Tag Archives: POTUS

I’m Not Voting for “Him”

Well, while the swamp sensationalizes another shooting of a thug who was probably on his way to a prayer breakfast or to assist an ailing great grand mother, I received this from my HS friend — yeah, I know I quit, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have any friends back then, LOL — and it sums it all up for me as it did him. Please feel free to cut, paste, and forward if it sums it all up for you. But be sure to emphasize the question at the end, and if you get an answer, we’d love to read it.

To answer all of those of you who would say “I can’t believe you would vote for Trump.” Well folks listen up! I’m not just voting for him. I’m voting for the second Amendment. I’m voting for the next Supreme Court justice. I’m voting for the electoral college, and the Republic we live in. I’m voting for the police, and law and order. I’m voting for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. I’m voting for the flag that is always missing from the Democrat background. I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for the right to praise my God without fear. I’m voting for EVERY UNBORN SOUL the Democrats want to murder. I’m voting for freedom and the American Dream. I’m voting for good and against evil. I’m not just voting for one person, I’m voting for the future of my Country! What are you voting for?


Originally posted 2020-08-26 09:26:31.

Oh Lord, help us Please

LOL, Let me start with a laugh, maybe two, LOL This video is the guy for whom the big mouthed retired generals are throwing their support.  That deserves another laugh, LOL Can you believe Colin Powell supports this guy, Another laugh LOL. Actually it is a pitiful these so called intelligent, Warrior Monks feel this fellow should be our next POTUS, the leader of the free world.  Can you imagine him and Putin sitting down for a discussion on matters of grave concern to the world?. OMG But wait, you haven’t seen the video yet . Trust me, it’s a hoot. LOL

Well, was I wrong was it a hoot or not?  Lord, please help us!

Originally posted 2020-06-13 11:31:23.

The Last Word on Mr. Mattis

OK, I took a few days off to catch up on replying to the many comments in hopes of allowing the number of hits to subside, and it appears it has, albeit the aggregate is now over 250,000. So, I wonder what the dissatisfied earthlings are up to now? I did hear from the “Clan of Colonels” finally — maybe I should refer to them as the “Klan of Kernels.” Oh, you don’t know who they are? Well, stay tuned, maybe they’ll raise their uniformed heads after this one. LOL

The following will “probably” be my last post dealing with Mr. Mattis, I need to get some things done at home instead of spending much of my days trying to reply to everyone who saw fit to respond, even the idiots who chose to make  comments having not vetted them first. Don’t know who coined the phrase, but it sure appeared on here a few times; “You can’t fix stupid.”

Anyway, I digress. This last post was actually a comment made by a retired Marine LtCol, whose name will remain anonymous. Maybe some of you read it before I deleted it so I could post it on here without  revealing his name. Of all your comments I thought this one rose to the top,

Sir, I’m sure you are probably reading this and I certainly hope you do not mind me using it as a post for all to read. You nailed it and raised a very important issue many have not considered — including me. It’s an issue with which I cannot imagine anyone finding fault, but I am sure there will be some, they are out there just waiting to attack like junk yard dogs — bless them as they cannot help it, they were trained that way. 

Read and absorb, think of your own family and what you may have been going through these last several years as our society lost it moral compass. 


Seeing a lot of hoopla over General Mattis criticism of President Trump. While it’s certainly his prerogative to criticize whomever he wishes, as it is mine to criticize whomever I wish. So, I’ll play armchair QB and provide a little criticism for General Mattis. General Mattis enjoyed a long and illustrious career in the Marines, as did I. No doubt General Mattis was a distinguished & superb officer. Funny thing about a long military career, you routinely receive evaluations and awards for doing a superb job. Every year you receive a fitness report telling the world how great a job you’ve done, how incredible you are, how much money you saved, how many men you’ve inspirationally led, that you are the next best thing since sliced bread and peanut butter, etc.. etc… After a while you begin to believe all those things, that you are the peanut butter, the bread and the knife that spreads it. And then the Corps tells you your service is no longer required and you then find out, the hard way in some instances, that while you may have been good, there are lots of “good” folks out in the real world doing magnificent things as well.

General Mattis has never been married, never raised children, never started or ran his own business, and now sits on a nice cushy 4-star retirement for the remainder of his life; not begrudging that, he earned it. A man who will never know the anguish or fear of sending a child off to school and worrying if some creepy pedophile (re-re-re-released into society by an even creeper and perverted politician/bureaucrat) will molest them. Or worrying if his child will be accosted by gangs or get involved in gang activity because “soft-on-crime” weak wristed lib-nut bums won’t enforce law and order. Or being the entrepreneur who’s just invested his life’s savings, real skin in the game, everything he owns riding into that restaurant or hardware store only to watch some distorted perverted anarchist or thug take his property, along with his dreams, and perhaps with little chance of recovery. Or that single mom and sole provider for two hungry mouths being informed that her job is gone because the business where she worked just burnt to the ground. I could go on, but you get the picture. All a result of weak wristed corrupted politicians who either can’t or won’t enforce law & order and perform their duties and protect (won’t let the police do their job) the people from lawless chaos.

Our constitution provides that our Government’s responsibility (in reality, practically the gov sole responsibility) is exactly that; to provide that safety so “the people” can enjoy those assurances of life, property and liberty necessary for a healthy and prosperous society. And it also provides that should those imperatives be infringed upon by foreign or “domestic” tyranny that the government will do “whatever necessary” to intervene and prevent the disruption of our hard-earned liberties. No Gen Mattis, President Trump is not dividing us, you are obviously confusing him with the previous president who left the White House after we-the-people elected Trump. And Trump, is doing exactly what we-the-people hired him to do.

For the first time in a very long time someone told Gen Mattis that he wasn’t the peanut butter, sliced bread and the knife, that he didn’t make the grade, and he didn’t like that.

