Category Archives: Current Events

Dr. Seuss Under Siege

I always enjoy posting Greg’s great  articles. Here’s another dandy


By: G. Maresca


It was not a favorable week for some iconic childhood stalwarts. It began with the castration of Mr. Potato Head who is now just another vegetable with feigned expressions making it the ideal co-host for The View. No matter how odd life is there are some folks overtly concerned about the gender of a plastic toy potato.

Who’s next, Barbie’s boyfriend, Ken?

Never mind.

Then the woke mob came for Dr. Seuss, an inside job if there ever was one. Branding this famed author of classic children’s literature, a racist was the foundation tasked with preserving his own legacy. They did so on the Read Across America Day that recognizes children’s literacy that also happens to be the anniversary of the author’s birth.

The foundation quashed publication of six of Dr. Seuss’s books that “portray people (blacks and Asians) in ways that are hurtful and wrong.” No doubt removal of those titles will have a substantive impact on our societal prejudices. Apparently, the foundation is oblivious to the violent video games children have glued to their hands and with rap music and its racist, sexist, and drug glorifying lyrics.

Once upon a time in America, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved several resolutions praising Dr. Seuss. In 2015, First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed the Cat in the Hat to the White House. That same year, President Obama told interns that “Pretty much all the stuff you need to know is in Dr. Seuss.”

Two years later the National Education Association (NEA) would reduce its emphasis on Dr. Seuss to encourage diversity. The NEA recommended replacing Dr. Seuss with “Julián is a Mermaid,” about a boy who wants to be a mermaid, and “The Prince and the Dressmaker,” about a cross-dressing prince.

A political cartoonist during World War II, Dr. Seuss was a frequent critic of racism, and anti-Semitism – strong convictions that were lacking in his time.

While Amazon banished the six Seuss titles in question, the public responded by moving Dr. Seuss’ other works into eight of the top 10 on Amazon’s best-sellers list. Internet behemoth, eBay also put the kibosh on Dr. Seuss, but still makes available for purchase Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and Chairman Mao’s “Little Red Book,” not to mention a plethora of pornography.

 Is Curious George, Winnie the Pooh and Charlie Brown next in the cancel crosshairs? To say nothing of the Weebles, who reinforce obesity, as they wobble but never fall down.

Not allowing a crisis to waste away, New York Times columnist Charles Blow chimed in saying the cartoon Pepé Le Pew perpetuates “rape culture” and Speedy Gonzalez does the same with “corrosive stereotypes.” No word on what Blow thought about Popeye whose legacy is that men are strong and there are some women who actually welcome a strong and humble man.

Being offended everywhere you look is vanity disguised as virtue. What the woke crowd understands is how most will concede in the name of expediency. Make no mistake, these tactics are not uncalculated.  Marxists exploit our freedoms to divide and seek to usurp the American ethos without firing a shot. The real question is whether Americans truly comprehend the threat and possess the will to push back.

The easiest way to make your bones as a leftist is to attack the accomplished work from eighty years ago of a dead white male. Dr. Seuss’ whimsical imagery stands as a testament to morality, while his portrayals of blacks and Asians were acts of inclusion in an era when there was little.

Tyrants understand the education of children is the key to obtaining and maintaining power. Marx, Hitler and Stalin all knew that indoctrinating children was their avenue to domination and that is why Marx included public education as the final plank of his Communist Manifesto.

With apologies to Dr. Seuss and compliments of a Wall Street Journal blog:

The Left is acting like a vulture.
When they impose their cancel culture.
If they don’t like your point of view,
You’re fired. You’re banned. Shame on you.

So now, in the manner of an empty-headed goose.
They have successfully canceled Dr. Seuss.
I won’t stop reading Green Eggs and Ham.
I am pro First Amendment, oh yes, I am.

Theodor Seuss Geisel (AKA Dr. Suesspassed on 24 September 1991

YONKERS, NY – MARCH 1: Theodor Geisel attends Dr. Suess In-Store Appearance on March 1, 1986 at Caldor in Yonkers, New York. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)


Who knows what will be next. Maybe Jack and Jill since we know they went up there to fetch a pail of water, right? But what did they do while there? Hmm. What did Jill do to cause his disaster and get her whipped. Standby, for they may be next.

