My Open Letter to Mr. Mattis

I thought long and hard about this post, but after doing my due diligence to get the full drift of your senseless, destructive, undeserving slander of our president, I cannot hold back. Just so you know, this is from a retired Marine colonel who spent nearly as much time in uniform as you. And considering my love of the Corps and my brothers and sisters, it does not bother me one bit to state without any equivocation you are a disgrace to our Marine uniform.

Who do you think you are to speak out in such a disgraceful manner against a sitting president? Do you believe your rank entitles you to talk such trash? By your recent actions and words, you’ve aligned yourself with the Hollywood trash who think anyone with half a brain would take anything they say with a grain of salt. You Mr. Mattis (I will not call you by your rank — you do not deserve it) are a disgrace to my Corps. I believe the only people who genuinely care about what you said are your fellow Marines who are disgusted with your pompous ass.

According to your own words you have over 7,000 books in your library. It’s now obvious to me you have not read any of them. You said, “We must not be distracted by a small number of lawbreakers.” WHAT? Are you kidding me? Where have you been lately, under a rock? Countless people killed and injured including many police officers, millions and millions of dollars’ worth of buildings destroyed and burned to the ground, many privately-owned stores and commercial establishments who had just opened after being closed because of the virus, all gone. Major stores looted; nothing left on the shelves. Yet you call that a small number of lawbreakers?

Then the biggest lie of all is when you state no president in your lifetime has been as divisive as President Trump. Where were you during the eight years of Obama? Oh, that’s right he fired your ass too. It seems the only arena in which you have been able to keep a job is in the military. Hmm, what does that tell me? Remember Mr. Mattis, I was there, well before you.

I always had my doubts about you especially after you fired a great Marine friend of mine whom I had a small hand in shaping his career. He told me things about you that caused me to believe you were nothing more than an egotistical liberal. I was, however, surprised when you took the job offered by President Trump to be our Sec Def.  But then he too fired your ass. I have not researched it in detail, but I do believe you are the first general to ever be fired by two sitting presidents, the first a liberal racist and the other a conservative doer. How does that feel? How’s that for a legacy?

You Mr. Mattis are a despicable, egotistical, self-centered person of no value to my country.

Signed; Jim Bathurst, Col, USMC (Ret)


Originally posted 2020-06-05 10:50:12.

486 thoughts on “My Open Letter to Mr. Mattis”

  1. Mattis was WRONG, repeat, WRONG, stating Trump is the most divisive presdent. Obama tops that list. See Boston Globe article…

    “At home and abroad, Obama’s trail of disasters”

  2. I was the Medical Officer in Headquaters 1 st 145 th Infantry Battalion in the seventies. I STRONGLY SUPPORT THE CHAIN OF COMMAND, PERIOD ; Our current COMMANDER in CHIEF deserves total respect !
    I did not support ” hussein obama “, but did not bad mouth him while he was in office . I feel ” mad dog ” or any other officer disrespecting our President is totally out of order !

  3. My wife said to me many moons ago , in her life experiences all Marines are crazy. I said your right my time spent in the Corps that’s basically a fact Some do a great job hiding that fact but one way or another it comes out. I wouldn’t want it any other way these men and women are elite warriors. They fight with a simple order and win sometimes even single handedly. Can’t let words that roll out or some actions that may happen change who we really are. United States Marine Corps., Semper Fi

  4. To all Marines and military. You are amazing. Under the word amazing are many descriptions that would take a life time to sign off as my gratitude for your service.

    First let me say I am not a great writer. Forgive me of any grammar mistakes and etc. However, as a citizen who believes in our Country regardless who is president and who reveres our Military as an idea we all should live up to. I felt a layman’s thought would be good in the conversation. If not forgive me for butting in.

    As an everyday American watching our country seemingly torn apart by a party called Democrats, who as it’s turning out. May have used our own federal law agencies to basically over throw the peoples decision for president. I’m still questioning why this American party would do this and has it been going on through the past decades?