Originally posted 2020-06-10 11:05:27.

Another Open Letter

However, this one is not from some broken down, weather-beaten, aged, worn out retired Marine Grunt. LOL It’s from someone with a lot more personal knowledge and class.

John Maguire Dowd (born November 2, 1941) is an American attorney, former attorney for the United States Department of Justice, and former Marine Corps Judge Advocate. Dowd was employed by several law firms in the Washington, D.C. area for his expertise in defending clients accused of white-collar crimes. He was appointed by Major League Baseball (MLB) to lead the special counsel in multiple investigations with the organization in the 1980s and 1990s involving sports betting and bribery, the most notable investigation being the Dowd Report in 1989, which resulted in Pete Rose being banned from baseball for life.

From June 2017 to March 2018, Dowd was a legal advisor to President Donald Trump. On March 22, 2018, Dowd resigned as Trump’s lead counsel in the special counsel investigation into Russian election interference and possible ties to Trump associates.

I slept on your statement and woke up appalled and upset. You lost me. Never dreamed you would let a bunch of hack politicians use your good name and reputation—earned with the blood and guts of young Marines. You did what you said you would—engage in this discourse. Marines keep their word.

The phony protesters near Lafayette park were not peaceful and are not real. They are terrorists using idle hate filled students to burn and destroy. They were abusing and disrespecting the police when the police were preparing the area for the 1900 curfew. Jim, this is the new nihilism. See Dan Henninger in WSJ today. Marines support the police in harms way.

Did you forget that President Bush used active duty Marines to quell the riots in LA? President Trump has countless cities and some snowflake governors and mayors wetting themselves in the use force to protect innocent lives and property. The AG of Massachusetts thinks burning property is good protest.
Three more policemen were stabbed and shot in NYC last night.
Think about it. Should he be upset about the obvious failure of leadership?

Where are you Jim?

Marines go to the fight.

No one divided this country more than Obama. He abandoned our black brothers and sisters. He gave guns to the cartels. He apologized for our precious sacrifice and generosity overseas.
President Trump has done more to help our minority brothers and sisters in the three years than anyone in the last fifty. Ask the black pastors. Ask the leaders of the black colleges and universities. He got them funded. Ask them about the prison reform which ended the draconian sentences imposed on young black men by the laws enacted by Biden and his hacks. You need to bone up on your homework and stop listening to Uncle Leon.

I understand, you had to stick to the assigned narrative which did not include three years of corrupt investigations and evidence to destroy this President, his office, and his lawful free election. Nancy has no tolerance for dissent in the ranks—including those with stars.
You said nothing of the ugly, hate filled, disgraceful comments of Pelosi, Schumer, Perez and other Democrat hacks defaming the President and his office. You said nothing of the unlawful sanctuary cities and the unlawful release of hoodlums. You said nothing of the resistance movement to paralyze our courts and our government operations. You said nothing of the obstruction and subversion of our immigration laws. You said nothing of MS-13 killers and the drug cartels who own huge sections of our major cities. Jim, do you think that hateful rhetoric and those corrupt actions were inspiring and unifying? Do you think the DI’s at Parris Island would find such behavior as unifying?

Maybe, your problem, is a lot deeper. Perhaps you ought to explain how and why you (and John Allen), as CG Central Command, did not engage and take out Iranian Major General Soleimani who roamed the Middle East and wreaked havoc and death of American boys with his infamous IEDs?

Why did it take President Trump to have the instinct and balls to take him out (of course over the objection the geniuses in the Pentagon)?

Looks like the Persian mullahs were a one horse sleigh and Trump nailed the horse….forever. It has been quiet ever since. Perhaps, your anger is borne of embarrassment for your own failure as the leader of Central command. Did you applaud when the President recognized the central problem in the middle east? Did you applaud the President when he wanted to save American lives by bringing them home in one piece?
John M Dowd


Postscript: LOL, my bride read this and wondered if the author was speaking to me as Mattis and I are both Jim’s. No, he was speaking to Mattis for sure. LOL

Originally posted 2020-06-06 12:17:48.

Help Him!

Stop scrolling for a minute and look at the photo below. We don’t see photos of him like this. He is always depicted strong, demanding, passing off derogatory comments, defending himself, answering questions from stupid, arrogant, know-it-all reporters. This is NOT a political post by any means. This is simply something everyone should stop and think about.

Can you imagine the weight this man is feeling right now? I have only a wife that depends on me daily, yet on some days my stress level is through the roof and I feel like the weight of the world is all on me.

When he signed up for this role (without pay) He was willing to take on the job, but the magnitude of what we’re currently experiencing has got to be paralyzing. This is possibly the first time he has ever felt powerless over something.

To some, nothing he does is ever right or good enough and I understand that, but do you ever wonder how he must be dealing with it all? When his head finally hits the pillow at night after press conferences, the scrutiny of the ignorant arrogant media, countless meetings, the endless negative and derogatory comments thrown at him and his family, and constantly trying to defend himself and protect our country.

Does he break down and cry from all the pressure?

Is he scared and confused?

Is he even able to sleep?

Can he shut his mind off at all?

Or does he lay there and talk to God all night praying for strength and answers?

Whether he’s making you proud or not, look at that photo again and ask God to soften your heart just a little bit and lift this man up in prayer. He needs them right now more than ever. He is carrying the weight of OUR country on his shoulders and I don’t think anybody could or would want to be in his position right now.

Feel free to share this post and remind everyone to be kind and to pray for President Trump; he certainly needs us. With all this man has had to put up with for the last three and one-half years, I find it unimaginable that he would want four more years, but he does, and this photo explains why.




We need to make it happen and keep praying for him.

Originally posted 2020-05-18 12:22:47.