Tag Archives: abortion

Four Months To Go


27 reasons and counting

By: G. Maresca


As the lead-in to the November midterms gears up, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thought it wise to delay passing legislation that would provide additional security for Supreme Court justices and their families saying, “nobody’s in danger.” This was after a gunman showed up in the middle of the night at Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home. For the first time a justice on the Supreme Court faced an attempted assassination.

Nor was it enough that the pro-abortion group “Ruth Sent Us” tweeted they are watching Kavanaugh’s wife and children, along with Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s home and where her children attend school. Leftists support a woman’s right to decide, unless that woman is Amy Coney Barrett.

The Democrat’s version of job creation is selling maps to the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices. Notice how no one has attempted to kill or in the middle of the night yell obscenities at the homes of those justices who identify with the left.

In Pelosi’s America, parents’ confronting local school boards results in domestic terrorism investigations, while harassing and intimidating justices at their homes is applauded. Perhaps Pelosi was too consumed with Gay Pride month as she surfaced at “Ru Paul’s Drag Race” saying, “This is what America is all about.”

Pelosi should do the honorable thing and resign for subjecting these justices to threats of violence and hinting that she would not mind attending a funeral for a justice, so Biden could nominate a new one.

The 82-year-old Pelosi is simply shameless.

The bipartisan legislation finally passed 396-27 and parallels the protections offered for senior members of Congress. Twenty-seven Democrats voted against such an essential security measure. Since they swore to uphold and defend the Constitution and in the hallowed name of equity, these infamous 27 need to relinquish their protection and be removed from their committee assignments because they cannot be impeached.

The bulk of the 27 hail from New Jersey and New York and yet they wonder why their states are losing seats in Congress. The notorious 27 underscore how the demarcation lines are shaping up for the fast-approaching November midterm election. They should be routed out of office but that remains to be seen.

There is simply no rational reason to vote against such a bill other than wishing harm on others. But what did you expect when Democrats failed to censure Sen. Chuck Schumer who blatantly threatened Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the steps of the Supreme Court saying, “You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Where is the Department of Justice investigation of Schumer? Here is a sitting senator threatening Supreme Court justices, while President Biden is MIA. This is extreme even for Democrats.

Threats to our constitutional system are of no consequence provided it does not coincide with leftist dogma. Whatever happened to civil discourse and common sense? Many need to do some deep soul searching.

From urban anarchy to ignoring death threats, the chasm between extreme and moderate Democrats provided there are any left within the party, are an endangered species. Conservative justices are not the only ones threatened – just rally against leftist dogma and you will incur their wrath. Rioting, protests, and looting will not win over the majority who are worn-out from these narcissistic hypocrites.

Taking a knee in prayer is bad, while taking a knee in protest of the national anthem is good. School choice is unhealthy, and abortion is healthcare. Such noxious behavior underscores how far we have fallen from comprehending what is necessary for a sustainable and free society.

Anything the left perceives as disorder from the right is condemned, prosecuted, pilloried in the media and weaponized against conservatives; whereas any lawlessness from the left is ignored, unprosecuted, whitewashed by the media, and tacitly endorsed by Democrats.

Until the rule of law is stripped of its partisan underpinnings, this is not going to get any better.

As the demarcation lines are being drawn in the religious, cultural, and political arena leading up to the critical November midterms, a thorough empirical examination of the issues will be appraised in this space.

With all the news always going in the direction that the Dims want, let me ask you a question. How are your 401Ks and IRAs doing?  As of the market this a.m., my combined IRAs have lost 19.12% in the last 12 months, and 25.28% YTD. And I have good stocks, which I feel certain will eventually rebound. That is as soon as we get an administration that has a clue what they are doing. What was that saying “It’s the economy stupid.” November looms gang, get ready and be damn sure you vote!!!

BTW, do you know where the Strategic Oil Reserves went to and where they are going now, which was stated by Joey to lower our gas prices? Well they went and are still going overseas. Can someone please explain to me how that is supposed to lower our fuel prices? You don’t need to be an Economist to answer that question.

Originally posted 2022-07-07 10:18:41.

Independence Day – Really?

Another thought-provoking message from Greg. We have so much to think about this 4th of July, but in today’s society I fear that many folks will think of nothing but hamburgers, hot dogs, pop, beer, and a day off from work, that is for those who are working and not  taking government handouts. Meanwhile the “silent majority” sleeps.


Freedom’s landscape

By: G. Maresca

As America plans to celebrate the nation’s birth by taking inventory of the hotdogs, hamburgers, soda and beer, the most treasured and esteemed American stock lies forsaken along freedom’s continuum.