Originally posted 2021-03-13 13:29:30.

Biden’s Border

 Is An Absolute Nightmare

This surely is not a surprise to anyone is it? I mean we knew this would happen. If this keeps up during his and her four years in office Hispanics just might be the majority population in the U.S. , and we all know who they they would vote for. Hell look at the T-shirts. I wonder where they got all them. Who bought them, who issued them, and where did they pick them up at? Folks, we are fast losing our country. How can we sit back and allow this to happen.

Meanwhile the GOP is trying frantically to decide what to do about Trump since some of them didn’t like his speech at CPAC, including old Mitch himself; need to get that closet RHINO out of office. Folks, the U.S. is in total chaos.



PJ Media

There were a lot of things we knew we’d be getting if Joe Biden ascended to the Asterisk (h/t VodkaPundit) Throne. We knew his handlers would have to run a modified version of the basement strategy that they employed during the campaign. It’s difficult to hide the president of the United States but they certainly can’t let the babbling moron out in front of the cameras too much. Look into his eyes whenever he makes one of his infrequent, limited public appearances. He almost always looks like he has no idea where he is.

Thus far, they’ve been fairly successful at playing “Hide the POTUS.” No State of the Union address. No press conferences. We do know what his dog is up to though.

We also knew that letting any Democrat near the White House would mean the open-borders crowd would have a field day. Modern Democrats can barely hide their disdain for the United States. They have no respect for things like U.S. citizenship or national borders.

Donald Trump led with border security during his 2016 campaign kickoff for a very good reason. It’s a grave concern for millions of Americans but Democrats and squish Republicans haven’t been taking it seriously for decades now.

We’re not even two months into the puppet president’s first term and the Mexican border is already the hottest of messes.

Bruce wrote about it yesterday:

Things have gotten so bad that Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, is asking DHS staff to volunteer to help deal with what he is calling an “overwhelming” number of migrants at the U.S.-Mexican border. Mayorkas emailed DHS personnel on Monday to plead for help.

It’s a real comfort knowing that Susie in HR is being asked to help control the border that the Sinaloa Cartel uses to cross into the United States.

As Bruce notes in his post, the decisions that are creating and perpetuating this crisis are being made by people who are far away. This has always been one of the most infuriating aspects of border policy to me. I’ve spent my entire life living close to the Mexican border and when I hear politicians who aren’t from border states discussing the situation it’s immediately clear that they don’t know what in the hell they’re talking about. True, there are some from border states who are part of the problem, but I blame that on the brain corruption that hits most who go to Washington.

Several years ago during one of my appearances on the old Fox News Channel show Red Eye, we were having a panel discussion about Arizona’s SB 1070 law. I was the only one on the panel who had ever lived near the border. I said, “Whenever I hear a bunch of people from the Northeast talking about the Mexican border it sounds like a bunch of men discussing menstrual cramps and acting like they understand them.” Now, let’s face it that’s a good one. LOL

,Of course, COVID-19 now adds an extra security concern to the border problem. The same liberals who would prefer that American citizens be COVID prisoners in their own homes are just fine with a flow of illegal crossings that can’t be monitored, which Stacey wrote about on Tuesday:

While Americans’ freedoms and liberty have been crushed for nearly a year and state leaders just now lifting government mandates are called Neanderthals by the president, illegal immigrants pour over the border and into the interior unfettered—with President Biden’s apparent blessing. With hypocrisy like this, people should stop wondering why policies that put their safety, security, and prosperity as the top priority were so attractive to American voters. And they should be shocked when that perspective grows.

Who needs contact tracing, right?

Again, we aren’t even eight weeks into this. Jobs have been killed. Iran is getting bolder. China is having a laugh. And the Mexican border is a chaotic nightmare.

But nobody’s had their feelings hurt by mean Trump tweets.

All’s well with the liberals, they are having so much fun playing with our Nation. Meanwhile we conservative, constitution loving folks just talk about how bad everything is. 

Originally posted 2021-03-11 09:20:23.


