Tag Archives: America


You ask what does USSA stands for? Read on!

Unityville, USSA

By: Greg Maresca


America has endured the worst public health crisis in a century, 70 million claims for unemployment, trillions of dollars in borrowed “stimulus,” civil unrest, a belligerent communist China, convoys of illegal immigrants on their way to the border, which begs the question what exactly is the priority of the Biden administration?

Apparently, impeaching the former president in an attempt to divide the GOP by splintering the MAGA and establishment Republicans, while simultaneously signing a record number of presidential executive orders is.

Call it unity – Biden style, which offers platitudes about bipartisanship and national harmony, while delivering leftist executive orders on a historic scale.

Our cognitively challenged executive order signer-in-chief is ratifying whatever his leftist minions put in front of him as your next president in waiting Kamala Harris is seemingly pulling the strings standing in the shadows.

With thousands of National Guard troops from every state in the union present for Biden’s inauguration, you can put to rest the notion that no one ever shows up for Biden.  Then again, perhaps they were there to ensure that Biden does not flee back to his basement campaign bunker.

How can signing so many executive orders on his first day in office – more than any other president – truly desire unity?  Talk of unity is one thing, but to govern, as the cliché goes, is to choose.  Biden’s choice is clear – govern by executive fiat. Biden’s calls for unity are strictly virtue signaling and intended to shame all who disagree.

Recall Biden’s October interview with ABC News honcho George Stephanopoulos where candidate Biden emphasized how “executive orders are the response of dictators.”  Biden talked up consensus, but since becoming president he has done the exact opposite.

Biden’s executive orders include wrecking women’s sports by allowing a man who identifies as a woman can now compete against them.  Ending thousands of jobs by stopping the Keystone Pipeline, and terminating the deportation of illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes – all extreme measures.  In 1984, President Reagan established the Mexico City Policy, which forbids American tax dollars from supporting international abortions.  In 1993, President Clinton rescinded it. Since then, the policy has been re-enacted by every Republican president and rescinded by every Democrat.  Biden desires to revoke it permanently.

The Wall Street Journal is calling Biden’s executive order jamboree the biggest expansion of federal power since the Great Society with more on the way.

Democrats and their allies throughout the mainstream media have insisted that conservatives need to be “reprogrammed and reeducated,” a phrase out of Nazi Germany, which has only fueled hateful rhetoric throughout social media.

Welcome to 21st century America where the literary works of George Orwell continues to spook our fruited plain.  One wandering soul pontificated how they are looking forward to political reeducation classes because they always wondered what college would have been like sober.

When I get back from my re-education camp, I will grasp that Unityville is not just a township in Pennsylvania’s Lycoming County, or a hamlet in South Dakota, but budding from sea to shining sea.  In my new reprogrammed unifying self, I will forever congratulate Joe Biden for winning the 2020 presidential election and Bobby Bonds for breaking Major League Baseball’s home run record, Lance Armstrong for his numerous Tour de France victories and those Tinsel Town actors for getting their darling progeny into elite universities.

If the Biden administration was serious, they would consent Congress to legislate, while promoting a spirited public discourse – stimulating the democratic process on a national level.

Instead, Biden has doubled down on “identity politics” and resuscitating “critical race theory,” while promoting equity over equality that divides people into victims and villains by race, gender, income, and education, ad nauseam.

Whatever happened to just being an American?

Over the next four years forget about the nation’s Fourth Estate of holding the Biden administration accountable. Only the next election can do that and given the severe lack of historical and civic knowledge of your average American that is unlikely to happen. Moreover, any semblance of unity will not be possible if we cannot agree that an inflated government is no universal panacea.

We are not yet the United Socialist States of America – but certainly on our way.

Gang, if you don’t think we are on our way to becoming the USSA, you’ve been living under a rock. We, as conservatives, MUST continue the fight or we will become the USSA.  Someone has even developed the country’s flag when it happens. DO NOT donate to the RNC or the GOP; they are not our friends. Donate to individual candidates even if they are not in your State, but vet them thoroughly! God help us!





Originally posted 2021-02-03 19:31:58.


If you are a lawyer and reading this, I hope you can agree with what this brave one has to say. He is right on the money. I know not who the author is, but he nailed it. Read it carefully and absorb the full impact of what he is saying. Sure, as many Americans, I am sometimes scornful of lawyers. However, I never looked at them like he does and how they are impacting the sorry state of affairs in our once great nation., I believe the worst thing that ever happened concerning them was when they were finally authorized to advertise vice hanging out a shingle. Here in SW Florida, where the population is somewhat aged, every commercial TV break will have at least one, sometimes as many as three ads  touting such ludicrous statements as, “If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident , it does not matter who was a fault, you deserve compensation. Do not jump to settle with the insurance companies.” I consider it absolutely criminal  to make statements like that.

