Tag Archives: liberal


If you are a lawyer and reading this, I hope you can agree with what this brave one has to say. He is right on the money. I know not who the author is, but he nailed it. Read it carefully and absorb the full impact of what he is saying. Sure, as many Americans, I am sometimes scornful of lawyers. However, I never looked at them like he does and how they are impacting the sorry state of affairs in our once great nation., I believe the worst thing that ever happened concerning them was when they were finally authorized to advertise vice hanging out a shingle. Here in SW Florida, where the population is somewhat aged, every commercial TV break will have at least one, sometimes as many as three ads  touting such ludicrous statements as, “If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident , it does not matter who was a fault, you deserve compensation. Do not jump to settle with the insurance companies.” I consider it absolutely criminal  to make statements like that.

Anyway, this is a great article and well written and explains why we are at such odds with one another in today’s society. Surely the names he mentions will ring bells in your head. I wish I knew who wrote it. Enjoy.

As an attorney, I hesitated to forward this as it can be an indictment against my profession.  But I believe there is much truth to the article below.  Very thought-provoking.  Lawyers are adversarial and are trained to try to win at all costs.  It may work in litigation but does not work well when governing our nation.  Trying to win at any costs creates the polarization and hatred that now fills our country and leaves no room for common sense or legitimate debate

Every Democrat presidential nominee since 1984 went to law school, although Gore did not graduate.  Joe Biden (no surprise) was at the bottom of his class.  Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.  Barack Obama was a lawyer.  Michelle Obama was a lawyer.  Hillary Clinton was a lawyer.  Bill Clinton was a lawyer.  John Edwards is a lawyer.  Elizabeth Edwards was a lawyer.  Look at leaders of the Democrat Party in Congress: Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is a lawyer.  Former Senator Harry Reid was a lawyer.

 The Republican Party is different.  President Trump was a businessman.  Presidents Bush 1 and 2 were businessmen.  Vice President Cheney was a businessman.  President Eisenhower was a 5 star General.  The leaders of the Republican Revolution: Newt Gingrich was a history professor.  Tom Delay was an exterminator.  Dick Armey was an economist.  Ex-House Minority Leader John Boehner was a plastics manufacturer.  The former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is a heart surgeon.  Who was the last Republican president who was a lawyer?  Gerald Ford, who left office 31 years ago and who barely won the Republican nomination as a sitting president, ran against actor Ronald Reagan in 1976.  The Republican Party is made up of real people doing real work, who are often the targets of lawyers.  This is very interesting. I had never thought about it this way before.

 The Democrat Party is made up of lawyers.  Democrats mock and scorn men who create wealth, like Trump, Bush, and Cheney, or who heal the sick like Frist, or who immerse themselves in history like Gingrich.  The Lawyers Party sees these sorts of people, who provide goods and services that people want, as the enemies of America.  And so, in the eyes of the Lawyers Party, we have seen the procession of official enemies grow.  Against whom do Hillary and Obama rail?  Pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, hospitals, manufacturers, fast food restaurant chains, large retail businesses, bankers, and anyone producing anything of value in our nation.

 This is the natural consequence of viewing everything through the eyes of lawyers.  Lawyers solve problems by successfully representing their clients, which, in this case should be the American people.  Lawyers seek to have new laws passed, they seek to win lawsuits, they press appellate courts to overturn precedent, and lawyers always parse language to favor their side.  Confined to the narrow practice of law, that is fine.  But it is an awful way to govern a great nation.

 When politicians, as lawyers, begin to view some Americans as clients and other Americans as opposing parties, then the role of the legal system in our life becomes all-consuming.  Some Americans become adverse parties of our very government.  We are not all litigants in some vast social class-action suit.  We are citizens of a republic that promises us a great deal of freedom from laws, from courts, and from lawyers.