    The comfort a lot of us have is our Military has our back as citizens in case we have an over throw instituted by our government and by enemies afar. We believe in the strength and valor in our Military. We need you to be separate from the halls of government. At the same time having a watchful eye. We are constantly being told who we are and who we are not by the media and politicians. It confuses a lot of people. Some of us can sift through it, some of us can’t and some of us ignore it because it scares them or they’re not sure what to do.

    My only thought or two concerning General Mattis as a simple citizen.

    The minute General Mattis shared his op’ed. All he did was solidify that there may be more going on in the halls of government then we are told. Not only do we have the FBI, CIA, and Senior Democratic leaders accusing Trump of treason. We now have a top General smearing the president. Some are (if not most) or at least for myself are taking General Mattis’s remarks as proof there may be a serious coup against our country. Selling us out and leading us a way from the Constitution. There was no reason for him to share that OP’ed during this time. His Op’ed divided us more. Why would he do that?

    It sounds from my estimate General Mattis gave a lot of people strength and courage to fight for an idea called American. Why would he release an op’ed that .just helps the divide? A divide already driven by media and politicians. What was his point?

    What the heck is going on?

    Thank you for your service. Thank you Sir’s and Mam’s for your strength and courage.

    Citizen Chip B

    1. Great comments Chip B, and of course it raises even more questions. I, too, fear something is going on??? As you said we always depend on our military to do the right thing, but now I am not so sure about that. When people like Mr. Mattis speaks out to further divide us during these times of national strife is beyond my comprehension, which is why I am speaking out. Thank you for comments sit!

  5. No matter what you think of Mattis, he’s part of a soft military coup against the United States and a danger to our democracy.

  6. So I thought our military was to keep America from becoming a socialist or communist country. I guess that’s not the case because at this point, Trump is the only thing standing between living free and being enslaved to socialism and communism and becoming member of a new world order, a one world order, a one world communist government.

  7. With all due respect, Colonel is spelled with a capital C.
    You state you’ve spent almost the same amount of time in the military as Mattis…so why are you only a Colonel? You’re demonizing a decorated 4 Star General in favor of a man who’s legacy is from a reality game show and the (defunct) University in order to garner book sales….Who’s the “sellout”?
    Semper Fi

    1. I’ve had it with you jerks who have not vetted anything before you open your garbage mouth, you haven’t a clue about what you speak. I had nearly ten years enlisted before I received a combat commission from my first tour in RVN as a sergeant platoon commander after mine was killed in a helluva fire fight one day. Colonel is spelled with a capital C when it is in front of someone’s name, otherwise it’s a small c. Go back to school idiot. You are nothing more than a piece of liberal socialist trash. LOL “Only a colonel,” that’s a freaking joke, you don’t know squat about me, but I know lots about you. Stupid is what stupid is, go back under you rock from where you came, and for Pete’s sake, shut up so you stop embarrassing your self. Have a shitty day idiot.


      1. Ill do a little research for you. General Flynn was fired by both sitting presidents also for being an admitted liar to the FBI and the VP.

        1. I knew that, but I question the entire General Flynn charade. Which VP are you making reference to, Creepy Joe? If so, wow! That is really the kettle calling the pot black. I don’t recall any alleged lying to Pence or Creepy Joe. Maybe I missed that. I mean with all else going up and about it’s easy to miss something. Anyway, I’m not interested in any thing Flynn might have alleged done since that poor guy was railroaded from the very get go. Sad case. So much distrust and lying going around I am saddened by the loss of moral justice in our society. We are a lawless country on our way to a becoming a third world crap hole

    2. Spoken by someone who knows nothing about the Military,probably a snowflake, Promotions in the Commissioned Officer Ranks, especially at General Officer Grades are based on in many, but not all cases on who’s the best Butt Kisser, not necessarily who’s the best soldier, I worked for a Officer who only made it to the rank of COL., but he was one of the best Officers I ever worked for. His name was Col. MANUEL LOPEZ, a Viet Nam veteran as an enlisted soldier who later became a Commissioned Officer and worked his way to Col..
      I spent 20+ years on active Duty so I worked for and with a large number of Commissioned Officers, this Officer was by far one of the best.

