Category Archives: Recent Posts

At “The Tomb.”

Four Young Marines of Fox Valley, who will never ever forget what they did this day. They were YM/Sgt Luis Gutierrez and Cpl Alex Gutierrez (our two senior YM’s, ages 15 and 14 respectfully, and the two who actually laid the wreath, YM/LCpl’s Andrew Fidanzia and Xavier Koczka, ages 13 and 11 respectfully. Can you imagine how nervous they were?

Now you see why I am so very proud of this unit and how much I will sincerely miss them.

My final act on Saturday before stepping down was give them what I titled “A Gift from the Colonel.” It was the “Message From Garcia,” which I am certain many of you reading this know to which I am referring. Then we talked about it and how becoming a “Message Carrier” will allow them to accomplish whatever it is they desire in life. My hope is they retain it and read it often. God Bless them!

Originally posted 2019-07-22 16:46:42.

Fox Valley Young Marines

I cannot believe how long it has been since I posted anything on this blog. In fact, I believe the last one was in May. For those who follow, I apologize, and for those who come occasionally, I’m sure I wasn’t missed. LOL


My only excuse is the title of this post. The kids have kept me so busy 24/7 planning the Washington, D.C. trip, plus I took a trip to Cuba, no not GITMO this time, but deep in the heart of that shithole. More about that experience in a later post; ten days wandering around that place was enough to tire anyone especially a 78 year old man.

Yesterday was a sad day for Nancy and I, but especially for me. At yesterday’s Fox Valley drill, I stepped down as the Unit Commander. Toughest task since deciding to retire from the Corps. These kids are absolutely amazing. To see how far some of them have come since joining the unit is unbelievable.

When we first started in May 2016 and I asked for some help financially, you, my friends, brothers, and relatives contributed somewhere close to $40K to these kids, yes, that’s $40,000! And you have encouraged me to stay with it and keep going even though when I agreed in April 2016 to be the Unit Commander (has to be a Marine), it was to be for one year to get them going. Problem is I fell in love with them. General Pace, a good friend and substantial donor to the unit,  said in his card with his first check, “Jim, I am happy to see you influencing another generation of kids,” and he was spot on as that was what it became.

My farewell action was to take them to D.C. on a six day, five night fun and educational trip to visit sites some of them would never ever get to see in their lifetime. It costs us $25,450, which we had raised beginning last fall. Much of that money came from you!

Thanks to contacts, we were given a tour of Marine Barracks 8th & I and they got to meet the drill team, color guard, and body bearers. Then that Friday night they had special seating right in front of the drill team, and the announcer welcomed them to the parade. What an exciting time it was for 15 boys and girls, ages 8-17. For me it was, of course, a homecoming as many of you know that Barracks was my OCS and TBS.

As a stroke of luck a very dear friend, brother, and mentor who taught me how to be a Drill Instructor was to be buried while we were to be in DC.  I was able to take the kids to ANC and they got to witness a full military funeral complete with a fly over of CH-53’s. He was a grunt, how fitting ! They witnessed the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns and actually got to lay a wreath on the tomb.

We visited the capitol, all the memorials, (Lincoln, Jefferson, Martin Luther King Jr., Washington), the war memorials (WW II, Korea, and the Wall). If you have not seen the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial, you are missing out; go see it next time you are in is great.

The kids were truly in awe the entire six days.

But it is time for me to step down. As any commander always does, I trained my replacement, she is not a Marine; therefore, needs a waiver, but I have been assured that will not be a problem.  The Unit is in good hands

This was a well planned exodus by Nancy and me. This last winter’s trek to FL was not a vacation. We put lots of lipstick on that double-wide pig, sold it, and purchased our “forever home” in North Fort Myers. As soon as this place in Illinois sells, we will pack up only the special things we intend to keep and head south with the zoo. It will be my 29th move in my lifetime and my last! Of course, Nancy says I said that three moves ago, but I really mean it this time. I am done moving, no more boxes. No one knew about this action except our family. I finally told our unit XO in late April so we could start the transition of power, but she kept it close hold until yesterday when I made the announcement. There were lots of tears; they all promised to come see us this winter, and I know for sure certain ones will do so.

