All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

NFL – Does the “N” really stand for National?

If so, why?

I have not watched any NFL game since two years ago except the Super Bowl this past January, or was it February, hell, I don’t remember and really do not care. I refuse to spend the Lord’s Day watching scum sucking anti-Americana millionaires play with a ball and think they are heroes. Oh, I do watch college football , and I have my favorite teams e.g., Bama and the Volunteers for example. I doubt very seriously if I will see any knee bending or disrespect there, but one never knows??  I cannot and will not watch these scumbags taking a knee or disrespecting something I served for much of my life and for which I shed blood. 

If any of you do watch the NFL, and I don’t have a problem with that — it’s your choice and I respect that, may I ask a favor? I would like to know if you see any advertisements from USAA. They have been my bank, mortgage company, brokerage account, IRAs, and insurer of home, boats, and cars for over 46 years. I do know they advertised last year, but I don’t know about this season. If they are doing that it would be the biggest example of hypocrisy I’ve ever witnessed. If I find they are advertising on the NFL network, the CEO will get a letter from me that will burn his hands while he reads it — guaranteed! And I just may pull all my accounts from them?I would like for someone to provide me a list of all the companies who advertise  NFL games. I will research them and get there contact information and publish on this blog in case anyone else wants to write them bitching and threatening to stop buying their product. We can write all the correspondence we want to addressed at the NFL and it will do no good. They must be hit in the pocketbook. I understand companies that advertise NBA games have already started complaining because they are not getting the viewership promised in their contracts. The NBA has already leaked out they intend to change things next season reference the outspoken scum like Lebron Scumbag James. We can do this folks, I know we can. Let’s become a united voice.

This video is a must watch, and if you are like me, you might need a Kleenex.


Originally posted 2020-10-24 14:18:12.

Journeyman Joe

I am not a Catholic, but if I were I would take exception with him referring to himself as one

By: G. Maresca

A journeyman is defined as someone who is reliable, not outstanding, but more of a placeholder than anything else.

In today’s politically charged universe, who does that remind you of?

There is no greater representative of the entrenched, bureaucratic, political class better known as the “D.C. Swamp” than Joe Biden and his nearly half a century membership highlights it.  Biden will serve his most crucial role as the placeholder for Kamala Harris, if the presidential election goes as predicted for Democrats. Provided you are unfamiliar with what the 25th Amendment of the Constitution entails, it won’t be long until you are.

Robert Gates, who served as defense secretary when Biden was vice president would later write that Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

When asked what he plans to do about dementia, Biden pledged to increase their foreign aid and accept all their immigrants.

Biden presides over a Democrat party that coddles extremists and ignores riotous violence.  Biden’s campaign slogan of “Build Back Better” is more suited as “Build back Bitter.”

crats did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all. Turn off the rhetoric and study what they actually do.  For instance, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, over the preceding decade the Biden’s gave an average of $369 per year to charities.  Biden is all about using your money, not his.

Biden’s mantra about saving the “soul of America,” is bizarre coming from a man who responds to political incentives, quicker than Pontius Pilate.  Biden wears the Catholic badge as he does his mask when campaigning from his basement.  Biden should wear two masks – one for each face.

His “devout” Catholicism is derisive and a sham.

Biden is the most radically pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, “Catholic” candidate ever to headline a national ticket.  Biden embraces sodomy as marriage, and has even presided over one.

Biden’s self-serving flip on the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal tax dollars from paying for abortions, speaks to his character that only distances himself from the truths of Catholicism, particularly that every life is sacred from conception to natural death.

He is certainly catholic with a small “c” when it comes to abortion as he and his pro-abort running mate Kamala Harris, who as California attorney general, played a key role in defending Planned Parenthood over its sale of aborted baby parts in violation of federal law.  A Biden administration would not only codify abortion into federal law, but make the taxpayer foot the bill.  They would also force the Little Sisters of the Poor to fund abortion and contraception.

In Catholic circles Biden is what you would call a “cafeteria Catholic” – someone who adheres to whatever Church dogma suits them.  Cafeteria Catholics are legion and heretics, too.

If Catholicism were a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict?

Testimony points to a Biden acquittal.

Ever since Judas betrayed Our Lord, you can trace all major crises to the silence of Christian clergy and by doing so they surrender their moral authority.  For Biden and any Catholic reading this, it was at the Council of Trent where St. Pope Pius V prophetically said, “All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics.”

Where are the Fulton Sheen archbishops of today?  If you need more convincing run an internet search for the homilies of Father Altman and Meeks.

Economist and scholar, Thomas Sowell summed the 2020 election concisely: “If the election goes to Biden, there’s a good chance that the Democrats will then control the two branches of Congress and the White House, and considering the kinds of things that they’re proposing, that could well be the point of no return for this country.”

