Tag Archives: Chicago

Fashionable Racism

We are fast becoming a divided nation based solely on  skin color and gender, and Lightfoot and her spouse are the flag bearers.

Aren’t they a cute couple? Gee whiz. Their both uglier than ten bags of dead chickens a**holes. A match made in heaven. LOL Chicago, I have no sympathy or empathy for anyone in that city. You get what you elect. So suck it baby. She is reopening the city, so the criminals can get back out in the streets and pick up where they left off  killing one another. Why somone  would live in the city is beyond me. LOL

Another good one from my favorite contributor, Greg Maresca. Spot on as usual. Thanks Greg, keep em’ coming sir!

We have gone from social distancing to racial distancing, courtesy of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who is a proud black lesbian and recently declared, “I will be exclusively providing one-on-one interviews only with journalists of color.”

The justification for this blatantly racist tort is that white reporters simply cannot walk a mile in her shoes, so they must be shunned. The historic Supreme Court justices who decided Brown v. Board of Education would not be amused.

Lightfoot lamented about “institutionalized racism” throughout the media and suggested that any negative coverage she receives in office is the result of “racial and implicit bias.” Like the racists of the Jim Crow South, Lightfoot ranks reporters by their skin color. Lightfoot’s discriminatory interview policy is a slight to all Chicagoans. Lightfoot advocates what sociologists define as “reverse racial segregation,” which is just as hateful and abhorrent as Jim Crow.

White or not, successful mayors do not blame the messengers.

So much for Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society where race is nonessential to being an American. Where has King’s legacy gone when such loathing, bigotry and prejudice has never been condemned by any civil rights groups and in particular, Black Lives Matter?

The woke media’s continued silence only sanctions this obnoxious behavior throughout the Democrat Party just like the Jim Crow days proving just how cyclical history can be.

Never mind Chicago’s soaring crime and record murder rates, failing public schools, and hurting downtown. When a city has as many shootings as Chicago and its mayor worries more about the skin tone of reporters – the electorate suffers. Then again, what do you expect from a city where their cemeteries double as voting venues. Lightfoot is re-segregating our nation’s third largest city and using “racial and implicit bias” as the excuse to deflect from her own inadequacies, failed policies and feckless governance.

The underlying crux of the problem has been just too many white guys milling around asking questions.

Who knew?

Such pungent wokeism and cancel culture masquerading as progress and equality rather than grievance and retribution must send a thrill up the leg of progressive leftists everywhere.

Race is the perfect divergence for a politician of color like Lightfoot. Apparently unbeknownst to Lightfoot is that her blatant hypocrisy serves as additional ammunition for bigots. One cannot demand equality when one openly discriminates. Lightfoot is another exemplar in a long line of Democrat mayors who are incapable of dealing with the daunting challenges of their cities that have suffered through decades of gross mismanagement.

Placing judgment and exclusion based purely on someone’s skin tone and not their merit was the foundation for the Civil Rights Act that protects against discrimination where standards are applied uniformly regardless of race.

Lightfoot’s defiance distinguishes equality from equity that runs counter to the protections guaranteed in our Constitution. Where is the U.S. Justice Department’s investigation?

The Left has hijacked Civil Rights into fashioning certain identifiable groups as permanent victims and protected classes of people who are excused from life’s responsibilities and virtues.

The Left, led by President Biden, would rather bemoan relentlessly about white criminals in Tulsa a century ago rather than where the problem truly lies with present-day black criminals – political expediency at its best. In an irony for the ages, black residents of Tulsa 100 years ago would be astonished to learn that it is no longer racist white criminals to be feared, but their own kind who are the biggest perpetrators of crime and chaos within their neighborhoods.

All degrees of the woke race agenda and its offspring – the cancel culture – are anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-male, and no functioning society can survive such a fundamental and corrupted transformation.

Since Lightfoot is gay, black, and female, she is not to be questioned, criticized, or best – recalled. No national figure in this second decade of this 21st century will dare to call out such obvious and blatant racist bigotry. Moreover, there are no Chicago candidates of better quality than Lightfoot, so the slide of the nation’s third largest metropolis will only accelerate.

