Civil War II

I do not consider myself a conspiracy nut like some folks e.g., the white supremacists and the doomsday theorists. however, I have long had a belief we were slowly moving towards a showdown between to two sides of the aisle. In fact, there are even some on my side of the aisle who are sitting on the wrong side. I cannot remember in my lifetime (and I just turned 79 last week) where our elected officials have come under such scrutiny for unheard of wrong doings, yet nothing happens to them, not even a slap on the hand. They have all become millionaires at our expense. Tell me how an elected official can accumulate so much wealth on $174,000 a year salary? They are all lying crooks, thieves, outright robbers who are not serving the people, but stealing from them, and laughing all the way to the bank.

I also assumed the start of the conflict between the states would stem from the Second Amendment rights, and here it is. You need to read this article carefully, and you need to decide now on which side are you on. And regardless on your decision, you should be preparing yourself for the inevitable. It’s going to happen; we the people are getting fed up, disgusted with the very institutions designed to protect us from tyranny. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, etc. have always been our saviors, our safeguards against corruption and tyranny, yet today, they are being used against us.

We were saved by the last national election, and I believe he will prevail again come next year, but it will certainly get very, very ugly. Like the old infantry warning, keep you canteens filled and your powder dry.

I await your reaction and comments please.

God help this nation because it can’t help itself anymore.

Originally posted 2019-12-17 10:16:50.

The Diamonds

I am really getting sick and tired of reading all the BS going on with our elected officials; I really think we need a big broom and sweep all these useless windbags out the door. They are all becoming millionaires and billionaires at our expense. And now I see the NY scumbag of all, the former Governor of that scum sucking state has entered the race, but he waited till the debates were over to announce. The term dirty politics is a freaking joke, is there such a thing as clean politics? Of course not.

So, back to where I started, that is being tired of all this BS. Someone sent me the below link that warmed my heart, it brought back so many fond memories of the days in my 50 Ford drag racing, listening to the sound of those sweet deep throat-ed Douglas glass packs, parking at the airport watching the submarine races, and listening to music, real music, the kind you could understand;  not the kind we hear today talking about “hoes”  and such.

Some viewing this may not remember what those days were like, but I am certain I will get some comments from those who well remember the glory days of the birth of rock and roll.  It’s amazing that after 47 years he still had the voice.

Sit back, crank up the sound, and enjoy both videos. May have to copy and paste.

Originally posted 2019-12-12 13:49:57.

Time Out for a Commercial

Okay, time out from my political rant for a commercial break. Many of you who follow me here have read “the book.” Yes, I am talking about my humble approach to become a writer, the title of which is the  name of this blog. However, for those who simply stumbled onto this site you may not know of the book, let alone having read it.

So if you will beg my pardon I thought I’d throw in a short commercial break, I mean, damn it’s my blog right? LOL 

BTW, that’s 2nd LT Bathurst standing in front of the world famous Marine Corps Silent Drill Team at Marine Barracks, 8th&I Streets, SE, Washington, D.C. which was his OCS and TBS

The book is a print on demand, which means I paid to have it printed through a POD publisher (IUniverse), and while it was costly, they provide nothing, no marketing, advertising, etc. Oh, they’ll do that, but at a significant cost. I bit into their BS the first year and bought a few  of their packages, but never once could I point to a sale and say it came from their marketing.  For any future authors on here, I would not recommend a POD publisher, especially IUniverse. 

It comes in soft cover (not a paperback, but better), eBook, and hardcover.  IUniverse did an outstanding job on the cover based on my stern guidance. It is a beautiful book. I had no voice on the prices except on the eBook, it was the publisher’s call based solely on page count, and it’s a big book (564 pages including numerous  pages of photographs). The list price is $42.95, $38.95 for the soft cover, and the eBook is $7.95.

Amazon, Barnes & Noble and few other online book stores sell all three at the list prices, plus shipping in most cases. I do sell the hard cover, but bear in mind I do not get the same deal from the publisher as do the online book stores, I’m only the author! UGH!

Okay, here’s my deal, I have recouped my initial printing costs; therefore, it is no longer a money thing to me, I simply want folks to read it and hopefully enjoy it.  I sell the hard cover personally inscribed anyway you want it, signed, and dated for $35.00. And if you are a Marine, or if it is for a Marine, I will eat the postage myself. Truth be known, for every book I sell to a Marine I lose $0.63! 

Personally, I believe it makes a great gift for a birthday, Christmas, or any special occasion, especially for a Marine, who I guarantee will enjoy it and rekindle many fond (and maybe not so fond LOL) memories of his/her time on active duty.

You can go to Amazon and Barnes & Noble and read all the reviews. I have even included some here on the website. Please click on “About the Book, About the Author, and About the Editor, as well as peek inside the book for selected pages, If you would like to order a book, simply go to “Buy The Book,” fill out the form, and submit it. Your message will come to me and I will contact you with details.

Okay, the commercial break is over, now back to the liberal BS we’re having to put up with in today’s rabid society.

Originally posted 2019-11-09 10:02:42.

Merry Christmas.

NO, it’s not Happy Holidays gang, it’s Merry Christians and here is the perfect way to have your liberal friends, if you have any, heads explode!    Wrap their presents (seriously? You give Christmas presents to them?) in Trump Christmas wrapping paper. I love it!! I don’t need any since I don’t have any liberal friends, and if by chance I had one, I sure as hell would not send him/her a gift. Except maybe a box of Kleenex to prepare them for November 2020.

Originally posted 2019-11-08 08:46:32.


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