As we head into the election’s home stretch, one must never underestimate the percolating sensation of the “shy voter.”  Given all the political animosity that is anti-Trump, the “shy voter” is one who considers it taboo to declare openly that they would vote for Trump.  They could very well be the 2020 version of the Silent Majority.

Much can occur during the last two weeks of any election, let alone the most conspicuous presidential election in more than a century.


In 2016, Hillary Clinton was leading by nearly seven points at this juncture.

History can be a resounding echo.

Originally posted 2020-10-23 13:14:28.

Pence vs Harris?

Good Morning Friends. Here’s a mission for you. Watch this video, then watch again either of the two links below about Harris and tell me which person you would vote for as the next Vice President of the United States. Just for laughs, send it to any left leaning folks in your address book, make it go viral. What a comparison of two candidates. For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would vote for her. I’m dumbfounded.

Now look at either of the Harris posts again.


Originally posted 2020-10-20 07:58:04.

My Pack is Heavy

Below is a  video a Marine Brother, Don Wolf, with whom I had the distinction to serve sent to me a while back. It has been in my computer ever since and I cannot tell you how many times I have clicked on it and watched. And each time I have great difficulty keeping my eyes clear enough to watch it.

I finally decided that I would take the time and post it. I have a problem though and that’s while I watch it, I think of all the slimy, gutless, pitiful millennials, spineless Gen Zers, and  wokeness, liberal, pronoun , transgender, and climate purveying bastards who have destroyed this once great nation. All I can find in my heart of hearts to say to those pieces of shit is — until you have worn the boots shut your damn mouth. And if you have worn the boots, yet have become one of those pieces of shit I just spoke of, you have sold your soul and I hope you rot in hell.

I am so sick  of hearing of the crime, broken justice system, abuse of power, stupid laws being passed to satisfied those ignorant shit heads.  Who the hell do those liberals in Colorado think they are that they have the right to decide who is or isn’t on a ballot for a national election.. And for all you sickly Californian’s, all I have to say is, maybe we should have a referendum on this year’s ballot with a  yes or no vote to give that shit state in which you hide back to Mexico. You don’t deserve to be one of the 50, and neither do you CO. I am a firm believer in State’s Rights, but you two abuse that privilege everyday. If you don’t want to be one of the 50, get out!

The biggest POS  of all who lives in our WH and all those pieces of garbage he has assigned to key cabinet positions because they were queer, transgender, lacked morals and principles, or the color of their skin is unbelievable, Your VP screwed her way to where she is and your press secretary is a disgrace to your office. I actually think she just might be dumber than you. We all know who is running this country; he’s into his third term. I wonder who he will find to get him his fourth? But then the libs are so stupid they just might try and elect that imbecile for his second term.

I’m tired of all this, and while I do not want to wish a few months of what life I have left, I cannot wait for November. Enjoy the video, make it full screen, and tell me  how many times you watch it brothers? Come on now be honest.

God, please help us, PLEASE!!!!


Are you a “Forgotten Man”?

Good question posed by the WSJ; are you one? I know I am, and I am praying the “Forgotten Man” comes alive again in two weeks!

The 2020 Election: The Final Days, or Will It Be Weeks?

After the initial shock of Donald Trump’s 2016 victory wore off, a few thoughtful people across the ideological spectrum attempted to wrap their heads around what happened. How did a brash, sometimes crude political neophyte beat everyone from Jeb Bush to Hillary Clinton at their own game on the world’s largest stage? Those more prone to introspection and self-awareness than denial and vindictiveness came to the conclusion that the country’s political and media elites had forgotten about the plight of the “average” American—the so-called Forgotten Man.

The term, first coined by Yale social scientist William Graham Sumner (1840-1910), was used to describe the American who, too poor to have political influence and too rich to be considered worthy of a helping hand, was often taken for granted by the political classes. As Sumner so aptly noted, “he works, he votes, generally he prays—but he always pays.”

There was a post-2016 awakening among those who realized they had ignored a big part of the country—the one that lives far from the corridors of power and the bright lights of cable television studios. Those who hadn’t read J.D. Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy” before the election rushed to buy a copy. For a while, everyone seemed to understand the hidden pain of those in the so-called Rust Belt of the American Midwest who had paid the highest price for 50 years of social engineering at home and abroad.

The costs of trade and immigration policies that favored big business were most often felt by the working class in “flyover country.” These policy changes came at a pace so rapid that people had little chance to adapt. Those same families sent their sons and daughters to fight in far off wars with few obvious connections to the national interest.

Those who complained were either ignored or deemed xenophobic racists and “deplorables.” How dare they question the collective wisdom of highly educated experts? Never mind that those experts bore almost no consequences for the disastrous effects of their policies. To my knowledge, no politician, university professor, news anchor, military officer, or Wall Street titan has ever seen his job outsourced to a foreign land.

From the opinion pages of The Wall Street Journal, critical perspective and analysis on developments from Washington

Originally posted 2020-10-19 11:55:19.