Led by the political left, America is again dividing itself by race and roaming toward a perilous cliff.

Yes folks and that cliff is huge and long!


Originally posted 2021-06-11 13:17:39.

America’s War on its Children Part III

OMG, here it comes folks. All of you in Illinois grab your socks! Remember you voted these fools into office so it appears to me you have two choices, suck it up and live with it, or vote with your feet. I did that two years ago. Who’s next? It’s a short report you won’t have to listen to the entire news program. BTW, a very dear friend of ours emailed this to me and added, “BTW, it’s already been implemented in my children’s school district.” WOW  Remember folks, knowing the new administration’s feelings on this, it could go nationwide, but you can bet your sweet bippy, our Governor will say Not only no, but,  HELL NO!. Will be interesting to see if the Illinois legislature passes this; my bet knowing their progressive stanch, it will pass. Stay Tuned! I realize this is, by far, “un-funny,” but can’t help laughing at these fools!

Can’t wait to hear your comments, especially if there any teachers out there.


Originally posted 2021-01-29 15:52:10.

America’s War on its Children

Taking a break from the political fiasco of our country, here is another subject Mustang takes on with common sense, which as we all know, is a rare attribute in America, and much of that is caused by this subject. This is a topic about which I have some personal knowledge. A female teacher friend of mine was a longtime teacher in what was  a good school in a Cook County, IL HS. In fact, her children went there. Then  things suddenly changed when they decided to include other parts of the district in this HS. They received Jr HS students from different schools in an attempt to do what I shall call “leveling the playing field” for all students. The things she had to put up with would make the average educated, caring parent cringe with disgust. Administrators who never stood in a classroom. Students who refused to pay attention, would not shut up so she could teach, and constantly told her to, “Go F**k herself.” When her and her fellow teachers tried to send them to the office, oftentimes they had call security to have them physically removed. while fighting and screaming vulgarities. The principal’s answer was and I quote, “Do not send your discipline problems to me, you are the teacher and are responsible for disciplining your own students.” Life in that school district became overnight a war zone; teachers against students and the administrators Unions youy ask? Come on don ‘t be that gullible; they are a major part of the problem. How much do you have to pay a teacher to put up with that every weekday for nine months? 

She is now teaching in  Catholic school in FL and absolutely loves her job and her students. For her it is a joy to wake up in the morning looking forward to going to her school. I fervently believe our education system is so broken and believe there is no light at the end of the tunnel to fix it, but we shall still continue throwing money at it because that what our government does.

Personally, I believe the downfall of our education system started with Bush’s “no child left behind.” I have some experience giving talks at these “Alternative Schools” where they send those who should be left behind, but aren’t. Trust me, go visit some of them in your area and see for yourself. There may be good ones, but what I saw was an inability to tell the difference between the students and the teachers. When I asked the principal why the teachers were wearing trashy clothes, earrings and tattoos  like the students; his reply was “It’s important for the teachers to identify with the students.” Leadership at its finest right?

The Failure of Education

by Mustang

If (fill in the blank) isn’t working out to your expectations, then all you have to do is throw more money at it. That’s the message we regularly receive from people who make their money from selling “education.” But, is it true?  Of course not.

The American education system is an utter failure and has been for decades, and there is no more significant proof of that than observing today’s young adults.  They have no academic skills beyond cheating on tests; they lack essential knowledge about our nation’s history or even their own states. They are unable to comprehend cause and effect relationships, and they cannot reason.  If our education system is the doctor, then we’ve killed the patient.

Educationalist (a term I use in the most disparaging manner possible) Kate Barrington wants us to know about the American education system’s top fifteen failures.  None of her “failures” represent the underlying problem of American schools, but here’s what she identified as her most significant concerns:

    1. Insufficient government funding
    2. Charter schools siphon away money from public schools
    3. Teachers aren’t making enough money
    4. Too many teachers are fired for political reasons
    5. There is too much bullying going on in schools
    6. Students are “too poor” to learn
    7. Schools are over-crowded
    8. Students are too anxious and hyper-active to learn
    9. Insufficient parental involvement

She never once mentioned political brainwashing imposed on every child in public schools, never said anything about the costly athletic programs that take away time and money from academic curricula, never mentioned the dismal results of “high stakes” testing, or the fact that students receive no training in civics education, are taught revisionist history, or that they are bored to the point of tears in the classroom.