I don’t normally post things about American companies, but I found this one interesting to say the least.  We do shop at Walmart for certain items, but we ALWAYS look at labels and Walmart has been criticized over the years for selling of goods not made in America, but it appears that may be changing. I hope so. In full disclosure, I do not own the stock, but it’s now on my Watch List.

Walmart strengthens its commitment to U.S. manufacturing with a $350-billion investment over the next 10 years and announces the launch of “American Lighthouses,” a collaborative program to better sustain manufacturing in strategic regions of the country

BENTONVILLE, Ark.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Mar. 3, 2021– Today, Walmart is announcing a strengthened commitment to American jobs and communities, with a goal of investing $350 billion in the future of U.S. manufacturing over the next 10 years. The retailer estimates that this spend will support more than 750,000 new American jobs.1

In 2013, Walmart made a commitment to invest $250 billion in products made, grown, or assembled in America. Walmart is on track to deliver on that commitment – and expand on it with today’s announcement.

“U.S. manufacturing really matters,” said John Furner, President & CEO, Walmart U.S., who made the announcement at Techtronic Industries (TTI) in Anderson, S.C. “It matters to our suppliers, to entrepreneurs and to the environment. It matters to our customers – more than 85 percent of which have said it’s important for us to carry products made or assembled in the U.S. And most of all, because of the jobs it brings, it matters to American communities and the people who live in them.”

Walmart has identified six priority categories on which to focus its investment: textiles; plastics; small electrical appliances; food processing; pharmaceutical and medical supplies; and Goods Not For Resale (GNFR).

The impact of this commitment goes beyond products and jobs. It could result in an estimated reduction of as much as 100M metric tons of CO2 emissions avoided by sourcing closer to customers,2 as well as an increase in spending with diverse suppliers based in the U.S.

In addition, Walmart will launch a new concept called “American Lighthouses,” with the goal of supporting U.S. manufacturing in a sustainable, long-term way. The retailer plans to unite key stakeholders in specific regions of the country to identify and overcome barriers to U.S. production. These Lighthouses will bring together participants from the supplier community, including manufacturers and NGOs, as well as others from academia, government, and local economic development groups.

Walmart’s announcement drew bipartisan support from federal officials who represent states that are home to Walmart suppliers.

“It is an honor to have Walmart’s CEO John Furner launch the company’s 10-year investment from TTI’s Anderson, South Carolina, facility,” said U.S. Senator Tim Scott, a Republican from South Carolina. “I am passionate about bolstering the American supply chain and creating more high-paying jobs in South Carolina and for folks all across the country. Congratulations and thank you to Walmart for the great impact you will continue to make on our nation’s economy.”

“I want to congratulate Walmart on increasing its commitment to U.S. manufacturing,” said U.S. Senator Chris Coons, a Democrat from Delaware, home to Zenith Home Corp./Maytex manufacturing. “Zenith/Maytex manufactures and assembles home fashion products we can see on store shelves in our local Walmart, and the company has been able to strengthen its operations with help from the Delaware Manufacturing Extension partnership. We’re proud that Zenith’s story of investing in the U.S. is one today’s announcement aspires to replicate across the country.”

About Walmart
Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) helps people around the world save money and live better – anytime and anywhere – in retail stores, online, and through their mobile devices. Each week, approximately 220 million customers and members visit approximately 10,500 stores and clubs under 48 banners in 24 countries and eCommerce websites. With fiscal year 2021 revenue of $559 billion, Walmart employs over 2.2 million associates worldwide. Walmart continues to be a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity.

Additional information about Walmart can be found by visiting, on Facebook at and on Twitter at

Originally posted 2021-03-08 17:12:11.

6 March – A Day Never to be Forgotten

The sun was just rising on our first morning as recruits—literally as well as symbolically

Several hours passed as we sat quietly in our chairs. Some dozed off, but I was much too apprehensive to sleep. Suddenly the outside door burst open with a loud bang and in walked three Marines wearing those same strange hats. They were screaming at us to sit up straight with our hands folded on the desk. I thought to myself, Why does everyone here shout?

