All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

The New “Protestors”

Another great post on Andy’s  blog: “Colonel of Truth.” A friend and fellow Marine has a way with words. The New Protestors!

Copy and paste

Originally posted 2020-09-22 10:56:57.

Facts are Facts

Okay America, if you or your friends still don’t believe the protests are just opportunists using recent BLM accounts, you have your head in the sand and ignoring the facts and warnings!

Kari Donovan| Opinion|  Catherine Herridge from CBS News posted on Twitter about a series of emails from July about the violence in Portland Oregon, that had been leaked to CBS news from the Department of Homeland Security, that showed President Donald J. Trump was right to call Antifa an organized group.

#Whistleblower#PortlandProtest Breaking: According to this @DHSgov internal email, obtained @CBSNews, former Acting Under Secretary for Intelligence & Analysis Brian Murphy wrote colleagues on July 25th that the Portland violence was not “opportunistic” but “organized”,” Herridge posted.

“The individuals are violently attacking the Federal facilities based on these ideologies,” one email read.

Herridge said that one email read: “We can’t say any longer that this violent situation is opportunistic. Additionally, we have overwhelmingly(sic) intelligence regarding the ideologies driving individuals toward violence + why the violence has continued. A core set of Threat actors are organized and show up night after night, and share common TTPs (Tactics, Techniques and Procedures)..”

“Threat actors who are motivated by Anarchists or ANTIFA (or a combination of both) ideologies to carry out acts of violence against State, Local and Federal authorities..” Herridge posted.

These emails are an important development in the national conversation about how President Donald J. Trump and law enforcement should handle the violent uprisings that have plagued many American towns and cites.

“Confirming what we suspected and knew all along: Antifa is an organized movement to carry out acts of violence against state, local, and federal authorities,” Independent reporter Ian Miles Cheong, wrote.

It is especially important in understand the origins of the violence Americans face just 50 days from the next Presidential election.

The millennial post reported, “Murphy urged for an immediate change of definitions for the violent activity in Portland following a review of the individuals arrested by federal authorities, as well as intelligence surrounding their affiliations and activities.
Click on theses below to go to the link.

Oddly, The discovery came from emails that were obtained in response to Democrat Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who claimed, last week, that based on Murphy’s claims the administration of Donald J. Trump was censoring information for political purposes.

Mondays email discovery proves that was not true.

Herridge posted the same.

The emails were clear about the ways in which Antifa operated on the ground and on social media.

“I recognize we may not be able to attribute every individual as VAAI however we need to look at the totality of the intelligence both current and previous and recognize the motivation for the violence and why people have shown up to commit violence for about 60 days. And why the individuals are using social media to encourage the VAAI on the ground to carry out acts of violence,” one email said.

“The nightly riots in Portland numbered at sixty days when the email was composed. Rioting has shifted from Portland to other cities with some of the same actors, including Washington DC, Seattle, and Kenosha—violence of which was spurred largely by pro-Antifa advocates on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitch, and Twitter,” wrote Andy Ngo, who has studied Antifa, in great detail.

“Anyone on the ground in Portland who isn’t sympathetic to or part antifa can see how organized & well-funded the BLM-antifa rioting has been. Pulling back curtain shows organized communications & crowdfunding schemes + dedicated riot & auxiliary roles,” Ngo posted Monday night.


Kari is an ex-Community Organizer who writes about Voter Engagement, Cultural Marxism and Campaigns. She has been a grassroots volunteer with the GOP, on and off for 18 years. She is a Homeschool Mom in North Carolina and loves Photojournalism and Citizen Journalism

This weekend I had a long detailed talk with a very good friend and fellow retired Marine who after retirement became a LEO in the intelligence field. I will not give his name, title, or place of work for his own anonymity and safety of he and his extended family. BUT, I will not use the MSM term of “unnamed source. He is not unnamed to me. So, trust me, what he shared with me is gospel.

