Category Archives: Current Events

DC or Bust




Hi Folks, been a long time since I posted anything. My only excuse is I have been working incessantly trying to put together all the logistics for this DC trip for my Young Marines. There have been times when I have asked myself if I may have bit off more than I can chew. But hey, as Marines, don’t we always do that? LOL

We are up to twenty-four now, boys and girls, ages 8-18, average age is still 12 1/2. Have you ever tried teaching map & compass navigation to that wide of an age span? Whew! By the way, at our first boot camp in August 2016 one of our eight-year-old recruits brought a Teddy Bear with her, another girl, age 16 drove herself there. Things do get interesting. I have often wondered why the Young Marines went so far down to age 8; their attention span for anything is one Nano-second or shorter. LOL But they are a barrel of fun, and once you get their attention they are like sponges, they can’t absorb enough.

The D.C. trip is slowly coming together. There are some challenges we’re working on overcoming. One of which I thought would be easy, but has proven most difficult i.e., the Friday night parade at The Barracks. Realizing their reservation system does not open till 15 March, I was hoping I could somehow develop a contact so I could get some idea as to which Friday could I be guaranteed reservations. Simply put, that Friday would drive everything logistic wise. No dice. I even sent the CO a copy of my book with a letter asking for a POC; that was early December, so far, no response. So, I had to simply pick a date suitable for me and the kids so I could start working on everything else. The problem is I have been retired since October 1993, that was 25 years ago, the company grade officers with whom I served at SOI are colonels and retired. I know no one in the Corps anymore. Sad what happens to you when you get old and gray. LOL No one cares about your requests anymore.

But I have to tell you, if I were in that CO’s shoes and rec’d a request such as mine, I would have immediately scribbled the sender a quick note of acknowledgement and gave the request to my OPSO, or better yet, my Protocol Officer and told him to make it happen. I don’t care how busy I was, it’s called taking care of your own. Oh well, so be it. I had to pick dates in the dark, so the plan is to arrive Tuesday 25 June and depart Sunday 30 June.

My real challenge is still financially. We have raised a little over $11,000, but with twenty-four kids now and several pending, we have a ratio requirement of 10-1 for supervisory personnel on such ventures. So, I am looking at about 30 for the trip. Of course, I will pay my own way, but some of my adult volunteers are from very low-income families and are many of my kids. I have decided once I have all the logistics worked out and am able to place some sort of a dollar figure on the full cost, and there is not enough for everyone to go, we are not going. I won’t be selective with the kids.
Anyway, I am sending out another SOS to everyone I can and am urging our parents to do the same. The unit has several fundraisers set up for the spring e.g., pizza night, spaghetti dinner, bingo, car washes, and of course many fundraisers in front of stores as we always do. So, the kids are really working hard for this; they are PUMPED!

Once again, the GoFundMe account is still alive should you desire to donate, or you can send a donation to me at 4303 East Drive, Crystal Lake, IL 60012 should you want to make it directly thus saving the small fee they charge. Our account is at:

Thanks everyone, and may God Bless you.

Semper Fi,

Originally posted 2019-01-25 12:11:27.

“Linked In” a Voter Fraud

Yes, he was “linked in” a scam designed to illegally influence an election.


Are you a fellow LinkedIn? I am (or was).  I have been a member of that site far more years than I can count. I have reunited with many lost Marine Brothers, and made so many new friends that I feel blessed. Never a day goes by without my getting a friend request from someone, or sending one out.

As an author, I have sold many books. Although that was never the intent of belonging to LinkedIn, it has served me well. But now I must say goodbye. Most of you know my story, I served this country for 36 years, I love this country, I was (and am) prepared to die for this country. I am appalled at what is happening to something I love more than anything else. I am a staunch conservative, not a Republican mind you; I do not donate to the RNC simply because there are elected GOP types who are not conservatives, scum McCain was the leaders of that group. Things are going on in my country that I never thought I would witness, but then I must always consider the source of those goings on.

