This Just In – WOW!










WASHINGTON (AP) – January 2018

President Trump disclosed that he has reached an agreement with Enrique Pena Nieto, President of Mexico, which provides for the sale of substantially all of the State of California to the country of Mexico

President Trump noted that this deal, which he claims “is his largest real estate deal ever” is a win-win for everyone involved. One of the benefits he says he will highlight during a prime time address from the oval office later this evening, will include using the proceeds received by the US from Mexico to

1) pay for the Wall (fulfilling yet another campaign promise), a wall which will now include the length of the eastern border of California

2) fund all the infrastructure spending in the remaining 49 states and

3) pay to relocate the 67 Republicans that currently reside in California .

He also noted that Federal money saved from the reduction of California residents on US social programs will allow those social programs to be cash positive in less than 3 years.

Mexican President Nieto announced that he has already introduced a bill to the Mexican Congress asking to change his country’s name to MexiCal.

Other benefits President Trump intends to discuss during this evening’s prime time address include:

California will now be able to act as a sanctuary state within MexiCal noting that there is much more room for the refugees who will find the climate in the State of California more desirable than the climate in US cities such as NYC, Detroit or Chicago .

The elimination of the existing border between Mexico and California will allow drugs to flow more freely between Mexico and the users in Hollywood . Drug tunnel diggers at the Tijuana border will now be able to use their skills to dig tunnels under Los Angeles to help ease congestion in that city and allow rioters to move about the city’s universities more freely.

The U.S. taxpayer will no longer be on the hook for any future disaster relief required once the next megaquake hits California . The space in the Capitol and other DC buildings vacated by representatives of California will be fumigated and turned into “time-out rooms” for the press as well as Liberty Centers where US citizens can meet with their congressmen to discuss the pursuit of economic freedom

Nancy Pelosi released a statement stating that she looks forward to making the Mexican President’s life miserable and prefers the year round weather in Mexico City to that of DC. Her office has already announced a schedule of fund raising activities for what is believed to be an upcoming campaign to run for President of MexiCal. Papers released along with Trump’s statement reveal that a newly incorporated real estate company, pmurT, Inc., which was intimately involved in the deal discussions, will receive a broker fee of $25 billion on the California sale.

An anonymous pmurT, Inc. representative has revealed that the profits on the deal are HUGE and will be used to purchase, develop and convert all abandoned US Federal facilities in California into special high end retreats and resorts which will assist California residents with managing their euphoria and transition into the nanny state they have so long desired to be. The exact northern border of the new MexiCal is still under negotiation.

Apparently the White House is concerned that certain members of congress may be unwilling to give up California ’s wine country and are suggesting that the northern border align with the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge . California residents will be issued special blue cards to cross the border into the US so that the total number of California liberals entering the US can be tracked and at any point in time not exceed predetermined levels. Residents that remain in California after the effective date of the sale will not be allowed to seek refugee status in the US in the future.

Mexican President Nieto stated he is thrilled with the deal and is looking forward to declaring Spanish the national language for his newly acquired territory and opening SSL (Spanish as a second language) schools throughout California . He also noted that funding for the transaction would come from the Mexican drug cartels, which have agreed to provide low interest loans to Mexico so long as they are allowed to move their cash out of Switzerland and the Cayman Islands back into Mexico tax free.

White House representatives refused to confirm rumors that a similar deal was in the works for the sale of Northeastern states from NY through Maine , to Canada .

President Trump wrapped up his statement stating, “this deal is HUGE and will help Make America, albeit a little smaller, Great Again”


Originally posted 2018-02-16 15:08:34.

Marine Colonel has the final word!

The below email was forwarded to me by a best friend, fellow Marine, and brother with whom I served several times, but first aboard the “Mighty Chi,” the USS Chicago  CG-11. I was the MarDet XO and he, then Capt. Charlie Tyrian, the CO. One of my worst tours of duty, I was to spend the first year as XO, then when he departed I was to fleet up to be the CO. However, I pulled some strings for the first and only time in my career and to get the hell off after the first year. I tired of watching Naval Officers shit on enlisted men (it’s all in the book). 

Anyway, I do not know the Colonel who actually wrote the below piece, but he definitely has command of the English language and makes his point loud, clear, and concise that any idiot “should” be able to understand, but they won’t. And as for the scum who started this whole thing (my Senator, and I use that term loosely, Durbin, he surely falls into the category described below.

And the Marine Colonel has the final word!!!

Don’t know about you, but I have been somewhat amazed & amused by the outpouring of distress regarding the use of the vulgar word “shithole.”

Now, as an Officer of Marines, I worked very hard at avoiding obscene verbiage, although admittedly some times without success.  The avoidance of profane language was, in truth, a much greater challenge.  With regard to vulgar terminology…  well let’s say I learned at the feet of the most talented and original users and creators of vulgar terminology: Marine Staff Non-Commissioned Officers! 

The essential element in the deciphering of any language, be it orthodox or non-orthodox, is identifying to what does the word infer or refer. In the case of the word in question, “shithole” refers to a PLACE and not a person or a people.  For one to refer in a vulgar manner to a person or a people, the appropriate term would be “shithead” or“dickhead” or better yet, the more popular “asshole.”

Typically, the word “shithole” would be used in two consecutive and highly dependent sentences:  “Jeez, what a shithole!” followed immediately by “Clean this shithole up!!!”  In neither sentence does the word “shithole” refer to its inhabitants, although there may be an asshole or two in the group.