 Today, we are drowning in laws.  We are contorted by judicial decisions.  We are driven to distraction by omnipresent lawyers in all parts of our once-private lives.  America has a place for laws and lawyers, but that place is modest and reasonable, not vast, and unchecked.  When the most important decision for our next president is whom, he will appoint to the Supreme Court, the role of lawyers and the law in America is too big.  When House Democrats sue America to hamstring our efforts to learn what our enemies are planning to do to us, then the role of litigation in America has become crushing.

 Perhaps Americans will understand that change cannot be brought to our nation by those lawyers who already largely dictate American society and business.  Perhaps Americans will see that hope does not come from the mouths of lawyers but from personal dreams nourished by hard work.  Perhaps Americans will embrace the truth that more lawyers with more power will only make our problems worse.

 The United States has 5% of the world’s population and 66% of the world’s lawyers!  Tort or legal reform legislation has been introduced in Congress several times in the last several years to limit punitive damages in ridiculous lawsuits such as spilling hot coffee on yourself and suing the establishment that sold it to you and to limit punitive damages in huge medical malpractice lawsuits.  This legislation has been blocked from even being voted on by the Democrat Party.  When you see that 97% of the political contributions from the American Trial Lawyers Association go to the Democrat Party, then you realize who is responsible for our medical and product costs being so high!






My President!

I’m sure some of you have wondered why I have not posted daily on the “results” of the election. Well, I’m having a tough time right now. Emotions are mixed and running high. I’ve even thought about why I want to live in a country that in the 21st century is unable to conduct a legal, valid, verified election while some third world crap holes can do it.

My bride sent me the below article this morning as I was busy answering a plethora of emails, and still have many more pending. In case you are unaware, today is the Marine Corps’ 245th birthday, so it is a very busy days with emails, texts, and phone calls from all over the world — literally! To all my Marine brothers and sisters on here, Happy Birthday!

Anyway, I scanned the article, then read it twice. The author raises some valid points, but nothing he says dampens in any way my respect and admiration for our current president. He was what we needed at the time, and has accomplished much during his term, and if he could have one more term, I feel certain he would turn this country around and into something I would be proud of and glad I served. But right now, I am depressed beyond words.

You read, decide for yourself, and comment if you will.

Semper Fi;



President Trump is projected to lose a close election.

This being modern America, nothing is final until the courts have spoken (particularly the Supreme Court, which has been too timid to say much). That process must be allowed to play out. To my knowledge, there is no hard evidence at this point of anything so monumental that it could change the result, but disturbing anecdotal reports merit investigation. And Biden’s margin of victory is so razor-thin in some states that recounts may be warranted if the president chooses to press the matter.

Undoubtedly, post-election litigation would be pursued if the shoe were on the other foot. Democrats, after all, went straight to the litigation mat when they lost a close one in 2000, even though Al Gore had been on the cusp of conceding. And “the Resistance” spent three years not accepting the outcome of the 2016 election, on the basis of a bogus “Russia collusion” narrative ginned up by the Clinton campaign. In this era, we take matters far less consequential than the election of our president to court. I’m not suggesting that this is a good thing, I’m simply stating a fact.

Let’s take a deep breath and let matters play out. There is no crisis of the regime. Joe Biden is presumptively President-elect Biden. He will be my president and the president of all Americans — even as many of us vigorously oppose much of what he wants to do, as we surely will. He should get the chance to be a good president that Democrats never gave Donald Trump. For Biden’s sake, and especially for the country’s, the departments and agencies of government should prepare for a smooth transition of power.

Meanwhile, the states do not need to certify their results until December 8 (really, they have until December 14, the day states must report to Congress). Biden has so far struck the right tone in urging patience and calm through the tense days of ballot-counting. It will boost his standing as a legitimate president to encourage an orderly process of court challenges while, of course, pressing his rights in that process.

For those who supported the president’s reelection (including me), the result is hard to swallow. It was not, however, hard to see coming.

In 2016, Trump barely won a close election against a historically weak and deeply unpopular Democratic candidate for whom there was little enthusiasm. In 2020, Trump faced a very weak but not nearly as unpopular Democratic candidate – and while there was little enthusiasm for Biden, the desire to defeat Trump was rabid in the Democratic base. Given the statistical miracle of Trump’s 2016 triumph, he was going to have to do more than marginally better this time in order to win. He outperformed expectations, but he did not outperform 2016.

