Tag Archives: Johnson

Our New Speaker Speaks

You may not have had the time to listen to his remarks before the entire House today,  I did. I was impressed to hear where he is going to lead that broken legislature. I liked his priorities. I am posting it in full on here so you won’t have to listen to the MSM tonight give you only the sound bites that THEY decide you should hear. Listen to it all, and make your own decision instead of hearing what Lester Holts and company want you to hear.

Originally posted 2023-10-26 14:12:30.

The Gipper

Greeting Folks, today is the Lord’s Day so I am taking a respite from the chaotic society in which we find ourselves. For one day, I shall let the swamp sink itself further down into the muck and post something calming. I hope you enjoy the break. It comes from  what I believe, and many of agree, the best Governor in this United States of America, the Honorable Mr. Ron Desantis proclaimed yesterday as Ronald Reagan Day within our State.

In Governor DeSantis’ words:

Ronald Reagan was one of the greatest presidents our nation has ever had and left an iconic legacy that continues to inspire. I’m pleased to proclaim today, Feb. 6, as Ronald Reagan Day in Florida in honor of The Gipper.

No photo description available.

I challenge you to compare this couple

To these pieces of political garbage. Not in any particular order; they were all garbage and hell bent on destroying our once great Nation














Can I get some Amens from those of you who agree. Amen!


Originally posted 2021-02-07 14:39:47.

How the hell did we get here?

Good morning gang. After last night’s Super Tuesday results I imagine everyone is all fired up and ready to go vote for the former Vice President…….NOT!  Some of the Village People have dropped out. We lost the gay guy and the rich guy, but the fake Indian, the befuddled guy, and the communist are still around. I believe the  last two will fight it out to the end. I noted MSNBC (an acquaintance of mine and his bride believe they are the most reliable and non-partisan news show on TV, I know, you can stop laughing now), commented that POTUS is now scared because he may have to debate babbling Joe. Seriously? They’ll have to check Joe for an earphone  as he’ll need someone to keep reminding him where he is and for what job he is running. But, anyway, I digress.

Now to the point of the blog, the document here is long, so I recommend you print it out and read it at your leisure. I guarantee you will learn something. The writer, in my view, has provided a succinct and verifiable history of how our society got to where it is today. Trust me, take the time to read it and absorb what he is saying. Personally, I was so impressed, I had to go back and read it again to make sure I had it all in perspective. He makes a very strong case for when it all started and how it grew to the shithole we are now in. I’d love to hear your comments on the treatise. Right click on his name below and open in new tab or window; it’s a Word Document and it is safe!


Originally posted 2020-03-04 11:30:44.

Facts Folks – Look it up!

I have come to the conclusion that one cannot provide the “Village People” and their followers with facts, as they know better. Damn, I liked their music, so I hate to use their moniker to explain the current list of dem candidates i.e., a fake Indian, a gay guy, a communist, and a man who can’t remember where he is or for what he is running, but what else can you call them; maybe the class of clowns?

Anyway, I digress. I lived through all of which the video speaks, except the actual establishment. Oh I was alive then, but far too young to remember it. But my folks sure did; until the very day they expired the ONLY president worth a damn was “their” FDR for starting it all. Of course, they didn’t know about the subsequent changes because they were died in the wool Democrats and assumed it was for the good of the people.

How many of the other side realize who did what to OUR Social Security, which is no longer “social.” Hell, our elected officials do not even belong to it, or do they??????


Originally posted 2020-03-02 10:29:05.