Category Archives: Need Help

CBO and their Mythical Math

I have always considered Newt Gingrich to be one of the politically astute members of the Washington crowd. An historian and very knowledgeable gent when it comes to the workings of our Govt. Additionally, while I did not realize the CBO was left leaning organization, as one who has studied Economics, I have always seriously questioned some their ridiculous findings. Now, Mr. Gingrich clears the mystery of their mythical math for me. How about you?

Oh, one more thing, if you’ve not read, “Art of the Deal” you don’t know what you are missing about Mr. Trump, and I do believe it will give you an insight as to what to expect from him.

Originally posted 2017-01-22 11:16:26.

Personal Classified Ad

Please accept my apologies for posting a classified ad on my blog, but I’m somewhat desperate and want to sell this item ASAP. It is our RV that we purchased back in April to replace the one we lost in the hurricane. In our aged old wisdom we thought we wanted to downsize further from the 34′ rig we lost and went to a 25′ 8″ Class C, our first. Well, when you go from a 40′ to a 34′ to a  25′ “things” just don’t fit and some of those “things” are creature comforts that 15 years ago we cared less about, but at our ripe age TOTAL comfort is what I considered needed  AND deserved. For example, Ms. Nancy misses her washer/dryer on long trips like the one we took during  August up north in search of cooler weather, which we FINALLY found in Northern MN,  LOL. So, if you or anyone of your friends and acquaintances are in search of a a quality RV guaranteed by myself, a very experienced RV-er, send them my way at my basic email address, which is To be totally honest, with what I have added to this rig, this is one helluva deal.

Here is the link, and do not be afraid to make a sensible offer. May have to copy and paste in your browser.

Semper Brothers and Sisters!! Jim

Originally posted 2023-09-22 12:52:50.

Need Help!

SgtI need your help.

Want to see your name in print? Here’s your chance.

Over a year ago I sent out an email to everyone in my address book asking for some stories about sergeants. My thoughts were to publish another book entitled “Only a Sergeant,” which was a spin-off from a chapter in my book with the same name. To my sheer disappointment, I received three replies— all from enlisted Marines. My officer friends either did not reply or informed me they had none. Are you shitting me? How could someone spend enough years in the Corps to retire and never observe a sergeant (or corporal) exercising leadership to the extent where you were impressed? Poppy cock! If you have none, then my only assumption is you isolated yourself from the troops to the degree where you were not able to observe any acts of leadership. So, come on, don’t give me that guff that you do not have any. That’s a cop out!

Okay, now that I got that of my chest, please allow me to explain my plan. For some reason, perhaps age, I have this feeling there is another book inside me that needs to come out. This is probably a result of what’s happening to our Corps as a result of all the Kool Aid drinkers we have within DOD, as well within our own ranks among senior officers.

If you read my book, one of the takeaways you should have had was that beginning with my days as a corporal and sergeant and throughout the rest of my career, I firmly believed the sergeant (and corporal) needs to run our units, not the staff sergeants or the gunnys, or God forbid the lieutenants. The sergeants (and corporals) are where the rubber meets the road. The sergeant is the one who holds reveille, orders clean up, falls them out for formations, etc. I know I am telling you something that I hope you already know.

I would like to publish another book, note I said “publish,” not write. I want you to write it. Your assignment is to send me one story about a sergeant (or corporal) where he/she exercised a leadership trait or principle to the degree where you were impressed. Perhaps, you were that NCO, so tell me about it. On the flip side, maybe you had a sergeant or corporal who was not a good example for others to follow. As a young Marine, I personally had lots of those early on, but I also had a load of the great ones that taught me leadership. Not ever Marine is an exceptional Marine, in fact, there are a few that aren’t worth a shit—my book points that out very well.

I envision a story (or maybe two if they are alike) per chapter. Each chapter should be about 1,000 words, which isn’t much (so far this doc is 469 words). PLEASE do not worry about such trivial matters as spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. That’s what editors do. Hell, if you had seen the first chapters I sent to my editor, you’d be laughing your butt off. Moreover, all publishers use a specific bible—it’s called the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), and they also use a certain dictionary as well. So, let the editors worry about those things. Just open a word document and PUT WORDS ON PAPER. It’s amazing what will come to mind when you start telling a story. Embellish? Of course, all “war stories” are embellished

Okay, all you Bills, Jim’s, Ron’s, Wayne’s, Ed’s, Marshall’s, Jay’s, Al’s, John’s, Larry’s, Pete’s Nicks, and so on—not to embarrass anyone by using last names—give me something! I will hound you until you do!

Lastly, I’d prefer to not isolate this endeavor to just the Corps. So, my friends from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, feel free to send me some examples from your service.  I’m sure all our services are experiencing problems. Let’s give the young NCO/PO some examples to follow. For informational purposes for those who are unfamiliar with our grade structure our sergeant is an E-5, corporal is an E-4. Speaking of that—Marines, PLEASE do not, repeat, DO NOT send me a story about a “Sgt E-5.” There is no such animal. Most of you aren’t old enough to understand how that bastardization of our grade structure came about. It was between 1959 and 1963 when we had Sgt E-4’s and Sgt E-5’s. Since 31 July 1963 there has only been one sergeant in our Corps, and he/she is a SERGEANT—period. Stop calling them a Sgt E-5!