Anyway, this is a great article and well written and explains why we are at such odds with one another in today’s society. Surely the names he mentions will ring bells in your head. I wish I knew who wrote it. Enjoy.

As an attorney, I hesitated to forward this as it can be an indictment against my profession.  But I believe there is much truth to the article below.  Very thought-provoking.  Lawyers are adversarial and are trained to try to win at all costs.  It may work in litigation but does not work well when governing our nation.  Trying to win at any costs creates the polarization and hatred that now fills our country and leaves no room for common sense or legitimate debate

Every Democrat presidential nominee since 1984 went to law school, although Gore did not graduate.  Joe Biden (no surprise) was at the bottom of his class.  Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school.  Barack Obama was a lawyer.  Michelle Obama was a lawyer.  Hillary Clinton was a lawyer.  Bill Clinton was a lawyer.  John Edwards is a lawyer.  Elizabeth Edwards was a lawyer.  Look at leaders of the Democrat Party in Congress: Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is a lawyer.  Former Senator Harry Reid was a lawyer.

 The Republican Party is different.  President Trump was a businessman.  Presidents Bush 1 and 2 were businessmen.  Vice President Cheney was a businessman.  President Eisenhower was a 5 star General.  The leaders of the Republican Revolution: Newt Gingrich was a history professor.  Tom Delay was an exterminator.  Dick Armey was an economist.  Ex-House Minority Leader John Boehner was a plastics manufacturer.  The former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is a heart surgeon.  Who was the last Republican president who was a lawyer?  Gerald Ford, who left office 31 years ago and who barely won the Republican nomination as a sitting president, ran against actor Ronald Reagan in 1976.  The Republican Party is made up of real people doing real work, who are often the targets of lawyers.  This is very interesting. I had never thought about it this way before.

 The Democrat Party is made up of lawyers.  Democrats mock and scorn men who create wealth, like Trump, Bush, and Cheney, or who heal the sick like Frist, or who immerse themselves in history like Gingrich.  The Lawyers Party sees these sorts of people, who provide goods and services that people want, as the enemies of America.  And so, in the eyes of the Lawyers Party, we have seen the procession of official enemies grow.  Against whom do Hillary and Obama rail?  Pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, hospitals, manufacturers, fast food restaurant chains, large retail businesses, bankers, and anyone producing anything of value in our nation.

 This is the natural consequence of viewing everything through the eyes of lawyers.  Lawyers solve problems by successfully representing their clients, which, in this case should be the American people.  Lawyers seek to have new laws passed, they seek to win lawsuits, they press appellate courts to overturn precedent, and lawyers always parse language to favor their side.  Confined to the narrow practice of law, that is fine.  But it is an awful way to govern a great nation.

 When politicians, as lawyers, begin to view some Americans as clients and other Americans as opposing parties, then the role of the legal system in our life becomes all-consuming.  Some Americans become adverse parties of our very government.  We are not all litigants in some vast social class-action suit.  We are citizens of a republic that promises us a great deal of freedom from laws, from courts, and from lawyers.

 Today, we are drowning in laws.  We are contorted by judicial decisions.  We are driven to distraction by omnipresent lawyers in all parts of our once-private lives.  America has a place for laws and lawyers, but that place is modest and reasonable, not vast, and unchecked.  When the most important decision for our next president is whom, he will appoint to the Supreme Court, the role of lawyers and the law in America is too big.  When House Democrats sue America to hamstring our efforts to learn what our enemies are planning to do to us, then the role of litigation in America has become crushing.

 Perhaps Americans will understand that change cannot be brought to our nation by those lawyers who already largely dictate American society and business.  Perhaps Americans will see that hope does not come from the mouths of lawyers but from personal dreams nourished by hard work.  Perhaps Americans will embrace the truth that more lawyers with more power will only make our problems worse.

 The United States has 5% of the world’s population and 66% of the world’s lawyers!  Tort or legal reform legislation has been introduced in Congress several times in the last several years to limit punitive damages in ridiculous lawsuits such as spilling hot coffee on yourself and suing the establishment that sold it to you and to limit punitive damages in huge medical malpractice lawsuits.  This legislation has been blocked from even being voted on by the Democrat Party.  When you see that 97% of the political contributions from the American Trial Lawyers Association go to the Democrat Party, then you realize who is responsible for our medical and product costs being so high!