One of them spoke in a loud and forceful voice. “My name is Staff Sergeant Bresnahan and I am your senior drill instructor. The two Marines standing to my left are your junior drill instructors, Sergeant Collins and Sergeant Handschumaker. For the next four long months, we will be your father, your mother, your preacher, your teacher, and your girlfriend, but I can assure you, you will not screw us. You will run everywhere you go. You will not speak unless spoken to and the last word out of your slimy civilian mouths will always be “Sir.” Do you understand me?” We all answered, “Yes, Sir!” which was not loud enough so he asked again and again until we were all screaming at the top of our lungs “Yes, Sir!”

SSgt Bresnahan continued his instructions to his new recruits. “When I call your name you will sound off in a loud, clear voice “Here, Sir!” and get your slimy civilian asses up out of my chairs, grab all your belongings, and double time outside where yellow footprints are painted on the deck. You will plant your two slimy civilian feet on two of the footprints. You will stand there with your head and eyes glued to the back of the head of the scummy civilian in front of you. Do you understand me?” We went through the same routine again repeating “Yes, Sir!” numerous times until the windows rattled.

As names were called, Sgt Handschumaker was at the door screaming at each recruit to run faster. Once outside we were cantankerously greeted by Sgt Collins who pushed and shoved us to the front of the four lines of yellow footprints. Since our names were called alphabetically, I was one of the first to endure the junior DI’s wrath. I could hear screaming and yelling from inside where recruits had not sounded off, “Here, Sir” at the decibels SSgt Bresnahan required.

The rest of that day was total chaos. From that initial site, we were herded to a building quite a distance away. When I say herded, I mean herded—like animals. SSgt Bresnahan was leading the way at almost a runner’s pace while the two junior DIs yelled and screamed at us to keep the formation closed up. We were tripping over one another and falling down; some even walked out of their shoes, but did not dare ask if they could go back to retrieve them.

We entered a building with large bins, a towel laying in each. We individually stood in front of a bin, undressed completely, and wrapped the towel around our waist. We packed all of our belongings into a box addressed to where it was to be sent. When I say everything, I mean everything went into that box. We could keep nothing even though many of us brought toiletries. Watches, rings, necklaces—every item we brought with us from home went into the box.

While all this was being done, the DIs were running across the top of the bins screaming for us to hurry, shoving stuff into the boxes, and literally creating more chaos and frustration.

The senior drill instructor demanded, “While you’re about it, stuff all of your slimy civilian ways into the box as well. You won’t need them anymore!”

While we were all standing naked, except for the towel wrapped around our waist, someone came down the line and wrote a number on our chest. We were told to remember it. We then entered a room where several barbers eagerly awaited. When the kid in front of me got in the chair, the barber asked if he wanted his sideburns. He hesitatingly answered, “Ye…ye…yes, Sir.” The barber asked that he hold out his hand whereupon he laid each of them in the kid’s palm. Each shaving of our heads took approximately one minute to complete.

We then were treated to a cold shower and issued our new Marine uniforms and other gear. (Marines call their field uniform “utilities,” not fatigues like the Army.) From there we were herded across the huge 1st Battalion parade ground to our barracks. However, we were now carrying a heavy sea bag stuffed with all of the items we had just been issued.

We were designated Platoon 129 of the 1st Recruit Training Battalion. I learned that the hat DIs wore was called a “campaign cover.” Girls wear hats; Marines wear covers.

As any former Marine knows, you never forget your DI’s names—never! They were mean as hell, immaculately dressed, extremely knowledgeable, and I disliked all three of them.

The initial weeks of training continually brought the wrath of the DIs down upon us as we were introduced to the Marine lexicon. Men wore trousers, not pants; doors were hatches; floors were decks; bathrooms were heads; walls were bulkheads; and on it went until we learned to speak “Marine.” Time was even changed; 1:00 p.m. was now 1300.

The hardest one for us all was the use of the word “you.” We were being taught to use the third person when speaking to an officer. For example, the DI may have asked, “Who told you to do that?” If the recruit answered, “You did, Sir!” it resulted in many push-ups, bends and thrusts, or any of the other abominable exercises used as “group tighteners.” The correct response should have been, “The Drill Instructor did, Sir!” (While I freely use the abbreviation “DI” herein, no recruit would dare utter that term when referring to his drill instructor) The DI’s favorite response while the recruit tirelessly did the exercises was, “A ‘ewe’ is a female sheep. Do I look like a female sheep to you, private?” That word, “you,” was never again part of my vocabulary.