    3. My phone, which REFUSES to capitalize that which WE know should be because of it’s PC origins is at fault, which is really bad, because I knew both those boys and Hewlett and Packard and talk about conservatives, oh well.

      Simper Fi

    4. Rising from private to colonel ten times the accomplishment than a 2lt making 4 star. You try it.

    5. Infantile response. No substance. Reflects an Ideology foreign to our great Country. It speaks volumes in just a few words.

    6. Just by the heading, journey from Private to Colonel…he was enlisted, transitioned to Officer. So yeah, match can still work…also attention to detail…js

    7. Who is the ‘sellout’? It is YOU! That is if you support the liberal agenda of the Democrat Party and that of the media. You are lame in your thoughts.

    8. Harley, you missed the point this is about our country not two people that disagree

    9. You didn’t have the guts to sign your name.

    10. He is “only a Colonel” most likely because he didn’t suck up enough. The best officers are the ones who retire 05 or 06.

      1. LOL, you are probably right James. I was the guy that if you couldn’t handle my answer, don’t ask me the question!

      2. James, Me Lad, WTF are you doing on a Military based site ? You , OBVIOUSLY , know a total of ZIPPO “about” the Military, and it’s “workings” ! The POST was based on the “actions” of the General, the Colonel is 100% CORRECT, the “General” is a POLITICAL HACK, who KNOWS what he “did” IS WRONG , a VIOLATION of the MILITARY Code, and a VIOLATION of what he SHOULD HAVE PICKED UP ON , OVER HIS 36 YEAR MILITARY CAREER ! To attain the Rank of Colonel – THE highest “FIELD GRADE” Officer, one must meet criteria which is EXTREMELY daunting, IF you “make” Colonel, you EARNED IT –PERIOD ! From “there” on — POLITICS becomes a major factor, in other words , you’ll need ALL of what got you to Colonel , PLUS , the Political sway involved in promotion to General Officer. When one drops out of high School, spends 10 or so years as an Enlisted man, and then receives a Commission, one is already “well” behind the curve, and the “likely hood” of “General’ officer is NOT good. NOT “impossible”, but VERY UNLIKELY ! The Military Academy Graduates START their Military Careers with a built in EDGE over ROTC Officers , OCS Officers, and Field Commissioned Officers , and, in general, this system WORKS, not ALWAYS , but it’s easy to examine the statistics regarding same – check it out ! In any event – your inference regarding the Colonel and HIS 36 years, as opposed to the General and HIS 36 ? YEARS is BASELESS ( other than to give your demoRat politic a comparative basis in your obviously anti Trumpian mind ) – the Military does not work like your typical Union shop, where YOUR seniority outweighs the opposition Brain Mass !

        1. Thomas, me lad, I don’t think you understood my post. I am;on this site because my MOS once upon a time was 0311. After what is called a break in service, it was 18Z. 21 years altogether.

          Now I admit I was an enlisted swine so maybe i don’t properly understand your rambling and completely off base insults.

          Mustangs at least in the Marine Corps ( to my knowledge) rarely got past 04 or 05, so 06 is quite an accomplishment. I knew one who had a battlefield commission from Korea and was reverted to GYSGT.

          This is what I said, “He is “only a Colonel” most likely because he didn’t suck up enough. The best officers are the ones who retire 05 or 06.”

          What i should have said is , because he didn’t suck up. Period.

          At the time I didn’t know that he was a mustang.

          I stand by the second sentence.

          If I wasn’t a stoic, I’d say a lot more about your commentary.

    11. Exactly! The oath is to the Constitution, not a B-list Hollywood reality TV game show host.

  8. He looks good in his pressed uniform with facial features that remind one of George Patton. I am 81 yrs old and served as a civilian in CORDS with US Army officers and men in Vietnam. I looked over the Mattis bio and I really did not see any combat experience, possibly some while serving as a higher ranking officer in Afghanistan. That gets you farther back from those AK-47 rounds. After reading his statement about President Trump, I am certain he has not read many of his 7,000 books. Maybe they make a good backdrop just like his pressed uniform. Ron Rockwell

  9. I concur with you letter. I spent 30 in the Army and at one joint assignment served with the Bde Cdr (he was a Captain back then) he relieved for no legitimate reason at all. He was a good Marine who was doing what he should have been doing to protect his men as best he could but Mattis thought he should have just charged on ahead without any artillery or air support. He reminds me of another Marine General in WWII who allegedly said that he would give a truck load of dog tags for MOH.

