9 thoughts on “President Joe Biden”

  1. Joe Biden’s wife needs to be charged with abuse of a senior citizen.. Why would anyone who is supposed to love and care for you act is such disregard for your dignity. Joe is one word salad after another without a thought that is communicated completely. President Trump must be looking forward to any chance for a debate… Don’t be surprised if vice when the DNC / Biden campaign deny all requests for live debate…

    What is more likely is a well orchestrated town hall with planted questions for crazy uncle Joe… Don’t be surprised to see his wife at his side to “help” him answer..

    Joe will pick a far left progressive female for running mate. By the way….if the majority of the electoral college allow mail-in ballots then get ready for election fraud and a rigged outcome… then propping him up for an entire term…(Weekend at Joe’s)

    -MGunns 03 sends

    1. Yep, Concur. If Joe does debate, someone best check him for an ear fob. Someone will have to communicate with him in order to answer questions. Wonder who the moderators will be. If I were Trump I would not allow the far left media types e.g., MSNBC and NPR to have a seat. This will be the worst election the US will ever experience. There is NO WAY the DNC is going to allow Trump to win. Watch!!!!!!

  2. Biden is clearly getting senile. And now he has Tara Reade to contend with and she filed a report at the time plus told family and friends the day of the assault. Still I worry, even though most people are aware of his foggy condition, the “anyone but Trump” voters would vote for Charlie Manson if he was up against Trump. All we can do is vote and pray that the younger dumber generation doesn’t bother.

  3. Remember 2016 when everybody was saying Trump didn’t have a chance? Obama didn’t have a very high hill to climb to get over McCain but things are a lot different with this election. If Trump can keep from shooting himself in the foot again he might pull this off. Regardless, I’m sticking with Trump.

  4. Joe is running for the presidency because … well, because it’s his turn. Honestly, I don’t think this moron has a chance of becoming president, but he ought to get something for launching so many campaigns … right up there with William Jennings Bryan. What makes me laugh is this: what if Biden does become president? What would that do to Hillary Rotten Clinton? They’d have to cart her off to a rubber room and she’d finally have to wear an orange jump suit. Let me offer this one disclaimer, though. I never imagined that a nothing burger like Obama could become president, either, so my track record of predicting presidential campaign outcomes isn’t very good. Still, if Joe Biden represents America’s best and brightest, this country is in deep shit.

    1. Mustang, could not agree with you more. This is an absolute joke on our country. Problem is it isn’t funny!

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