They have been watching Antifa for years and he says they are a very well organized terror threat to the U.S, They are organized in platoons of about ten with a leader designated as what else, a platoon commander and a lieutenant.  Above them are captains with several platoons under their control, then they go to battalions  and so forth. Just as the military is organized. They get their funds from the globalists e.g., Soros and other American and outside organisations. The funds are distributed down through the chain to provide transportation, training, and weapons, not guns, but ordinary implements that local Leo’s could not designate as weapons e.g., skate boards, heavy flashlights, insect spray, etc.

Folks, this is serious. You may ask what are they doing about this? Well, they are sharing their intell with all LEOS,; however, in the blue states they simply right it off as BS. Others are compiling the data and using it secretly so as to not alert Antifa or their organizers and financiers. But trust me they know exactly who those latter folks are. You know the saying, “Follow the money.”

Originally posted 2020-09-21 11:24:02.

The End is Coming

Folks, I am really tired , fed up, disgusted, ravaged, and fearful of what is going on in our once great Nation. If you are still not a believer of what is about to happen on 3 November, you are wasting your time on my blog. I cannot believe in my own mind what is about to happen. The evidence is their all one must do is research the facts and GET READY. I AM CONVINCED beyond any shadow of doubt that we are in for hell.
Every American, Dem and GOP must understand the current Democratic party is not the party of JFK, LBJ, and Jimmy Carter. I personally believe all three of them would denounce the current party and its goals. So it is wrong to even refer to today’s party as The Democratic Party. They are Marxists . . . . period!
Read , learn, and comment if you agree or disagree with any6thing said herein

Retired CIA officer sends dire warning to America: The Left’s Marxist revolution isn’t concerned about who wins the November election

While most Americans continue to struggle against shutdown Democrats who continue to keep portions of their state’s economies shut down months after telling their citizens they just needed a few weeks to ‘bend the curve’ of the COVID pandemic, they are oblivious to what’s coming in just a few short weeks.

Many of these same Americans have seen the rioting, the looting, the attacks against our police, the continued assaults against Trump supporters, and the endless violence that has torn the soul out of many of our cities.

They don’t like what they’re seeing. But they don’t really understand what they’re seeing: The beginning of a revolution that will proceed regardless of who wins the November election.

Translated, that means if you’re someone who thinks we’ve got to put Democrats and Joe Biden in office in order to ‘get the rioting to stop,’ think again. 

Retired CIA officer Sam Faddis, who spent decades undercover working in the Middle East and South Asia — and who has seen such revolutions unfold — writes in a column published by Revolver News that what’s happening across our country is nothing new. It’s a script that’s been used over and over again by Marxists, Leninists and Communists to gain power since the violent creation of the Soviet Union in the ashes of World War I.

And what’s more, many of the anarchist “foot soldiers” — the Antifa and Black Lives Matter types who think they really are fighting ‘fascism’ and believe they’ll wind up with a ‘more fair and equitable world’ if the win — will realize too late they were patsies.

“They discovered far too late that at the heart of the movement in which they were caught up were hard men with very different ideas about the future,” Faddis writes, adding: “We cannot afford to repeat this naivety.” (Related: Nancy Pelosi declares all Republicans to be “domestic enemies of the state.”)

He explains: 

We are not experiencing a wave of social unrest generated by injustice or police brutality. We are watching an insurrection in progress, one which uses police violence as a pretext, but which has as its goal the destruction of the existing social, economic and political order in the United States. 

Refuse Fascism is one of the primary umbrella organizations supporting Antifa demonstrations nationwide. Refuse Fascism is a creation of the Revolutionary Communist Party of the United States.  If you watch footage of the chaos in our streets, you will quickly see signs linked to both groups.

Faddis notes that the leader of the so-called RevComs is Bob Avakian, a lifelong Commie who, along with other hard-Left groups, formed “Refuse Fascism” in 2016. The CIA vet says Avakian has been open about his objectives.

“Let’s get down to basics. We need a revolution. Anything else, in the final analysis, is just bulls**t,” he recently said.

