Today being pre-Super Bowl Day, thought I’d throw out some things to give everyone some things to chew on.
First an excellent article by Tony Perkins. A Marine friend sent me the article and said,” The Left and its ideology are like termites, constantly eating away at the foundation of our society morals, values, ethics, and culture”.

Our Military Should Be Cultivating Masculinity, Not Denigrating It
January 30, 2020
By Tony Perkins
A recent review of U.S. special operations forces pointed to a leadership crisis in our military, concluding that leadership, discipline and accountability must be strengthened at all levels. West Point, which is supposed to be the Army’s preeminent leader development institution, hasn’t been immune to this breakdown in leadership. Earlier this month, West Point cadets attended “Honorably Living Day,” a mandatory event dedicated to promoting diversity and feminist thought where facilitators discouraged what they called “toxic masculinity.”
The curriculum featured the documentary Miss Representation, which was produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, first lady of California and wife of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.). The documentary included commentary from left-wing commentators such as Katie Couric, Rosie O’Donnell, and Jane Fonda. What does any of this have to do with fighting and winning wars? That was the question Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. “Jerry” Boykin asked when he joined Washington Watch yesterday to discuss this new initiative. “In no way does this help enhance the readiness of our military,” he told me. “It is a reflection of what was forced on our military in the Obama administration. The disappointing thing is that it’s still there…”
Instead of developing leaders, West Point is taking time to attack masculinity. The program even questions the phrase “be a man.” Yet, by attacking masculinity, mandatory trainings such as Honorably Living Day undermines the very characteristics our military desperately needs. General Boykin quoted George Orwell, who fought in the Spanish Civil War and observed the hardships of battle first-hand: “Orwell said, ‘We rest well in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence against those who would threaten us.'”
General Boykin argues that the campaign against masculinity inflicts a great deal of damage on society beyond the military. “This whole idea of ‘hyper-masculinity,’ which is one of the phrases that they’ve coined now… is absolute nonsense, has nothing to do with reality. It is about destroying men because they are the foundations of the family… The men are so important, and the men are walking out of their families today all over America. And this is a reflection of exactly what the crisis in masculinity is all about.” Indeed, a lack of male leadership has certainly taken its toll on American families. All the more, this highlights the importance of preserving strong and moral male leadership in the military, despite the Left’s effort to destroy it.
For centuries, men have largely been the ones fighting wars, protecting their countries, and defending their people. Instead of disparaging a perceived “toxic masculinity,” the U.S. military should be building the character of men and fostering their natural instinct to protect and defend. The strength of our military and the security of our nation depends on it.
Tony Perkins Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.
Second up. Don’t know how many of you follow the economy? I do very closely; that’s what my degree is in and I’m a hobby investor and have been for many years. Don’t make a lot of money at it, but for me, it’s fun. And I get the kicks hearing folks chat on about this and that within our economy as well as the global, when they haven’t a clue what they are talking about. I especially like the late great ads run by that billionaire for NY who considers himself a viable candidate for the upcoming election this year. Yes, I refer to Dumberg. Anyway, here’s some economic news from this past week that is simple to understand, even for a liberal.
On Thursday, the Department of Labor reported that initial jobless claims for the week ending January 25 were 216,000, a decrease of 7,000 from the previous week’s revised level of 223,000 (revised up from 211,000), however, 1,000 claims below expectations of 215,000. Importantly, the four-week moving average for claims (used as a gauge to offset volatility in the weekly numbers) was 214,500, a 1,750-claim decrease from the previous week’s revised average of 216,250 (revised up from 213,250). The low rate of layoffs reflects a strengthening labor market as claims have remained below 300,000 – the threshold typically used to categorize a healthy jobs market – for an incredible 255 consecutive weeks, the longest streak for weekly records dating back to 1967. The previous longest stretch ended in April 1970 and lasted for 161 weeks.
Thirdly, a touch of humor.

And one more for the road.
Dear Lord: The last four or five years have been very tough.
You have taken my favorite actor – Paul Newman;
My favorite actress – Elizabeth Taylor;
My favorite singer – Andy Williams;
My favorite author – Tom Clancy;
And now, my favorite comedians – Robin Williams and Joan Rivers.
I just wanted you to know that my favorite politicians are: Adam Schiff, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Joe (touchy) Biden and Barry Sanders, and I also have a special place in my heart for George Soros, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel and my favorite shoe salesman Colin Kaepernick. Amen”
Okay Gang, enjoy your weekend, and hope your team wins tomorrow. I have no dog in fight. I just hope it’s a good close game and not a blow out like some have been I heard on the news here in FL that upper level nosebleed seats are going for $7.000 each. Wow, is this a money game or what.
Originally posted 2020-02-01 11:58:45.
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