Tag Archives: America

Aaron Menche

With all the artificial intelligence BS flying around today, you can’t believe anything anyone is saying or showing you.  We have really gotten ourselves into a pickle. Something has to be done about it, and I don’t have a damn clue. That shit is far above my pay grade. I have trouble with real intelligence, let alone the artificial stuff. That has much to do as to why I have not posted much lately. You can’t believe anything anymore, and I don’t have the time to vet everything. But, having said that, I did some research on this fellow and I believe everything he writes.  Something has to be done about all these Muslim. All I will say is keep your goats locked up, as they will rule the world someday!

More concerning Aaron I found:  Aaron Menche, at The Blogs (timesofisrael.com)

I am sitting in my office here in Israel, 9 days after the barbaric attack on Jewish communities in the south. I am writing to you so that you can share our story. I watch international news and am appalled by what I see. I watch the anti-Israel protests and am sickened. I see the silence of most of corporate America and the grotesque support on college campuses. I see the silence of some of my friends and family.

First, let me tell you what has happened. I am not sure that you understand the full extent of this horror. We do not parade our dead for propaganda purposes as our enemy does. We respect those who have been slaughtered and their families. The next few lines may be hard to read, and I would understand if you were not able to:

Entire families were slaughtered in their homes—men, women, children, infants, and the elderly. Israel has now found copies of the Hamas orders to their men, and this is what was planned.
Children under the age of 10 had their hands tied behind their back and were shot in the head in front of their parents.
Infants were beheaded.
Whole families were dismembered, their bodies strewn in the street.
Women were raped next to the bodies of their dead friends.
A 90-year-old woman who survived the Holocaust was tied up and shot in the head. Her killers then uploaded the murder to her Facebook account so her family could see.
Those who managed to go to their safe rooms were burned alive.
I could go on, but I won’t. It is too hard to think about, let alone write. 1200 innocent people annihilated with a barbarity not seen in modern times.

Yet when I turn on the news, the majority has shifted to the plight of the Palestinians. Not Hamas, but those stuck in Gaza that Hamas is hiding behind. Trust me when I say no one here relishes the idea of the murder of civilians. Unlike the Palestinians’ reaction, none of us will be dancing in the street and giving out candy. In fact, the Israeli army has not started a ground invasion precisely because they are trying to save as many Palestinian civilians as possible. Even if you do not have a military background, you can understand that every hour that goes by gives Hamas more time to dig in and will cause the death of more Israeli soldiers. Israel has not invaded Gaza fully, even though they knew Hamas was getting stronger, to avoid civilian casualties. Yet Hamas is telling people not to leave. They are saying that it is a Zionist trick to get them to leave their land, like in 1948. Their real purpose is to show the world the barbarity of the Jews when civilians die. This was the plan from the beginning. This is always the plan with Hamas.

A few facts: Gaza is not occupied territory. Israel moved every troop and settlement out of there in 2005. In 2007, Hamas was elected to run Gaza by the Gazan people. They did this knowing that the Hamas charter calls for the elimination of Israel and all the Jews (for some reason the latter is never mentioned). Some will say that Gaza was in effect occupied because of the strict blockade that Israel imposed. The fact is the blockade was attempted by Israel and Egypt, never Israel alone, another thing never mentioned. It was clearly not effective. If it was, would Hamas have been able to secure all the weapons they have? Would they have been able to build miles and miles of underground tunnels? They could have used this cement to build schools, hospitals, or bomb shelters. Was this done? Some say that they needed to protect themselves. From who? Israel had no intention to reconquer the Gaza Strip. When Israel left, the Palestinians were given a choice. They could build a free society, schools, hospitals, etc., or they could prepare kill Jews to free Palestine because, for them, Palestine is not what is outlined in a two-state solution, Palestine is Israel.

Israel has been accused many times of dealing a heavy hand to the Palestinians by imposing a cruel and inhumane occupation. We have been called Nazis. We have been accused of genocide, apartheid, and war crimes. In fact, the UN Human Rights Commission has only one standing agenda item for a specific country, and that is Israel. Israel is the most inhumane country in the world.