In his seminal work, “Crisis and Leviathan,” economic historian Robert Higgs argued how in the 20th century the federal government grew as a result of three crises: World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II. In the 21st century, you can add 9/11 and COVID-19 to the list. During those crises, the federal government went about raising taxes, instituted more spending programs, and added to their arsenal more regulatory power.

With the heady combination of 9/11 and COVID, the government continues to fester as America devolves into Gotham City. I was reminded of this during a recent trip to the airport. I was not flying, just dropping off, and still had to remove my shoes, empty my pockets, and go through a full body scan in order to escort my daughter to her departing gate.

What Benjamin Franklin, our first self-made American, said over two centuries ago certainly resonated: “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

As we traversed the terminal there was a sketching of the top ten skyscrapers in the world. The U.S. has only one on the list at number six – the Freedom Tower in Lower Manhattan – that was supposed to fill the void left when the World Trade Center met its untimely fate on 9/11. A generation ago, America had all ten.

Besides the overwrought airport security courtesy of The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), I couldn’t help but wonder what other things have been compromised all in the name of security in a time of heightened emotions “where something must be done.”

Never underestimate governmental mission creep.

Enter the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, TSA and an emboldened National Security Agency and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts that illegally spies on more than three million Americans, and this is according to that leftist fortress, The New York Times. Not to be dismissed was America taking on the costly role of being the unwanted landlords of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Government’s resulting muscle has grown too penetrating and too concentrated. Many throughout the federal bureaucracy are overly determined to inject this power into all aspects of American life. Proposals for more legislation, regulations, and interventions is akin to treating a poisoned patient with more poison.

Solving problems caused by too much government with more government is no answer.

Evidence of this can be found in the latest Gallup poll where only 19% said they trusted the government “most of the time.” Juxtapose that to the same 1958 poll where nearly 75% said they trusted the government to do the right thing “most of the time.”

Government has devolved into a centralized religion telling houses of worship to close, while giving abortion clinics the green light to remain open during a pandemic. Government bureaucrats sell voting and vaccines as salvation while indoctrinating America’s children through public education.

The government has banned God in the classroom, the locker room, the public square, public buildings, and ignores His teachings when writing its laws. Observing constitutional limits that does not provide for a “right” to abort an unborn child is depicted as violating “women’s rights” when the left cannot or will not define what a “woman” is.

The country is on a suicidal path culturally and taking our freedom along for the ride. The Founding Father that would not be surprised: Franklin.

On September 17, 1787, as the delegates departed the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, Franklin was asked what kind of government the convention had created. Franklin famously replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Franklin also remarked how “freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins.”

Freedoms ceded to government are rarely regained.

On the cusp of celebrating America’s independence, the nation is fighting a cold war with itself that has most Americans wishing for a sense of normalcy, but at what price?

Originally posted 2022-06-30 09:18:52.

Life Has No Meaning Any More

If anyone doesn’t think or believe we have become a third world sh*thole they are living under a rock. How can we ask for God’s help to re-right our once beloved country when we have killed millions of His unborn children, and continue to do so daily?

As for the mass shootings, I don’t have the full answer, but a step in the right direction might be for the federal government to outlaw the production and sale of todays video games that are all about shooting humans. For those parents who allow their young children to play those games, do not be surprised if he/she grows up to be a disoriented, disconnected human being who has no feelings for the value of  human life. You are the sick ones . My children were born and raised before those awful games were available, but you can bet your sweet bippee had they been around they would not have been allowed in my house. SICK, absolutely SICK!

Have you listened to the music your children are playing their ears phones? I doubt it. We are a country of no morals, no conscience, and surely no empathy for one another or the sanctity of life.

The part of Greg’s article in red is mine not his.


Anesthetized America

By: G. Maresca

It was nearly halfway through the class I facilitate on violence prevention that the massacre in Uvalde, Texas finally came up. I was beginning to wonder if the subject would ever be broached as we simply had picked up where we had left off from the previous class.

It was quite telling.

America has been anesthetized over the past generation to the cancer of mass shootings. And as much as the media wants to turn it into a racial issue, they can’t overcome the facts that the latest shooter was Latino, the Brooklyn subway gunman, Black and the Buffalo triggerman, White.

The insight these incarcerated men had went far beyond any critical media talking points. The group consists of long-term guys who, despite their predicament, have a sober understanding of the issues. On “gun free zones” they collectively viewed it as just another soft target begging for trouble. In jest, it was suggested that those who favor such things need to post a sign saying so in front of their homes.

