Category Archives: Recent Posts

Time Out for a Commercial

Okay, time out from my political rant for a commercial break. Many of you who follow me here have read “the book.” Yes, I am talking about my humble approach to become a writer, the title of which is the  name of this blog. However, for those who simply stumbled onto this site you may not know of the book, let alone having read it.

So if you will beg my pardon I thought I’d throw in a short commercial break, I mean, damn it’s my blog right? LOL 

BTW, that’s 2nd LT Bathurst standing in front of the world famous Marine Corps Silent Drill Team at Marine Barracks, 8th&I Streets, SE, Washington, D.C. which was his OCS and TBS

The book is a print on demand, which means I paid to have it printed through a POD publisher (IUniverse), and while it was costly, they provide nothing, no marketing, advertising, etc. Oh, they’ll do that, but at a significant cost. I bit into their BS the first year and bought a few  of their packages, but never once could I point to a sale and say it came from their marketing.  For any future authors on here, I would not recommend a POD publisher, especially IUniverse. 

It comes in soft cover (not a paperback, but better), eBook, and hardcover.  IUniverse did an outstanding job on the cover based on my stern guidance. It is a beautiful book. I had no voice on the prices except on the eBook, it was the publisher’s call based solely on page count, and it’s a big book (564 pages including numerous  pages of photographs). The list price is $42.95, $38.95 for the soft cover, and the eBook is $7.95.

Amazon, Barnes & Noble and few other online book stores sell all three at the list prices, plus shipping in most cases. I do sell the hard cover, but bear in mind I do not get the same deal from the publisher as do the online book stores, I’m only the author! UGH!

Okay, here’s my deal, I have recouped my initial printing costs; therefore, it is no longer a money thing to me, I simply want folks to read it and hopefully enjoy it.  I sell the hard cover personally inscribed anyway you want it, signed, and dated for $35.00. And if you are a Marine, or if it is for a Marine, I will eat the postage myself. Truth be known, for every book I sell to a Marine I lose $0.63! 

Personally, I believe it makes a great gift for a birthday, Christmas, or any special occasion, especially for a Marine, who I guarantee will enjoy it and rekindle many fond (and maybe not so fond LOL) memories of his/her time on active duty.

You can go to Amazon and Barnes & Noble and read all the reviews. I have even included some here on the website. Please click on “About the Book, About the Author, and About the Editor, as well as peek inside the book for selected pages, If you would like to order a book, simply go to “Buy The Book,” fill out the form, and submit it. Your message will come to me and I will contact you with details.

Okay, the commercial break is over, now back to the liberal BS we’re having to put up with in today’s rabid society.

Originally posted 2019-11-09 10:02:42.

Merry Christmas.

NO, it’s not Happy Holidays gang, it’s Merry Christians and here is the perfect way to have your liberal friends, if you have any, heads explode!    Wrap their presents (seriously? You give Christmas presents to them?) in Trump Christmas wrapping paper. I love it!! I don’t need any since I don’t have any liberal friends, and if by chance I had one, I sure as hell would not send him/her a gift. Except maybe a box of Kleenex to prepare them for November 2020.

Originally posted 2019-11-08 08:46:32.

Times Have Changed!

If this doesn’t light your patriotic fire then I suppose your wood is wet . It’s a sad commentary on how far we have deteriorated in just 14 years.  There is a definite difference today with the singing of our National Anthem.
These days you have a rock star, sexy women with revealing dresses, strange musical variations…where are we going from here the next 13 years?  Super Bowl XXXIX 2005.  This video was shot 14 + years ago. Been quite a change since then, hasn’t there?  I watched it twice, the second time I paid particular attention to the reaction of the players; oh how they have changed!

Please Click Here



Originally posted 2019-11-07 08:09:14.

