Tag Archives: NYC

Sgt Penny, USMC

Another great contribution from Greg


Saving Sgt. Penny                                                                By: Greg Maresca

Daniel Penny joined dignitaries at the Army-Navy football game last Saturday as an invited guest of Vice President-elect J.D. Vance. In contrast to our times, if it was up to the denizens of the left, Penny would be in a jail cell for the rest of his life.

It was in May 2023 that a 30-year-old homeless schizophrenic named Jordan Neely, high on synthetic marijuana, threatened subway riders in the bowels of Manhattan. Neely’s criminal credentials included 42 arrests from theft to assault. Neely’s repertoire during this subterranean ride included throwing garbage and issuing death threats.

Amid Neely’s increasing volume and threats was 24-year-old Marine Corps Sgt. Daniel Penny who did what so many simply won’t – he selflessly acted to protect those around him. From the Halls of Montezuma to the subways of New York. Penny’s courage prevailed over woke cowardice underscoring the refrain on how a Marine can be your best friend or your worst enemy.

There is nothing like the subway during those notorious “off hours” while riding the “local” because the entertainment is always free, but it can go dark very quickly as this incident proved.

Penny subdued Neely by placing him in a chokehold.

Neely later died while in medical custody.

That fateful subway car was filled with passengers, many of whom were black and Hispanic, who didn’t miss a beat in expressing their gratitude for Penny’s decisive action. Their gratitude was ignored by the New York media. For Penny’s efforts, he was arrested and charged with negligent homicide by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Another story ignored by the mainstream media and reported by black conservative writer Larry Elder noted that on the same day Penny pleaded not guilty, “Jordan Williams and his girlfriend, who are both black, were on a Brooklyn subway train when Williams, 20 years old, was approached by an aggressive 36-year-old ex-con homeless black man, Devictor Ouedraogo. In a confrontation captured on video, Ouedraogo punched Williams’ girlfriend in the face, and Williams then pulled a knife and fatality stabbed Ouedraogo. Unlike in the case of Penny, no activists publicly accused Williams of engaging in “racially motivated vigilantism.”

All charges were dropped against Williams, while Penny’s lengthy trial was just getting underway.

Leftists understand Neely not as a menacing threat to society, but as an unfortunate victim since he was black. Provided Neely was white, and Penny was black, this would be a nonissue. Moreover, if both were black, or if both were white – no charges – just another carefree day riding the BMT.

Neely posed a threat to passengers on the subway, many, if not most, of whom were black. The D.A. who charged Penny is black. The mayor of New York, who praised Penny’s heroism, is black and a retired NYPD captain. The jury that found Penny not guilty included four “people of color.”

Yet, Penny’s acquittal, according to the head of the New York Chapter of Black Lives Matter, means “white supremacy got another victory?!”

It was a case that should never have made it to court. Penny was rightfully acquitted, and leftists and racists everywhere went bonkers. Where was their outrage for all the people who felt terrorized by Neely?

Many remain anchored on the sideline refusing to intervene for fear of being charged and enduring our dysfunctional legal system.

Rather, they break out their phones and record it.

Penny should be celebrated for his character and courage. A free and prosperous society applauds those who act on behalf of others. It doesn’t ridicule, criminalize and sue them.

Naturally, Al Sharpton delivered a eulogy blaming racism for Neely’s death. A Neely family member responded, “Today, white supremacy got another victory. Today, the KKK, the Klansmen, the evil in America got another victory. Those among you who say that Daniel Penny is innocent have racism and bias in your heart.”

Enter Neely’s father who personifies the term “deadbeat dad” seeking a substantial payday on the grave of his son he abandoned decades ago recently filed a civil suit against Penny.

Most see through the hypocrisy, begging the question has the pendulum swung far enough for society to finally start admitting the truth about these incidents that are the real “threat to democracy.”

If this civil suit is not thrown out, racist lawfare only continues to spiral out of control to the detriment of all.

~ Maresca is a New York City native and Marine Corps veteran.

And BTW, to all my faithful followers, please have a very merry Christmas and an absolutely Happy Year. For me, January 20th cannot come soon enough. I have decided that starting on that day, I will start anew watching TV news, but I will be watching CNN and MSNBC as I can’t wait to see their spin on everything Trump does. It should be fun.

