
Kamala Harris

Folks, this is a MUST SEE video, and it NEEDS to go VIRAL NOW!!!! I find this hard to believe; however, if there is a grain of truth in what this fellow says, this is a crime against God. Grrrrrrr!

I’m going to start referring to her a Giggles!

Originally posted 2020-10-17 14:13:05.

Critical Race Theory II

Before I speak of the YouTube video on this post, I’d like to talk briefly about my post a few days ago entitled “A Man vs A Movement.” That particular post went absolutely viral, all over the world. It had 2,240 views in one day, yes, in one twenty-four hour period and is still getting views daily. It set a record for the most views on one day. So, if you haven’t looked at yet, you owe it to yourself to do so. For those of you who did read it, 1,034  of you passed it on to others to read. THANK YOU!

Now to this particular post. Much has been flying around cyberspace about this thing called Critical Race Theory, but how many of you know what it really means and where did this term “Critical Theory” itself come from? Well, I have done some research and I believe this video by Liz Wheeler explains it better than anything I have seen yet. Personally, I watched it twice and picked up some of her comments I had missed the first time. It’s not that long, but definitely a worthwhile watch. Just left click on the link below then click on the link that shows up. Enjoy and let me hear your comments.

Originally posted 2020-10-15 12:41:05.

“Texas Reloaded”

Sorry folks, I know I have already posted for the day and said I was going to skip the BS rhetoric coming from the far left. But this just came in and have to post it. There was a rather large amount of verbiage along with the video, but the sender advised me to skip the text and just watch the video, so I have done that here. Great political ad by a bunch of HEROES!. Click and enjoy.


Originally posted 2020-09-26 13:01:50.

OMG, it’s Coming!

I have not been a watcher or listener of Glenn BecK. Along with all the emails I get from friends, I got this one today from several but did not have the time to watch it when I saw how long it was. But then I kept getting more emails with the link so I sat down with a cup of coffee and watched it,  and I could not pause it. I had to sit and watch the whole video. Folks, this is long, real long, but I beg you to watch it and to share it. Get yourself a drink and sit back and be educated. If you are a non believer that the end is coming for America, I think you will be enlightened. He puts it all in perspective. Americans need to wake up and wake up now!!

Seriously, keep your family safe because I truly believe it is going to be BAD.

Originally posted 2020-09-18 07:40:16.

Why They Hate Him

Ask your liberal friends this: “So, you’re voting for Biden? Can you tell me why without mentioning Trump?”LOL.

Michael Matt is an editor on rTV. This is an absolute MUST WATCH!!! No introduction needed.



Originally posted 2020-09-16 09:09:09.