Sgt Collins was my least favorite; he seemed to enjoy watching us endure pain. He did have the best marching cadence though. On calm nights, while marching back to the barracks after evening chow, he could really make us strut. However, sometimes he would get mad at us and make us pull our covers down hard on our heads, put our hands in our pockets, and get up on our tiptoes. He did not want to hear the sound of our heels striking he pavement.

When he really got angry, he would have two recruits run around the platoon barking like dogs, while the first and third squads “moo’d” like cows as the second and fourth squads “oinked” like pigs. Other DIs would come out from their barracks as we passed by and yell, “Hey, Collins, what you got there, a herd? I like your herd dogs, can I borrow them?” He seemed to gain a great deal of enjoyment from that.

When he was particularly irate, he’d herd us around back of our barracks where a Dempsey Dumpster was located, a large square steel container for trash, the type that a truck lifts up to dump. He would bellow, “Whoa, herd,” then he would snap his fingers and say, “Get in.” After having done this several times, we knew exactly what he meant.

Now, you are probably saying to yourself, There is no way a platoon of recruits will fit into a Dempsey Dumpster. Wrong! Our platoon numbered about seventy recruits at any given time and we could all get into that dumpster at once. Then he would close the hatch and bang on the sides. The first time was a real experience, but we became so good at it that we could do it in about two minutes flat.

A main topic of barrack’s bull sessions among young Marines was always who had the toughest DIs. Stories of one’s experience that supported any claims likely became more embellished with time. Most stories solicited comments such as, “That’s nothing, one time my DI did….” However, I found that Sgt Collins’ love for that Dempsey Dumpster gave me a story that always topped everyone else’s. It invariably brought astonishment, disbelief, or, if nothing else, much laughter. Every Marine wants to believe his DI was the toughest in the Corps. There is something manly about having the toughest DI—or at least the toughest story.

Sgt Handschumaker was not quite as bad as Sgt Collins, but he could be hell when he wanted to be. He was from Louisiana, spoke with a strong southern drawl, and called a horrible cadence. We could not march well to it, which got us into trouble quite often. I think he must have been the newest of the three DIs, as he always seemed to take note of the other two’s actions.

SSgt Bresnahan appeared to be the consummate professional; he was like the “old man” to us. During the latter part of boot camp, he would gather us into a school circle in the evenings out by the swamp behind the barracks and tell stories of his experiences in the Korean War—he’d let us smoke during these story-telling rituals.

He always alleged that history repeats itself. He reminded us that the first offensive action for Marines in WW II was Guadalcanal on 7 August 1942, and the first offensive action by Marines in Korea was on 7 August 1950, exactly eight years later to the day. Therefore, he would proffer that on 7 August 1958, Marines were going to war somewhere and we’d be right in the thick of it since we were to graduate in June.

If liking a DI was a possibility—and it wasn’t—SSgt Bresnahan would have been my choice. While I could not profess to having liked any of them, I certainly respected each of them.

(There is an ironic twist to the stories about these three drill instructors. I would serve with each of them later in my career.)

I don’t remember many of my fellow members of Platoon 129 since we were not allowed to talk amongst ourselves. Oh, we talked, but we were very careful for if you got caught you were in deep trouble. I do remember Jim Keeley, our platoon guide. I would follow Jim in a job many years later.

That’s the way it was in the Marine Corps. As the smallest branch of the military, you always met up with fellow Marines in subsequent assignments during your career. No matter what duty station I reported to, I would find someone there with whom I served previously, a good feeling for the most part knowing someone in a strange and new place who could help in getting adjusted there.

One member of our platoon was a big Canadian chap who was getting his U.S. citizenship through an enlistment in the Corps. He was the DI’s “bouncer.” Anytime a recruit needed a “group tightener,” they called on Dobie. (When someone was said to be in need of a “group tightener,” it meant he needed an attitude adjustment, usually by physical means.) We referred to him as “Dumb Dobie”—although not to his face. He was big, but not the sharpest pencil in the drawer.