Ms. Barrington didn’t say that our children cannot construct a proper sentence, much less a paragraph, or that an average first-year high school student can only read at the fifth-grade level and cannot perform algebraic computations or has no interest in the wonder of science.

She also never mentioned that the United States (federal and state expenditures) spends, on average, $800-billion on educational programs EACH YEAR.  That figure approximates $15,000.00 annually for each child in elementary and secondary schools.  Maybe we shouldn’t focus so much on what we spend on American education — perhaps we should be asking what we’re getting as a return on that investment.  Are we getting smarter kids who, within a few years, are knocking them dead in the corporate structure, on Wall Street, as engineers, as scientists?

No — actually, American kids (including those graduating from college with a four-year degree) are mediocre compared to the rest of the civilized world.  Forty years after the publication of A Nation at Risk, a ground-breaking report by the National Commission on Excellence, America’s kids are dumber than ever despite the doubling of our expenditures on education.

Constructing more schools does not equate to better education — it only means more children per year are less competitive globally.  What other conclusions can a rational person make when more than two-thirds of the student population cannot demonstrate mastery in grade-level mathematics and science, reading, or even understanding the history of their own ancestors?

Here’s an interesting statistic: 85% of our nation’s high school graduates each year are unqualified to enter college as freshmen without substantial remediation.

According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, the average expenditure worldwide is around $9,800 per student annually.  Around the world, then, nations who spend far less educating their children are producing young adults who can (and do) read, who can communicate well in writing, who understand complex mathematics, and are geared toward careers in science and engineering.

Equally important, we must address the question of whether America’s young adults are as well-adjusted psychologically as their “other world” cohorts.  There does not appear to be any evidence to support such a claim.  Considering high incidents of violence in schools and throughout local communities, the opposite seems right. America’s young adult is maladjusted, and if there is not a trend toward psychopathic abnormality, it certainly seems that way.

What, then, should we deduce?  Should we conclude that in exchange for $800-billion annually, we are getting psychologically damaged young adults?  As young adults, our children not only do not know who they are but also don’t care.

Our young adults do not understand that the rights they enjoy extend to every other citizen, as well — so supporting such notions that they must silence a citizen who has different views from their own — forcibly, if necessary — tells us that our education system has grown at least two (maybe three) generations of dangerously maladjusted human beings.  Moreover, they are irrational in thinking that such behavior benefits a healthy society.

America is getting no bang for its buck.  Rather than demanding more money (to waste), perhaps reduced spending is a better plan.  Pay teachers less money, not more.  Stop pretending that high school football programs are equal in importance to science and mathematics.  Stop spending hundreds of millions of dollars on textbooks that facilitate revisionist brainwashing or communicate anti-white racial biases.

When compared to the children raised in third-world countries, our children are stupid, psychotic, and socially inept.  Is this our return on our ever-increasing investment in the American education system?  One notable scientist suggested, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”  We attribute this quotation to Albert Einstein’s Parable of Quantum Insanity.  Perhaps the educationalists should make a note of it.

Mustang also blogs at Fix Bayonets and Thoughts From Afar

Here’s Sleepy Joe’s answer to the severe problem

Originally posted 2021-01-26 11:51:27.

Replies Requested

Received a comment on my post entitled “Let’s Forgive Everyone” from a person who shows a link to his/her blog entitled, https://cafebedouin.org/. I visited the blog and all I can say is OMG, here’s another “one.” While I did reply with a few comments, I thought I’d post his comment so my followers could reply directly to him. Have at it folks, and as all of you do, please don’t hold back.

By Illinois, you must mean Chicago. The rest of the state shares your preferences. The idea that people poor enough to steal, with addiction problems, etc. might benefit from something other than jail time doesn’t sound as wrong-headed as you are desperately trying to paint it here.

Originally posted 2021-01-04 10:22:33.