Shame On Minnesota

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Greg, but this one was well worth the wait. What a sad state of affairs. This country has stooped so low that I can believe how immoral we have become.  If I lived in MN I would get the hell out of that state so my taxes did not pay for such travesties. Think about this for a second if you will.. Some sleaze bag of a  woman, yes I said “woman,” decides at the last minute that she does not want to raise a boy. She wants a girl, so she has it killed. Or suppose she breaks up with her boyfriend (the father) and doesn’t want the baby anymore. Easy, just go to an abortion mill and have it removed and tossed in the trash. That. my friends , is the state of our society. God help us for we know not what we do.

Another Glass Ceiling  Shattered                                                                             By: Greg Maresca

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade with their 2022 Dobbs decision and gave the States’ the power to determine their abortion laws, Minnesota wasted no time in enshrining abortion up until birth in their constitution.  Moreover, Minnesota is one of 17 states where tax dollars fund nearly half of their abortions.

This made Minnesota, a haven for abortion providers, a seamless venue for the first ever visit by a sitting vice president to tour an abortion mill.  Planned Parenthood in St. Paul hosted Vice President Kamala Harris in what the mainstream media celebrated as another historic first for Harris and the nation.

Is there no road too low when celebrating firsts – an abortion mill? Harris goes to where the slaughtering of innocent lambs occurs, and we highlight this as some heroic act worthy of a “first.”

Harris’ “national tour” is about touting the Biden administration’s commitment to abortion in the upcoming November election.  The Biden-Harris re-election campaign is advocating that abortion be codified into federal law by Congress.  Democrats want to normalize abortion as if it is just another procedure as if you were having your teeth cleaned.

Harris was direct in berating pro-lifers everywhere wailing, “How dare these elected leaders believe they are in a better position to tell women what they need, to tell women what is in their best interest.  In this environment, these attacks against an individual’s right to make decisions about their own body are outrageous and, in many instances, just plain old immoral.”

Here is a Black woman who supports the killing of the most innocent among us preaching on what is immoral.  As Don King would say, “Only in America.” Perhaps Harris is unaware that Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood to rid the country of Black folks.

Planned Parenthood stands in direct contrast to the compassionate support found at the many unheralded pregnancy resource centers that help not only during a mother’s pregnancy but after their child is born.

Harris claimed that “right now in our country we are facing a very serious health crisis” that is “affecting many, many people in our country, most of whom are frankly silently suffering.”

Abortion has nothing to do with healthcare or any other zeitgeist euphemism the left uses to put a baby to death.  Harris wouldn’t dare say “women” are facing a serious health crisis because in her world, men can also become pregnant.

Calling abortion “health care” but certainly not for a baby only underscores Harris’s ignorance. Babies are not diseases. They are separate human beings who possess a soul and a God-given right to be born.

Harris shows up at the border of the womb, where 65,000,000 were denied entry into America thanks to abortion. Harris has the time to go to an abortion mill, but not our overrun Southern border.

Infanticide energizes Democrats. Abortion is the only issue the Democrats campaign on because all their other policies are a total disaster as they desperately want to retain the reins of power.

Every abortion targets the most vulnerable and innocent among us resulting in death. An extreme abortion procedure is a classic oxymoron. To possess such a variety of methods to kill someone is indeed the work of a sick society driven by evil.  To call abortion medical science denies the very nature of what it is to be a physician.

Most abortions are the last vestige of birth control and not because the mother’s life is in danger. Democrats have succeeded into turning “reproductive health” and “abortion” into synonyms.

Reproducing adds life, abortion brings death.

Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia and the Pro-Life Chair of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops wrote: “I am distressed to learn that the vice president is visiting an abortion clinic when there are so many agencies and organizations who are at the service of life that she could visit.”

I am sure the bishop’s courageous communique inspired many to action.

I have read stronger statements on a pack of cigarettes.

Best of all, your ballot for the Biden/Harris ticket in November keeps Harris a heartbeat away from yet another first.

In woke America, we have the first of everything and the best of nothing.

Yes, there have been so many “firsts” from the Biden horde of incompetents that I’ve lost count, and really don’t want to remember anything about them because none of them were good for America.  The entire regime can rest in hell as far as I am concerned, and I am praying that will happen in November. What say you?