Woody, my friend from Baltimore, was also initially in my platoon. Woody tended to be somewhat chubby, and after the initial strength test he disappeared. I never saw him again at Parris Island; I honestly believed they killed him and threw his body in the swamps. After graduation, I learned that he had been sent to the Fat Man’s Platoon, a platoon of recruits who were overweight and needed strength training.

The one platoon member with whom I became good friends was Fred A. Eberhard from Poughkeepsie, New York.

Funny how, after all these years, I can still recall these individuals by name. One develops that closeness while in the Marines.

The Corps could have searched one hundred years to find the ideal location for a boot camp and never have found a better place than Parris Island, South Carolina. When initially established as a Marine training base in 1915, it was an island accessible only by barge from the town of Port Royal. In 1929, a causeway was built from the mainland over Archer’s Creek and across Horse Island onto Parris Island.

The base was surrounded on three sides by swamp. The DIs would often warn us that if we desired to leave Parris Island to not attempt to swim over to Port Royal or Beaufort. If you made it through the mile of stinking, quicksand-type marsh, the sharks in the bay would eat you.

There were many memorable events in boot camp—far too many to share in this venue. However, I will attempt to give the uninitiated a sense of it all.

For example, one evening after chow, in lieu of marching directly back to the barracks, Sgt Collins detoured over to the replica of the Marine War Memorial located in Arlington, Virginia—often referred to as the Iwo Jima monument—that stood at the edge of our battalion parade ground. He halted us so we were all facing the statue and gave us parade rest.

We paused there for the longest time. We had no idea of his motive, other than letting the sand fleas eat us. It was one of those calm, hot, humid South Carolina evenings when the “Flying Jaws” were out in force looking for fresh meat. His stock comment when someone flinched as a flying jaw chewed on his ear was, “What’sa matter, Privates? You just ate. Now let my sand fleas eat.”

To stand there quietly, in the still of the evening with the sun slowly setting in the west, staring at the faces of those long-ago heroes as they strained to raise that flag on Mount Suribachi, their hands reaching out symbolically for that steel pole, was very moving.

These men—young boys actually—were participating in the fiercest combat in the Pacific campaign. Five Marines and one Navy Corpsman raising “Old Glory” atop a hill that many others had just died taking. Their facial expressions, captured so magnificently by the sculptor, Felix De Weldon, stirred one’s emotions to an indescribable height.

Yet the fight for that island was far from over and three of those raising that flag would be among the nearly seven thousand Marines who died on Iwo Jima.

Inscribed on the base of the monument was Admiral Nimitz’s apt account of the Marines who fought there: “Uncommon valor was a common virtue.”

Sgt Collins wasn’t in our eyesight; he was behind the platoon probably smoking a cigarette and enjoying watching the “jaws” chew on us. He called us to attention and gave us “at ease,” something he never did.

Walking down the sidewalk on the far side of the statue was a female wearing a Marine uniform. None of us yet knew there were women Marines. As she passed in front of us, I sensed she was somewhat embarrassed. Seventy male recruits who had not seen a female in months stared at her from no more than one hundred feet away.

As she reached the front of the platoon, Sgt Collins announced, “Privates, walking across your front is a female Marine, commonly referred to as a “BAM,” which stands for Broad Ass Marine.” We didn’t know whether to laugh or not, but some could not hold back and snickered. He continued, “Let’s give her a loud cheer for what she adds to my Corps.”

Even from a distance, I could see her blushing as she quickened her pace to get past us. I laughed and jeered along with everyone else, but deep down inside I actually felt sorry for her. I have often thought about the changing times in our society and that incident; I am confident that any current DI would not dare do anything like that in today’s Marine Corps.

As mentioned earlier, many of my life’s memories are somehow linked to a rock and roll song. I remember our first day at the rifle range. Our M-1 rifles were being checked before we fired them. We were lined up on the porch of the permanent personnel barracks for a semblance of shelter out of the rain. One of the Marines inside was playing his radio. Having not heard a radio in months, I listened to “Tequila” by the Champs for the first time. Each time I hear that song on my favorite oldies station I’m back in boot camp waiting to have my M-1 inspected.

