Tag Archives: Biden

Oh Lord, help us Please

LOL, Let me start with a laugh, maybe two, LOL This video is the guy for whom the big mouthed retired generals are throwing their support.  That deserves another laugh, LOL Can you believe Colin Powell supports this guy, Another laugh LOL. Actually it is a pitiful these so called intelligent, Warrior Monks feel this fellow should be our next POTUS, the leader of the free world.  Can you imagine him and Putin sitting down for a discussion on matters of grave concern to the world?. OMG But wait, you haven’t seen the video yet . Trust me, it’s a hoot. LOL

Well, was I wrong was it a hoot or not?  Lord, please help us!

Originally posted 2020-06-13 11:31:23.

One More Time

I thought I was done with Mr. Mattis, but then I received an email with an attachment from a gentleman who writes for several magazine. I was moved by his article and asked if he minded I use it on the blog and he enthusiastically endorsed the use of it. So, here it is. Enjoy one last spit balls at Mr. Mattis. In case you cannot pick it out, he is a Marine, albeit, a poor one in my eyes, but he is still a Marine.

A Mad Dog’s Lament

By: G. Maresca

When Marine Corps Gen. Jim Mattis was nominated as President Trump’s secretary of defense, he needed a congressional waiver to be confirmed because federal law prohibits former military officers from serving as secretary of defense within seven years of retiring. That waiver came without restraint as Mattis was well-known and respected throughout Capitol Hill.

Many veterans were pleased Mattis would be serving again especially Marines, as one of their own would be at the pinnacle at the Department of Defense. Those who follow the Corps were well acquainted with Mattis and many anticipated he would eventually be named commandant. That was not to be as Mattis’ days were numbered when he rightfully disagreed with President Obama’s dreadful multi billion dollar Iranian nuclear deal.

That only endeared Mattis even more.

Being a hero is no guarantee that one day your ego will not get the best of you. History is littered with such individuals like Alcibiades, Napoleon, and even Benedict Arnold.

Throughout the Corps’ storied history, no Marine has ever served as president, or vice president and only two have been appointed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff since that rank’s inception in 1949.

Over the past half century, Mattis is likely the most recognized Marine since the legendary, Chesty Puller.

In the latest issue of the Atlantic, a magazine that has scaled the leftist alps for over a decade, Mattis lives up to his Jarhead moniker of “mad dog” going on the offensive criticizing President Trump.

Mattis condemns Trump’s walk to St. John’s, an historic church that was torched the night before that the Washington D.C. mayor refused to stop, “as a bizarre photo op.” Trump’s appearance underscored religious liberty that is enshrined within the Constitution that Mattis once swore to defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

Mattis continued: “Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us.”

For eight years Barack Obama fanned the flames of racial enmity in such a way that the media and apparently Mattis advocated.

We are now agonizing through its consequences.

Speaking after the launch of NASA/SpaceX Trump declared: “The death of George Floyd on the streets of Minneapolis was a grave tragedy. It should never have happened. It has filled Americans all over the country with horror, anger, and grief. Yesterday, I spoke to George’s family and expressed the sorrow of our entire nation for their loss. I stand before you as a friend and ally to every American seeking justice and peace and I stand before you in firm opposition to anyone exploiting this tragedy to loot, rob, attack, and menace. Healing, not hatred, justice, not chaos, are the missions at hand.”


Where is Mattis’ condemnation of the Democrats’ condoning riots that has killed and destroyed the businesses of hundreds, if not thousands? Where is his disapproval of the politicization of federal law enforcement agencies arranging clearly false plots against political opponents, including a fellow Gen. Michael Flynn, and a sitting president?

Where is the outrage about such seditious, if not treasonous acts that continues to divide the nation that threatens the constitutional order Mattis professes to revere?

Mattis went on to denounce Trump’s threat to use the military to restore order. Perhaps Mattis is not the historian he claims to be possessing a personal library of over 7,000 books, or that he has no qualms about ignoring how prior presidents utilized the military to quell riots in order to serve his own political agenda.

After all, generals are inherently political as all senior officers are congressional appointees.

