Tag Archives: NFL

National Fatherless League – NFL

I’m finished with Mattis, he’s a has been in order of priorities, time to move folks. I have nothing to add to this shameful act and the actions of of the National Football League. I’ll stick to the NCAA on Saturday and go fishing on Sunday!






The knee is not the only problem . . . 68 children by 52 women!  7 players!

Children raised in fatherless homes, especially black children, are far more likely than children raised in two parent homes to engage in criminal behavior and thus, have contact with police.

Ergo when they father a child with a woman to whom they are not married—or at least living with—they are contributing to the problem against which these football players are taking a knee.  If you look at many of these players’ records on out-of-wedlock children, you find that they are contributing significantly to the problem against which they are protesting.

For example,

Antonio Cromartie has 12 children by 9 different women.  Apparently the NFL had to shell out $500,000 before he could even play football for them.

Travis Henry has 11 children by 10 women,

Willis McGahee has 9 children by 8 women,

Derrick Thomas has 7 children by 5 different women, Bennie Blades has 6 children by 6 women,

Ray Lewis has 6 children by 4 women and

Marshall Faulk has 6 children by 3 women.

They forgot to include

Adrian Peterson: 11 kids from 7 different women.

Before these guys take a knee they should take a good look in the mirror .

It appears that their problem is not their knees.

Originally posted 2020-06-23 08:19:00.

Times Have Changed!

If this doesn’t light your patriotic fire then I suppose your wood is wet . It’s a sad commentary on how far we have deteriorated in just 14 years.  There is a definite difference today with the singing of our National Anthem.
These days you have a rock star, sexy women with revealing dresses, strange musical variations…where are we going from here the next 13 years?  Super Bowl XXXIX 2005.  This video was shot 14 + years ago. Been quite a change since then, hasn’t there?  I watched it twice, the second time I paid particular attention to the reaction of the players; oh how they have changed!

Please Click Here



Originally posted 2019-11-07 08:09:14.

NFL Hypocrisy

Okay, let’s set the record straight right here with some bare facts and not liberal conjecture and pure media BS. This came from my cousin Gene who happens to be an ardent football geek, or at least he was until recently.

“Refresher” NFL History… history not often reported or leaked to the ticket holders. I hope this helps you; it opened my eyes, to better understand when and why the public’s respect for the NFL organization started to crumble…

* In 2012 the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling before each game to pray, they also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his eye-black to avoid glare, and made him take it off.

* In 2013 the NFL fined Brandon Marshall for wearing green cleats to raise awareness for people with mental health disorders.

* In 2014 Robert Griffin III  entered a post-game press conference wearing a shirt that said “Know Jesus Know Peace” but was forced to turn it inside out by an NFL uniform inspector before speaking at the podium.

* In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing “Find the Cure” eye black for breast cancer awareness.

* In 2015 William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise awareness for domestic violence. (Not that the NFL has a domestic violence problem…).

*In 2016 the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on their helmet in honor of 5 Dallas Police officers killed in the line of duty.

* 2016 the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

So tell me again how the NFL supports free speech and expression. It seems quite clear based on these facts that the NFL has taken a position against any action by NFL players demonstrating RESPECT for any issue: For God, social causes such as mental health, cancer, domestic violence, for cops killed arbitrarily for being cops, or for the Memory of 9/11…

BUT they will allow demonstrations of DISRESPECT for our National Flag, our National Anthem, for America, and for the American People, if it will help mollify a particular Group and its supporters. That is who and what the NFL now has shown itself to be.

Pass this post along to all your friends and family, if you believe it worthy of sharing.

Honor our military; too many of whom have come home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.

Any Questions?



Originally posted 2018-09-16 15:25:13.

Colonel of Truth and Nike

Another great post from my friend and Marine brother. My bet is  Nike will regret this, and I am hoping they do. I, like Col Andy, own nothing adorned with the name Nike, and never will. I prefer Under Armour. As an Economist by education, I am always amazed at some of the actions corporations do to please the owners (shareholders for those who think otherwise). I believe the company board of directors’ email boxes are now overloaded with protests. Good for them, shame on them! BTW, have you looked at the maker’s labels on Nike products lately? You should. Once an American icon, now a has been.

Sorry, but you’ll have to copy and paste the below URL, I seem to have lost some of my computer tech talent of late.


Originally posted 2018-09-04 12:55:31.