Here is is Sunday before Christmas, yesterday was the Winter Solice, and it’s raining today (we really need it) so I am locked in the house. bored. So here is something to chew on.
OK, we have had, what, five debates so far? Sorry, but I simply could not force myself to watch even a minute of any of them since I had a pretty good idea what was going to be asked as well as the answers. I wonder if anyone leaked the questions to their favorite choice?
Anyway, I received an email from an active member of this blog enlightening me to an issue that I did not know about since I chose to watch reruns of Gunsmoke or taped episodes of Laurel and Hardy, depending whether I wanted to watch a great western or comedy. Of course, I jest, as I don’t know what I watched instead of the stooges. But then I digress.
I’d ask you if there is anything you might believe tis missing from any of the following photos of the various debates. This, my followers, is a test and I wont provide you with the answer. From my friend who sent me the email, this issue was reported by none other than FOX News.
I could not find a photo fro CBS, I guess they did not sponsor a go around yet?
The one shot I found laughable was the CNN Debate in Detroit. Why was it held in the “Fox” theater. Was this an attempt to add Fox News to the agenda? Nah, they wouldn’t do that, would they?And And finally, I just had to add my attempt at humor, but then if you watched the debates, you really don’t need anymore.
OK, itOkay, OK, now it’s your turn. What’s missing on the stages of the debates? Fox suspects it would have triggered some people into anxiety, or words to that effect. Really? Whatever their reason was, I think every American needs to consider that which is missing.
Got it? Tell me and tell me your thoughts on it. Then pass it around to your progressive friends, if you have any. As you know, I do not.
Originally posted 2019-12-22 10:46:58.
Sir, yes it is JJ, just kidding your missing from the stage…….no really…there is not one US Flag to be seen! The other ….not one good candidate worth the salt… JFK!
Nor Trump or Reagan! LOL I would not give you a plug nickel for any of them. What a shame they are all the DemoCraps have to offer.
No flag of the great republic of the United States of America.
You got it Dave, isn’t that a freaking shame, but it should send a message to every red-blooded American as what these assholes think of our country.