Something is Fishy Redux

This video clip from the Italian’s is quite interesting based on my post yesterday on the possible China conspiracy theory — jeez I hate that phrase.  Anyway, it sort of backs up and adds more to the idea that this was all a planned event by the communist bastards. Watch it and you decide.

Originally posted 2020-04-10 10:16:42.

2 thoughts on “Something is Fishy Redux”

  1. The product of even mentioning “conspiracy theory” is the uncontrollable rolling of eyeballs and the smacking of lips by the American left. The left uses this tactic to demean anyone who suggests, for example, that the progressive party has adopted every tenet of communist ideology, or dares to mention the deep state, or that Obama conspired with Panetta to destroy the effectiveness of the DoD.

    I’ll only say that the video introduces plausible explanations for what is going on, and then I’ll remind that conservatives aren’t paranoid when people really are trying to do them harm. In this case, the entire left flank is spending an extraordinary amount of time criticizing President Trump while remaining mute about the originator of the Kung Flu … seems imbalanced to me, not to mention conspiratorial.

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