I was once asked by someone why the Jews need their own country; why can’t it be for everyone? I asked him if he knew his grandparents. He replied that he did. I told him I never met mine; they were thrown in an oven. The Palestinians have done everything they can to take Jewish national trauma and turn it on its head, but I have never heard of Israeli death camps. I have never heard of the murder of millions of Palestinians. On the contrary, the Palestinian population has grown faster than almost any on earth. If this is what Israeli genocide looks like, we obviously are not good at it.

Yes, the Israeli occupation has been harsh, but unlike the rest of the world, we knew what we were dealing with. In 1929, 1936, and 1948, the Palestinians raped, murdered, beheaded, and mutilated Jews. We knew if given the chance, they would do it again. So after Israeli independence, we made sure it couldn’t. We lost part of our humanity to stay alive. The Palestinians have been offered peace on seven occasions, and they have turned it down each time. The last time was in 2008; they were offered more than 95% of the territory taken in 1967 and a capital in East Jerusalem. This was rejected because Israel would not give in on two points. One was the right of return. This calls for all Palestinian refugees to be able to return to their ancestral homeland. Unlike any other refugee group in the world, only Palestinians have generational refugees, sometimes up to the 5th generation. This means that there are currently over 5 million Palestinian refugees when only 700,000 left in 1948. If granted the right of return, Israel would cease to be a Jewish state. Even knowing this, Israel offered, as a symbolic gesture, to have 100,000 Palestinians return.
The second issue is Jerusalem. Sharing Jerusalem was not enough they wanted all of it including west Jerusalem which is entirely Jewish. A few quick facts:

Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran.
Jews have been praying to return to Jerusalem for over 2000 years.
The Koran recognizes that Israel was given to the Jews.
For the Jews, Jerusalem and specifically the Temple Mount are the holiest places on earth. When Israel conquered these areas in 1967, what did they do? Did they bar Muslim prayer? Did they build a third temple? No, They prevented Jews from praying there and gave the authority of the Temple Mount to the Muslim Waqf.

What we in Israel know is that the Palestinians will never accept anything less than our destruction. They have said so, poll after poll confirms this. Not a poll of Hamas members, a poll of Palestinians..

I am asking everyone I know to try to help. If you know people who are cheering our raped and dismembered, I hope you can now explain to them why this is not the same as occupation. The idea that anyone would support these heinous crimes is unfathomable, and yet we see this happening all over the world. Join rallies in support of Israel. In the coming months, we will need all the support we can get. Let your customers, clients, and suppliers know. This is not the time to hold back. When the photos of dead civilians from Gaza and Lebanon (yes, I think that will start soon) start pouring over the media, the pressure on Israel to stop will be relentless. Remind people that Palestinian resistance is only accomplished when every Jew in Israel is dead, and the days of us going like sheep to the slaughter are gone.

This time, Israel will not stop under international pressure. We will continue until Hamas is destroyed because the alternative is that we will be destroyed. We are being given the choice between our children or theirs. A choice that they have thrust upon us. A choice that no one will rejoice in, but we know what we must choose.

If anyone would like to discuss this further (as long as you can civilly) or would like any proof of some of the things I am saying, please let me know. If you think that you know some people who may not truly understand what is going on here, please feel free to share this, and if you feel that you just want to delete this email and move on, I understand. You think it is not your fight. I hope you are smarter and understand that ultimately it will be.

Aaron Menche
Sent from my iPhone


Once again, I am remiss in posting anything. My only excuse is age-related – I guess having turned 83, I’m just slowing down. Otherwise, my health is good. I find this latest from my friend and fellow Marine Greg earth-shattering as well. I cannot believe the Supreme Court can find anything in the Moore case to go along with the government. Absolutely crazy and could change everything about a capitalistic economy.

