
Black LIES Matter

at least to the liberals they do. Wanted to share with you what I was doing in Montana for two weeks.

Of course I jest, but I thought it was time for some humor with all the stuff going on in our once great nation.

And yes I believe Black Lies do matter to those who are ignorant of the organization itself and where all that money goes to from donations. Stupid is what stupid is. Have a great day; I will!

Originally posted 2020-08-04 12:16:19.

Biden’s New Commercial

This is the voice of the National Democratic party??? I’m sure he did not make this one on his own. It had to have had the scum Pelosi’s and Schummer’s input. And folks, this says it all. Very telling. Be sure to spread it around and by all means send to your liberal friends, that is if you have any — I do not! It seems obvious to me who this commercial is directed towards, but you decide. Needs to go viral!

Originally posted 2020-08-03 14:12:12.

Sleepy Joe

Can you imagine Old Joe meeting with Putin? Oh dear, I’d love to see that, but it would mean this fool winning in November and we surely cannot allow that to happen.


I suspect I will be taking a break soon so this may be my last post for a while. Need to get away from it all. The news is so overwhelming for anyone, especially for those of us who have served this once great nation.


Originally posted 2020-06-28 08:18:26.