Liberal Lunacy

Remember the Limbo song from years ago, where the main line was “how low can you go”? Every time I read something akin to this post I think of that song and wonder just how low can these liberal out-of-touch professors go before someone recommends they be sent to the loony bin or funny farm. I can imagine what this nut teaches his young impressionable charges in his classroom.

Professor Claims Tom Brady’s Popularity Tied to Rising ‘White Supremacy’

A Rhode Island professor now says that Tom Brady’s popularity is due to “white supremacy” in a “post-Obama America.”

That Brady has won six Super Bowl rings, has earned three MVP awards, three All-Pro titles, and 14 Pro-Bowl appearances, has little to do with his success, as far as Professor Kyle Kusz is concerned, Campus Reform reported.

Kusz, a professor of kinesiology (Wait, what the hell is this, can you get a major in it from this university? And you did what would you bring to society with it?at the University of Rhode Island, made his accusation in a screed published this month entitled, Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump, and the Allure of White Male Omnipotence in Post-Obama America.

Brady’s great athletic success has less to do with his popularity than the “white rage and white supremacy” that has risen in the U.S., this professor of “the study of human movement” insists.

Kusz smears Brady’s 2015 Under Armour ad as an example of Nazi propaganda that “would not seem out of place in Leni Riefenstahl’s infamous Nazi propaganda film, ‘Triumph des willens.’”

Indeed, this wild-eyed professor based his entire thesis on that one commercial, according to his comments to Campus Reform.

“I decided to research Trump and Brady’s public performances of their white masculinities and how they connect with broader debates about race and gender politics after a student in one of my classes brought the Under Armour commercial to my attention, and it piqued my interest,” Kusz said.

Kusz goes on to insist that Brady surrounds himself with white people to show fans his racial purity.

“It is a vision of Brady as a wealthy, white man who unapologetically enjoys, and has even made a habit out of, spending time with other wealthy white men who treasure time ‘with the boys’ over all others,” Kusz exclaimed. Going to the Kentucky Derby, for instance, “suggests his performance of white masculinity shares much in common with President Trump’s.”

The professor also claims that Brady’s refusal to loudly denounce Trump to the left’s satisfaction also proves he is a white supremacist.

All these accusations came to the professor’s mind after he moved to the New England area and began to see how popular Brady was.

“After moving here for work I became fascinated by the idolatry given to Brady, especially after Trump began to name-drop and use white sportsmen as surrogates during his 2016 campaign,” Kusz said. He added that he follows stories about race and gender in today’s society and how those stories “reflect broader struggles about social power.”

So, just what is a professor of “kinesiology”? Kusz’s field is the study of the mechanics of human movement and often has to do with helping learn how best to rehabilitate people after sports injuries. Apparently, that makes him an expert on white supremacy.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

Originally posted 2019-09-29 13:05:43.

5 thoughts on “Liberal Lunacy”

  1. So the author of this “junk” is a “want-a-be” Chiropractor. He was probably bulled in school for sitting when he urinates. His analogies and conclusions highlight his racism and ignorance. We need to get govt out of education, the parents paying tuition at this school need to wake up and realize their kid is going to be living with them for a long time after graduation
    Semper Fi

    1. LOL, you got that right Gerry, that kid will be with mommy and daddy for a long time, and contributing nothing to society.
      Semper Fi, Jim

  2. What this dingbat professor didn’t catch is ALL those white men are Brady repeated by computer. It’s Brady times a thousand. AND kinesiology can get high on the weirdness scale. A friend told me some things about holding something in one hand and they check your muscles to see if your body is rejecting that item or something like that. That your muscles react to foods as well as things that “upset” your system. Maybe it works and maybe it’s pure bull.

  3. I just finished watching a great interview of Dr. Thomas Sowell. Having spent some much time in classrooms (BA and three masters) I never heard a single professor mention Thomas Sowell, however, Howard Zinn was often mentioned in history classes and often the required text to buy. Why is that? American academia is hard Left/Socialist/Communist. No getting around it. So are the Dems and most of the MSM. They tout socialism, yet ignore that socialism in really dictatorial (either an oligarchy or one dictator). It has NEVER worked. Yet, as you describe above, these people are convinced that straight while males….especially those that have risen and by the dint of their own hard work have become pretty successful. I could rant on, but you get the gist of my thoughts on what an absolute fool the professor is and most of his comrades.

    1. Amen to that TAD, as a retired Marine and a retired history professor yourself,, you know about what you are talking sir!!

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