  10. Jim….. Great job…. You said it well my friend…. Scott

  11. Colonel,

    First off Sir, I would like to thank you for service in our beloved Corps.

    I have been fully engaged in the rhetoric that I have read throughout this blog and, quite frankly, in just about all social media platforms these days and it all boils down to the same debate- Dems and Republicans duking it out over whose “opinion” is right or wrong. This truly saddens me as an American but even more so when I see military folks- especially fellow Marines so divided and filled with hate because of politics. I can easily determine your political affiliation by your, at times, degrading replies to those who disagree with your opinion or those of your same opinion.

    With that said, Sir, I ask only one question of you and, I hope you take a moment to really ask yourself and answer honestly- If General Mattis had said the same things about President Obama that he did about President Trump – would you be so quick to demonize him?

    I appreciate your allowing me to contribute to this ongoing debate.

    Semper Fi!


    1. Yes sir! Demonize Mattis, I think that is a rather strong word to use based on my comments. I simply disagree with his rhetoric at a time when the nation is so divided and attending to two major crises at the same time. Have you any idea what the president is going through and he challenges he is facing 24/7, or don’t you care? If it were any other person I know they would have crumbled weeks ago. But Our president has put up with so much grief from the so many arenas since the very day he announced his candidacy. Never had a honeymoon, while his predecessor had an eight year honeymoon. I am disgusted for what and when Mattis choose to publish that Oped; I wonder how many pieces of silver he got for it? Had it been anyone other than a man who isn’t a politician and doesn’t care about polls, who simply loves his country, he would be on depression pills. Believe me with all the fellow Marines with whom I spoke to here and in my personal email program, he is not very liked by his family (we are a family). Have nice day Trey and pray for our duly elected President. Jim

      1. Thank you for your honesty, Sir. While I do not agree with your stance on this, I do respect your opinion as I am sure you respect mine.


        1. I may respect you for having an opinion, but I do not respect the opinion as that would imply I accept it and sir — I do not. Sorry.

      2. Trump was a draft dodger. Any Marine of the Vietnam era has plenty of Marine friends who did their duty and died in Vietnam. I miss them still and honor them.

        I did not vote for Bill Clinton because he was a draft dodger and I won’t vote for Donald Trump, same reason. I will never ever understand how Vietnam Marines support this guy. Have they forgotten their comrades who did their duty?

        1. And your vote seemed to not matter in both cases, so what’s your point? Principles or what’s best for our nation? It won’t matter in November either.

      3. If Mr. Trump was so patriotic that he loves his Country, then why in the heck he manipulated his Medical record in staten, that he had Bone spurs in order to avoid the Vietnam draft. Why did he bad mouth our 16 Intelligent Agencies and our Government in defending Putin. Why did he bad mouth our war hero’s like John McCain. As you can see the list goes on and on to be put up here. This is a men who’s only care is himself to enhance his richest beyond his wildest dreams at any cost.

        Semper Fi


        1. Oh my, are you spewing out all the party line BS, one after another. LOL McCain a hero? Hogwash. Did you know him, did you vet him? Obviously not. Just because someone was a POW, does not make them a hero, Trump was correct. McCain was a horrible person, and I know that personally. Draft dodgers, non service presidents, let’s name them. Shucks, too many to list on here. Do your homework, I’m tired of doing it for people of your ilk. Enhance his riches? OMG. Where did that come from? Do you know what his net worth was before taking office and what it is now? Do your freakin homework idiot, or shut up and stop showing folks on here just how stupid you are. But then keep it up, you give us all some one and something to laugh at! Wow! I won’t Semper Fi you because I cannot believe you are a Marine, I didn’t think we made them that stupid. Have a good day if you can.