Wildlife Conservation Primer

I used to be an avid hunter learned from my Dad. He and I hunted what used to be called Upland Game e.g., rabbits, squirrels, turkeys, etc., and of course deer. He grew up in the state that was in the forefront of game management, Pennsylvania. They were first to have a doe season, while many other states laughed and cajoled PA claiming they would destroy their whitetail deer herd. However,  PA got the last laugh, and now all states have a doe season. Same applies to their Trout management program and the taking only the large native Trout from non-stocked streams. Montana has the same policy for their Blue Ribbon Streams

Okay Jim where were you going with this? LOL I do not hunt anymore. The last animal I killed was an Elk when we lived in Montana. I was remorseful afterwards and stowed my guns, and I must tell you I have plenty of them for I also have Dad’s guns.

This post comes from my dear friend and brother Marine, who goes by the nick name “Mustang,” which I would hope by now my readers know what that moniker means. Anyway, it was posted on his blog, BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Check it out, he has some great posts and he does so almost daily.

This post struck a chord with me and I wanted to pass it on to my readers so they have the facts. There is so much misinformation being discussed during the comical debates, and I am sure their followers are gobbling it up. As the writer points out they are simply BS-ing their followers with information that is simply not true.  Enjoy and be informed!


How Democrats’ Gun Control Plans Would Wreck Wildlife Conservation

By Nephi Cole    October 28, 2019

Democrat presidential candidates, like most Americans, seem to be unaware that the bulk of wildlife conservation funding in this country comes from a healthy firearms industry.

People seeking public office should do homework before embracing bad policy. If they don’t have the time, at minimum they should require their staff to be informed.

Every current Democratic presidential candidate is advocating an assault on wildlife and habitat conservation in America. It’s fair to assume they don’t know. They, like most Americans, are likely unaware that the bulk of wildlife conservation funding in this country comes from a healthy firearms industry.

The act was originally proposed by the firearms industry and supported by conservation groups like the National Wildlife Federation. It was bipartisan. It allowed states to marshal resources needed to recover dwindling populations of animals like white tail deer, elk, turkeys, and others. Because much of the success benefited hunters, there is a false assumption: they “pay the bill” in generating the tax. While it was mostly true in 1937, now it’s mostly not.

Today, roughly 80 percent of this firearms and ammunition tax comes from non-hunters. How’s that? We all hear left of center politicians and even “moderates” tying gun ownership and use to hunting. “I am a hunter” and “you don’t need that for hunting” are popular catchphrases of politicians endorsing certain gun, ammunition, and magazine bans.

They miss the target. What they don’t understand are the demographics of today’s gun ownership. Even as hunting‘s popularity is slowly declining, sport and practical shooting are way up. By sheer numbers, more people in America are shooting now than ever, although less are hunting.

Even more telling, half of all firearms purchased are handguns. These are primarily semiautomatics, also identified as “assault weapons” in misguided legislation. Ammunition purchased to use in these guns lines up in similar fashion.

This all means the lion’s share of wildlife conservation funding comes from the “non-hunting” shooting community. It also means that individuals, politicians, hunting, and conservation organizations that tacitly or openly endorse those pushing “bans” harm conservation across North America. They are complicit in gutting the goose that lays the golden egg: removing the primary source of state funds for conservation of wildlife and dedicated habitat.

In the future, spending on wildlife and habitat should continue to be the bedrock ideal of Pittman-Robertson. But it is time for realization, acceptance, and support of gun owners and recreational shooters who don’t hunt. They’re the ones who pay three-fourths of the bill.

In states like Montana, California, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Colorado, Hawaii, and others, top political leaders are hostile to the firearms industry and recreational shooters. Maybe they don’t realize they are taking hundreds of millions of dollars from recreational shooters in the name of conservation.

Those seeking public office need to be more informed. They need to know where the golden egg comes from—at least to consider it before they kill the goose.

Maybe if Pittman-Robertson’s billion dollars went only to those states where policies and leaders are supportive, they would see it differently. Perhaps if they knew their proposals would result in the largest single loss of conservation funding in our history, they would tone down the rhetoric.

Nephi Cole is the director of government relations-state affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry trade association. He was previously a policy advisor to Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead on natural resources and other issues.

Originally posted 2019-10-29 09:45:51.

