4 thoughts on “Sons of Bleach”

  1. That sick attitude in youth is a consequence of not failed formal “education” but failed home “schooling.” Heaven help us is right.

    1. Yes. I have a daughter who is a Jr HS teacher, cannot believe what they are required to teach simply because parents don’t!

  2. I read Colonel Andy’s post and one comment after got me. It was talking about her followers that have no problem with Clinton’s actions. I remembered an item on the news where they had polled college and high school kids on honesty. 80% saw nothing wrong with cheating to get what they wanted. This is who supports Hillary. Younger people that just see her as smart for her actions. Not criminal at all. This is what we are up against. Heaven help us.

    1. That’s the society we (have) raised. Sad commentary on the upcoming leaders of America.

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