Tag Archives: Globalism

Climategate II

A taxpayer-funded organization said no to congress? Are you kidding me?  Another action on the part of the Globalists in the last administration to unite the world in everything.

To paraphrase the immortal words of Britney Spears, “Oops, climate scientists did it again!”

The award-winning scientist responsible for creating, collecting, and maintaining the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) data archive, John Bates, recently disclosed leading NOAA’s climate scientists violated the agency’s rules, rushing to publication data which had yet to be tested and confirmed in order to influence the outcome of the Paris climate negotiations in 2015.

In a second breach of agency protocol, the scientists involved, led by Tom Karl, failed to properly archive and store their datasets for testing and public disclosure.

Subsequently, some of the original datasets were lost when the computer used to process the data suffered a complete failure. 

Karl, et al.’s 2015 “pause busting” research purported to show, contrary to every temperature dataset in existence at the time, Earth had not experienced an 18-year pause in rising temperatures, claiming instead everyone else’s data had been wrong and temperatures had continued to rise at an alarming rate right along with carbon-dioxide levels. As Bates put it, Karl’s team put their “thumb on the scale” to produce the results they wanted.

Much of the climate science community became suspicious of Karl’s claims over the months after the study was released, when it was discovered in the words of David Rose in the Daily Mail, “[Karl, et al.] took reliable readings from buoys but then ‘adjusted’ them upwards – using readings from seawater intakes on ships that act as weather stations … even though readings from the ships have long been known to be too hot.” As a result, the ocean temperature dataset used by Karl exaggerated the warming.

When you take good data and mix it with bad data and then average it, you no more produce reliable results than adding muddy river water to purified bottle water produces safe drinking water.

Karl’s actions show climate scientists wedded to the theory humans are causing catastrophic climate change learned nothing from the Climategate scandal of 2009. In Climategate, hacked e-mail exchanges between prominent climate scientists advising world leaders on climate policy exposed the scientists behaving badly. 

The scientists involved used a “trick” to remove inconvenient data from their datasets to “hide the decline,” in a critical set of proxy temperatures. In addition, the e-mails showed they collaborated to persecute and have fired an editor of a prominent climate science journal who allowed articles questioning the extent of humanity’s role in global warming to be published. 

The e-mails also showed the scientists actively sought to avoid releasing their taxpayer-funded data to other researchers and government bodies with oversight responsibility for testing and confirmation.

In the aftermath of the Climategate scandal, in order to ensure scientific integrity and regain the public’s trust, scientific bodies called on scientists to allow access to their raw data, assumptions, methodologies, and software and to promptly and completely respond to all Freedom of Information Act and government requests for information. 

Karl and his team not only violated NOAA’s own protocols, they also ignored all the suggestions made by the scientific community to improve transparency and accountability for research. When the U.S. House of Representatives’ House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, the committee with oversight over federally funded research, requested and eventually subpoenaed NOAA’s documentation for its pause-busting claims, NOAA refused to turn over all the materials requested, citing concerns about confidentiality and the integrity of the scientific process. New investigations are being launched into NOAA’s research in light of Bates’ disclosures.

Transparency is a paramount virtue in science since scientists can only produce discoveries that expand human knowledge and further human welfare when different teams of researchers collaborate by sharing data, assumptions, and methodologies; exchange theories and ideas; and review and test each other’s work. For NOAA, sound science took a backseat to scoring a political victory.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, yet world leaders ignored this fact when they pointed to NOAA’s claims the world was warming, despite other research showing no warming for 18 years. Disturbingly, this research of dubious merit provided impetus for producing the climate change treaty agreed to by leaders of more than 190 nations in Paris in December 2015.

These are dark times for climate science, and it has nothing to do with Donald Trump being in the White House. Let’s hope future climate charlatans are exposed to the light of day before they do further damage.

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. (hburnett@heartland.org) is a research fellow on energy and the environment at The Heartland Institute, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research center headquartered in Arlington Heights, Illinois.

Originally posted 2017-03-03 13:52:07.

Rescuing The Frog

As with much of the stuff sent to me by compatriots, I do not know who wrote this. And that’s a shame because I really do like to attribute excellent pieces to the rightful author. If anyone knows the author, please let me know. This is a well written piece by someone who is obviously knowledgeable, well versed, and intelligent. Globalism is something we don’t hear many people talking about, especially the silly MSM, probably because they haven’t a clue what it means or entails. Here is an excellent primer. Bravo Zulu to whoever wrote this fine piece.


I have no idea what Donald Trump will do as president except that, in general, he will tear down the insidious, liberty-sapping globalist infrastructure put in place by globalists on both the left and right. We all know the story of putting a live frog in a pot of cold water and slowly heating the pot until the frog, not realizing he is being boiled, is cooked. 

Over the past 50 years, globalists of both parties, have been slow cooking the American frog.   Who are globalists?  They are people who believe that the world is, with technology, becoming increasingly smaller.  Consequently, they believe in the ever increasing consolidation of governing power in fewer and fewer hands.  They are the same people who, in the United States have turned the government on its head, taking governing power from the states whenever possible and vesting it in the federal government.