A Crime Scene Where the Victims Wore Masks

We, as normal Americans, are too stupid to have any opinions or to think for ourselves — so believe our elected officials, especially those from the entire administration, even some of our GOP RINOS. But I sincerely believe their day is coming with each passing month until doomsday in November. God, help us to be able to sustain sanity until then. A very well written piece from the WSJ

From the Wall Street Journal


By Gerard Baker

A Crime Scene Where the Victims Wore Masks

As terrified passengers stumbled from the train at the 36th Street station in Brooklyn last week, it was noticeable how many of them were complying with the mandate that to enjoy the privilege of venturing into the underground abyss known as the New York City Subway system, you must be wearing a face covering.

There they were, desperately fleeing a gunman or bravely helping rescue injured passengers, but still dutifully playing their part in the absurdist theatre of pandemic regulations scripted and directed for us by our little overlords.

Those flimsy pieces of fabric might have offered some minimal protection from the noxious fumes of the smoke bombs that Frank James allegedly set off in that subway car. But they were never going to be a match for the bullets fired from the 9mm semiautomatic handgun recovered at the scene. Many innocents were wounded, and it is something of an Easter miracle that no one was killed. For the millions of people who have dared to ride the city’s subway this year, the greatest danger to life isn’t some escaped molecule of a virus of rapidly diminishing potency. That exiguous risk is dwarfed by the combined threat of being pushed in front of an oncoming train, stabbed, hit in the head by a psycho with a hammer, robbed at gunpoint or being sexually assaulted. The number of robberies on the subway so far in 2022 is up 72% from the same period in 2021. There is no easily discover-able record of how many maskless riders have been struck down this year by Covid.

It’s hard to think of a tableau that better captures the disordered priorities of our governing classes than that scene in Brooklyn.

The politicians and bureaucrats who run almost all major cities, many states and the federal executive branch seem to care more about preserving the symbol of their authority that mask mandates represent than about the actual physical safety of citizens. In their warped ideology, crime is the result of material deprivation, prejudice and wicked police officers. The real need for enforcement is shown by those tempted to show their faces in public.

Masks are only an example. It’s hard to recall a time in recent American history when there has been such a monumental mismatch between the priorities of the people who govern us and the needs of the people. On issue after issue—crime, inflation, immigration— we have leaders so entrenched in their ideological priors that they seem incapable of, even uninterested in, addressing the actual challenges faced by hard-pressed Americans. Joe Biden was at it again last week with inflation. It has been clear for a long time that the return of this old horror is the largest threat to living standards and economic stability. But acknowledging that would have required the Democrats to abandon their ideological goals of ever-higher spending and forced them to reorder their governing priorities. So they didn’t.

Now, unable to dismiss it anymore, they have offered not a serious set of policies to relieve inflationary stresses, but a series of public-relations gimmicks that will have virtually no alleviating impact. Lifting the summertime ban on blended ethanol fuel will be about as effective in addressing higher energy costs as publicly shaming greedy corporations or blaming Vladimir Putin.

On immigration, the administration instinctively reflects a progressive mindset that regards border control as racist. It spent the better part of a year undoing the immigration restrictions imposed by its predecessor. As the inevitable border surge swelled, it feigned some concern. Now, as apprehensions of aliens in border areas reach their highest level in 22 years, what is its response? The repeal of Title 42, a measure that had been effective in curbing illegal crossings.

Interestingly, as the pandemic rationale for that measure is no longer deemed operative, the administration insists elsewhere that the emergency continues when it suits it. So, even as the nation yearns to return to normality, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week announced another extension, for 15 days, of the federal mask mandate on airplanes and public transportation. It had been scheduled to end this Monday at long last. (And on Monday a judge in Tampa, Fla., held that the mandate exceeded the CDC’s statutory authority.)

On it goes. from needless bailouts for student loans to a fixation on sacrificing energy capacity in pursuit of long-term climate goals, Democrats display an unerring focus on aims Americans don’t see as pressing—or even necessary.

Obdurate insistence in the face of evidence of both rising unpopularity and accumulating failure is a common political flaw. No leader willingly acknowledges the irrelevancy of his policies. but it seems to be especially embedded in the modern progressive philosophy that the rulers know best; that they, by dint of their scientific expertise and moral superiority better understand our true needs.