Understand, then, that Avakian and those like him who are leading and funding (yes, George Soros is involved, but so, too, are other billionaires like Tom Steyer and former Fox News child James Murdoch) do not want “peaceful protests” to rule the day. They want to overthrow our founding system of capitalism and small ‘r’ republicanism, which means replacing our Constitution with something more akin to Cuba or, at best, China.

“The New Socialist Republic in North America is…a form of dictatorship – the dictatorship of the proletariat,” says the RevCom website. 

Get it now?

“The groups sponsoring the 2020 rioters are hostile to the United States of America as it currently exists. They have long since made common cause with some of our most dangerous enemies. Now, what they want is not reform. Phrases like ‘Black Lives Matter’ are a deliberate obfuscation, a time-honored tactic of radical left groups, used to make themselves and their goals seem less threatening,” Faddis warns. 

He says if President Trump wins, his victory will be declared illegitimate and the mob will continue its assault on our institutions and our security and freedom. If Joe Biden wins, they will look at him as their puppet and accelerate the revolution; if he refuses to go along, he will be discarded as well.

“This is not about reform. It is about revolution, and revolutions don’t care about elections,” Faddis concludes.

Sources include:

Originally posted 2020-09-19 12:02:06.

OMG, it’s Coming!

I have not been a watcher or listener of Glenn BecK. Along with all the emails I get from friends, I got this one today from several but did not have the time to watch it when I saw how long it was. But then I kept getting more emails with the link so I sat down with a cup of coffee and watched it,  and I could not pause it. I had to sit and watch the whole video. Folks, this is long, real long, but I beg you to watch it and to share it. Get yourself a drink and sit back and be educated. If you are a non believer that the end is coming for America, I think you will be enlightened. He puts it all in perspective. Americans need to wake up and wake up now!!

Seriously, keep your family safe because I truly believe it is going to be BAD.

Originally posted 2020-09-18 07:40:16.

Another Shot Across the Bow

for sleepy Joe from one of my FAVS, Victor Davis Hanson.

Biden, ‘The Great and Powerful’

For now Joe Biden’s best hope is that some Emerald City media lackey does not play the role of the tiny dog Toto, rip away the curtain, and reveal the tiny man and his machinery behind the projection.


Victor Davis HansonSeptember 13, 2020

Media bias is not new.

In addition to the Russian collusion hoax and the phone-call impeachment farce, who can forget the marquee media toadies of JournoList and the release of John Podesta’s email trove?

Or the moderator Donna Brazile’s primary debate questions, leaked through CNN, or Candy Crowley’s hijacking of a debate as moderator-turned-real-time-hack “fact-checker”?

Nothing then is new to the media’s fusion and collusion with the “progressive party.”

Yet never in American history have mainstream journalists not merely promoted a candidate but actively fused with his political candidacy to the point of warping, fabricating, and Trotskyizing the news and indeed history itself.

The trope of a vast charade to create an illusionary powerful figure out of nothing is an old one in fiction, Hollywood and television. We remember “The Great and Powerful” Wizard of Oz fakery, a formidable screen image created backstage by gears and levers operated by a tiny man “behind the curtain.” Similar is the famous scene in an episode of the old Star Trek series, depicting a near comatose on-air John Gill used as a televised prop by his puppeteers, in a utopian federation project gone haywire.

But reality has outdone art with the Biden campaign. The concoction is holistic, from the mundane construction of a fantasy, on-the-go candidate to the supposed middle-of-the road old Joe Biden from Scranton radiating an aura of kindness and moderation in times of plague, panic, and protest.

Bunker Illusions

For six months, Biden has run a Zoom campaign on the pretext of mandatory quarantines—our current version of a 19th-century, stationary presidential candidate, who campaigned by spitting out wit and wisdom while immovable on his front porch.

Biden has conducted no free-wheeling, unscripted press conferences. He will not do extended one-on-one interviews with a disinterested journalist. He rarely will even try Trump-like cameo appearances on CNN or MSNBC to answer unscripted questions from supporters. His press events instead are Orwellian, requiring a media mass suspension of disbelief.