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Ballot Bonanza

Another great one from Greg, thank you sir. Folks, fasten your seat belts as this coming election is shaping up to be the biggest scandal America has ever experienced. At least in my lifetime. This one will make the Florida “hanging chads” incident look like child’s play. I voted yesterday and I was very impressed with the way my early voting precinct in Lee County, FL handled everything. from social distancing, not allowing entrance without a mask — who in their right mind would even think of coming to vote without a mask, maybe they needed a new one knowing they would have masks to provide — to the layout, organization, and politeness of the workers. Well done Lee County!!

Yes, I stood in line in the hot sun for about twenty-five minutes, but hey, this my duty, a duty I served to protect. So, get off your ass and go vote in person, wear a mask, social distance, wash you hands when your done, and wear your little “I Voted” sticker on your shirt with pride.

I believe in my heat of hearts that Trump will win this election, I mean he has God on his side. Surely if the other side wins, He may find himself restricted in America like never before.

I’m remined of the story, if I may digress, about the homeless man who showed up in a church wearing rags. The pastor told him he was not welcome in this church dressed like that. He was instructed to go home and pray to God and ask what the proper attire should be to come into this church. The  following Sunday the homeless man showed up, of course in the only clothes he had – rags. The Pastor stopped him and asked if he had done what he was instructed to do last Sunday, The man replied that he had. The Pastor asked, “Well what did God say”? The man politely replied that God said he  didn’t know, He’d never been in this church.

May be a funny story, but with true meaning. This election is about much more than politics, personalities, and policies. It’s about the future of our country as a Nation.

By: G. Maresca

There are some Americans who have received numerous ballots in the mail over the past month that you’d think they were already deceased.  Who among us has not read or heard about mail-in voting shenanigans occurring throughout our fruited plain?

For Democrats there are no wrong addresses, only misplaced and uncounted ballots.  Covering elections years ago, the standard refrain throughout the Pennsylvania Coal Region was the Democrats always had a 500-vote advantage before the polls ever opened their doors

Recently, military members from Pennsylvania had their ballots recovered along the side of a road, while trays of ballots were found trashed along a highway in Wisconsin.  The Newark, N.J. Star-Ledger reported a mail carrier was arrested by the FBI after being caught on camera tossing ninety-nine ballots in the garbage.

Supposedly all those ballots cast were for Republican Richard Nixon. Okay, they weren’t for Nixon, but the point is this election could be another 2000 Florida-election fiasco on steroids.

Project Veritas, a non-profit organization of investigative journalists, reported stolen ballots from senior citizens and public housing in Minnesota were confiscated among supporters of Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar. They also released a video documenting a Hispanic woman in Texas, who claimed she was “bringing at least at least 7,000 votes to the polls.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton reports eight states including Pennsylvania have registered voters totaling in excess of 100% of those eligible, which violates the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.  Accordingly, the counties of Chester, Delaware and Bucks have failed to make reasonable efforts to remove ineligible voters from their rolls.

A federal judge in Wisconsin has allowed for an extra week to count mail-in/absentee ballots.  Another judge did the same for Michigan, but consenting for two weeks — both states in 2016 were won by razor-thin margins by Donald Trump.

According to David Becker, director of the Center for Election Innovation & Research, Nongovernmental groups have inundated Pennsylvania voters with mail ballot applications that has contributed to a deluge of duplicates sent to dead folks, prior home owners and stray cats.

Pennsylvania Republicans have filed an emergency request with the U.S. Supreme Court hoping to undo a State Supreme Court ruling mandating that state election officials accept all mailed ballots up to three days after the election. With 20 electoral votes of the 270 needed to win the presidency, Pennsylvania, like Michigan and Wisconsin are among the most hotly contested states with Trump winning Pennsylvania last time by 44,292 votes out of more than 6 million cast.

These ballot tales are as numerous as the votes they supposedly represent.

Properly applied for and submitted, absentee ballots are legitimate, but are often not counted unless in sufficient numbers.  Normally, one percent of mail-in ballots are disqualified.  According to the Wall Street Journal, in April’s Wisconsin Democratic primary, 2.5% of ballots were disallowed – the equivalent of three times Trump’s victory margin in 2016, where 134,000 Wisconsinites voted by mail.  This year, 1.8 million ballots are expected.

By voting in person, your vote is much more likely to count.

The risk of not getting counted is higher for absentee and mail-in ballots that are subject to challenge and disqualification that include questionable signatures and witnesses.  Who marked that mail-in ballot and were you unduly influenced or mentally competent when you did? What about your elderly mother’s ballot at the nursing home?  Did she really make the choice, or was she helped?  When mailing did they offer to help others as well, or perhaps accidentally forgot to deposit them?