The class is well acquainted with the nonstop howling about gun control and how it provides a perfect excuse to cloak the failures in recognizing and dealing with society’s real and mounting social problems. Anyone who believes more gun legislation will end mass shootings refuses to see the big picture. Ban guns yet the evil remains, and so do the guns but in the hands of society’s villains.

We have a crisis of fatherless homes more than a crisis of too many guns. We have too many enraged and directionless young men, where the root of the problem lies in the breakdown of the nuclear family and a depravity of traditional morals and values.

Most of the men in my charge come from such homes.

More anti-gun laws will not end mass shootings, nor heal these deep-seated social problems. Advocating for “action, any kind of action,” as Barack Obama suggested will not solve the problems that penetrate the American soul.

Author James Howard Kunstler summarized: “This is exactly what you get in a culture where anything goes, and nothing matters.” Many young men are living in what Kunstler describes as an “abyss of missing social relations” with “no communities, no fathers, no mentors, no initiations into personal responsibility, no daily organizing principles, no instruction in useful trades, no productive activities, no opportunities for love and affection, and no way out.”

Then we pile on social media for peer-pressure, and conceit, while remaining reluctant to report any fringe behavior for fear of reprisals.

When I was questioned by the group, I suggested the root of the problem lies in a Supreme Court decision made nearly 50-years ago: Roe v. Wade. The group seemed incredulous, at first.

Our culture does not value the sacredness of human life in its most innocent form – in a mother’s womb and yet we wonder why things are imploding. When I questioned them on how many lives abortion has claimed in its “legalized right” of a 49-year run, the highest guess was one million – 64-million souls short.

Is this not mass murder?

Over the Memorial Day weekend, Chicago experienced its most violent holiday in five years with 10 killed, and 42 wounded despite increased policing. Other than the members of my class, few will mention this or the carnage going on daily throughout the Black community. The Left could care less about Blacks killing Blacks as long as it is kept in their neighborhood.

Leftists refuse to acknowledge most murders are committed by Black and Latino gangbangers, not by White dues-paying members of the NRA, the ones Obama dismissed as “clinging to their guns and their religion.”

Banishing God and prayer from the public square, abortion, broken families, a war on morality, ubiquitous pornography, violent video games, movies, and music has nothing to do with gun violence. To suggest otherwise, gets you not only cancelled but assigned your share of the blame.

Firearms are not the problem. In the hands of heroes, they are often the only solution.

The exceptionally violent are a small percentage, but those who believe that life from conception to natural death is equally sacred remains just as small.

And that is the true tragedy.

Way to go Chicago, another great weekend huh? Ain’t it great that you have the tightest gun laws of any city in the U.S. How’s that working out for you?

PS, How about the latest news about  NASCAR’s woke moves? Never was a NASCAR enthusiast, so I don’t have to worry about it. But I’ll bet there are lot of enthusiasts who giving the organization a second thought.

Originally posted 2022-06-03 12:57:35.

The On-Deck Circus

Does anyone with a left and right brain – that works – understand just who it is we have leading our country today. Your absent minded, dementia afflicted Joe, drunken or drugged Pelosi  (as shown on my previous post), and of course this insignificant person who is a flaming idiot . I simply cannot comprehend anyone supporting this circus of people who are literally – piece by piece – destroying the United States of America.

I must apologize to some of you who I now are waiting with baited breath for my Open Letter to the Commandant. Trust me, I am working on it, but it’s tough as there is so much to say and I want to keep it short, concise, and to the point. Stand by it is coming soon.

Meanwhile I cannot help myself from commenting about these buffoons’ we have in such powerful positions and telling the secretaries of the various agencies what to do, especially SecDef and Sec of Treasury.. OMG!

Here is another good one from my good friend Greg who is always on top of things.

By Greg Maresca

Prior to joining the Biden 2020 presidential ticket, Kamala Harris was polling around 2 % – among Democrats – never making it to that first primary, so it comes as no surprise that her most recent poll numbers are even lower than President Biden’s.

Given his age and cognitive decline, if there was ever a presidential nominee who needed to select an accomplished vice president, it was Biden. Instead, we get arguably the least qualified one ever who just happens to be coupled with one of the more incompetent president’s in history. As President Barack Obama reportedly said: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to foul things up.”

Then again, second raters habitually pick third raters, so they won’t be outshined. It could be argued that Harris was insurance against invoking the 25th Amendment.

Harris was wedded to Biden’s ticket because of her gender and ethnicity. Nothing else. It was no secret Democrats wanted a Black woman. Harris is not only the nation’s first female vice president, but the first Indo-Jamaican to become an African-American.