Taxing Tremors                                                              By: Greg Maresca

A 7.6 earthquake and its resulting tsunami on New Year’s Day that shook Japan set the stage as the faultless metaphor that will reverberate throughout 2024 and beyond.  With the impending presidential election aside, the tremors of improbability arrived a month earlier when the Supreme Court decided to hear a case with profound implications for the federal income tax.

Moore v. U.S. will decide if the federal government can tax unrealized capital gains not yet received under the 16th Amendment.  The justices agreed to hear the Moore’s appeal as the couple wanted their $14,729 refund that the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against. The Ninth Circuit, known in legal circles as the “Ninth Circus,” has the worst record of any appeals court before the Supreme Court.

Like Roe v. Wade did last year, this case will have a huge and lasting ripple effect regarding future taxation that should concern everyone.

It is no secret that the nation is accruing debt that is unsustainable. The day of reckoning approaches. The irony is the case is named Moore – indeed “more” income through taxation.

Over a century of income tax laws has resulted in thousands of pages of decrees that carve out craters of exemptions in a labyrinth of directives. The tax code is a bloated, crony orchestrated, lobbyist measured disaster for those unable to manipulate it by hiring all those cunning accountants and attorneys who are paid handsomely to circumvent it.

When was the last time a member of Congress did their own taxes?

A fundamental reckoning from the ground up is long overdue to bury the income tax along with the IRS and replace them with a consumption tax or flat tax.

To tax unrealized capital gains not yet received is extreme. The power to regulate and tax is the power to destroy. Congress’s authority to tax does not include reinvested capital and personal property as income.

Income is money received.

Assets may increase in value, but until they are collected as interest, dividends or sold, there is no income. If you cannot spend it, it is not income.

You can’t pay the rent or fill your gas tank with paper gains or the appreciation of your home.  When you gain on any financial instrument but do not sell you earn a “paper profit.”  If unrealized gains are taxed, and the taxpayer has no cash to pay, a forced liquidation would be necessary for payment.

Are you prepared to pay a tax because your assets go up in value?  House, car, pets, trading cards, comic books, Auntie Estelle’s antique coffee table – where does it end?   Provided market values decline would monies be refunded?  Stop laughing, that was no joke.

Uncle Sam wants all the golden eggs without having to buy the hens, the henhouse, and the chicken feed. The power brokers in Washington believe everything is subject to taxation real or imagined.

It is pitiful that this case is even necessary.

A tax in bad faith resulted in a revolution nearly 250 years ago. Such taxation realizes the socialist dream of equal outcomes regardless of effort, ingenuity, innovation, or lack thereof. Ayn Rand’s nightmare is finally realized.

The Supreme Court’s job is not about maximizing taxable income for Uncle Sam but to interpret if this tax is constitutional.

A ruling in favor of Uncle Sam will unleash Congress’ taxing power and devastate our economic system as we know it.  Going forward, all unrealized income will become whatever the government says it is.

The Supreme Court’s decision is expected in June right in the middle of the presidential campaign. Provided the government loses and refusing to allow what they perceive as a crisis; Democrats will condemn the decision as a political red herring.

A Moore victory would also challenge other sections of the tax code that stands at nearly 7,000 pages.  Provided they are unconstitutional; they must fall, too.

The income tax has been around since 1913 and its ability to produce revenue has never been assuaged by politics. The hardcore issue is the United States does not have a taxing problem, but a spending problem. Revenue is up but it can’t compete with current spending levels.

A ruling in favor of the government would only exacerbate such spending.

Postscript: I have given up on all the latest coming out of the military and especially our Corps. Absolutely sad! I am simply too old to even bother with it anymore. My stress level is more important to me.

In case you have not read your copy of the latest “Semper Fidelis, or if not retired and don’t get it, I always look at the “Taps” column looking for friends with whom I served. I saw MajGen Dennis Murphy listed this month. Sad, I considered him another Ernie Cheatham – a warrior. He gave me Huxley’s Whores.

Well, this is election year. Do we really believe the liberals are going to allow a legal, valid election? I don’t!