Civil War II

I do not consider myself a conspiracy nut like some folks e.g., the white supremacists and the doomsday theorists. however, I have long had a belief we were slowly moving towards a showdown between to two sides of the aisle. In fact, there are even some on my side of the aisle who are sitting on the wrong side. I cannot remember in my lifetime (and I just turned 79 last week) where our elected officials have come under such scrutiny for unheard of wrong doings, yet nothing happens to them, not even a slap on the hand. They have all become millionaires at our expense. Tell me how an elected official can accumulate so much wealth on $174,000 a year salary? They are all lying crooks, thieves, outright robbers who are not serving the people, but stealing from them, and laughing all the way to the bank.

I also assumed the start of the conflict between the states would stem from the Second Amendment rights, and here it is. You need to read this article carefully, and you need to decide now on which side are you on. And regardless on your decision, you should be preparing yourself for the inevitable. It’s going to happen; we the people are getting fed up, disgusted with the very institutions designed to protect us from tyranny. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, etc. have always been our saviors, our safeguards against corruption and tyranny, yet today, they are being used against us.

We were saved by the last national election, and I believe he will prevail again come next year, but it will certainly get very, very ugly. Like the old infantry warning, keep you canteens filled and your powder dry.

I await your reaction and comments please.

God help this nation because it can’t help itself anymore.

Originally posted 2019-12-17 10:16:50.

16 thoughts on “Civil War II”

  1. Check out Maryland’s Patriot Picket and their WWNC (We Will Not Comply) tee shirts.

    1. Don, thank you so much for joining the blog and contributing your thoughts as I know you have been following this fiasco for several years in MD. And I can say with all honesty and assurance, when it comes, it will be the guerrilla war of the world. And as a retired Marine, I find it difficult to believe all Marines would take up arms against their country regardless of orders from higher command. Hell I might end up as battalion commander again. LOL

    2. MD Patriot Picket is on Facebook – . Many PP members also belong to Maryland Shall Issue, an organization that I’ve been with since 2005 (and a former Board member). MSI has several cases before the courts, including an amicus brief before SCOTUS.

  2. The American Revolution is a classic David & Goliath tale wherein a rag-tag militia prevailed over the world’s most advanced military. Such a feat is possible today given the sheer number of arms in the hands of the people, the adoption of guerilla tactics and the will to make it so. The latter I’m afraid is the weak link in such a chain of events.

  3. I agree with you Colonel, it’s already upon us. Some LODs crossed decades past, then more concretely with last election. It’s here. Chuck

    1. Thanks Chuck, we are headed for war, bet your boots on it. You and I may serve together again Brother!

  4. It is indeed a truly scary time, thankfully one side of the isle doesn’t like guns and can’t decide which gender they are.

    1. I’m sad to say they will find out what guns are like it or not. It’s coming, keep you powder dry my friend.

  5. I agree Jim. The conditions that exist now are nearly identical to those facing our ancestors in 1859. Of course, I am one of those people who believe that with few exceptions, the American people have never been united, which gives a lie to what we choose to call ourselves: United States. The federal government has already assumed unconstitutional authority over the states and there are only a few states pushing back against federal encroachment. As for the Bill of Rights, no one in Congress gives a damn what the American people think (about anything). So “government of the people” turns out to be a lie, as well.

    I’m a gun owner with license to carry, but I do not think for a split second that “we the people” could ever be in a position to take Mr. Jefferson’s advice. The power of the federal government is quite plainly overwhelming, and then of course there are civilian police agencies now armed with military grade weapons and equipment. The feds know this, too.

    The question remains: how will all of this shake out? I have no clue. I’m hoping for a Trump reelection, but after the two-term debacle of Barack Obama, I have no confidence in our electoral system. We are living in interesting times, though, and I’m enjoying the show. I’ve always favored popcorn and beer whilst watching the evening news. This is what “powerless” citizens do. And play golf, of course.

