Tag Archives: Obama

Lady Justice is Blind – Really?

Once again my friend and Marine brother, Col Andy, nails it, and I mean really nails it!! Please copy and paste the link below. It’s not often Col Andy gets mad, but I suspect he is on this issue. You decide


By Colonel Andy of “A Colonel of Truth”


Is this the next statue that needs to come down?

Originally posted 2020-10-12 08:22:32.

Voter Fraud – Already Started.

Received a notice card in the mail telling me my mail-in ballot would be sent to me twenty-five days prior to the election. Hmm, when I applied for my driver's license here in FL I must had applied for a mail-in ballot. Whoops, that "ain't" going to happen. I want to be damn sure my vote is counted, so I called and changed it to in-person voting. Folks, the fraud has already started, I fear this will be the worst election for fraud in our country's history. I fear it will be worse than some of the third world shit holes' elections. These liberal thugs ARE NOT going to allow the linchpin of democracy to play out legally. They simply cannot allow Trump to have four more years.

Pennsylvania: Mailed-In Military Votes for Donald Trump ‘Were Discarded,’ FBI Says

Federal authorities are investigating “discarded” mailed-in ballots in a key Pennsylvania county that swung to President Trump in 2016.

Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis contacted the FBI related to “potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections,” the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a news release.

The FBI, working with Pennsylvania State Police, has been conducting interviews and reviewing physical evidence since Monday in Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton.

“At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot,” the DOJ said.

“All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.” Is this a surprise to anyone?

The DOJ said the inquiry “remains ongoing.”

The Citizens’ Voice reported County Manager David Pedri said the county “identified an issue and reported it to the authorities.”

“We are confident that it will be successfully resolved so it will not have an impact on the integrity of the election process,” Salavantis told the paper. And if you believe this you know the saying< I have a bridge. . . . . ‘”

In 2016, Trump won Luzerne County 57.9 percent to 38.6 percent, according to published results.

In 2012, President Obama won the county 51.5 percent to 46.7 percent, the county reported.

Absentee ballots have not been mailed out to general voters yet. Pedri said that should happen the first week of October.

The Postal Service is investigating after three trays of mail, which included mailed-in ballots, were found thrown in a ditch in rural Wisconsin.

The mail was found “near the intersection of highways 96 and CB, near the Appleton International Airport” and was turned over to the postal service.

“The United States Postal Inspection Service immediately began investigating and we reserve further comment on this matter until that is complete,” USPS spokesman Bob Sheehan said.

The post office did not disclose how many ballots were discarded in that instance.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Listen to segments on YouTube or download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Twitter, like him on Facebook, and follow him on Parler.

Originally posted 2020-09-25 09:42:58.

Remember this Guy?

Of course some of you do. Remember my “Open Letter to Mr. Mattis” post? Well, that post was on 5 June, and to this day it is still getting hits (43 just today). At my last count it has gotten nearly one million views, and that does not count those who shared it. Why is that happening?

Yesterday I posted one entitled: “The Coming Coup.” Folks that one is already going crazy as well.

Call me a conspiracy nut if you choose. that’s your prerogative. However, I firmly believe something big is awry. The current crop of generals and admirals are a sorry lot. The Commandant of my beloved Corps is shredding it apart piece by piece. Daily I read of instances that prove to me this election will be the biggest fraud we have ever seen anywhere in the world. The Dems are so confident and you know why? Take a quick gander of this.

Feds Seize 19,888 Fake State Driver Licenses (Made in China) in Chicago O’Hare Airport – ALL Registered to Vote — ALL Democrat















Why are the Chinese making so many fake U.S. driver licenses?  Why are they being shipped to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport?  Why are ALL the names completely phony; yet ALL are Registered to Vote . . .  and Registered as Democrats?  That’s a disturbing little tidbit to discover, especially right before an election, right? Oh, and BTW, as best I can tell they are Illinois drivers licenses. I had one for way too many years, but no more! LOL

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the bulk of these fake U.S. IDs flooding into the country come from China and Hong Kong, with the rest coming in from South Korea and the U.K.

Officials in Chicago just confiscated a shipment of these fake IDs totaling nearly 20 thousand. Of course, the local news media in Chicago doesn’t see a connection to “voter fraud,” but most other people do. As a matter of fact, it’s the main thing that most people see with just three months before an election.

Okay, have I got your attention? Good, back to my favorite General, Mr. Mattis, who in my view is a POS, excuse me sir. No, I take that back, you don’t deserve a sir. You are not a retired Marine! in my view.