No doubt Marines and our brethren Soldiers clearly comprehend this distinction.  Air Force officers surely would not use such language, and besides, they have contract laborers to clean things up.  Similarly, the use of the word would be beneath the dignity of a Navy officer; that’s why they have Chiefs and “Swabbies.”

Like many of you to whom this email is addressed, I have been to a “shithole” or two in my time.  I believe I know of which I speak.  Certainly, we have seen our share in Southeast Asia, but until you have stood in some wadi shithole in the Sudan or Somalia or Oman… well, you haven’t lived!

So, in the interest of enlightening the over-educated, yet blithely ignorant masses, you have my permission to disseminate the important distinction in the use of vulgar terminology that I have attempted to illuminate.

Peace be with you. Semper Fidelis!

Tony Latorre Col USMC (Ret)

Originally posted 2018-01-29 10:18:18.

2017 – The Year of Racism

Happy New Year Folks, thank goodness 2017 is gone for it was  the year of racism. Chad gives us a great review of 2017. Of course, there is not guarantee 2018 will be any better unless the snowflakes, liberals, and progressive globalists make it so. Of course, it could be better if the silent majority would stop being so silent and become the vocal majority. But then, that likely will not happen since they prefer to take silent actions, which I sure hope they do so during the mid-term election.

Here’s Chad’s take on the year. Enjoy.

Originally posted 2018-01-01 08:57:06.

Root on Lawyers

Not read much by Mr. Wayne Root, perhaps some of you have, but I will start reading him as in my economist mind he nails it in this piece. In September 2012, Root resigned all Libertarian Party positions, re-joined the Republican Party and endorsed Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election.

I’ve reported the numbers here in my newspaper column before. The stock market has soared upward the fastest in history under President Trump. Christmas bonuses are up dramatically. GDP is headed to the moon- almost tripling the GDP of Obama’s eight years. Jobs have soared since Trump became president- up 2.2 million since his election. Manufacturing jobs just had the best month in history. Confidence levels of small business owners, manufacturers and consumers are the highest in years. It’s literally “The Trump Economic Miracle.”

How did President Donald J. Trump turn the economy around so fast? He hasn’t even repealed Obamacare, or passed his gigantic tax cuts yet. So, what changed? The answer is Trump’s secret sauce…

“It’s all about the lawyers, stupid.”

There’s a famous joke I love to tell. “California leads the country in lawyers. New Jersey leads the country in toxic waste dumps. How did that happen? New Jersey got to pick first!” I LOVE this!

As terrible as taxes are, there is an invisible tax that is much worse for business. It’s called regulations. It’s not a sexy topic, so it’s never in the media headlines. No one talks about it. But when regulations are heavy, business is strangled and suffocated. Middle class jobs vanish. No one wants to risk, invest, or create a quality job.

And why are regulations so terrible? Because regulations breed lawyers. Obama loves regulations and lawyers. Some people dream of sugar plums, rainbows, a beach in Maui, or a new Ferrari.  Obama dreamed about new regulations and lawyers. As president, Obama hired thousands of lawyers to work three shifts, 24 hours a day. Then he whipped them into a frenzy to create thousands of new regulations.

Obama set all-time records for every category of regulations. The most regulations by number, by pages, by words, and by dollar value. Obama created the most regulations ever in one year. And the most regulations of any president in history. And of course, that required the most lawyers in history. 

Under Obama it was raining lawyers!

No business owner, entrepreneurial idea man, or investor can survive in an environment like this. So, like so many millions of other businessmen in the Obama era, I stopped opening businesses. I stopped investing. I stopped raising money. I raised about $20 million for various businesses under President Bush. I didn’t raise $1 dollar in eight years under Obama. Regulations and lawyers killed the fun, killed my entrepreneurial spirit, killed the risk-reward ratio.

I’ve been in business for 35 years since the day I graduated Columbia University (as Barack Obama’s classmate). When I got out of college, I went into business without a lawyer. I rarely ever needed a lawyer for anything- other than my incorporation papers. I called a lawyer perhaps once a year. My legal bills were nominal. Lawyers were an afterthought to my business startup plans.

Because of Obama and his regulations, everything changed. My legal bills went through the roof. My entire life became lawyers. No businessman or woman can make a move anymore without consulting a lawyer. Every contract I look at, let alone sign, requires thousands of dollars in legal bills. Today, my lawyer is my business partner- whether I like it, or not. Lawyers under lawyer Obama (and lawyer wife Michelle) became the biggest cost of doing business. Coincidence?

The remarkable dichotomy between the economic results of Obama vs. Trump is really just the result of an economy dominated by lawyers, versus an economy dominated by business risk-takers and job creators.

President Trump is already the greatest regulation killer in the history of the presidency. He has killed billions of dollars of regulations. And most importantly, he isn’t replacing them with new ones. One of Trump’s very first Executive Actions as president laid down the law- for every new regulation created, two regulations must be killed. The result: Lots of out of work lawyers!

This is President Trump’s secret sauce. “It’s all about the lawyers, stupid.” Trump isn’t just killing regulations. He’s killing off lawyers. And that’s a great thing for all of us. That’s why to business owners across America, this will be the merriest Christmas ever!

Originally posted 2017-12-15 12:08:35.


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