Made in the USA

I picked this up off the internet several days ago and passed it along to folks I thought would be interested. Now I decided to post it. Is it all true? Maybe not; however, I am a nut about this hearsay of foreign goods. We have been duped for years into thinking anything made in China, Vietnam, Mexico, Guatemala, and all the rest of the world is cheaper. Well, check it out gang, it’s NOT! In fact, in many cases it is more expensive , and surely of less quality. Before I buy anything, and I do mean anything, I look to see where it’s made. Granted sometimes I have no choice, because over the years some things are no longer made in the US. As an Economist, I am not so quick to  blame the CEO’s as most folks do. It boils down to one fact; they are in business to make a profit and if our government has hamstrung them to the point where they cannot make a profit for their stockholders, they either close the doors or find a way to make the product cheaper. That is what happened, plain and simple. So, don;t shoot the CEO’s for trying to do their job. Might I encourage you to test some of what you read here. The President is trying his best to bring the companies back into the fold, we can help.


sells Goodyear wiper blades for almost
half the price that you will pay
on the outside and they are made in
the U.S.A. Read and do the following.

Unfortunately our      
politicians and top CEOs have
pushed for trade to China and Mexico
for years so Americans are now out of

Did You Know that there is no     
electric coffee maker
made in the US and that the only
kitchen appliances made in the US is
Viking? This information came from
the a report by Diane Sawyer. Hopefully this has
changed or will soon!!

That’s why I don’t buy
cards at Hallmark anymore, They are
Made in China and are more expensive!
I buy them at Dollar
Tree – 50 cents each and made in USA

I have been looking at     
the blenders available on the
Internet. Kitchen Aid
is MADE IN THE USA. Top of my list

Yesterday I was in     
Wal-Mart looking for a
wastebasket. I found some Made
In China for $6.99. I didn’t want to
pay that much so I asked the lady
if they had any others. She took
me to another department and they
had some at $2.50 made in USA. They are
just as good.. Same as a kitchen rug I
needed. I had to look, but I found some Made in
The USA – what a concept! – and they were $3.00

We are being     
brainwashed to believe that everything that
comes from China and Mexico is cheaper. Not so.

One Light Bulb at A Time.

I was in Lowe’s the     
other day and just out of curiosity, I looked
at the hose attachments. They were all
Made in China. The next day I was in Ace Hardware and just for the heck of it I checked the hose
attachments there. They were made in USA

Start looking, people     
. …In our current economic
situation, every little thing we
buy or do affects someone else – most often,
their job.

My grandson likes       
Hershey’s candy. I noticed, though, that it is
now marked “Made in Mexico.” I don’t buy it

My favorite toothpaste     
Colgate is made in Mexico …now I
have switched to Crest.

You have to read       
the labels on everything.

This past weekend I was at Kroger. I needed
60W light bulbs and Bounce dryer
sheets. I was in the light bulb
aisle, and right next to the GE
brand I normally buy — was an
off-brand labeled,

“Everyday  Value.” I picked up both types of
bulbs and compared them: they were the same
except for the price . .. .the GE bulbs
cost more than the Everyday Value
Brand, but the thing that surprised
me the most was that that GE was
Made in MEXICO and the Everyday
Value brand was made in – you guessed
it – the USA at a company in
Cleveland, Ohio.

It’s way past time to start     
finding and buying products
you use every
day that are made right Here.

So, on to the next       
aisle: Bounce dryer sheets. Yep,
you guessed
it, Bounce cost more
money and is made in Canada. The
Everyday Value Brand cost less, and was MADE IN
THE USA! I did laundry
yesterday and the dryer sheets performed
just like the Bounce Free I have been
using for years, at almost half the price.

My challenge to you     
is to start reading the labels when
you shop for everyday things and
see what you can find that is Made
In the USA –
The job you save may be your own or your

If you accept the     
challenge, pass this on to others
in your address book so we can all
start buying American, one light bulb at a

Stop buying from       
overseas companies – you’re
sending the jobs there.
(We should have awakened a decade

Let’s get with the      
program and help our fellow
Americans keep their
jobs and create more jobs here in the

I passed this on.. ..Will you???    
If you care about
American workers, you will pass it on






Originally posted 2019-10-17 09:36:03.