Nobody gave any thought to her ability to lead, unite the country, or formulate foreign and domestic policy. Having the correct résumé regarding identity politics cancels out capability and competence. When you pick a vice president purely on the expediency of identity politics without regard for merit, Harris is the result. Such rationale only poisons the well for every diversity and affirmative action hire everywhere.

When asked about the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, Harris said, “There’s a lot more work to do on criminal justice equity.”

Meaning what, exactly?

Isn’t justice about impartiality and equal application of the law?

Her reply is the antithesis of the American ideal.

Harris was handed a golden opportunity as “Border Czar.” It could have been a defining moment, but Harris disappeared. She finally showed up not at the border, but in Guatemala to a chastening reception. She could have recruited every governor in a bipartisan effort to stem the tide but didn’t.

Harris displayed anti-Catholic bigotry in the confirmation hearings of Judge Brian Buescher by citing his membership in the “all-male society” the Knights of Columbus and their stance against abortion and same-sex marriage as grounds for not supporting him for the federal bench in Nebraska.

While campaigning in Florida she danced onstage in the rain to Mary J. Blige’s “Work That,” it was brutal to view. Democrats have said, “she’s not being used appropriately.” Perhaps consulting Willie Brown would most likely solve that issue.

As Attorney General of California, she locked up more Blacks than Lincoln freed, and her great-grandfather owned more slaves than South Carolina. This qualifies Harris as the only woman of color to rate a Confederate statue.

Harris epitomizes the nouveau me generation that are an embarrassment to those who sacrificed to defend this nation before them. The scuttlebutt coming from the honchoes at the Democratic National Committee has Harris failing up to the Supreme Court in order to get her out of the way. Susan Rice has been rumored as a possible replacement for Harris. Rice is an Obama disciple with her hands pulling many strings with this caretaker president.

Naturally, the sycophants comprising the Bidenista regime responded saying any criticism of Harris is “sexist and racist.” This nonsense about not being able to criticize a minority woman politico because it’s racist and sexist is beyond parody. If we can’t criticize politicians, then the United States ceases to exist.

Harris sailed with the Titanic and remains an aneurism away from the Oval Office – a chilling prospect. No matter how Biden fouls up no sane individual wants him replaced by Harris, or in her absence – Pelosi – a shiver me timbers reckoning.

Harris is a lifelong political hack who has less appeal than Amy Klobuchar and who studied congeniality under Hillary Clinton.

What accomplishments did Biden and Harris register before the 2020 presidential election?

There is no upside.

The country picked incompetence over mean tweets and sarcasm.

Where are the legions lamenting the folly of their vote and the catastrophic result this administration’s policies and decisions have produced? Instead, there is an orchestrated silence as we collectively circle the drain.

This ensuing train wreck will continue, as our enemies advance.

Came across the following video to add to Greg’s comments as to just how much of an idiot this female is when it comes to anything about our country.  Can anyone phantom this woman becoming the first female president of this once great nation. We must keep Joe alive! Turn your volume and enjoy the laugh.

Originally posted 2021-12-03 14:57:33.

What’s Wrong?

A Majority of White Democrats Have Become Non-Christian

And what that means for America.

While this article may be somewhat dated, I found his information vital  as well as his predictions concerning the future of religion in America and the impact it will have on our once great nation. See what you think and please feel free to give me your comments.

By Daniel Greenfield

In Obama’s first year in office, 68% of white Democrats described themselves as Christians, 7% claimed to be members of other faiths, and 24% said that they had no religious affiliation.

A decade later, only 47% of white Democrats call themselves Christians. 10% are members of other faiths, and 42% have no religion.

A majority of white Democrats have ceased to be Christian.

The Obama era transformed the country and the party. It’s often observed that the Democrats of the JFK era are not the Democrats of today. But forget 1961, an era that is receding into the shadows of history. The Democrats of 2019 are not the Democrats of 2009. We are a different nation because of it.

The results of the Pew survey are startling and yet unsurprising. They explain why the Democrat debate stage included a cult leader and a call to go after churches and synagogues that don’t back gay marriage.

Not even Obama would have proposed such a thing in 2009. But much has changed since then.

Obama was born in 1961. 67% of Generation X was Christian. Millennials are now a quarter of the electorate and they are evenly divided between Christians and non-Christians. Generation Z represents another 9% of the electorate and it’s been described as the least religious generation ever.

Beto O’Rourke’s proposals to confiscate guns or go after the tax-exempt status of traditional religious organizations only seem radical to older voters. They’re not radical to the younger voters he’s courting.

