Got a good one for you today gang. From one of my FAVS, Bunkerville. I know I have said I was going to lay of the Biden swamp and their creatures, but this one was just too good to pass up. Be sure to click on Tucker’s pic; as usual he is on the nail head and really funny. When you are done listening to him be sure to click on the next pic and crank up the sound. That is if you are like me and a 70’s  rocker, albeit I was not a teenager then, but I loved the groups, especially the “Three Dogs.”

Clueless Kamala Harris debuts -‘Do not come’

5 thoughts on “The VEEP”

  1. I had read that Air Force 2 had problems on takeoff to Guatemala and the aircraft had to return where the mechanical problem was resolved.
    and the flight allowed to resume. I can hear the Jarcasm now if Kamala Harris had gone down on the plane…

  2. Can it possibly get any stinkin dumber?? Really? What a joke and mainstream media doesn’t show what really happened down there with the protesters.. how much more of this shitshow do we have to put up with? Semper Fi …

    1. No it cannot Todd, it just gets to the point where you have to laugh along with the rest of world at the US

    1. LOL, My pleasure sir! Great post, couldn’t5 pass it up. And loved the music!

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