Feminize the U.S. military

Bunkerville God, Guns, and Guts Comrades!

He does it again with a great post involving two pieces. Read about Joe’s new maternity flight suits and the name of that fellow (it’s a she, I think, of course one never knows today) over there in that building (it’s the Pentagon Joe).

And the superb piece he posted on China, it’s a great read, and makes complete sense to me, I think? Hell, there is so much going on today, it’s becoming difficult to keep it all straight, but the maternity flight suits seems to top them all. I mean How many “G’s” can a pregnant woman handle? Maybe we’ll find out soon. Go for it ladies. Oops. is that word a sexist comment? Oh well, so be it. Call me a sexist, I’ve been called worse.


Joe Biden and his China strategy – feminize the U.S. military

Originally posted 2021-03-10 11:10:27.

10 thoughts on “Feminize the U.S. military”

  1. “Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth” Mike Tyson

  2. Colonel Jim, I posted on the Bunkerville site regarding this post. It’s near and dear to me since serving in the late 1980s as chaplain of a “mixed crew” ship. I saw the brave new world back then, and it stinks. Keep sharing great posts. You are helping us find the words to speak ourselves.

  3. The brains running the DOD at the flag level with few exceptions are more concerned about political correctness than winning wars. We have 2000+ troops in Afghanistan because we want Afghanis to give women equal rights… Like we are going to change fundamentalist Islam and stone age thinking…

  4. Corrected Comments…
    China wants to make men out of its male population because they are going soft. We are worried about more women in the military when the govt says there’s no such thing a 2 genders/sexes. If Colonel Archibald Banatz wants to go to work tomorrow and tells his CG, she’s a woman and wants to wear a dress, there is nothing the CG can do… We are a civilization at the end of its rope unless something drastic happens…

    1. I agree completely. the PC crowd as successfully transformed a highly skilled multi dimensional war fighting machine. into a social feminist experiment! It is sad to reflect back upon what we were to what we have become.

  5. Equal opportunity sniffing. That “thing” that doesn’t know if it’s male or female, needs to be taken out behind the barn and dealt with, it would be the responsible thing to do. Just saying. Semper Fi

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