The questions are canned. They are submitted in advance by “journalists,” whether formally or via electronic chatter. The inquiries are obsequious—seldom a word about Hunter Biden, China, Biden’s troubling racist remarks, his handsy past, his scary cognitive lapses, or his “contract” with Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). Instead the softball, known-in-advance inquiries are in spirit carried over from the Obama years, phrased in the manner of “Were you outraged enough by Trump’s outrage?”

Biden’s Oz functionaries seemingly are always experimenting with all sorts of screen props. The trick is to discover how best their challenged candidate can square the circle of completing sentences and remaining semi-coherent, while not giving away the game that his illusionists are feeding him answers to synthetic questions.

When asked point-blank on Fox News by Brett Baier whether Biden used a stealth teleprompter, his national press flak, T.J. Ducklo would not answer with a simple yes or no. Instead, he went on the attack, with the fossilized accusation that right-wing Fox News asks too many partisan questions.

So we were left with a de facto “yes”: Biden does read off a stealthy teleprompter when answering canned press questions—and gives the impression he does not.

But Biden, like the mirage of the Wizard of Oz, nonetheless can’t always keep the curtain closed.

When he strains to see the teleprompter that sits just behind, and thus out of sight of, his camera lens, he slips and mutters “bring it closer”—reminding any who watch, except the media that helps collude in these orchestrations, that the question asked is not a serious one, but a prompt to facilitate the proper nonspontaneous response.

Yet even then Biden cannot act out the part of the Star Trek federation’s addled Gill without someone either giving him the prewritten answer on the teleprompter or writing it out for him in real-time. Sometimes if Biden is not reading a hidden teleprompter script, he looks down in panic for notes or his smartphone instructions in ways that only expose the sheer ridiculousness of this faux media-staged event.

Sometimes he shows off family pictures on screen that seemingly inadvertently reflect and expose the ghostly presence of a teleprompter’s reflection in the background. On other occasions when speaking, Biden searches in vain for his “schedule” and asks handlers to fetch it, whatever that exactly means.

In a presidential campaign first, Biden even reads out the written directives of his controllers as if to say “I’m not really saying this myself, but so what?”

So not surprisingly, during one of these sessions, out came a reference to his script’s talking point “topline” headings. When faking impromptu answers, Biden bumps into and voices his handlers’ notation of “end of quotation.”

Occasionally a “citizen” questioner sort of rebels from the media Borg and asks an unapproved question (e.g. “I’m just going to be honest Mr. Biden, I was told to go off this paper, but I can’t. We need the truth and I am a part of the truth”). In reaction, Biden’s handlers and fact-checkers rush to assure the public that the approved question was written by the questioner’s sympathetic organization rather than from Team Biden itself—as if we are supposed to believe the campaign had no idea what its own surrogates would ask.

Sometimes the effort is scary. When old photos reappear in a CNN puff piece about a younger Biden holding his young son at a long-ago Washington Redskins game, the team logo—the now-politically incorrect Redskins logo—is airbrushed from his son’s stocking cap. And then presto, legions of “disinterested” “fact-checkers” in the media emerge to confess that Biden, not CNN, supplied the doctored image.

But, in turn, the Biden campaign assures the press that the doctoring was only for “copyright” reasons, as if candidates routinely photoshop out all the cap logos they wear. The impression is that Biden is terrified that his new leftist friends in the Ministry of Truth are combing his past and ordering embarrassing moments to go down the memory hole.

Oz Wizardry

As a general rule, the Soviet-style apologia for the media-Biden fusion—usually outsourced to a now utterly corrupt left-wing institution called “fact-checking”—only solidifies the fact that the media and the Biden campaign are indistinguishable.

In Soviet times, one easily just assumed the opposite from Moscow’s party-line efforts and, presto, stumbled onto the truth. In the case of Biden’s optics and press conferences and appearances, we easily deduce that the downside of scripting and programming a compliant candidate far outweighs the existential risk of turning Biden loose to answer questions like a normal human being.

