s army and found there that conditions were indeed appalling. Fuel arrived by rail from the sea in fifty-five-gallon steel drums with rolled seams and friction-sealed metallic mouths. The drums were handled violently by local laborers. Many leaked. The next link in the chain was the infamous five-gallon “petrol tin.” This was a square can of tin plate that had been used for decades to supply lamp kerosene. It was hardly useful for gasoline. In the hot desert sun, it tended to swell up, burst at the seams, and leak. Since a funnel was needed for pouring, spillage was also a problem.

Allied soldiers in Africa knew that the only gasoline container worth having was German. Similar tins were carried on Liberator bombers in flight. They leaked out perhaps a third of the fuel they carried. Because of this, General Wavell’s defeat of the Italians in North Africa in 1940 had come to naught. His planes and combat vehicles had literally run out of gas. Likewise in 1941, General Auchinleck’s victory over Rommel had withered away. In 1942 General Montgomery saw to it that he had enough supplies, including gasoline, to whip Rommel in spite of terrific wastage. And he was helped by captured jerrycans.

The British historian Desmond Young later confirmed the great importance of oil cans in the early African part of the war. “No one who did not serve in the desert,” he wrote, “can realize to what extent the difference between complete and partial success rested on the simplest item of our equipment—and the worst. Whoever sent our troops into desert warfare with the [five-gallon] petrol tin has much to answer for. General Auchinleck estimates that this ‘flimsy and ill constructed container’ led to the loss of thirty per cent of petrol between base and consumer. … The overall loss was almost incalculable. To calculate the tanks destroyed, the number of men who were killed or went into captivity because of shortage of petrol at some crucial moment, the ships and merchant seamen lost in carrying it, would be quite impossible.”

After my colleague and I made our report, a new five-gallon container under consideration in Washington was canceled. Meanwhile the British were finally gearing up for mass production. Two million British jerrycans were sent to North Africa in early 1943, and by early 1944 they were being manufactured in the Middle East. Since the British had such a head start, the Allies agreed to let them produce all the cans needed for the invasion of Europe. Millions were ready by D-day. By V-E day some twenty-one million Allied jerrycans had been scattered all over Europe. President Roosevelt observed in November 1944, “Without these cans it would have been impossible for our armies to cut their way across France at a lightning pace which exceeded the German Blitz of 1940.”

In Washington little about the jerrycan appears in the official record. A military report says simply, “A sample of the jerry can was brought to the office of the Quartermaster General in the summer of 1940.”

Richard M. Daniel is a retired commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve and a chemical engineer.

Originally posted 2019-10-02 10:39:45.

You’re Selfish, Badly Educated, Virtue Signaling Little Turds

This video needs no comments or words of introduction, other than  to warn those who might believe in the climate change hoax; perhaps you should not watch it, as the contents may make you run to your safe place under your bed. I, for one, do not believe it.

But, before we go there, here are a just a few of Al Gore’s “ECO-FRIENDLY” homes, LOL.  But now remember, he wants you to drive less, use less, eat less, and maybe even have less sex (that may use up too much oxygen.) LOL
















Nuff said. Should you want to read the commentary, it is provided under the video. I, personally, think the video is much better, but you decide

To all the school kids going on strike for climate change: You’re the first generation who’ve required air conditioning in every classroom, you want TV in every room and your classes are all computerized. You spend all day and night on electronic devices. More than ever you don’t walk or ride bikes to school, but you arrive in caravans of private cars that choke suburban roads and worsen rush hour traffic.

You’re the biggest consumers of manufactured goods ever and update perfectly good, expensive luxury items just to stay trendy. Your entertainment comes from electric devices, furthermore the people driving your protests are the same people who insist on artificially inflating the population growth through immigration, which increases the need for energy, manufacturing and transport. The more people we have, the more forests and bush land we clear and the more of the environment that’s destroyed.

How about this, tell your teachers to switch off the air conditioning, walk or ride your bike to school, switch off your devices and read a book, make a sandwich instead of buying manufactured fast food.

Nope, none of this will happen, BECAUSE you’re selfish, badly educated, virtue signaling little turds inspired by the adults around you who crave a feeling of having a Noble Cause while they indulge themselves in western luxury and an unprecedented quality of life.