There is a Young Marine unit in Naples; I have visited them several times during their drills and they have asked me to come teach drill, color guard movements, and flag etiquette, and I probably will do so, but I will not join the unit. Fox Valley will always remain my unit to me.

Finally, one more time I want to thank all of you who visited the blog and donated, went to our Go Fund Me account, or sent checks directly to us; without your support we would not have been able to be an influence on these wonderful kids!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Here’s some pics of the kids in D.C.








While at the WW II Memorial, the kids met a veteran of the war. I believe it really made his days and kids as well!








Kids wanted a picture with their good looking tour guide at the Wall, Of course, I took one too. LOL








In front of the White House. They were closer, but this was better








The funeral of my dear friend, brother, fellow DI, and Mentor. John Francis Dunn, Sergeant Major (Ret) USMC  (Captain Ret)









Originally posted 2019-07-21 16:19:22.

The Gunny Knows Best

I never post something funny, yet appropriate here, but I just had to post this one a fellow Marine sent me, in fact he was one of my recruits back in the early 60’s. Enjoy

A Pvt, a Cpl,and a Gunny were walking along Pulgas Beach at Camp Pendleton, CA one day. The Pvt was, as usual for him, dragging ass as was his feet when he kicked something bright. Up popped a Genie. She exclaimed, “Oh Masters, you have freed me from my spell. I will grant you any wishes you desire.”

Without any hesitation at all the Pvt shouted, “I hate this crotch, get me out of here, make me a civilian with a million dollars, and a good looking chick.” Poof, he was gone.

The Cpl chuckled and stated with finality, “He was a typical private, silly and no plan for his future. I want a private island, ten million dollars, and surround by many gorgeous chicks.” Poof, he disappeared.

The Genie looked at the Gunny who was lighting a cigar. She said, Well Gunny, what are your wishes.

The Gunny took a long draw on his cigar and calmly said:














“Have them back before reveille.”


As a former cigar puffing Gunny, I certainly identified with the Gunny. It’s called looking out for you men!

Originally posted 2019-05-19 17:06:24.

SpyGate VS Watergate

An excellent article by J. Marsolo of the American Thinker  on the comparison between two crimes. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. I think we can guess how it will considering a Republican incident of lying and a more serious democrat incident involving high ranking perps.

The SpyGate coup to elect Hillary, prevent the election of President Trump, and sabotage Trump’s presidency is far worse than Watergate.  It will be proven so with the investigation by U.S. attorney Durham, appointed by Attorney General Barr.  The Democrats and the corrupt media know this, which is the reason they are attacking A.G. Barr.

The Democrats, led and aided by a compliant media that reported the FBI leaks, and some Republicans, forced Richard Nixon to resign.  The immediate cause was the so-called smoking gun tape of June 23, 1972 where Nixon suggested that the CIA tell the FBI to back off its investigation.  The tape was released by Nixon on August 5, 1974 following a Supreme Court decision.

The 1972 tape was the basis for the obstruction of justice argument against Nixon.  Watergate started as a breaking into the DNC offices to search and copy records.

Compare this to the Obama Justice Department and FBI clearing Hillary of the email scandal and trying to sabotage Trump’s election and his presidency.  The corrupt media led and assisted the Obama DOJ and FBI and now continue to drive the attack on President Trump, despite the Mueller Report that found no collusion.

There is no serious dispute about the facts.  An excellent summary is Greg Jarrett’s book, The Russia Hoax (Harper Collins, 2018).

