Sleepy Joe

Can you imagine Old Joe meeting with Putin? Oh dear, I’d love to see that, but it would mean this fool winning in November and we surely cannot allow that to happen.


I suspect I will be taking a break soon so this may be my last post for a while. Need to get away from it all. The news is so overwhelming for anyone, especially for those of us who have served this once great nation.


Originally posted 2020-06-28 08:18:26.

10 thoughts on “Sleepy Joe”

  1. Sleepy Joe has not done anything consequential in his entire life except to enrich his family as a result of his position. He has been wrong on every issue he ever put forth or supported. He does not stand for anything except get elected. I met him in Fellujah, Iraq, in 2006. He was not at all impressive. Bob Neller was impressed though…

  2. So what do you think about the reports on Fox News that The Russians were paying bounties for the Taliban to kill our troops?

    1. Hmm, hadn’t heard that one. LOL. What next? Actually, I do not believe it. I watch no news and don’t believe emails unless vetted. I have been blessed with low blood pressure (thanks Mom), and I like to keep it that way especially at my age. I do my own research when I have time, which is becoming less and less of late. Leaving on a west bound trip, be gone for a little over a month, so I won’t be posting anything. Will be completely out of touch with reality and the goings on in this third world shit hole in which I find myself living out the remaining years of my life. LOL
      As for Putin, this may surprise you, but I have more respect for him as a leader of a country than most derelicts around the world. So, I don’t believe he would ever do anything like that. Stay safe and sane — if that’s possible in this country today. Keep your powder dry and your canteens full at all time.

      1. As reported in the NY Times, Washington Post, and a number of other outlets.

        Trump Was Reportedly Briefed on Russian Bounties for Dead U.S. Troops Last Year
        By Chas Danner and Matt Stieb

        On Friday, the New York Times reported that, according to U.S. intelligence officials, a Russian spy unit secretly offered bounties last year to Taliban-linked militants for the killing of U.S. coalition forces in Afghanistan, including American troops. Per the officials, President Trump was briefed on the intelligence and the U.S. developed a range of possible responses to the significant Russian escalation, including diplomatic efforts and new sanctions, but the White House has not authorized any of them. (The officials didn’t offer any explanation as to why.)

        On Sunday morning, following outcry over the lack of action to protect U.S. servicemembers, President Trump claimed he hadn’t been told about the Russian operation, and suggested the reported intelligence was “fake news.”

        “Nobody briefed or told me, [Vice-President Mike Pence], or Chief of Staff [Mark Meadows] about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians,” Trump wrote on Twitter, “Everybody is denying it & and there have not been many attacks on us.”

        But on Sunday, the New York Times reported that intelligence officers and special operations forces in Afghanistan informed superiors in January about the payoffs, and that their reports were briefed to “the highest levels of the White House.” One official stated that the information was included in the President’s Daily Brief, an intelligence rundown that Trump has been known for years to ignore. The National Security Council also discussed the intelligence during an interagency meeting at the White House in March, but the Trump administration did not brief U.S. allies about it until this week.

        On Monday, the timeline became more damning: According to the Associated Press, former national security adviser John Bolton briefed Trump on the bounties in March 2019. According to intelligence officials who spoke with the Washington Post, the bounty program resulted in the deaths of an unknown number U.S. soldiers.

        The president, of course, has notoriously dismissed the conclusions of the U.S. intelligence community regarding Russia in the past. According to the Post, the alleged Russian operation “has generated an intense debate within the Trump administration about how best to respond to a troubling new tactic” in light of Trump’s ongoing stance toward the country. According to Trump, he has somehow not been allowed in that loop

        1. And? What is your point should you have one? I’m confused. I, for one, do not believe anything reported in any news outlet, paper, TV, radio, or otherwise. I shall approve your comment Jay, but have no comment to make about it. So, what does the NYT expect Trump to do with this seemingly invaluable formation (which I could care less about, and I’m sure he does not as well)?

      2. I am just an old acquaintance trying to reconnect with you. My name is Lester Halbert and I taught you to drive a twin diesel waterjet boat in about 1990. I saw your book and I am about half finished, it is a great read.

        1. Wow, talk about voices from the past! Thanks for the book pitch Lester, say safe and in touch!

  3. Has anyone noticed that the anarchist/liberal/democrats in our streets today purportedly to correct issues of TODAY’S society are so interested in tearing down the past rather than attempting to fix the very issues they scream at us is their reason for stealing, looting, rioting, seizing private property and denying its use to it’s rightful owners? Just thought I’d mention it.

    I mean any logical person can see that renaming military posts and cities, denegrating, the discoverer of the New World, the leader of our army that gained us our nation and it’s first president, several of the founding fathers of our nation authored of our nation’s Constitution and the structure of our Republic’s government.

    Certainly few of us who have served our nation in time of war and peace are rich. We worked hard, furthered our education, riased and provided for our families while enduring long periods away from those families because we understood as American citizens we have no guaranteed right to success, or any degree of wealth other than that we have earned. We did understand we were guaranteed equal OPPORTUNITY – NOT EQUAL WEALTH as that is only attained by each individual’s own labor. Our parents cared for each of us as children providing clothes and opportunity for education so we could better ourselves and our own families than that enjoyed by our parents, just as we are doing, or have done for our own children.

    So lets clear our streets with the minimum necessary force, clean up the mess, and restore law and order. THEN LETS FIX our long simmering issues including: Improving how our laws are enforced, our courts and sentencing guidelines, our prosecution and public defenders duties and responsibilities, restructure entirely the student loan system and access to ALL universities/colleges equally and not based on ability to pay whle ensuring graduates (including past graduates) do not leave those universities and colleges in debt. Return our government at all levels to the Constitution and restore all rights not specifically given to the federal government in that original Consstitution to the States. Require the States to handle those rights. Review all our laws and do away with any not authorized by our Federal and State Constitutions, weeding out all the old laws and reducing our codes of laws to the bare minimum. Establish term limits for all levels of federal, state, county, and local goverment offices and not permitting all currently in office the right to run for re-election now or ever. The same thing for political party leadership, appointed or hired.

    As for paying for all the destruction caused by the “demonstrators” any Mayor, Governor, or elected member of Congress who made any statements, or gave any orders restraining enforcement of our laws be made financially responsible, without recourse to bankruptcy, for all damages incurred by the prublic or private property owners! We should then make this a permament part of our laws at every level.

    Just a few thoughts of an old Marine, Soldier, Police Officer, and retiree!

    Semper Fidelis

    1. DB, thanks for the comment, I certainly appreciate it and respect your views. Albeit, I am hesitant to agree with some of them. The real problem is a cultural problem we have been trying to fix for over 200 years. We have tried everything and I do mean everything and it is still here. We are in the beginning stages of of anarchy and authoritarian rule. Break out the history bookish, look at the various civilizations have done on the the road to destruction. Change history, tear down statues, do away with police and any authoritarian figures. It has started and we haven’t the intestinal fortitude to do anything about it. The time of minimal force is over, no more negotiations. TAKE the streets back, no matter the cost in lives or money, time is of essence. Sorry, that is my answer. Again thanks for your thoughts DB.

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