Originally posted 2019-09-30 08:10:27.

Liberal Lunacy

Remember the Limbo song from years ago, where the main line was “how low can you go”? Every time I read something akin to this post I think of that song and wonder just how low can these liberal out-of-touch professors go before someone recommends they be sent to the loony bin or funny farm. I can imagine what this nut teaches his young impressionable charges in his classroom.

Professor Claims Tom Brady’s Popularity Tied to Rising ‘White Supremacy’

A Rhode Island professor now says that Tom Brady’s popularity is due to “white supremacy” in a “post-Obama America.”

That Brady has won six Super Bowl rings, has earned three MVP awards, three All-Pro titles, and 14 Pro-Bowl appearances, has little to do with his success, as far as Professor Kyle Kusz is concerned, Campus Reform reported.

Kusz, a professor of kinesiology (Wait, what the hell is this, can you get a major in it from this university? And you did what would you bring to society with it?at the University of Rhode Island, made his accusation in a screed published this month entitled, Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump, and the Allure of White Male Omnipotence in Post-Obama America.

Brady’s great athletic success has less to do with his popularity than the “white rage and white supremacy” that has risen in the U.S., this professor of “the study of human movement” insists.

Kusz smears Brady’s 2015 Under Armour ad as an example of Nazi propaganda that “would not seem out of place in Leni Riefenstahl’s infamous Nazi propaganda film, ‘Triumph des willens.’”

Indeed, this wild-eyed professor based his entire thesis on that one commercial, according to his comments to Campus Reform.

“I decided to research Trump and Brady’s public performances of their white masculinities and how they connect with broader debates about race and gender politics after a student in one of my classes brought the Under Armour commercial to my attention, and it piqued my interest,” Kusz said.

Kusz goes on to insist that Brady surrounds himself with white people to show fans his racial purity.

“It is a vision of Brady as a wealthy, white man who unapologetically enjoys, and has even made a habit out of, spending time with other wealthy white men who treasure time ‘with the boys’ over all others,” Kusz exclaimed. Going to the Kentucky Derby, for instance, “suggests his performance of white masculinity shares much in common with President Trump’s.”

The professor also claims that Brady’s refusal to loudly denounce Trump to the left’s satisfaction also proves he is a white supremacist.

All these accusations came to the professor’s mind after he moved to the New England area and began to see how popular Brady was.

“After moving here for work I became fascinated by the idolatry given to Brady, especially after Trump began to name-drop and use white sportsmen as surrogates during his 2016 campaign,” Kusz said. He added that he follows stories about race and gender in today’s society and how those stories “reflect broader struggles about social power.”

So, just what is a professor of “kinesiology”? Kusz’s field is the study of the mechanics of human movement and often has to do with helping learn how best to rehabilitate people after sports injuries. Apparently, that makes him an expert on white supremacy.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

Originally posted 2019-09-29 13:05:43.

Hello Joe!





Hmm, remember the incident with ole Joey boy, you know who I mean, “the handler.” The one who likes to handle every one, especially women, the guy who the Dems think is going to win the nomination and then win 2020? Surely, you know who I mean. And also remember the newest impeachment proceedings over the phone conversation President Trump had with the head of Ukraine where he requested further investigation of Joey and his wanting the Chief Prosecutor fired or “HE” was going to withhold $1 B from them? OK, with me now? Well, here is the sworn statement of the fired prosecutor. You may have to expand it to read since the print is small, but you really don’t need to read the whole thing. You know what it’s going to say, just scan anywhere it mentions Joey boy by name and you’ll get the drift.

The best thing that could happen is  for the House goes forward with POTUS’ impeachment, then the trial starts in the Senate where his lawyers can subpoena ANYBODY!!!!! And I do mean anybody!! I don’t think the Dems are smart enough to figure out what will happen when that trial starts. This is getting really laughable.


Originally posted 2019-09-28 09:41:32.

Bernie, Bernie, Bernie!

Okay Guys, we are finally at our “Forever Home” in sunny Florida and out of the frigid north!! So, I’m back, but still unpacking boxes. One would have thought after 28 moves in my lifetime, #29 would have been a breeze…..NOT! It was the worst of all of them. Always was a slow learner. LOL.
I have not verified this through Wikipedia; however, I found it quite interesting to say the least. I do know there are several points herein I know to to be factual. It is an interesting read, and if anyone has checked the facts, please reply to the posts and enlighten us all.