The power of the presidency can mask a lot of deficiencies. Yet the hole in which the improbable Trump presidency began is worth revisiting. In her endless “I wuz robbed” dirge, Hillary Clinton never tired of saying she’d won the popular vote. That was not just irrelevant in constitutional terms, since the state races (translated by the Electoral College) decide the outcome; it was also Clintonian spin to deflect attention from the fact that she did not win a popular majority. But what does that say about Trump?

The popular vote is a useful snapshot of the then-new president’s standing on January 20, 2017. He got 3 million fewer votes than someone who herself could not crack 50 percent. He’d somehow won what was essentially a two-way race with just 46 percent of the vote. Out of nearly 140 million votes cast, 54 percent of Americans voted against him. If a statistically negligible number of voters in a handful of states had gone the other way, there would have been no talk of a populist revolt. The story would have been that Clinton, a Washington-establishment eminence, cruised to the victory the Smart Set and all the polls had predicted. The New Yorker would gleefully have published its ready-to-run cover.

The right way to look at Trump’s unlikeliest of triumphs was as a gift . . . and an opportunity. It was a chance to appeal to Republican skeptics and the vast middle, to do the hard work of changing a 46–54 deficit into 54–46 support, and beyond. Trump had the policies to do that, along with a unique way of appealing to voting blocs who’d tuned out traditional Republicans.

Yet the president could never get over himself.

That was clear from the start. Instead of coming to grips with the low level of support with which he started his term, the president bantered from the beginning about his “Electoral College landslide.” It was an ironic illusion of broad support: Trump had been known to call the Electoral College a “disaster for democracy,” and his EC margin of victory actually ranks in the bottom fifth in U.S. election history. But he talked up the “landslide” nonetheless — while his administration “hit the ground running” by absurdly displaying skewed aerial-photograph evidence bizarrely intended to prove that his inaugural crowd was bigger than Barack Obama’s.

An unpopular president’s surest first step to becoming a reelected president is the realization that he has a lot of work to do with the public, especially with convince-ables willing to give him a chance – which is a lot of people, because most Americans are not hardcore partisans; they like to like their president. Such self-awareness spurred Richard Nixon to reelection in one of American history’s biggest actual landslide victories — in the Electoral College and by every other measure.

Donald Trump never could go there. He was under siege more than he deserved to be, but he brought a great deal of it on himself by gratuitously punching down at non-entities he should have ignored. Just as important, when troubles came, and they came in waves, he would recede into the comfort of his adoring base. They made excuses for his every foible, spun his errors as the shrewd maneuvering of a master businessman, and never demanded that he clean up his act. To the contrary, they found the act irresistible, just as he found his place at the center of the world’s attention irresistible — whether commanding attention for good or bad reasons.

President Trump did many good things. The constitutionalist overhaul of the federal judiciary will be his great legacy, especially if a President Biden revives Obama-era “pen and phone” governance. Trump has shown that the U.S. economy still roars when government removes suffocating regulation, and that its growth can be a boon to Americans at the ladder’s lower rungs. He has given Republicans a workable template for appealing to black and Hispanic Americans. He has reshaped policy toward China in a way more realistic for dealing with a hostile competitor. He has marginalized the Iranian menace and reoriented Middle Eastern policy, achieving peace pacts that were once inconceivable. He has been unabashedly pro-life (and was I ever wrong in thinking this was just a 2016 campaign pose). He has shown Republicans that the culture war is worth fighting without apology, rather than surrendering bit by bit.

Still, how maddening that he never recognized the majesty of the presidency, befitting its awesome duties, as something to rise to, as something worth striving to be worthy of. He never seemed to grasp that the great power of the presidency is that when the president speaks, it means something — and that forfeiting this power is ruinous. He never seemed to understand that, in a country where we like to like our president, when your policies are more popular than you are, you’ve got a problem.