Like all such authoritarian conceits, it doesn’t survive long in a democratic environment. That helps explain why leftists are so panicked at the thought of losing control over information, why they feel so threatened at the thought that a communications channel such as Twitter might fall out of their hands. Anything that challenges their right to go on pursuing their priorities is “disinformation.”

But it won’t take the intervention of a rogue billionaire to restore democratic equilibrium. A popular reckoning is coming.

November 8th 2022 is the Democrat’s  D-day. Get ready Americans!


Originally posted 2022-04-19 14:52:13.

Does Watching TV Make You Stupid?

Well, watch the video and you may learn just how stupid you really are. It’s amazing how Americans are duped by watching TV shows and especially the commercials.

Now, I know not how accurate the actual figures are, but they come from the government. Of course, we all know how well we can trust the government, but I suspect the actual figures are close to reality. It will probably surprise some fo you to learn the population breakdown between blacks and Hispanics. However, if you watch the new shows on TV, and especially those horribly biased commercials placed by nationally known companies I’m sure that’s what caused the highly skewed estimates by Americans. Just who are these commercials aimed at, you and me? I doubt it.

Originally posted 2022-04-15 12:45:52.

Orange Man Bad

From The American Spectator

As late as March 11, Mayor Bill de Blasio was still telling New York City residents to carry on life as normal: “If you’re not sick, you should be going about your life.” Two days earlier, Italy had announced a national lock down to prevent the spread of coronavirus, and cases were already beginning to appear in New York, but de Blasio did not close the city’s schools until March 15.

Now that New York City has become the epicenter of this pandemic — more than 32,000 cases as of Sunday, with nearly 700 deaths — Mayor de Blasio’s response to the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak appears astonishingly irresponsible. Jim Geraghty of National Review has compiled a timeline of how New York City officials dealt with the crisis, and their recklessness seems mind boggling in hindsight. Early on, their main concern was that the virus might discourage city residents from attending Chinese New Year celebrations. “I want to remind everyone to enjoy the parade and not change any plans due to misinformation spreading about #coronavirus,” the city’s health commissioner Oxiris Barbot said in a Feb. 9 tweet, promoting festivities in Chinatown.

As idiotic as such declarations seem now, we must note that hindsight is always 20/20, and very few Americans in early February believed that we faced any great danger of this disease becoming rampant here. Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) have spent recent weeks blaming President Trump for this crisis, but it is important to point out that the same people were downplaying the coronavirus threat just a few weeks ago. Trump’s critics want us to forget, for example, that when the president announced a ban on travel from China on Jan. 31, many of them condemned this measure as a racist overreaction. “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science,” Joe Biden said the day after the China travel ban was announced, while falsely claiming that Trump had made “draconian cuts” to federal health agencies.

At that time, the known worldwide death toll from the Wuhan virus was still less than 200, and, because the Chinese government had sought to suppress facts about the disease, the scope of the danger was not apparent. The liberal media weren’t sounding the alarm, but quite the opposite. The headline on a Jan. 28 BuzzFeed article advised Americans, “Don’t Worry About The Coronavirus. Worry About The Flu.” On Jan. 29, Farhad Manjoo published a column in the New York Times with the headline “Beware the Pandemic Panic.” Manjoo downplayed the danger of the virus and instead cautioned, “What worries me more than the new disease is that fear of a vague and terrifying new illness might spiral into panic, and that it might be used to justify unnecessarily severe limits on movement and on civil liberties, especially of racial and religious minorities around the world.” One thing we can never expect from elite journalists is accountability. Rather than admitting his own errors, Manjoo simply pivoted to blaming Trump: “Coronavirus Is What You Get When You Ignore Science” was the headline on his March 4 column, in which he asserted that the president had “gut the United States’ pandemic-response infrastructure.”

This is the “Orange Man Bad” theory of causation, where everything bad is ultimately Trump’s fault, and the proponents of this theory evidently can’t understand why it has cost them their credibility. When journalists insist on interpreting every event from a partisan perspective — “How can we spin this to hurt Trump?” — their errors follow a predictable pattern. Thus, at one point, the danger of coronavirus was Trump’s “xenophobia,” which threatened “racial and religious minorities.” Now, we are told, the problem is that Trump is “anti-science.” Last week, one New York Times columnist blamed “the science denialism of [Trump’s] ultraconservative religious allies” for the coronavirus pandemic. The “evidence” cited in such tendentious arguments is irrelevant; what matters to liberals is the conclusion, i.e., Trump is always wrong.