In all her years in congress Elizabeth Warren introduced 110 bills.  2 passed.   Cory Booker  introduced 120 bills.  0 passed.  Kamala Harris introduced 54 bills. 0 passed.

Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was finally elected mayor at age 53.  He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.

If you want to know what kind of leader Bernie is,  go to Wikipedia, it’s a long report.

The following is condensed: Bernie Sanders’ father was a high school drop-out, who tormented  his family with rants about their financial  problems.   He blamed society and economic inequality for his plight, though as a white male in a middle class neighborhood, he was hardly among the downtrodden. This was Bernie’s inspiration to take up the cause of economic  justice, though he would spend   half of his life as an  able-bodied college graduate living off of  unemployment checks, and the women in his life, between odd  jobs.

By his own admission, Bernie was not a great student, starting at  Brooklyn College and transferring to Univ. of Chicago, but this enrollment kept him protected from the draft.  He joined  socialist organizations and dabbled in far-left communist politics, gaining national notoriety by petitioning the school to let students have sex in the dormitories.

This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that  didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own  satisfaction.   He participated in the 1963 March on Washington, a few demonstrations, and was arrested once, but his activism for civil rights ended when he became obsessed with socialism.  NOT “democratic socialism”, but oppressive far-left Marxism.

Bernie married his college sweetheart, Deborah Shilling, and spent his small inheritance on a summer home in Vermont on 85 acres.  The shack had a dirt floor and no electricity, maintaining his proletariat credibility, but not impressing his new bride.   He refused to get a steady job, so his wife didn’t stick around long, divorced after 18 months.

The Viet Nam war was escalating, and when the next draft was announced, Bernie applied for a conscientious objector deferment.  His deferment was denied, so he dodged the draft by having a kid out of wedlock in 1969 with his new girlfriend, Susan Mott,  even though he STILL wasn’t working, and had no way to support the child.  By the time his draft number came up, he was too old to be drafted anyway.

He continued to subsist on odd carpentry jobs and unemployment checks,  and occasionally selling $15 articles,  including the one about how women fantasize about gang rape. He still refused to get a steady job to support his child.  His girlfriend left him. In 1988 he married Jane Driscoll, and took a cold-war era honeymoon in communist USSR.  His new wife supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office, and shared his radical leftist political views.  They visited the pro-Soviet Sandinista Government in Nicaragua known for their human rights violations,  support for anti-American terrorists, and the imprisonment and exile of  opponents.  Bernie blindly overlooked the carnage to stand with fellow socialists.

They  traveled to Cuba in hopes of meeting Bernie’s hero Fidel Castro, but access to him was denied.  Bernie Sanders managed not to hold a full-time job his entire life or vote in a single election, until he finally ran for Mayor of  Burlington at the age of 40.   After several failed elections, he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington, VT, and eventually a Senate seat, which he has managed to keep off and on. For all of his years representing Vermont, Bernie Sanders passed a total of  three bills, and two of them were for naming post offices. He’s a draft-dodging deadbeat dad, a globe-trotting communist dilettante, and a petulant detractor of hard-working honorable Democrats.

His one skill is yelling about how unfair the world is, and how everything SHOULD be.  But he has no plans for how to make it happen, and no idea what goes on in the rest of the world or how to deal with problems overseas.   His excuse for not having a foreign policy or national security plank on his platform: “I’ve only been campaigning for three months.”

His socialist friends are bitter about what they see as a betrayal of their values by Bernie’s pursuit of the Democratic nomination.   His former wife and girlfriend run when they see reporters and will not speak to the press.

Bernie’s past, including a brief stint living in a kibbutz in Israel is cloaked in secrecy. (It worked for B Hussein.)

Former employees and coworkers describe him as hostile and  belligerent.  All of the Democrats in Vermont’s government endorsed Hillary Clinton.

The people who know Bernie best cannot stand him.  His supporters cannot explain how he is qualified to be president.

Originally posted 2019-09-27 12:09:31.


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