Because of recent reports concerning the co-founder of LinkedIn, (Reid Hoffman), I must say goodbye to that site. If you want to know more about what he did, go to:

Who does this scumbag think he is? He’s like many of the folks who run these hot social sites e.g., Twitter, Face Book, etc. screaming liberals who want nothing more than to turn my country into a socialist global society. Why? They know their money will make them part of the elite, while us hard working souls wash their feet. Sorry, but color me gone. After many years of foolishly supporting your illegal activities I will do so no more!

Originally posted 2018-12-21 10:31:31.

The Real Reason They Hate Trump

I love it when someone, especially a professor at Yale, speaks out and explains everything in absolute terms; the kind a fellow like me can understand and appreciate.. Great read, thanks to a Marine Brother, Col David, no not the author of this fabulous piece, but a dear friend and Marine brother.


Every big U.S. election is interesting, but the coming midterms are fascinating for a reason most commentators forget to mention: The Democrats have no issues. The economy is booming and America’s international position is strong. In foreign affairs, the U.S. has remembered in the nick of time what Machiavelli advised princes five centuries ago: Don’t seek to be loved, seek to be feared.

The contrast with the Obama years must be painful for any honest leftist. For future generations, the Kavanaugh fight will stand as a marker of the Democratic Party’s intellectual bankruptcy, the flashing red light on the dashboard that says “Empty.” The left is beaten.

This has happened before, in the 1980s and ’90s and early 2000s, but then the financial crisis arrived to save liberalism from certain destruction. Today leftists pray that Robert Mueller will put on his Superman outfit and save them again.

For now, though, the left’s only issue is “We hate Trump.” This is an instructive hatred, because what the left hates about Donald Trump is precisely what it hates about America. The implications are important, and painful.

Not that every leftist hates America. But the leftists I know do hate Mr. Trump’s vulgarity, his unwillingness to walk away from a fight, his bluntness, his certainty that America is exceptional, his mistrust of intellectuals, his love of simple ideas that work, and his refusal to believe that men and women are interchangeable. Worst of all, he has no ideology except getting the job done. His goals are to do the task before him, not be pushed around, and otherwise to enjoy life. In short, he is a typical American—except exaggerated, because he has no constraints to cramp his style except the ones he himself invents.

Mr. Trump lacks constraints because he is filthy rich and always has been and, unlike other rich men, he revels in wealth and feels no need to apologize—ever. He never learned to keep his real opinions to himself because he never had to. He never learned to be embarrassed that he is male, with ordinary male proclivities. Sometimes he has treated women disgracefully, for which Americans, left and right, are ashamed of him—as they are of JFK and Bill Clinton.

But my job as a voter is to choose the candidate who will do best for America. I am sorry about the coarseness of the unconstrained average American that Mr. Trump conveys. That coarseness is unpresidential and makes us look bad to other nations. On the other hand, many of his opponents worry too much about what other people think. I would love the esteem of France, Germany and Japan. But I don’t find myself losing sleep over it.

The difference between citizens who hate Mr. Trump and those who can live with him—whether they love or merely tolerate him—comes down to their views of the typical American: the farmer, factory hand, auto mechanic, machinist, teamster, shop owner, clerk, software engineer, infantryman, truck driver, housewife. The leftist intellectuals I know say they dislike such people insofar as they tend to be conservative Republicans.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama know their real sins. They know how appalling such people are, with their stupid guns and loathsome churches. They have no money or permanent grievances to make them interesting and no Twitter followers to speak of. They skip Davos every year and watch Fox News. Not even the very best has the dazzling brilliance of a Chuck Schumer, not to mention a Michelle Obama. In truth they are dumb as sheep.

Mr. Trump reminds us who the average American really is. Not the average male American, or the average white American. We know for sure that, come 2020, intellectuals will be dumbfounded at the number of women and blacks who will vote for Mr. Trump. He might be realigning the political map: plain average Americans of every type vs. fancy ones.