    1. Yes, I agree about how it is all going to shake out. You can bet there will be so much fraud in the election it’s pitiful. If I were POTUS I would look into the potential of activating the Army National Guard and have a team at every single polling place in America. They will try everything imaginable to make this the most controversial election of our time.

  6. Jim, we are well past a wake up call for all too long our society has proceeded to go down the wrong road to destruction. I am in agreement for those of us who do care, prepare for the moment when it does happen. Until then we need to let our voices to be heard loud and clear in trying to save this “experiment” our country and a free people.

  7. I pray that the progressive deranged fog will lift and the govt. power mongers will back off. Should it not happen, heaven forbid, this old lady bought her AR15 and has ammo to hold my little abode. To join a militia I would need a walker with a small gun turret on the top. haha

  8. I have to say..I have been anticipating this kind of thing..and waiting for this to happen! It will be sad..I’m 82..a conservative patriot..and I have garnered so much hate and anti government..since Obama was elected and finally left office! I hate that son of a bitch! !! It is not ‘black and white bias..not affiliate ‘party’ (Dem or Repub)’s much’s left versus right and it is more serious than imaginable!’s not going to be a small is more that has caused family against family!

    Having watched Trump being terrorized by the media and by the left Congressionals..I have formed such a hate for these assholes that I am “all In”..lock and loaded..!! The corrupt Obama administration has weaponized all of the DOJ, NSA, F.B.I and C.I.A. against the basic citizen..they have left us to our own substance. We are now fighting for our basic creed..! Obama is at the threshold of this racial turmoil ..the complete liberal, fascist saturation that our country has become! Dirty..corrupt..devious..cheating..lawlessness..all of it is part of the Obama doctrination..both he and even his wife, Michelle!..and the Clintons continue to exist and have become ‘untouchable..! I cannot stand for this current Congressional crap that permeates our House of Representatives..The lasi is so long that I can’t take the time to identify!

    I am still a believer..I will sacrifice everything to fight off this dirty, corrupt Deep State…and pray that God will forgive and protect us from the masses that are trying to take us down.. God Bless America..whatever is left of her! We must prepare for the worst..they are ruining our country and what we have always stood for!

  9. how they accumalate wealth could be thru our foreign aid and trade deals. i often ask people of both parties if our elected officials make bad trade deals out of stupidity or for some other reason the only answer i get is they do it for kick backs . as for foreign aid Charles( lucky) Luciano biography was published around the early 1970’s it was published around 30 years after his death to protect the guilty he named names and told about the dealings of the mafias as he was the mafia head man . he laughed about being deported for racketeering as he and his associates bought many politicians he should know about racketeering he said foreign aid was nothing but a slush fund for foreign politicians to have a good time and to funnel money to american politicians and their families. nothing has been done to rectify this since his time the early 1920’s so im sure its much worse now. there are a lot of family members of our politicians working (a misnomer) for countries that recieve aid. another way they make money is to denigrate an entire industry like the oil industry drive down the stock price (by talking about sanctions or higher tax rates) and then have their cronies buy at a depressed rate , then not follow thru on threats and the stocks go back up (by the way obama did exactly this)

  10. I hope it doesn’t come to that, however, we’ve far to many bad actors in politics AND in the general populace. Life is about choices and too many are making bad choices and then asking us (who mostly made better choices) to foot the bill. Right now, you are safer as a member of the armed forces – deployed – than you are in nearly all the major cities in our country. Drugs, gangs, human trafficking, kids cannot read, filthy language is touted as “music”, child abuse….a list too long.

    1. Sorry Tad, but it will come to this, there is no stopping it now. They have been allowed to become too strong, too vocal, garnered the support of the MSM who are all part of the same group. The formation of militias is the beginning. Next will be states leaving the union, and the federal government will not be able to stop them. Trust me, if Americans think the last one was bloody (for those who even know which “last one” I refer to), this one will make that one look as though it was a skirmish.

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