
Hello  and welcome to my Monday morning epiphany. How many of you watched the Don’s speech yesterday at CPAC? After having one heck of a time trying to find where it was appearing for viewing, my electronically wizard Bride finally found it on her iPad. I understand it started late for what reason I know not., but it worked out great as I had my Sunday Happy Hour single malt and cheap cigar while listening intently to every word. 

I was absolutely thrilled when he called out, by name, the “Slimy Seven,” and even slammed old Liz Cheney, she really thinks she is something. Not! I do believe he hit every point that needed to be mentioned. After listening to him, I have fallen off the idea of a third party; he’s right, the Republican Party needs to be fixed. A third party will never become anything and could certainly pave the way for a larger Dema-scum party. Which brings me to my point.

After the speech, I did  something I said I would never do again i.e., contribute to any political group, My bride and I went to the title website and contributed $255. I know  what I said, but I personally believe in Trump; we need him on the road campaigning for the right candidates, I get it. I feel confident donating to his website. Yeah, I now it’s probably all going to the same pot, but if he is going nationwide for the next two years campaigning for candidates, maybe in some small way my measly $250 may help. We NEED to win back both houses in 2022, and win big to stop all the incredible things Joe has already done to our country and will have done by then.

When was the last time a president spent four years in office, took all the abuse to him and his family, accomplished so much that most Americans don’t have a clue about or the importance of what his administration did and never took a damn dime in salary? Name one.

So, if you feel the urge I would ask you to go to the title website and contribute to rebuilding the GOP.

Semper Fi Brothers and Sisters;


Originally posted 2021-03-01 10:47:58.

2 thoughts on “www.donaldjtrump.com”

  1. I will contribute to the Donald J Trump PAC as long as he is calling the shots over there. Colonel, your lucky to live in the great state of Florida with DJT.

    I just attended my Onslow County GOP convention this weekend. Still too many RINO types talking about unity, but little to say about the soft tyranny that is trampling our individual liberties.

    Our district in NC is Dist 3 and our state rep is a former MGySgt in our beloved Marine Corps.. He said he doesn’t support Article V convention of states that would facilitate a constitutional convention to submit amendments to the constitution in order that we claw back some power out of DC like:
    #1 Term Limits
    #2 Eliminating the administrative state that passes regulations with the force of laws without congress ever voting on it…Something only the legislature is empowered to do according to Article I.
    #3 Balanced Budget amendment to stop the robbing of our grand-children’s’ future.

    He actually told a room of 305 delegates (these are all registered republican voters mind you) that Article V convention of states would facilitate a complete re-write of the constitution. Never once has the man ever Article V as it clearly states that the convention of states is one of two ways Amendments to the Constitution can be submitted. Those amendments would have to be ratified by 3/4ths of the state legislatures like all amendments when submitted by 2/3rds of both houses.

    Anyway after he was done spreading mis-information I confronted him and called him to task on “twisting the words of our constitution” in a most direct but civil manner.

    He has been in office since 2004.. You can look him up online NC Dist 3 NC State Rep.. He joined probably somewhere in the late fifties to the early sixties. Maybe he skipped high school civics..

    We have got to keep spreading the good word by any means we can.

  2. I watched it and loved seeing him again and he did hit on every major point. What the left had to say after was hysterical. They complained that the CPAC sign was a Nazi symbol.. WHAT? They are so obsessed with hate they see Nazi’s in every bush. Jessie Waters nailed it the day before saying the left is so convinced that Trump supporters are all evil that they want to undo everything Trump did even if they admit it was a good thing. They cannot allow evil to win even if they hurt the citizens. That is the extent of their brainwashing.

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