Many left-wing intellectuals are counting on technology to do away with the jobs that sustain all those old-fashioned truck-driver-type people, but they are laughably wide of the mark. It is impossible to transport food and clothing, or hug your wife or girl or child, or sit silently with your best friend, over the internet. Perhaps that’s obvious, but to be an intellectual means nothing is obvious. Mr. Trump is no genius, but if you have mastered the obvious and add common sense, you are nine-tenths of the way home. (Scholarship is fine, but the typical modern intellectual cheapens his learning with politics, and is proud to vary his teaching with broken-down left-wing junk.)

This all leads to an important question—one that will be dismissed indignantly today, but not by historians in the long run: Is it possible to hate Donald Trump but not the average American?

True, Mr. Trump is the unconstrained average citizen. Obviously you can hate some of his major characteristics—the infantile lack of self-control in his Twitter babble, his hitting back like a spiteful child bully—without hating the average American, who has no such tendencies. (Mr. Trump is improving in these two categories.) You might dislike the whole package. I wouldn’t choose him as a friend, nor would he choose me. But what I see on the left is often plain, unconditional hatred of which the hater—God forgive him—is proud. It’s discouraging, even disgusting. And it does mean, I believe, that the Trump-hater truly does hate the average American—male or female, black or white. Often he hates America, too.

Granted, Mr. Trump is a parody of the average American, not the thing itself. To turn away is fair. But to hate him from your heart is revealing. Many Americas were ashamed when Ronald Reagan was elected. A movie actor? But the new direction he chose for America was a big success on balance, and Reagan turned into a great president. Evidently this country was intended to be run by amateurs after all—by plain citizens, not only lawyers and bureaucrats.

Those who voted for Mr. Trump, and will vote for his candidates this November, worry about the nation, not its image. The president deserves our respect because Americans deserve it—not such fancy-pants extras as network commentators, socialist high-school teachers and eminent professors, but the basic human stuff that has made America great, and is making us greater all the time.

Mr. Gelernter is computer science professor at Yale and chief scientist at Dittach LLC. His most recent book is “Tides of Mind.”

Originally posted 2018-11-04 16:09:12.

Logic and Logistics

I have not been closely following the caravan(s) coming up through Mexico. Oh, I get a glimpse of their whereabouts now and then, and hear of the MSM following along beside a woman with a small child carrying an Ecuadorean flag sobbing about her needs and what America can do to help her and her small child. Hmm. Interesting?” Yes. Heart wrenching? Absolutely not!

First of all, these folks seem to be well nourished, well-kept, and clean. So I am wondering how can that be? They supposedly have traveled hundreds of miles through terrain which would not be considered highly hospitable, allegedly harangued by police and soldiers in attempts to halt their progress. Yet all has failed or even slightly deterred them from the mission, which is………what? I’m told by the MSM they want help and demand the USA to provide it. Nah, I don’t think that’s the “real” mission. Perhaps it might be to arrive at our border on Election Day to make a statement for one of the political party’s. Hmm, now that makes it even more interesting.

I was not a logistics officer in the Corps, but I did know a lot of them, some were even friends. But as an infantry enlisted and officer, I did, on occasion, have to move large numbers of Marines and sailors over not so hospitable terrain for several days. So I have some questions for the MSM, which I am wondering why they have not already been asked.

Where do they shit?  A human excretes roughly one pound of feces per day. Thus, a caravan of 7,000 would create 3.5 tons of shit. Where is it? Who collected it? What did they do with it?

Where do they eat? Who is feeding them? Where do they sleep? Better yet, who is paying for all this?

Does anyone really believe that one day out of the blue, 7,000 Ecuadorians woke up and said, “Hey, Let’s all march to the American border, and demand they let us in and take care of us.” Really?

Well, I have an idea who is paying for it, but I’ll let you decide for yourself.


Originally posted 2018-11-01 10:27:39.

Which Party is Against Illegal Immigration?

Want to know what happened with illegal immigration and why the democrats always supported strong borders and then suddenly flip-flopped? Please carefully copy and past the below link, and Tucker will explain it all to you in concrete, verifiable, simple terms. If you are old enough you will surely remember the events about which he talks – I certainly do, but the average progressive millennial will not.

Originally posted 2018-11-01 08:24:28.