Tag Archives: Whit Privlege


There is so much going on in the country today, much of which scares the daylights out of this old man. So, I thought I’d just send along some swamp tidbits today for everyone to chew on, and maybe comment. As always, comments are welcome.









Ms. Rosenberg had over 750 lbs. of high explosives in her possession when captured. She admits to being a “Professionally
trained” Marxist, as do the other founders of Black Lives Matter! 








May seem funny, but it is the absolute truth



Last but by no means last, the most powerful speech of all time!!!

Finally a question. Who is antifa? Well, why not go to their website. Type in your browser www.antifa.com  and see where it takes you.

Surprised? I wasn’t.

Other than that the swamp is alive and well. Look out America, they are coming after you in full force.

Originally posted 2020-09-03 09:12:28.