Because they imagine themselves infinitely superior to the rest of us, the journalistic elite think we don’t notice the methods by which they dishonestly manipulate the narrative. They believe we won’t notice, for example, how they ignore the bungling of Democrats like Mayor de Blasio. Nor are we expected to contrast the media’s alarmism over COVID-19 with the way they treated the swine flu (H1N1) pandemic of 2009–10. According to CDC estimates, about 60 million Americans were infected with swine flu, which caused more than a quarter-million hospitalizations and more than 12,000 deaths. Yet cable-news networks didn’t provide 24/7 coverage of the swine flu outbreak or blame President Obama for the spread of the disease, so why is the Chinese coronavirus such an emergency? Obvious answer: “Orange Man Bad!”

We might not resent this belated effort to blame this plague on Trump so much if Democrats and the media (again, I repeat myself) had spent January and February spreading the alarm about COVID-19. But for much of that period, Democrats and their media allies were consumed with impeaching the president over Ukraine, and when that anti-Trump crusade failed, their attention next turned to trying to stop Bernie Sanders from winning the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. It was not until early March — after Biden’s wins on Super Tuesday stopped the Sanders threat — that the coronavirus pandemic became the media’s obsession. It was March 6 that an MSNBC panel discussion hosted by Nicolle Wallace turned into a sort of pep rally for coronavirus, with the guests expressing the enthusiastic hope that the pandemic would become “Trump’s Katrina.”

Having made clear their intention of scapegoating the president for this virus from China, the media are now astonished that Americans aren’t buying their blame game. After polls showed Trump’s approval ratings had risen during this crisis, the networks decided to stop carrying live broadcasts of Trump’s coronavirus briefings. This is more evidence of media bias that we’re supposedly too stupid to notice, in the same way we’re not supposed to notice either (a) Joe Biden’s rapid descent into senility or (b) the media’s effort to promote New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a substitute presidential nominee for the Democrats.

So far, U.S. deaths from COVID-19 are still only a single-digit percentage of the more than 30,000 Americans who die annually from ordinary flu infections. As bad as the coronavirus outbreak is — and it’s likely to get much worse before it gets better — we must keep it in perspective. We must be able to distinguish between real risks from this disease and the politically motivated fear campaign being hyped by the media. Eventually, the coronavirus pandemic will end, but the media’s liberal bias is incurable. From now until November, the blame game will continue, and if Trump gets reelected, we’ll have another four years of the same shrieking journalistic hysteria: “Orange Man Bad!”

Epilogue. I have not posted anything on the virus attacking our country as I am sure you are getting enough from other areas since we are all at home doing our duty to help. But I just had to post this well written article from the American Spectator.  In doing so I  had to throw in some Bathurst thoughts. This virus has brought out the best AND THE WORST In my fellow Americans. New Orleans holds their Mardi Gras,  NYC Mayor tells everyone to go about thei business, Trump is called a racist for shutting off China flights, students defy logic and go on Spring Break,  Pelosi accuses Trump for lack of action, Sleepy Joe tells the Trump he needs to create a task force and put somone in charge of it, etc., etc., etc. It has been a lesson we didn’t need because we already knew it all. Now the MSM thinks Trump is getting too much air time so some are not covering the Daily briefings at all, while others are simply showing sound bites of their choosing. As far as I know, FOX is the only one who still covers the entire briefing.

GM had to be forced into stepping up, while 3M is (was) selling much needed medical supplies overseas – they were afraid it would hurt their reputation. WHAT? Meanwhile 100’s and 100’s of American companies have voluntarily stepped up to do their share. It’s a shame it takes something like a National Emergency to see who’s who and where their priorities lie. Some companies have been caught hoarding medical supplies, which were confiscated by the Government. Let us remember companies like GM and 3M when it comes to buying their products!

We shall prevail and get through this, but let’s not forget what it has told us about some of our so-called Americans!

Originally posted 2020-04-04 10:01:14.