Hear comes a dozy of an article, -please and please comment, even if you think I am a nut case. Hell, I hope I am, but doubt it! LOL

September 10, 2020

There is something very wrong with some in the top ranks of America’s military

By Andrea Widburg

With Bob Woodward’s anti-Trump book about to be published, the media is focusing entirely on the easily debunked claim that Trump mishandled the Wuhan virus by “lying” to the American people. What the media is ignoring, however, is a much more serious claim, which is that former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis plotted to overthrow Trump and his administration. This fact, if true, supports my long-time fear about the damage Obama inflicted on the upper echelons of the Pentagon.

The Conservative Treehouse caught the Mattis item:

According to a pre-release excerpt from the Washington Post Bob Woodward writes about a discussion between General James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats about a plot to overthrow the elected government of the United States.

What do you call a conversation between the Defense Secretary and the head of the U.S. intelligence apparatus where they are talking about taking “collective action” to remove an elected President?  That’s called sedition…. A seditious conspiracy.

It began to be clear last October that the Obama administration (with some help from Bill Clinton’s presidency) had seeded the Pentagon with leftist generals whose allegiance was to the Deep State, to cultural leftism, and to the infamous and profitable “military industrial complex” that Eisenhower warned about in 1961. In only five years, Obama had conducted a major Pentagon purge, firing almost 200 senior officers who held the old-fashioned belief that the military exists to protect America and should not be a social justice institution with limited firepower.

The upper-level officers who remained were hardcore Democrats. While still in the military, Admirable McRaven gave bin Laden a respectful, private burial. Once out of the military, he wrote an editorial for the New York Times, strongly suggesting a military coup against Trump. Barry McCaffrey, a Clinton White House officer, likened Trump to Mussolini because he canceled the White House’s newspaper subscriptions. And Obama’s Joint Chiefs Vice Chair, James Winnefeld, was deeply offended on behalf of ISIS terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi because Trump did the psychologically smart thing of telling al-Baghdadi’s followers that he died like a coward.

In November, Sundance, at The Conservative Treehouse, pointed out that, even though Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman used back channels to try to counteract his commander-in-chief’s foreign policy solely because Vindman disagreed with the policy, the Defense Department invited him right back to the NSC. To Sundance, there was only one takeaway: “The United States Military is collaborating with the CIA to remove a U.S. President from office.

All of the above says that there is something rotten happening in the Pentagon. The implications aren’t just in the past. They’re also in the future. Michael Anton has written the best article spelling out the fact that the Democrats are openly planning a coup if Biden doesn’t win. One of the crucial points about this planned coup is that the Democrats have been explicit about military involvement.

Their plan in the event Trump wins in a given state is to send their Democrat electors to the Electoral College along with (or even in lieu of) the Republican electors. In the chaos that results, which will spill onto the streets, Democrats trust “that the military would take care of the rest.”

Anton also says that retired military officers, such as the ones I discussed above (and I’m willing to bet that includes Mattis and McRaven), have already said that they will support a coup. I’ll add that it’s likely that they have allies still within the Pentagon, people who benefit from the perpetual wars that Obama, a supposed anti-war president, nevertheless fought and instigated, and who also benefit from the pipeline flowing from the Pentagon to that profitable military industrial complex.

The laughable Atlantic article about Trump disrespecting the military was intended, not just to get military votes on November 3, but to get military coup participants after November 3. Critical Race Theory training and eight years of Obama’s social justice policies have shifted many of the enlisted ranks from strong conservatives to equally strong Democrats.

The only way to put the kibosh on all of this is for an overwhelming Trump turnout on November 3, one that reminds Democrats no matter where they are – the media, Hollywood, the military, the defense contractors, your neighborhood – that the people are behind Trump.

As I heard someone say, the Democrats have ensured that, after the election, unless a bizarre miracle happens and Biden wins overwhelmingly on (not after) November 3, there will be upheaval. However, we know from the street battles in Democrat-run cities that, if Biden does win, the disruptions will spread. If Trump wins, the upheavals will meet the full force of the law (and due process), and America can once again get down to the business of being the best, freest nation on earth.

With all this notoriety I’m getting maybe I should lock my doors at night. Nah, let em’ come, they’ll leave on a gurney. LOL Be safe and try to sleep well my friends. Keep your powder dry though.

Originally posted 2020-09-10 16:40:33.

Why Trump in 2020?

Okay Folks, I’ve been silent long enuff, it’s time to speak up again. Here are the many  reasons why Donald Trump deserves to be reelected. If you disagree, you’ve been living under a rock!?

I like this guy, he doesn’t hold back., lays it all on the line, and I can find nothing wrong or incorrect with any of his facts. but then you be the judge. Six minutes and thirteen seconds of truth for which liberal Washington has no defense.