The Obama DOJ and FBI cleared Hillary of obvious violations of numerous laws over her use of a private email server so she could run for the presidency and win.  Obama knew that Hillary wasn’t using the approved secure State Department email system because Hillary communicated with Obama with the unsecure email system.  A prosecution of Hillary would involve Obama.  Hillary would have argued that Obama knew of her use of a private email server and thus approved her use, which would have been a good defense.  Obama had motive to protect his legacy as well as helping Hillary beat President Trump.

Moreover, Obama announced that Hillary made a “mistake” but did not intend to break the law.  This was a clear signal to James Comey’s FBI, which not surprisingly came to the same Obama conclusion.

But it wasn’t enough to give Hillary a pass on her violations.  The Obama DOJ and FBI then used the unverified Steele “Dossier,” full of false charges, to obtain FISA warrants, without probable cause, to spy on the Trump campaign.  In addition, the Obama FBI tried to insert informants into the Trump campaign.

The Obama DOJ and FBI, aided by their cheerleaders in the media, and the NeverTrump Republicans, could not and did not defeat Trump.  The next step was to destroy the Trump presidency to nullify the votes of over 63 million Americans.

Obama knew what his DOJ and FBI did during the campaign.  FBI agent Lisa Page texted FBI agent Peter Strzok on September 2, 2016: “Potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”

Trump fired Comey.  In retaliation, Comey leaked FBI memos to force the DOJ to appoint his friend, Robert Mueller, as special counsel to investigate the unfounded charges of Trump’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.  There was no credible evidence to warrant the special counsel.  After two years, Mueller and his gang of 19 Hillary-Obama attorneys had to conclude there was no collusion because there was no collusion.  Mueller knew this on the day of his appointment.

How is Nixon saying that the CIA tell the FBI to back off worse than the Obama DOJ and FBI using the Hillary-paid-for dossier to try to beat Trump, and then to remove Trump, and having the FBI clear Hillary?

Nixon was trying to protect his men from criminal prosecutions for a stupid breaking and entering to steal DNC records.  Nixon did not have the DOJ, FBI, and CIA investigate George McGovern, the 1972 Democratic nominee.  Obama’s DOJ and FBI used the courts to obtain warrants based on the Hillary-paid-for dossier that they knew was not verified.  They intentionally failed to inform the FISA court that the information relied upon for the warrant was unverified — and bought and paid for by Hillary.

In the Nixon case, the FBI did not stop its investigation.  At worst, there was a discussion of an attempt by having the CIA ask the FBI to stop.  But the CIA refused.  At least Nixon’s CIA, unlike Obama’s CIA and DOJ, had integrity.

The Obama-Hillary gang did not merely “ask.”  You cannot get more active than by filing four applications for warrants, not based on probable cause, to a FISA court, and trying to insert informants.

If we apply the Nixon standard, then A.G. Barr was correct to appoint a U.S. attorney, Durham, to investigate the FISA warrants, which means investigation of Obama, Hillary, Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Lynch, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Ohr, and others.  Further, the Senate should establish a committee similar to the Watergate committee so the public can see this bunch testify.

Originally posted 2019-05-16 16:10:39.

How Did AOC Get Elected?

Hi Gang, did you tell your mother Happy Mother’s Day yet? I wish I could but she passed several years ago, and I do miss her dearly. I know it’s Mother’s Day, but we have returned from a great Brunch paid for by my bride’s son, Mark, who flies into wherever we are from NE every year to take his Mom to brunch, and of course, he allows me to tag along. LOL.

Anyway, I have a video for you to watch that might shine some light as to what is really going on behind the scenes from the left. This was a real eye opener to me because for the life of me I could not understand how she got elected. I mean how stupid could folks from a certain district in NY be such imbeciles. Here is the answer. It’s a long video, so don’t click on it until you have the time to really watch, listen, and absorb what the person has to say.  Now it all makes sense to me. You must understand I do not watch any news programs at all, except a local one out of Chicago, which I tune to at night after prime time to see what the body count was for the day in nice city.

Anyway, please watch and listen to this amazing video.

Originally posted 2019-05-12 17:33:12.