
A Real Marine???

One might think the author of this video had some very big gonad’s to make and post this on You Tube. While it did require some gut wrenching decisions on his part, he did it because it needed to be done by some one with some skin in the game. Regardless, I have the highest respect for Marine LtCol Stuart Scheller. I respect his decision to do it more than you will ever know. One reason is that it makes me feel good to know we still have Marine leaders with their head screwed on correctly and unafraid to open their mouths and say what’s right and ask the important questions. During my time in the Corps, I was surrounded by Marines like him. I can name literally 100’s of Marines I would have expected to do what he is doing, including myself.

BZ Stuart!!! Keep us posted on what that “general” in CMC’s office has to say about this.

God Bless you Sir and Semper Fi Brother, I for one am proud of you!!!

UPDATE 8/30/2021: I have somewhat changed my thoughts on this Marine LtCol. Something is awry here. I know not what his master plan is, but something does not set right with me. Since his video went viral, he was relieved of his assignment at SOI (East), and now it appears he is resigning his commission  having served 17 years, which is three years from eligibility to retire. Hmm? It will be interesting to see what he does now; therefore, I will reserve my final decision as to what I think of him and his decision to do what he did. Stay tuned.

Originally posted 2021-08-27 15:17:03.

Let’s Hear it for Hockey Fans

It’s Fourth of July weekend – – time to celebrate our once great nation’s birthday. It is so heartwarming and exciting to see such out pouring of national pride. I guess hockey teams and  fans aren’t like all the other woke sports like MLB, NFL, et al. No kneeling here, if someone did disrespect the anthem he would probably have gotten his ass whipped! At least this video sure doesn’t show any wokeness. God bless those Islander fans. I wonder if all hockey fans are like that? If so, I may have to become one.  God bless this once great nation, and give us the wherewithal to come back from our current third world status. Enjoy and sing along.


Islanders Fans Sing the National Anthem Before Game 6

Originally posted 2021-07-03 10:37:28.

Leader of the Free World?

Okay folks here he is without the teleprompter telling us – – – – – –  I don’t know what he is telling us, other than the fact he is sick. Should we feel sorry for him? I think not.  He chose to run for the job. The DNC needed a puppet, and he was their obvious choice. Any of the others running had a mind of their own, Joe did not and they knew it. Can you see the DNC telling Sanders what to do and say? They hid him in his basement only letting him out periodically for well planned events. I assume some of the “legal” votes he garnered were sympathy votes. I believe those who seriously voted democrat were, in fact, voting for the Ho. Can you imagine him meeting with world leaders and discussing issues like nuclear disarmament, trade agreements, etc.? I still cannot accept the theory the majority of Americans voted for this fellow. .

Originally posted 2020-12-31 08:59:49.

Battle of Athens

This is what should have happened on November 3rd, 2020 when it became obvious a certain political party in some misfit states were screwing with our ballot boxes. This is a true story, and may have to be repeated again in this shithole in which we live. We are fast becoming a lawless country ruled by criminals who may never be brought to justice. Keep your powder dry and your canteens full. Perhaps  Mr. Mattis may even get to pull a trigger for the first time in his long military career except at the range. You can bet he won’t be on the side of justice.. Geez, I wish he’d respond to all the truisms I’ve posted about him. 

Copy, paste, sit back, and watch what happens when true Americans get pissed.





Originally posted 2020-12-05 10:31:13.

God Bless Him!

How many of you saw this on the MSM? I don’t watch their garbage, so I have no idea as to whether it was shown or not. Please take note as to who is not under an umbrella! Remember when the MSM made a comment that President Trump cancelled the Normandy celebration because he didn’t want to get his hair messed up? Well, it was pouring rain when this video was shot and he sure wasn’t worried about his or anyone else in the group getting wet.

I’d ask do you think Obummer would have done this without a Marine following him around holding an umbrella. Do you believe Biden would do this?

Tell me this man does not admire and cherish the military. I think one of his Marine aides taught him how correctly salute!!! Melanie’s even in step with her escort!

I remember participating in this ceremony many times while at 8th & I with the drill team. There were two types of ceremonies at the Tomb, the Plaza, which is this one  where we were on the Plaza with the monument, and the Mall where we lined the lined the steps leading up to the Tomb. Every time a visiting Head of State visited the President we  performed it at 1500.

Make sure your sound is up. Enjoy!


Originally posted 2020-11-24 10:40:10.