Originally posted 2020-05-29 10:42:54.


I tried to find out who wrote this so I could attribute such a great a piece to the owner, but could not. And I have not vetted that of which it speaks. The only thing I have to go on is my logical mind and common sense as to what has been going on around me for seventy-nine years of living.

It’s for your reading pleasure and you decide what you think. I believe it was Shakespeare who said, “Let’s kill all the lawyers.”  Not a bad idea. This isn’t meant to degrade all lawyers, I guess there are a few around who should be saved, but I don’t know one myself. They write the laws so you must have a lawyer to do certain things throughout your life–something stinks about that. Go to your local phone book and count the pages of Physicians and the lawyers. I’ll bet money there are many more of the latter than the former. Why?

I never thought much about the Democratic party being the “Lawyer Party,” but now it all makes sense, at least to me. What about you? Enjoy the read.


Every Democratic presidential nominee since 1984 went to law school (although Gore did not graduate). Every Democratic vice-presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.

Barack Obama was a lawyer. Michelle Obama was a lawyer.

Hillary Clinton was a lawyer. Bill Clinton was a lawyer.

John Edwards is a lawyer. Elizabeth Edwards was a lawyer.


Leaders of the Democratic Party in Congress:

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer is a lawyer.

Adam Schiff is lawyer.

Jerry Nadler is a lawyer.

Amy Kobuchar is a lawyer

Ex-Senator Harry Reid is a lawyer.

Elizabeth Warren is a lawyer.

Ted Kennedy would have been, but was kicked out of University of Virginia Law School for cheating.


The Republican Party is different:

President Trump is a businessman.

President Bush 1 and 2 were businessmen.

Vice President Cheney is a businessman.

President Eisenhower was a five-star General

Ronald Reagan was an actor.


The leaders of the Republican Revolution:


Newt Gingrich was a history professor.

Tom Delay was an exterminator

Dick Armey was an economist.

Ex-House Minority Leader Boehner was a plastic manufacturer.

The former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, MD is a heart surgeon


Who was the last lawyer Republican president? Gerald Ford, who left office 31 years ago

The Republican Party is made up of real people doing real work, who are often the target of lawyers.

The Democrat Party is made up of lawyers. Democrats mock and scorn men and women who create wealth, like Trump, Bush and Cheney, or who heal the sick like Frist, or who immerse themselves in history like Gingrich.


The “Lawyers Party” sees these sorts of people, who provide goods and services that people want, as the enemies of America. And we have seen the procession of official enemies, in the eyes of the Lawyers Party grow.


Against whom do Hillary and Obama rail? Pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, hospitals, manufacturers, fast food restaurant chains, large retail businesses, bankers, Wall Street, and anyone producing anything of value in our nation.


This is the natural consequence of viewing everything through the eyes of lawyers.


Lawyers seek to have new laws passed, they seek to win lawsuits, they press appellate courts to overturn precedent, and lawyers always parse language to favor their side. Confined to the narrow practice of law, that is fine, but it is an awful way to govern a great nation. When politicians, as lawyers, begin to view Americans as clients and opposing parties, then the role of the legal system in our life becomes all-consuming.


We are not all litigants in some vast social class-action suit. We are citizens of a republic that promises us a great deal of freedom from laws, from courts, and from lawyers. Today, we are drowning in laws; we are contorted by judicial decisions; we are driven to distraction by omnipresent lawyers in all parts of our once private lives.


America has a place for laws and lawyers, but that place is modest and reasonable, not vast and unchecked.


When House Democrats sue America in order to hamstring our efforts to learn what our enemies are planning to do to us, then the role of litigation in America has become crushing.


Perhaps Americans will understand that change cannot be brought to our nation by those lawyers, who already largely dictate American society and business.


Perhaps Americans will see that hope does not come from the mouths of lawyers, but rather from personal dreams nourished by hard work of American citizens—yes citizens!!


Perhaps Americans will embrace the truth that more lawyers with more power will only make our problems worse.


The United States has 5% of the world’s population and 66% of the world’s lawyers!


Tort (Legal) reform legislation has been introduced in congress several times in the last several years to limit punitive damages in ridiculous lawsuits such as spilling hot coffee on yourself and suing the establishment that sold it to you. This legislation has continually been blocked from even being voted on by the Lawyer Democrat Party


When you see that 97% of the political contributions from the American Trial Lawyers Association go to the Democrat Party, then you realize who is responsible for our medical and product costs being so high vs the rest of the world—it is not simply greed as democrats would have you believe.



Originally posted 2020-05-21 15:34:04.