Vaccinate or Not

Thank you all, or the comments on my return, didn’t know I’d be missed that much.  Switching subjects for today. Friend sent me this and I listened to it and was intrigued. There is so much BS flying around the electronic world about everything from soup to nuts., and everyone is an expert. This guy; however, hit the nail with me. Let me know what you think.  His comments.

This below video is currently being censored and was taken down from YouTube. People posted it on Facebook and an hour later it is taken down. Why don’t we investigate and agree or refute as necessary?  

   I understand censorship and actually loaded this video on to my desktop. You will find the science and data varies from what the CDC and the WHO are allowed on these platforms.

My question is why don’t they want us to know the opposing views and investigate the science and data to find out the truth.

Don’t have to sign up for Dropbox to view.


In the intertest of full disclosure, my bride and I have both been vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine.

Originally posted 2021-08-26 09:28:21.

4 thoughts on “Vaccinate or Not”

  1. It was just announced that the boosters may be needed every 6 months from here on! Jumpin jar head mentioned Australia and I also heard a 12 year old girl was pepper sprayed by Aussie cops for the crime of not wearing a mask. Australia has drunk the cool aid. They have a full fledged man hunt on for a guy that sneezed in an empty elevator. All I can think about now is between the boosters, Marine deaths in Afghanistan, gun control and climate change, I can’t wait to see what Tom McDonald will put out on you tube. He’s a better voice of the sane people then anyone in Washington. In case you never heard of him, he’s a rapper that does songs like Fake Woke and Brainwashed and is a musical version of Patton. The only reason I care about a rapper (I’m old and hate rap music) is that he is reaching the young that really need a wake up call to cut through the globalist bullshit. As for these shots, I’ve had both but refuse to show my proof to anyone for any reason. My trying to stay alive should not be an excuse to control me in any way.

  2. The “vaccines” were said at the beginning to provide immunity from the disease. Indeed, the CDC’s own definitions say to be a “vaccine” it must provide “immunity” from the disease. “Immunity” in turn is defined as preventing one from getting the disease “and its sequelae.”

    This all appears to be a “carrot on a stick” approach to obtain further and further “compliance” of the population.

    I contend that this scamdemic has very little to do with the disease—it is real and makes some sick but from real data when it can be found ( is the ONLY source I now trust) show it is little different in its behavior and relative lethality than any other “flu” that comes yearly and has never heretofore gotten the kind of hysterical “treatment” we have seen with this disease.

    There are a number of reasons (known so far) why this one is being “dealt with” so differently (for example, this is the first time ever we have seen governments quarantine and shut down entire economies to “isolate” the well rather than the sick). Context is everything in this regard. 2020 was an election year and the anti-Trump cabal of both marxists and deep stater of the “uniparty” realized none of the usual kill shot tactics they had tried had worked to get rid of Trump.

    Thus the scamdemic proved to be very “convenient” (assuming this entire fraud was not actually planned and executed from the beginning, to include actually creating and weaponizing the virus—but that is a whole other line of inquiry) and our enemies have proven very adept at capitalizing on any “crisis” (Emmanuel’s “never let a crisis go to waste”). The subject (virus, climate, guns, etc.) is but the “shiny thing” to distract, camouflage and “justify” the actions then taken. As the weekly death toll in dimocrat run cities proves, our enemies really could care less about “gun violence” contrary to their impassioned pleas for new and increasingly draconian “common sense gun safety laws.”

    Thus, the true purpose of the scamdemic and all its incremental new measures has virtually nothing to do with addressing the disease from an honest public health standpoint. Rather, it is merely the current crisis that our enemies have found is working better than their wildest imaginings, as the literal “1984” measures are being rolled out as in Australia, a nation previously known for its “independent”-thinking population that did not tolerate “fools” lightly in their government.

    Sadly, 2020 and continuing to today, Americans are miserably failing every test of intellect, critical thinking, courage, resolve and citizenship as they have shown they will surrender (eagerly in most cases) precious and sacred freedoms in return for false promises of safety from the State.

    I suppose we shall see now with the “boosters” being pushed onto us how many Americans have ANY of these qualities left. I cannot fathom why any patriot would have gotten the fake “vaccine” in the first place when all the lies told by the State and its “experts” up to that point were know—-what made patriots think they had repented and were then telling the truth about the fake “vaccine?”

    Now that is it clear even to a blind man that the fake “vaccine” was not what it was said to be, we will see what those who fell for the lie will now do in terms of the “booster.”

    1. Thank you very much sir, for what is a very well thought out and explained point of view that I tend to agree with .

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