They are people who would take power from the Congress and vest it in the President thus taking power from the people.  They are the people who, as in Europe, believe that sovereign governments like Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Germany should cede their governing power to a more centralized government, like the EU in Brussels.  They are people who believe that sovereign government and governments like the EU should then cede their power to a United Nations.  Slowly, over 50 years, the world has been moving in these directions.

Their ultimate goal is to take power from the many and invest it a few, chosen from among the elite who, they believe, know better how the world should be.   They have achieved their goals through a reasonable first step, open trade among sovereign nations. But once borders are open for trade, they advance their agenda through increasingly open borders for migration and population redistribution. 

They use agendas like climate change and sustainability to redistribute the wealth of nations and to control their economies.  They control the language people are permitted to use so that certain concepts and issues cannot reasonable be addressed.  They impose regulations that deny individual freedom under the notion of the “common good”.  They overturn the rule of law and attempt to establish in its place “social justice”.   They take religious conviction out of the public square and replace it with moral relativism and situational ethics.   They have translated equality of opportunity into equality of outcome.  They have reconfigured spiritual equality of human beings with material equality of possessions.   They have changed the notion of individual responsibility into group responsibility.  And they have confused discrimination with being discriminating.  For 50 years, these changes have slowly been boiling the American frog.  

Now Donald Trump has upset the apple cart.  And he is being vilified with every action he takes and every word he speaks.  He is in a fight before he even becomes president.  But this political fight is not a fight between Republicans and Democrats nor a fight between the Establishment and the Forgotten Man, nor any of the other media created divisions asserted by pundits.  The fear and outrage we are witnessing toward Trump is precisely because he has pledged to tear down the globalist infrastructure. You can’t blame younger people, for example, for being upset.  It’s all they have known and been taught.  They have no idea how the globalist agenda has weakened the United States in order to make her the equal of other nations.

They are now being told that the rules under which they have operated for most of their politically conscious lives might be over-turned.  It is exactly the way most older Americans felt as Obama spent the last 8 years making everything seem upside down to us.  The difference is that we older folks have lived under both systems and know the difference.  We understood because we lived witness to the heat being turned up on the kettle.  We felt the water beginning to boil.  And, instead of being comforted and lulled to sleep by the warming water, we remembered how cool and refreshing was the pond water that allowed us greater freedom.  And we jumped out.  We jumped with Trump (some of us).

So, Trump’s poll numbers will be low because globalists, foreign and domestic, are aligned against him.  They see 50 years of “slow boiling the frog” about to be over-turned.  The frogs are trying to escape the pot.  They see: freedom and business-killing regulation…gone, a failing, socialist healthcare system…repealed, religious freedom and religion itself…restored, the international globalist world order…redefined, national sovereignty taken from the hands of international bodies like the United Nations, and national borders restored and immigration laws enforced, thereby destroying the George Soros funded open borders that are the very foundation of their globalist agenda.

These things and more threaten the very existence of the globalist world view.  They will bring about change that will be resisted mightily by the very people who have imposed tremendous change on the United States in recent years.   They will attempt, as they have already, to delegitimize Trump, to frighten the uninformed with visions of Hitler and fascism, to tell people that they will be oppressed by a dictator.  They will try to further divide the nation by race, gender, age sexual orientation, suggesting they will all be harmed by this president.  In effect, they are telling the frogs not to jump out of the kettle where it is warm and comfortable and where we are all in it together.  “Don’t jump out into that cold cruel world where there are snakes that can eat you up.  Beware the snakes.  Stay in here where you are nice and comfortable and where WE will protect you from the snakes.   Perhaps they are correct that it is safer in the pot for now but I have no doubt that in the long run, we will be “cooked”. 

In the near future, there will be obstruction and a concerted effort by globalists of both parties to undermine the new administration because their plan, at least temporarily, has been derailed. Against this desperation driven fear and anger, I hope and pray Trump can prevail.  But I certainly don’t expect if he does, that it will be with any cooperation from those who oppose him because they operate on the false belief that they will lose more than they will gain.  Those who seek to take power from the people and consolidate it in the hands of the few are frustrated at this point in history.  The people who have been taught that the globalist agenda is best for everyone do not recognize that what is best for everyone is good for no one.   After the past 50 years of being the frog getting slow boiled in the pot of globalism, you can’t really blame them. Trump is taking them and the nation out of the pot.  The only thing that may change their minds is if they see that being taken out of the pot didn’t deprive them of a nice warm home but actually saved their lives.


Originally posted 2017-02-14 16:05:39.

The Rise of Rage

You should know by now I don’t watch any news programs, even FOX, Thanks to my Mother I have nice blood pressure and I intend to keep it that way especially considering my age. But I get lots of emails, hundreds of them a day to be exact. I look at them and some I try to read them all, but it’s tough. It depends on how much time I have and who it is from. So, I do get news items daily from folks, and I have some news outlets I go to on the web.. This one I received today and it is a Youtube by the one personality I have found myself watching from time to time – Tucker Carlson. I like his style, love his facial expressions when he is driving home a point. Anyway, I watched this and was so impressed with his main message I decided to share it. Perhaps if you religiously watch him you’ve see it. If so, watch it again, he has a very powerful message for all of us.

His message? Speak up, don’t take it anymore, you have absolutely nothing for which to apologize. Mine? Get pissed! Do something! Take control of your life and your rights!

Originally posted 2020-09-14 14:44:34.