True, even before his cognitive decline, Biden was known in Washington as someone whose incoherent and impromptu loquaciousness usually embarrassed his friends more than hurt his enemies—in addition to his long history of plagiarism and inflating his thin résumés with false data about his past.

But with the onset of his cognitive decline, Biden’s own once-feeble social antennae are now more or less unplugged most of the day.

The result is that he has a creepy propensity to blurt out patently racist tropes as if the old inner Biden who talked of Obama as “clean” and the first “articulate” black presidential candidate, and pandered to his working-class Democratic supporters with references to the inner-city “jungle,” is now free of his harnesses, bits, and halters.

For some time, Biden unchained has shouted about “you ain’t black,” and, earlier, his Corn Pop series of inflated tales as Biden, the white knight, equipped with a chain no less, protecting the inner city from itself.

Biden showed his tough-guy mettle with putdowns of a transitorily noncompliant black journalist and sneered that he is comparable to a “junkie” and drug addict. To a liberated Biden, blacks just don’t think independently like Latinos.

Given all that, the decision of his campaign and their media stand-ins to reinsert Biden into his safe space, wheel him out for scripted occasions, and pray at least that he can follow either the teleprompter, his iPhone, or written notes in his lap, or remember his cues—without including the prompts themselves—seems understandable.

This was all known to Democratic primary voters who initially wanted little to do with Biden. The narratives advanced by primary rivals Kamala Harris and Corey Booker implied that he was either a virtual racist or cognitively challenged or both—insinuations the left-wing media was willing to fuel, in the heydays of a preferable Berrnie Sanders, Elizbeth Warren, or Beto O’Rourke prairie fire candidacy.

All that media fantasy imploded when would-be savior Michael Bloomberg proved little more than a billionaire bore and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders cranky and shrill socialist septuagenarians with even scarier agendas.

Floating to November

So the lightweight Biden was reflated as a sort of centrist hot air balloon to be used to float the hard-Left basket carriage beneath across the election defining line.

But fusion/collusion is not just a matter of a Potemkin veneer. Biden’s agenda is a fantasy creation. His role was to save the party from Sanders, win suburbanites, and pander to the party’s socialist sympathizers of Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement. That is an impossible task because today’s Democratic Party is a conglomeration of squabbling tribes and looney agendas.

Biden is now ordered to keep still on the issues of the day, because what he once said to get nominated and please the Left would lose him the election. He wants to defund the police, but not to defund the police. He wants to phase out fossil fuels and end fracking but not to end fracking in Electoral College-rich Pennsylvania.

The rioting, Biden insists, is due to police brutality but not due to it entirely. Trump’s COVID policies killed thousands, but Biden’s own bromides are either identical or would be less effective.

And on and on, as Biden is made to wink and nod to the Left that his only role is to get them elected before collapsing at the finishing line.

The media thinks this will work, and so owns the project. Biden will stay sequestered, visit a key state occasionally, pop out of the plane to say he is “barnstorming” Michigan or Wisconsin and then fly back into his Biden bunker for more Zoom puff interviews—and hope progressive polls show that he can endure weekly bleeding until November 3.

Every four or five days the media will blast the airways with, “Trump is ripping out mailboxes,” “Trump won’t concede and will have to be forcibly removed,” “Trump insulted our war dead as ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ as he hid from the rain to keep his hair dry.” Most recently Bob Woodward’s book queued up for its turn of 72 hours of smears, right after gab-bag Jeffery Goldberg’s anonymous sources faded out.

Will this joint project of progressive ideologues of the Democratic Party and the major media work?

So far the rope-a-dope has succeeded in slowing down somewhat the pace of the erosion of Biden’s lead. And Biden as the tough-talking Wizard projection will continue until, when, or if the polls show an undeniable Trump surge ahead.

For now Biden’s best hope is that some Emerald City media lackey does not play the role of the tiny dog Toto, rip away the curtain, and reveal the tiny man and his machinery behind the

Originally posted 2020-09-17 11:31:04.