Under Attack: The American Way


Under Attack: The American Way

by Mustang

What a great treatise by a dear friend and brother Marine who nails it every time he posts. This is definitely worth your time to read, absorb, and pass on to everyone you know; liberals, progressives, libertarians, and yes even some of  those once known as conservatives. I cringe to use that last descriptive term since it has lost so much of its meaning to me.

I cannot wait for President Trump to develop a new viable third party. I will join and support immediately.

Please click on the above URL and read it.

Originally posted 2021-01-25 12:00:11.

12 thoughts on “Under Attack: The American Way”

  1. First, great piece. Extremely well written and should be required reading by every student throughout our fruited plain.

    We need a 3rd party like we needed to lift the ban on transgenders…

    Sorry, couldn’t help it…

    Take Perot out of the 1992 election and GHW Bush is re-elected. Trump would best serve by establishing a media platform. The Left owns the media, Fox and the WSJ included….Having once worked for a nascent network, I know first-hand that growing an audience is most difficult. That should be the first step. He has the numbers and its degree of success would gauge any further political endeavors.

    1. I’m with GM on this one. Laudable though it is to consider a 3rd party, it would play into Libtard game plans. The media concept is brilliant. Newmax, Fox, a couple others need a flanking assist to keep libtard press and libtards pinned down long enough to figure out a winning strategy against the mail in/cheating SOB’s.


  2. A very worthy read indeed! “They” say that the, “The enlightened person,” is insightful and open-minded. He is able to see the world with great clarity, without attachment to preconceived ideas about people, places, and things.

    I feel more enlightened from reading this.

    Again, it is those of us that have our eyes wide open, that are seeing what those who have their eyes wide shut do not.

    Semper Fidelis,

    Lee Waananen

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read it Lee, I know it is long I hope everyone following this blog does take the time to be enlightened thus giving them the knowledge to fight back strongly and with dedication!

      1. Absolutely Colonel!

        It was very well worth the time to read. I agree, I implore the others that follow this blog to take the time to read this!

        Sadly, these very well may be, the most important days in our great nation’s short history!

        As always, thank you very much for sharing.

        – Lee

    1. Just hang in there and stay tuned, we’re hoping and praying. Even if he does start a new party, that doesn;t mean he will run; maybe his son?

  3. A very worthy read. I don’t see a third party actually winning any elections, rather, clearing a path for liberals to win without even having to cheat.

    1. I don’t know Doug 74 million Americans voted for Trump, and one helluva lot of them are pissed at the GOP and their collection of Rhinos. If he moves quick enough I can see some RTEAL republicans switching to the new party due to insistence of their voters. It has to be a national campaign.

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