Here, most Americans believe — for very good reasons — that they are better off than they were four years ago under the last president, yet they’ve voted to replace the incumbent with the last guy’s veep. That can only mean Donald Trump’s nemesis wasn’t Joe Biden. It was Donald Trump.

Originally posted 2020-11-10 13:19:05.

Fair and Balanced?

Received this from an Marine brother, Ed “Mac” McCloskey , an 8th & I Alum a few years before me. He got it from a retired US Army LTC. I am in total agreement with Mac and his LTC friend on their  assessments  of the current state of FOX News.  Personally, I gave up FOX earlier this year when it was apparent the Murdoch kids were going to the left. No more “Fair and Balanced  – You Decide,” that’s all gone except for Tucker Carlson, who I still watch. And who knows, they may drop him soon?

What a shame, the last of the holdouts finally gives it. Change the channel, or best just shut the damn TV off, there are none left worth watching. 

I’m going to use his letter as a basis and send one myself, how about you? Or better yet, see who sponsors FOX News, that may be the best approach — money talks.

LOS ANGELES, CA – OCTOBER 21: Political commentator Tucker Carlson speaks during Politicon 2018 at Los Angeles Convention Center on October 21, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Chelsea Guglielmino/Getty Images)







Dear Fox and Friends and Fox News:

Please pass this to your corporate bosses.

Like many of your viewers, I think, it is my perception, especially this year, that your news organization has been drifting to the left on the political spectrum.

When Fox News started reporting the news and with evening commentary shows, your motto was Fair and Balanced … We Report, You Decide.”

You have moved from that mission statement.  In particular, your polling, your reporting during the 2020 election campaign has been anything but “Fair And Balanced.”

I did not become a regular viewer and then become a conservative; I became a regular viewer because I am a conservative.  Likewise, I have written to the Republican party over the years that I support the party because, as a conservative, I have nowhere else to go and to have my views respected on the nature of our political system, the role of government at all levels, the importance, in particular, of the Bill of Rights, to the preservation of individual liberties in the face of an ever-expanding Federal Government.

This year, especially, you have participated in and reported on polls that were clearly out of line with the general mood of the Republic.  Your polling, like in 2016, was wildly inaccurate.  Rush Limbaugh informed us on his Friday radio show that he had had a communication from Brett Bair that Mr Bair had been told that Rush said that President Trump had lost the election.  Rush addressed this immediately at the beginning of the next segment of the show.  He said that he had told Brett that that was untrue and warned Brett against joining the other main stream media outlets in calling the race for Biden.  Rush stated on the show that the reason that CNN and MSNBC were begging Fox to call the race was to complete the humiliation of the President and of Fox News for supporting Conservatives all these years.

About 24 hours later, Fox News did exactly what Rush warned you not to do.

A Roger Ailes-led version of Fox News, with so many eye witness allegations of potential voter fraud, would never have done what you did on Saturday, November 7th.  That Fox News would have been pursuing those stories to determine the truth of the situation.  The Sons-of-Rupert-Murdoch-version of Fox News happily jumped on the “steal the vote” bandwagon and called the race for Biden.


  1. You called the state races for Biden using apparently entirely different standards that for Trump.
  2. When it became readily apparent and easily proven that there were many ballot issues in the battleground states, you called AZ for Biden and left that call in place even in the face of knowledge that there were many ballots to be counted from areas of the state where the President is wildly popular.
  3. You left in place your decision to call MI and PA for Biden when it is clear that there were “shenanigans” underway, including, but not limited to, legally certified Republican poll watchers being denied access to precinct counting areas, the counties in battleground states using a particular counting software were reporting “glitches” involving thousands of ballots in each county, that had been marked for Trump and down-ballot Republicans, were switched to Biden and down-ballot Democrats.
  4. In Democrat controlled county after county, counting of ballots received in early voting and on election day, counting was mysteriously stopped for hours at a time, at the same time that Republican poll watchers were being denied their legally certified opportunity to observe the counting.  Magically, in those jurisdictions, previously unknown ballots were found that, unlike the rest of the state, broke along the same percentages as the previous Trump vs Biden votes, were entirely marked only for Biden.