If Democrats lose the election, they will blame someone besides themselves.

Will it be a mere coincidence, or a calculated “discovery” of missing ballots in heavily Democrat areas, where the race is just too close to call?  Expect an army of Democrat lawyers to file lawsuits as these “missing ballots” are ripe for harvesting.

Examples of such subterfuge have existed before, and it defies logic to think that unscrupulous players will not be at it again.

Many voters have been influenced to believe that you should skip voting at the polls for fear of contracting COVID-19.

When the sanctity of casting one’s ballot becomes increasingly questionable, voter fraud escalates resulting in a direct threat to any election’s integrity and taints the democratic process.

The most important civic duty one can do is vote – and vote in person if at all possible.


Originally posted 2020-10-31 14:35:50.


Disgusting, absolutely disgusting!!!  Americans Favorite sport? Really? I’d rather sit by my pool and watch the grass grow.

LOS ANGELES, CA – JULY 23: Los Angeles Dodgers kneel during the National Anthem prior to a MLB baseball game on Opening Day at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on Thursday, July 23, 2020. (Photo by Keith Birmingham/MediaNews Group/Pasadena Star-News via Getty Images).
                          How about this one for a reality check?

As a sports fan, it pains me to say this: I watched not one inning of the 2020 World Series. This revelation is not some preening, pin-a-medal-on-me political puffery — “Those sports ball players are annoying, America-hating commies, so I’m not watching” — but rather the embarrassed confession of a discouraged, disillusioned former fanatic who has come to realize that my erstwhile sports obsessions are really not all that important.

Apparently, I’m far from alone. The Tampa Bay Rays’ instant classic walk-off Game 4 win drew 8.95 million viewers, the second-lowest viewership in World Series history — ahead of only Game 3’s 8.2 million. For contrast, remember that only four short years ago, Game 7 between the Cubs and Indians peaked at 49.9 million viewers. Game 7 of the classic 1986 Mets-Red Sox series had an estimated viewership as high as 60 million.

The ratings numbers have attached themselves to an anvil and tossed the anvil off a cliff into a black hole. It’s a shocking decline. MLB is not alone in seeing its appeal become more selective, Spinal Tap-style. The NFL’s once-vaunted viewership juggernaut is shedding passengers at an alarming pace; the league is left celebrating a 33 percent decline year-over-year for the most recent Sunday Night game, because it represented a slight uptick compared to the rest of this season’s dismal numbers.

And the NBA?  Woof.  Game 3 of the 2020 NBA Finals averaged 5.9 million viewers. For comparison, Michael Jordan’s last game as a Bull, the clinching Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals, averaged almost 36 million viewers. Overall, the Lakers-Heat series dropped 51 percent from the 2019 numbers and 67 percent from 2018.

To extend the Spinal Tap metaphor, the NBA is a few BLM woke bombs away from second billing behind Puppet Show. Let’s be fair: There are mitigating circumstances. Nothing about this year is normal. MLB shoehorned a 60-game season into a pandemic-ravaged sports calendar. The NBA played its Finals at a time of year when teams are normally in training camp. The NFL has clung to something resembling a normal schedule, but the mostly empty stadiums and piped-in crowd noise have lent a surreal, off-putting atmosphere to the proceedings.

Personally, I’ve found it hard to care about sports when the very future of the Republic seems to be at stake, and every day’s headlines bring some fresh hell to torment and terrorize my fragile psyche. Sport becomes far less relevant in times like these, even as simple escapism. There’s no escaping a pervading sense of doom. But after the election, will my apathy magically dissipate, much like I expect the pandemic panic to do? Will I re-engage my former passion for pro sports? It’s entirely possible. A return to normalcy in 2021 would likely include a reboot of a casual interest in the exploits of overgrown man-children and a willingness to set aside their silly political posturing. A post-election de-weaponization of the virus will allow us all to relax, breathe and reclaim life’s simple pleasures. I hope so, anyway.

One final piece of advice: Don’t wait for woke-ism to recede from pro sports before re-engaging. Believe it or not, it is possible to set all that aside and simply enjoy the games themselves. If I let politics control my entertainment choices, I’d be left with listening to the Beatles song “Taxman” on an endless loop, and not much else. Life’s too short, and Jon Voight’s not making many movies these days.

Originally posted 2020-10-30 10:52:09.