O’Rourke, Sanders, and Buttigieg all endorsed abortion until the moment of birth. As has been noted, this position is far more radical than the one Obama ran on. But so is the 2019 Democrat electorate.

While Buttigieg and Booker try to tap into lefty pseudo-religious politics, O’Rourke dispenses with the phony religion by appealing to the new rising demographics of the Democrats. And, despite the headline, those demographics are not only white. The decline among minority Democrats has not been as dramatic as among white Democrats, but the number of black Democrats who describe themselves as Christian still fell from 84% to 74% from 2009 to 2018-2019. Hispanic Christian identification among Democrats declined from 82% to 71%. Among Democrats as a whole, only 55% identify as Christian.

That’s down from 72% in 2009.

Generational shifts will see older, more religious Democrats making way for a new generation. Before long a majority of all Democrats will no longer identify as Christians or as religious believers.

The Democrats have not only adopted values that are fundamentally hostile to traditional religious believers, but the demographics show that they are living out those values. And, as Beto O’Rourke demonstrated, see less reason to hide them or to pay lip service to religiosity in an irreligious party.

At current rates, Catholics will form a larger share of the GOP than of the Democrats. Protestants, who made up 46% of the Democrats in 2009, have declined to 35%, falling from nearly half to a little over a third. 1 in 5 Democrats have never attended religious services.

Republicans and Democrats are no longer divided by their approach to religion, but by religion itself.

And this loss of any common set of values has tremendous implications for the conflicts tearing the country apart. Democrats and Republicans have less in common than they ever did before, including during the conflict that tore apart the country and left 620,000 men lying on the nation’s battlefields.

What were once debates over issues increasingly became cultural divides, generation gaps, racial conflicts, and now, religious divides, that are becoming impossible to bridge. Americans find it harder than ever to compromise on the issues or to even care about the issues, because their differences and divisions have become the real issue. Everything else is becoming a mere marker of the divisions.

The changing Democrats demographics did not come out of nowhere, but the swiftness of the sea change within a decade is also a forerunner of the changes that will transform politics as we know it.

Republicans will increasingly face a Democrat opposition that does not have a different vision of religion, but that treats it at best as an odd superstition, and, at worst, a destructive and evil set of beliefs.

The First Amendment, already under assault, will face the same attacks that were visited on the Second.

The Second Amendment is under siege because a sizable percentage of the country, primarily living in urban and suburban areas, sees no legitimate reason why anyone would want to own a gun. That is the essence of the gun control argument. Everything else is propaganda, narrative, and meaningless noise.

The Democrats are on track to becoming a political party whose base sees freedom of religion as an equally outmoded historical relic envisioned by old, dead white slave owners who had strange beliefs. They don’t and won’t see why anyone should have the right to have hateful beliefs or read hateful texts.

What will religious freedom look like when the average Democrat views religion the way that he does firearms?

We are about to find out.

America is not entering uncharted territory. It’s following in the footsteps of Europe. In the UK, only 3% of 18-24 year olds identify as Anglicans, and only 5% as Catholics, among 25-34 year olds, 5% identify as Anglicans and 9% as Catholics. 64% of 18-24 year olds say that they have no religion, as do 57% of 25-34 year olds, and 60% of 35-44 year olds.

Freedom of religion cannot survive under these conditions. And indeed, that is the case in the UK.

People have to believe in something and being convinced that their children will die because people won’t stop using plastic bags and straws is a belief. It’s the sort of belief that leads to genocide. As is the conviction that religion, nationality, and every non-approved identity must be stamped out for equality.

The decline of religion is not leading us to a more tolerant world. Instead, it’s intolerance that’s rising.

And that’s inevitable.

Tolerance for differing beliefs originated from religious differences. America has freedom of conscience because it was founded by settlers and colonists fleeing religious persecution who then had to determine how to deal with religious dissent in their own ranks. The ideological fanatics driving the Democrats come from a leftist radicalism that has never learned to cope with political differences.

It lacks the toolset of tolerance. And does not even recognize that it applies to political enemies.

The Democrats have embraced a new idea of diversity that applies to every possible variety of skin color and sexual combination, as long as its members unwaveringly share their beliefs on every single issue. Their politics embraces everything, and as everything is politicized, the only remaining dissents allowed are on matters so trivial, or obscure, that they cannot be politicized. This is the new tolerance.

In a decade, the Democrats were almost incomprehensibly transformed. And the country with them.

To understand why America is being torn apart, why its political norms are shattering, and talk of civil war is in the air, we must begin with the fundamental transformation, not of the government, but of us.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Originally posted 2021-03-31 14:16:19.