What are Liberals really like?

Trump hatWant to find out what Liberals are really like? I mean REALLY like, their personality, attributes, concern for others’ ideas and opinions? Actually, it’s very easy and simple. Place a Trump sticker on the back of your car. I received my hat, yard sign, and bumper sticker a week or so ago. I immediately put my yard sign in place, and the sticker on the back window of my Mini Cooper. Now, I have a Purple Heart license plate inside a holder that says Retired U.S. Marine. Okay?

That very afternoon I had to run to Home Depot, 4.8 miles from my house. I’m at a traffic light,a car pulls up beside me in the right lane, and the horns toots. I look over and he shoots me the bird. Younger fellow, an obvious Millennial. I simply smile, and it appears that made him mad. Good.

Several days later I am on my way somewhere, and again a car pulls up beside me in the left lane. The horn toots. I look over and it is a woman, and she shoots me the bird. Now, in the passenger seat is a young girl, probably her daughter, around nine or ten, and in the back seat is a car carrier with a small child in it. The woman appeared to be of Millennial age. Again, I simply smile.

Okay, I see cars with Bernie stickers and Hillary stickers all the time. Would I, a 75-year-old man, having served my country for nearly thirty-six years, ever think of tooting my horn and shooting the person the bird? Absolutely not!

But liberals have no problem doing something like that, that’s the way they are. To them, it’s my way, or no way, I am just another stupid, ignorant, rich conservative. (Really? In a 2012 Mini Cooper?) They have no problem expressing themselves the only way they know how, in a rude, obnoxious, uncaring, angry, self-centered, contemptible, loathsome manner. Amazing. Thank goodness I live in a neighborhood that I believe is predominantly conservative or someone may run over my yard sign.

So, I now really enjoy running errands for my bride. I wear my Trump hat and when someone does that to me I simply tip my Trump hat to them and smile. Get yourself a sticker and start having fun with the liberals. I love it!.

Originally posted 2016-07-09 17:16:03.

2 thoughts on “What are Liberals really like?”

  1. Right on the money, but it is okay for them to do these things to us and if we do, we are low on the food chain, deplorable, uneducated dirt bags! It is amazing how many of us have changed sides because these liberals today are no longer our fathers democrats! As a WWII Army Vet my father is spinning in his grave because of what they have become!!!!
    My father and his sibling’s all served our country from WWII to Vietnam! 10 of them in all, All nine brothers and one sister (USMC)!!!
    Besides me and my Dad, my brother that served in the Army was a 100% Disabled Veteran he died 21 years ago at age 49 because of his disability, but never complained or acted anything like these Millennial flag burning AssH***s! Both he and I always knew which bathroom to use as did my aunts and uncles!
    Semper Fi
    John Wayne (B) USMC 1966 until today!!!.

    1. John, I too was a democrat as were my Dad and mom (died in the wool Dems). In my later years as I grew to become an adult Marine and served around the world; I changed sides. I voted for that dumb shit Carter, and that’s when I changed sides and went with Reagan, and have been a conservative ever since, note I use the term Conservative. I keep getting calls from the RNC and they get an ear full. I tell them I choose who I donate to by name, even many who are not in my state, like Trey Gowdy. I tell them the only way I will EVER donate to the RNC if they can guarantee me none of my money goes to alleged GOP’s like that scum bag McCain. Of course they can’t guarantee me that, so they simply say thank you for your honest comments and hang up.

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