  12. Oh I’ll probably hate myself in the morning but I can’t let this pass/ignore the awful actions and words of an egotistical, self serving unfaithful general officer.
    The country is in trouble and the ” mad dog” had to put his two cents in? I to am sometimes appalled at the president’s words and actions but he is the president and unlike all the recent men to have served in that capacity he’s actually trying to undo the mess and fix problems. He is keeping his promises and putting the American people first. He deserves our respect and support. God help this country and our allies if our president is not reelected this year.
    I am a retired army warrant officer and spent my fair share of time with a lot of general officers but to hear a career officer stab out president in the back like that is unforgivable.
    Sorry to add my two cents worth to this discussion amongst so many Marines but I just could not stay quiet

  13. Colonel:

    When I read the statement by Mr. Mattis I was extremely disappointed. I had felt that deserved or not, Mr. Mattis had become a recognizable face of my beloved Corps, and that the populace puts credence in every word that he spoke. As a 12 year Veteran, and one who is 100% disabled, he does not speak for me, and I am utterly disgusted that there are many that may things his distorted, biased views represent mine

  14. Sir,

    You have surrendered your dignity and your honor to man who does not give even the slightest shit about you or any of your values. You are a disgrace to the Corp, to America and to common sense.

    A man with more service, more honor, and more courage than you will ever have stood in front of every friend, coworker and fellow Marine to tell them that something is very wrong and you are too much of a coward to listen. He knew he was sacrificing his legacy to do what is right and you don’t even have the decency to acknowledge that.

    You’ll die a coward and a fool, not a Marine. You disgust me.

    1. LOL, actually sir, I am glad I disgusted you, stay tuned, there will be more. Does Mattis give a s–t about me. Who cares, I don’t. By the way, what legacy, he may have had one by you, but not by many great Marines, many of flag rank. I stand by my words
      Have a nice day Quinn

  15. Dear Colonel,

    My Father was an Army veteran of the Korean era, and my late brother a Marine till he went to be with the lord. My oldest son served in the Army Reserve.
    As a civilian with no military service I am always humbled by the sacrifice men and women make so I have the right to voice my opinion and enjoy the greatest country in the history of the world. This is a privilege I take seriously, and you and all of the men and women you served with have my deepest gratitude for making it possible.

    As everything that needs to be said you stated regarding former Def Sec. Mattis, I will close by thanking you for your lifelong dedication to this great nation, The United States of America.

    Thank you for your words, and may God Bless You.


  16. As a retired Army officer, I do know one thing. The Army Special Forces have no use for Mattis. He certainly didn’t allow them to reign “chaos” on the terrorists at Tora Bora.

    1. Remember his failure to allow medivacs from RHINO to rescue the wounded from 3rd SFG.

  17. Sir or Colonol, whichever you prefer,

    The open letter that Mattis penned, not only disparaging to our commander in chief, is now dividing an organization that I proudly call my family, this is what I will say, the worst of the outcomes.

    It sickened me to read those words knowing he knows full and well the blind loyalties Marines have for his once leadership and role in our beloved Marine Corps. With a nation divided, no thanks to Obama, Mattis has worsened this divide by putting his Marines at each other’s throats and weakening the cohesion of the Corps.

    Does Mattis have the 1st Amendment right to speak and pen what he did? Of course he does, no one questions that. Does he have the right to be an asshole? Of course he does, however the latter is unbecoming to himself and to the the organization he represents.

    Some have questioned Chesty’s true intentions in the past. Was he just a medal seeking self-indulgent man? Did he truly care for the welfare of his men? I guess I leave that up to the historians and men who served under him…although those numbers are dwindling at a rapid rate. I will, however, question Mattis’ intentions. Whether those were good or bad, they were wrong. A four star general with his clout and political power who once served this great nation as a fighting man has only crippled a cripple with his words. And for that, he should be ashamed.

    Our President is not perfect, however, he has proven to be a leader that this country needs in these diverse trying times.

    I admire your honesty and balls for speaking out against evil. No matter where it lies.

    Semper Fidelis.

    Earl Arrowood
    Marine for life.

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