Mattis is revealing himself to be another covered and concealed member of the D.C. swamp, who doesn’t want to participate in its demise, maintaining what the last general who called the White House home (Eisenhower) dubbed, “the military industrial complex.”

Mattis resigned as Secretary of Defense because he objected to Trump removing our troops from Syria where Mattis believed the Kurd’s would be decimated, but weren’t.

It appears Mattis and Trump are probably more alike than not with a dominating personality.

Mattis’ diatribe does nothing to heal the nation. Perhaps these former high-ranking military officers need to continue the tradition of self-censorship to maintain the reputation of the armed forces as non-political.

However, it is certainly Mattis’ First Amendment right not to abide.

Mattis might want to undertake Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s advice and “just fade away”. If not, then he needs to stop with the political pontificating, and book writing, and throw his cover in the ring and run for public office.

Bottom line in November: Trump or Biden.

If Mattis believes Biden is the answer, the general has more than his crossed rifles – crossed.


Originally posted 2020-06-11 15:48:46.

Why Trump in 2020?

Okay Folks, I’ve been silent long enuff, it’s time to speak up again. Here are the many  reasons why Donald Trump deserves to be reelected. If you disagree, you’ve been living under a rock!?

I like this guy, he doesn’t hold back., lays it all on the line, and I can find nothing wrong or incorrect with any of his facts. but then you be the judge. Six minutes and thirteen seconds of truth for which liberal Washington has no defense.



Originally posted 2020-05-29 10:42:54.


This is a re-post of an earlier, and here’s why. I’m sure you read the one titled “A Must Read for every American.” In fact, it has received more hits than any post I have every made since this blog began back in October 2015. It has thus far reached 1,149 hits and is still being viewed as I write this. I am excited about that, and I hope everyone is forwarding it, which I am sure many are thus the reason for so many views.

I believe this to be the issue right now before elections. Americans NEED to understand what is going on with our elected officials, and I am not just speaking of liberals. Many GOP congressman and senators are beginning to murmur words against Trump, and now we all should understand why. He has all but taken away their Golden Egg and if given four more years he will slaughter their Golden Goose for good. 

So I am re-posting this post, which is the Trumps ad for the upcoming election. Keep in mind what you read in the “Must Read” post as you watch this ad again. He talks about what he is doing and why he can do it. The two posts belong together, they enhance one another.

Trump is the only one who can destroy this sad state of affairs within our government. He is beholding to no one, lobbyist, major corporations, Wall Street, Unions, etc. He owes no favors, receives no kick backs let alone his salary. 

Please re-pass this one on to your friends and explain what I am saying here. Folks, fellow Americans, this is important, you must be involved. As I have repeatedly said, the DNC cannot afford four more years of Trump. Trust me, this will be the worse election in the history of America!

The 2020 Election


If Trump is not re-elected in November, our legislative system and form of government will be gone forever! This is not a conspiracy theory my fellow Americans, it will happen.

Originally posted 2020-05-06 12:45:21.

President Trump and the Media

Copied from Trump Train News (TTN) to which I subscribe. Don’t always agree with some of the wild things they post, and some of their writers need to go back to school and take a grammar course. But sometimes they post something I fully agrees with and consider sharing, such as the one I posted below. I know not the author, but it’s well written. Enjoy.

Donald Trump has a spectacular opportunity right now to put his opponents in the Fake News Media right where he wants them – but he’ll want to strike while the iron is hot.

My son is 3 years old, and he loves dinosaurs – he’s absolutely obsessed with them. Dinosaur books, dinosaur toys, and every dinosaur documentary Disney+ and Amazon Prime have to offer. Inevitably, we end up watching a lot of shows that weren’t really made for kids – full of all the cheap poetic metaphors you expect from the made-for-TV documentary film writers who couldn’t get a writing gig for the next Summer blockbuster. My favorite is at the end of the BBC Walking with Dinosaurs series, where Kenneth Branaugh reminds the viewer that as death rained from the heavens, the dinosaurs could not look to the sky and contemplate their demise.