How about a quick example? Here is a much shortened version of one of the three stories I received that I cannot wait to publish it.

“Our platoon was TAD to Quantico for our annual qualification on the rifle range. We were billeted at the range in a squad bay. One of our three squad leaders was a superb NCO named Sgt Bennett. After firing on prequal day, Sgt Bennett announced that anyone in the platoon who did not fire over 200 today (actually 190 was qualifying as a marksman, but shooting in the 190’s was dangerously low) will muster with him at the 500 yard line berm after chow at 1800. He said, “Bring your rifle, shooting jacket, and score book.”

At 1800 we were all in a school circle and Sgt Bennett began going over some of the problems he believed we were having with qualifying. As he was talking our lieutenant was walking from the chow hall to his car; he stopped and yelled, “Hey Bennett.” Sgt Bennett ignored him and kept talking to us. This went on several times with the lieutenant getting louder each time. Finally, one of the troops mentioned to Sgt Bennett that the lieutenant was calling him. Calmly, he turned around facing the lieutenant and shouted, “Lieutenant, there is no Bennett up here, but there is a Sgt Bennett—Sir!”

Now, tell me that is not an excellent leadership story! Sgt Bennett taught that young lieutenant a great lesson that day, which I am certain he carried with him for the remainder of his career. I shortened the story quite a bit to only 106 words, it was originally 758 words, but can easily be expanded to 1000 words by explaining to the ill-informed (civilians) some details to better understand it.

Lastly, if you want to be named as the author, great. If not, we’ll simply call you anonymous. If you don’t want to use the sergeant’s Corporalreal name, call him “Sgt Marine.” I kept adding “corporals too” when I spoke, so if the person was only a corporal, so be it, he/she is still an NCO striking for sergeant, maybe we’ll just promote him to sergeant—smiles.

OK, there’s your missions should you agree to accept!

PS. You can either click on the comments below and send it to me, or contact me directly at However, I would suggest you create the story in a Word.doc, then simply attach it

Originally posted 2016-04-02 15:29:11.

Hello  and welcome to my Monday morning epiphany. How many of you watched the Don’s speech yesterday at CPAC? After having one heck of a time trying to find where it was appearing for viewing, my electronically wizard Bride finally found it on her iPad. I understand it started late for what reason I know not., but it worked out great as I had my Sunday Happy Hour single malt and cheap cigar while listening intently to every word. 

I was absolutely thrilled when he called out, by name, the “Slimy Seven,” and even slammed old Liz Cheney, she really thinks she is something. Not! I do believe he hit every point that needed to be mentioned. After listening to him, I have fallen off the idea of a third party; he’s right, the Republican Party needs to be fixed. A third party will never become anything and could certainly pave the way for a larger Dema-scum party. Which brings me to my point.

After the speech, I did  something I said I would never do again i.e., contribute to any political group, My bride and I went to the title website and contributed $255. I know  what I said, but I personally believe in Trump; we need him on the road campaigning for the right candidates, I get it. I feel confident donating to his website. Yeah, I now it’s probably all going to the same pot, but if he is going nationwide for the next two years campaigning for candidates, maybe in some small way my measly $250 may help. We NEED to win back both houses in 2022, and win big to stop all the incredible things Joe has already done to our country and will have done by then.

When was the last time a president spent four years in office, took all the abuse to him and his family, accomplished so much that most Americans don’t have a clue about or the importance of what his administration did and never took a damn dime in salary? Name one.

So, if you feel the urge I would ask you to go to the title website and contribute to rebuilding the GOP.

Semper Fi Brothers and Sisters;


Originally posted 2021-03-01 10:47:58.

On Report

OMG, all those years in the Corps and years after, I have never been put on report, that is until now. LOL I received an email this A. M. from a so called “Concerned marine; no caps on purpose as I do not consider this fellow a Marine, perhaps you might disagree. I won’t post my reply to him, her, or it. I thought I’d allow my followers to do so.  Please feel free to comment. Email follows. My comments inserted are in red..

From: Concerned Marine <>

Subject: Turning You Into the Marine Corps

Message Body:

Sent to Headquarters Marine Corps

Unlawful use of Marine Corps Emblem and Photo, Hate Speech, Racism, Borders of Sedition

Col Jim Bathhurst (sic) USMC Retired

His blog prominently features a Marine Cops (Sic) Emblem and a possibly illegally copied photo from Headquarters Marine Corps.

His blog is filled with hate and racism. (really?) He brings discredit to the Marine Corps. His blog is close to sedition. He also peddles his book using the Marine Corps Emblem.

He and some of his followers are unhinged and I don’t need to have him or his screwballs coming after me so I will not put my name on this email. (that’s not something patriots do, that’s left for the liberals) He and his followers are similar to the Kooks who invaded the capitol last wee. (Sic) His website speaks for itself and it is a simple thing for you to see what he is doing.

Semper Fi 

A Concerned Marine

Actually, It gave me an early morning chuckle. BTW, the use of the EGA was authorized by HQMC prior to the book’s publication.  I was aware of the Corps’ copyright on the use of EGA and requested permission; I still have their letter of authorization. Liberals just cannot stand for someone expressing the truth about them. Please feel free to comment either directly to him or on the blog, albeit, I’d like to see your replies. LOL You there Smitty?

Originally posted 2021-01-11 14:46:12.