Graduation Day finally arrived on 3 June 1958. Mom, dad, and my childhood sweetheart attended the ceremony. We spent some time together driving around the base in their car while I pointed out all the sites where I trained—and gotten my butt kicked. It was the proudest day of my life until then. At last, I had accomplished something worthwhile; I had endured and met the test of Marine recruit training. I was now a United States Marine!

Early the next morning, as we boarded Greyhound buses, SSgt Bresnahan was standing at the bus door where he shook each one of our hands and said, “Congratulations, Marine!” Leaving Parris Island wearing the uniform of a United States Marine, having successfully completed what many military organizations consider to be the most demanding recruit training anywhere in the world, and having your DI call you a Marine for the first time was truly an indescribable feeling. It’s one of those life’s events that fall into the category of “having to walk a mile in another man’s shoes” to fully understand it.

The busses pulled away from the curb and headed out the road across Horse Island and to the main gate. It was as dark as it had been that early morning when the bus came in through the gate thirteen weeks prior. This time the Marine sentry saluted as we passed. What a memorable gesture. We were brothers-at-arms now and bound for the Infantry Training Regiment at Camp Geiger, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

That scumbag recruit was, of course, me. Today is my anniversary and this event took place sixty-three years ago, but it seems like only yesterday. And you know what? As bad as it was, I’d do it all again as I know damn well everyone of you who have walked in those boots would do so as well.

By the way, in case you’ve not read it. this post is Chapter 3 in the book. If you have not, shame on you. LOL

NOTE: You don’t have to look at the photos, I was just having some fun reminiscing on my anniversary LOL.

Pvt Bathurst                                      LCpl Bathurst






Sgt Bathurst Senior Drill Instructor








2Lt Croy and Sgt Bathurst Platoon Commanders in E 2/1 RVN








2Lt Bathurst’s First Salute from GySgt Lee M. Bradley    (SgtMajor Retired)

1Lt Bathurst MB, 8th&I SCP Commander

Capt Bathurst CO E 2/7






Capt Bathurst CO HQ CO                   Major Bathurst CO Marine                                 9th Marines                                     Barracks, Lemoore, CA








Major/LtCol Bathurst CO Recruiting Station, Chicago, IL












LtCol Bathurst Co 2/6  &  BLT 2/6

Final Command CO, SOI (West) CLNC   Retired 30 September 1993

             Thirty-Five years, six months, and twenty-two days of having                    trouble going to sleep at night because I couldn’t wait to get                       up and go to  “work.” But what the hell who was counting?

Originally posted 2021-03-05 17:36:35.

Hello  and welcome to my Monday morning epiphany. How many of you watched the Don’s speech yesterday at CPAC? After having one heck of a time trying to find where it was appearing for viewing, my electronically wizard Bride finally found it on her iPad. I understand it started late for what reason I know not., but it worked out great as I had my Sunday Happy Hour single malt and cheap cigar while listening intently to every word. 

I was absolutely thrilled when he called out, by name, the “Slimy Seven,” and even slammed old Liz Cheney, she really thinks she is something. Not! I do believe he hit every point that needed to be mentioned. After listening to him, I have fallen off the idea of a third party; he’s right, the Republican Party needs to be fixed. A third party will never become anything and could certainly pave the way for a larger Dema-scum party. Which brings me to my point.

After the speech, I did  something I said I would never do again i.e., contribute to any political group, My bride and I went to the title website and contributed $255. I know  what I said, but I personally believe in Trump; we need him on the road campaigning for the right candidates, I get it. I feel confident donating to his website. Yeah, I now it’s probably all going to the same pot, but if he is going nationwide for the next two years campaigning for candidates, maybe in some small way my measly $250 may help. We NEED to win back both houses in 2022, and win big to stop all the incredible things Joe has already done to our country and will have done by then.

When was the last time a president spent four years in office, took all the abuse to him and his family, accomplished so much that most Americans don’t have a clue about or the importance of what his administration did and never took a damn dime in salary? Name one.

So, if you feel the urge I would ask you to go to the title website and contribute to rebuilding the GOP.

Semper Fi Brothers and Sisters;


Originally posted 2021-03-01 10:47:58.