I could cite many other instances.  However, my deepest disappointment is the general arrogance of the main stream media, which you have joined, to believe that it is your duty to determine who wins and loses these elections.

I am, therefore, declaring my independence from you for the foreseeable future.  I will get my news and commentary from other, less biased sources.  I may be the only viewer you lose because of your conduct this year but I doubt it.  I have already seen on line that there is a growing backlash against Fox for how you have done your job in the run up to this election.  If and when someone advised me that you have returned to your previous standard of “Fair and Balanced … We Report, You Decide,” I may return.

Ron Kohl
LTC, US Army (Ret)
Former Fox News Viewer

Originally posted 2020-11-09 14:47:23.

Voter Fraud – Already Started.

Received a notice card in the mail telling me my mail-in ballot would be sent to me twenty-five days prior to the election. Hmm, when I applied for my driver's license here in FL I must had applied for a mail-in ballot. Whoops, that "ain't" going to happen. I want to be damn sure my vote is counted, so I called and changed it to in-person voting. Folks, the fraud has already started, I fear this will be the worst election for fraud in our country's history. I fear it will be worse than some of the third world shit holes' elections. These liberal thugs ARE NOT going to allow the linchpin of democracy to play out legally. They simply cannot allow Trump to have four more years.

Pennsylvania: Mailed-In Military Votes for Donald Trump ‘Were Discarded,’ FBI Says

Federal authorities are investigating “discarded” mailed-in ballots in a key Pennsylvania county that swung to President Trump in 2016.

Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis contacted the FBI related to “potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections,” the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a news release.

The FBI, working with Pennsylvania State Police, has been conducting interviews and reviewing physical evidence since Monday in Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton.

“At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot,” the DOJ said.

“All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.” Is this a surprise to anyone?

The DOJ said the inquiry “remains ongoing.”

The Citizens’ Voice reported County Manager David Pedri said the county “identified an issue and reported it to the authorities.”

“We are confident that it will be successfully resolved so it will not have an impact on the integrity of the election process,” Salavantis told the paper. And if you believe this you know the saying< I have a bridge. . . . . ‘”

In 2016, Trump won Luzerne County 57.9 percent to 38.6 percent, according to published results.

In 2012, President Obama won the county 51.5 percent to 46.7 percent, the county reported.

Absentee ballots have not been mailed out to general voters yet. Pedri said that should happen the first week of October.

The Postal Service is investigating after three trays of mail, which included mailed-in ballots, were found thrown in a ditch in rural Wisconsin.

The mail was found “near the intersection of highways 96 and CB, near the Appleton International Airport” and was turned over to the postal service.

“The United States Postal Inspection Service immediately began investigating and we reserve further comment on this matter until that is complete,” USPS spokesman Bob Sheehan said.

The post office did not disclose how many ballots were discarded in that instance.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Listen to segments on YouTube or download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Twitter, like him on Facebook, and follow him on Parler.

Originally posted 2020-09-25 09:42:58.

The Rise of Rage

You should know by now I don’t watch any news programs, even FOX, Thanks to my Mother I have nice blood pressure and I intend to keep it that way especially considering my age. But I get lots of emails, hundreds of them a day to be exact. I look at them and some I try to read them all, but it’s tough. It depends on how much time I have and who it is from. So, I do get news items daily from folks, and I have some news outlets I go to on the web.. This one I received today and it is a Youtube by the one personality I have found myself watching from time to time – Tucker Carlson. I like his style, love his facial expressions when he is driving home a point. Anyway, I watched this and was so impressed with his main message I decided to share it. Perhaps if you religiously watch him you’ve see it. If so, watch it again, he has a very powerful message for all of us.

His message? Speak up, don’t take it anymore, you have absolutely nothing for which to apologize. Mine? Get pissed! Do something! Take control of your life and your rights!

Originally posted 2020-09-14 14:44:34.