All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Lovin it!

Hey gang, thanks for all the comments to that scum sucking ne’er-do-well who sent me the email claiming to be one of us. LOL. Got so many comments I can’t answer them all.  They are all great, but some are REALLY great! Not surprised he didn’t rise up again, the POS! Several of you thought perhaps if he was a marine (no caps) he was a lover of Mr. Mattis and is defending that non-marine turncoat. BTW can you believe I am STILL getting daily hits on that post from 9 June 2020!.  That post has been around the world several times.

New subject. Have you heard about Twitter and the President and all conservatives. Check out this link. Glad I do not own that scum sucking liberal company. Let’s bring em’ down, pass the word.

I had to go ask Google how to deactivate my Twitter account since I didn’t know because I never use it except to report a new blog entry, but I don’t need their BS. If you want to deactivate yours and don’t know how, here are two descriptions, I used the first one; it was easy. Worked great. Color me gone Twitter.

How to deactivate your account
  1. In the top menu, you will either see a navigation menu icon or your profile icon. …
  2. Tap Account, then tap Deactivate your account at the bottom.
  3. Read the account deactivation information, then tap Deactivate.
  4. Enter your password when prompted and tap Deactivate.
  1. Click on the More icon  and then click on Settings and privacy from the drop-down menu.
  2. From the Your account tab, click on Deactivate your account at the bottom of the page.
  3. Read the account deactivation information, then click Deactivate.  
  4. Enter your password when prompted and confirm that you want to proceed by clicking the Deactivate account button.

Originally posted 2021-01-12 17:23:17.

On Report

OMG, all those years in the Corps and years after, I have never been put on report, that is until now. LOL I received an email this A. M. from a so called “Concerned marine; no caps on purpose as I do not consider this fellow a Marine, perhaps you might disagree. I won’t post my reply to him, her, or it. I thought I’d allow my followers to do so.  Please feel free to comment. Email follows. My comments inserted are in red..

From: Concerned Marine <>

Subject: Turning You Into the Marine Corps

Message Body:

Sent to Headquarters Marine Corps

Unlawful use of Marine Corps Emblem and Photo, Hate Speech, Racism, Borders of Sedition

Col Jim Bathhurst (sic) USMC Retired

His blog prominently features a Marine Cops (Sic) Emblem and a possibly illegally copied photo from Headquarters Marine Corps.

His blog is filled with hate and racism. (really?) He brings discredit to the Marine Corps. His blog is close to sedition. He also peddles his book using the Marine Corps Emblem.

He and some of his followers are unhinged and I don’t need to have him or his screwballs coming after me so I will not put my name on this email. (that’s not something patriots do, that’s left for the liberals) He and his followers are similar to the Kooks who invaded the capitol last wee. (Sic) His website speaks for itself and it is a simple thing for you to see what he is doing.

Semper Fi 

A Concerned Marine

Actually, It gave me an early morning chuckle. BTW, the use of the EGA was authorized by HQMC prior to the book’s publication.  I was aware of the Corps’ copyright on the use of EGA and requested permission; I still have their letter of authorization. Liberals just cannot stand for someone expressing the truth about them. Please feel free to comment either directly to him or on the blog, albeit, I’d like to see your replies. LOL You there Smitty?

Originally posted 2021-01-11 14:46:12.

Replies Requested

Received a comment on my post entitled “Let’s Forgive Everyone” from a person who shows a link to his/her blog entitled, I visited the blog and all I can say is OMG, here’s another “one.” While I did reply with a few comments, I thought I’d post his comment so my followers could reply directly to him. Have at it folks, and as all of you do, please don’t hold back.

By Illinois, you must mean Chicago. The rest of the state shares your preferences. The idea that people poor enough to steal, with addiction problems, etc. might benefit from something other than jail time doesn’t sound as wrong-headed as you are desperately trying to paint it here.

Originally posted 2021-01-04 10:22:33.

The Ever-Elusive Peace on Earth

The unlearned lessons of history condemn present and future generations.

Good afternoon my fellow patriots and welcome to 2021. I did not stay awake to watch the ball drop as I fear this year will be worse than the last. Will our once great nation be able to survive 2021 is the pressing question. I would encourage everyone to click on the link below and read my fellow Marine’s post on his blog. In addition to be a friend and Marine brother, he is an historian, and a damn good one at that. 

 So many Americans do not and will not understand what this great American military leader said in his farewell speech. Why? Because they never served, they never smelled cordite, or never carried a wounded soldier or Marine to safety

Reading the post seemed to awaken a spirit within me and the realization of one of the reasons I am so upset and distraught with what is happening to us. I would also encourage you to read the two comments left to his post as they add much to what Mustang has written. Lord, please help us, Amen.

Fix Bayonets!

Originally posted 2021-01-01 13:28:49.

Leader of the Free World?

Okay folks here he is without the teleprompter telling us – – – – – –  I don’t know what he is telling us, other than the fact he is sick. Should we feel sorry for him? I think not.  He chose to run for the job. The DNC needed a puppet, and he was their obvious choice. Any of the others running had a mind of their own, Joe did not and they knew it. Can you see the DNC telling Sanders what to do and say? They hid him in his basement only letting him out periodically for well planned events. I assume some of the “legal” votes he garnered were sympathy votes. I believe those who seriously voted democrat were, in fact, voting for the Ho. Can you imagine him meeting with world leaders and discussing issues like nuclear disarmament, trade agreements, etc.? I still cannot accept the theory the majority of Americans voted for this fellow. .

Originally posted 2020-12-31 08:59:49.