Extinction-level events are hard for the creatures living through them to process. We’re in the middle of an extinction-level event right now. No, not COVID-19. What we’re seeing is the death of the major media cartels – especially on the information side. News media has, since Donald Trump’s historic 2016 run, been contracting quickly and thousands of would-be Walter Cronkites are being turned out to prepare iced vanilla lattes for decidedly less interesting people than they think they are. The best they can do is thrash about while it happens, oblivious to why it is happening; frankly, they seem almost dedicated to hastening their own end.

Take the pandemic coverage: COVID-19 has been treated like a godsend for these people – with major sports leagues shutdown and businesses closing, they’re quickly becoming the only entertainment game in town. It also gives them a convenient bludgeon to use against their bogeyman-of-choice, President Trump. They accuse him of being malicious, incompetent, both, neither… whatever allows them to continue justifying their hatred of him. COVID-19 has led to a lot of them piling blame on him for problems that truly stem from problems in healthcare, labor laws, and immigration control – problems that he has as President worked tirelessly to address only to be blocked at every turn.

People aren’t blind to this, though, and eventually, the fallout from the Wuhan Comet is going to settle. The novel coronavirus is a bad disease, but it’s not Smallpox or the Bubonic Plague. Media hysterics have put millions of people on the ropes – and criticism of Trump trying to help the folks on Main Street only hastens the extinction of the dinosaurs here. When the American citizens who have been made to suffer by this panic realize just how exaggerated the threat of COVID-19 is, President Trump is going to have a fantastic opportunity to reach anyone who still thinks CNN or MSNBC is on their side. They tried to get him with lies about Russia, then lies about Ukraine, and now all of their crying wolf has almost tanked the economy.

Ever since the Kennedy-Nixon Debate, every Conservative candidate has had to run against two opponents: the Democrat and the Media Cartels. Trump is the first in a long while to defeat both in his campaigns, and COVID-19 has given him another opportunity to keep the Media Cartels on their back foot. Even if the leading Democrat candidate was someone who could string together a coherent sentence, the Media hysteria has given Trump such an upper hand that he’ll win handily. By running around screaming that the sky is falling, they’re bringing the roof down on their own heads.

I often enjoy the comments as much as the article itself. I especially enjoyed this one:

I am embarrassed to admit it, but when I registered to vote I register as a Democrat. You must remember that in the fifties and the sixties this Party was the Party of Labor. The agenda of both major Parties was clear then. Democrats fought for Labor Rights and the Republican fought for business rights. YES, even then, each Party had their faults;but this was the accepted norm then. What has changed? The Parties started talking about social justice. Social justice that defines the rights listed in our US Constitution. Politicians took these accepted rights and made them political. By doing so this the Republic moved away from our US Constitution , thus giving the nation Political Correctness. This Political Correctness has replaced Rule of Law, putting the nation on a path to it’s own internal demise with Socialism. Those who drafted our US Constitution knew the importance of Rule of Law. They even required a Oath of Office to remind those we elect to follow Rule of Law as our Constitution demands of all US Citizens. Political Correctness severed this link between our Constitution and it’s Rule of Law. We now hear politicians claiming no one needs a “Assault weapon” or a thirty round clip. People tend to forget that to be called a “Assault weapon” it has to be used to assault another human being. We could call a rake or shovel a “Assault weapon” if it is used to assault another human being. We are also hearing that people must respect and accept other faiths, yet this is not what our US Constitution states. People are free to accept who or what religion they choose. Citizens are even allowed to hate another minority as long as they do not infringed on the rights of this minority. In the United States people are given the right to speak their mind and assemble as they choose as long as they do not become a threat to others. Politicians have taken rights that are quite clearly stated in the US Constitution and twisted them so badly that their true meaning is distorted for political gain.

There is only one thing that will save the US from it’s demise. Return to Rule of Law and stop this Political Correct BS. Respect our US Constitution and do not use this constitution for political gain.

My one deep concern with what was said is I hope and pray DJT does not step on his shoe strings and say or do something stupid between now and November 3rd! We all know he his personality and there have been times where he has not served himself well. I’m hoping!


Originally posted 2020-04-11 10:34:05.