Tag Archives: Biden

What’s missing?

Here is is Sunday before Christmas, yesterday was the Winter Solice, and it’s raining today (we really need it) so I am locked in the house. bored. So here is something to chew on.

OK, we have had, what, five debates so far? Sorry, but I simply could not force myself to watch even a minute of any of them since I had a pretty good idea what was going to be asked as well as the answers. I wonder if anyone leaked the questions to their favorite choice?

Anyway, I received an email from an active member of this blog enlightening me to an issue that I did not know about since I chose to watch reruns of Gunsmoke or taped episodes of Laurel and Hardy, depending whether I wanted to watch a great western or comedy. Of course, I jest, as I don’t know what I watched instead of the stooges. But then I digress.

I’d ask you if there is anything you might believe tis missing from any of the following photos of the various debates. This, my followers, is a test and I wont provide you with the answer.  From my friend who sent me the email, this issue was reported by none other than FOX News.








I could not find a photo fro CBS, I guess they did not sponsor a go around yet?

The one shot I found laughable was the CNN Debate in Detroit. Why was it held in the “Fox” theater. Was this an attempt to add Fox News to the agenda? Nah, they wouldn’t do that, would they?And And finally, I just had to add my attempt at humor, but then if you watched the debates, you really don’t need anymore.OK, itOkay, OK, now it’s your turn. What’s missing on the stages of the debates? Fox suspects it would have triggered some people into anxiety, or words to that effect. Really? Whatever their reason was, I think every American needs to consider that which is missing.

Got it? Tell me and tell me your thoughts on it. Then pass it around to your progressive friends, if you have any. As you know, I do not.

Originally posted 2019-12-22 10:46:58.

Hunter VS Eric. You Decide





By Eric Trump:

I am keenly aware of how fortunate I was to be born the son of one of the wealthiest and most well known businessmen in America. I am also the first to admit that things are different when you grow up as a Trump.

Anyone who has paid attention to the news, especially since my father announced his run for the White House, knows the media has attacked every member of my family viciously and given us anything but kind treatment. The adult “children” in our family are certainly not off limits. We did after all fight alongside our father in his quest to win the presidency. We stood on that stage and campaigned across the nation, and are certainly willing to take the punches where they are warranted and deserved. The double standard, however, is nothing short of glaring.

It would be a waste of print to recount every smear, hit piece, and invasion of privacy my family has faced. But allow me to sum it up by highlighting an article published by Forbes and re-posted in virtually every major news outlet, attacking a charity that I started when I was 20 years old. In less than 10 years, I raised more than $20 million for terminally ill children at Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital. I maintained just over a 9 percent cumulative expense ratio, one of the lowest expense ratios of any charity in the nation, and funded the construction of one of the most cutting edge intensive care units and surgery centers dedicated to children.

The Eric Trump Foundation intensive care unit treats some of the sickest children in the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and it gives their parents and families hope. Yet I was viciously chastised by the Democrats and the media who relentlessly tried to manufacture stories about me, my mission, and my intentions with the charity. At the same time, the Clinton Foundation controversy was in full swing, and the media knew that it could use me as their punching bag to distract from one of their own.

One might say it comes with the territory, and that is absolutely true. As a Trump, I am held to an incredibly high public standard and I have lived an exceptionally clean and honest life with that in mind. But can you imagine, if they were willing to try and destroy a “kid” who dedicated his life to pediatric cancer and philanthropy, what the media would say if I had secured a $50,000 a month job on the board of a Ukrainian company, with no discernable duties, in an industry I knew nothing about, in a country where I did not even speak the language? What if my father on live camera threatened to cut off military aid to that country unless the prosecutor investigating that company for corruption was fired?

To make the hypothetical picture sufficiently vivid, also imagine that I had previously been kicked out of the United States Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine or was given a contract potentially worth $1.5 billion by China weeks after traveling to Beijing with my father aboard Air Force Two. I worked hard to raise millions of dollars for dying children, yet crickets from the media and weekly parodies on Saturday Night Live.

For the record, I do not know exactly what Hunter Biden did or did not do in Ukraine, in China, in his personal life, or elsewhere. There are plenty of other controversies that measure below the dignity and character of this article to regurgitate. I do like to give people the benefit of the doubt, since that courtesy is so seldom bestowed upon me and my family.

One thing, however, is absolutely certain. If the situation were reversed, I would have been front page news in every newspaper, online publication, and cable news outlet for the rest of my life. Reporters would be camping outside of my door, my family would have been picked apart, my name would have been smeared in the news every single week, and my father arguably would not even be president of the United States today.

I do not always agree with Bill Maher, but the late night host was honest enough to admit that if my brother or I had done what Hunter Biden did, “it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about.” I do not know what he learned while growing up as a Biden, but if what we know about his life indicates anything, it is that there are different rules if you are the son of a powerful Democratic politician. Money grows on trees, there are no rules, and the press will always cover for you if it benefits the political left.

To quote the great Marcus Aurelius from The Gladiator, “Your faults as a son are my failures as a father.” I owe all of my work ethic, character, integrity, and moral fiber to my father. Hunter Biden can say the same.


Postscript: My bride and I have a granddaughter, currently 34, who was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 6. By an act of God, she was referred to St Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, They took over her case and paid for everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, including treatment, transportation, lodging for her and her mother from Illinois to Tennessee on a consistent basis for years and years. She is now a dedicated marathon runner, lives a full life, is married, is still in remission, and has become a poster person for St. Jude’s

From someone who knows what you’ve done, THANK YOU!

To Hunter Biden, go to hell and take your POS father with you.

Originally posted 2019-10-16 10:01:42.

Hello Joe!





Hmm, remember the incident with ole Joey boy, you know who I mean, “the handler.” The one who likes to handle every one, especially women, the guy who the Dems think is going to win the nomination and then win 2020? Surely, you know who I mean. And also remember the newest impeachment proceedings over the phone conversation President Trump had with the head of Ukraine where he requested further investigation of Joey and his wanting the Chief Prosecutor fired or “HE” was going to withhold $1 B from them? OK, with me now? Well, here is the sworn statement of the fired prosecutor. You may have to expand it to read since the print is small, but you really don’t need to read the whole thing. You know what it’s going to say, just scan anywhere it mentions Joey boy by name and you’ll get the drift.

The best thing that could happen is  for the House goes forward with POTUS’ impeachment, then the trial starts in the Senate where his lawyers can subpoena ANYBODY!!!!! And I do mean anybody!! I don’t think the Dems are smart enough to figure out what will happen when that trial starts. This is getting really laughable.


Originally posted 2019-09-28 09:41:32.