All posts by Jim

Left HS before report cards came out. Enlisted in the Marines for four years. By the time those years were over, I was hooked - they had me for life. Spent nearly ten years as enlisted. Received a Silver Star, Bronze Star w/V, Purple Heart as a Sgt during first RVN tour. Upon returning to the State's received a combat commission to 2Lt. Retired after 36 total years as a Colonel. Book follows my career, but is more about the heroes with whom I served, the great mentors I had, and the leadership principles they instilled in me.

Woke Coke Redux

Gang, I know it’s Sunday and a time for respite, but this came across the wire today and I just have to share it now. It appears Woke Coke hasn’t learned despite their drop in sales, Now they have come out with something utterly ridiculous by demanding the law firms, etc. who represent them to diversify. LOL. And now the shareholders, who by the way OWN the company and for whom the board of directors are supposed to  be working are speaking out. I love it. See the power consumers and shareholders wield over corporations. Pass the word, let’s destroy this woke company!


Coca-Cola Shareholders Send Letter Attacking Company’s Woke Policy For Contracted Lawyers, Saying It Requires Them To Violate Anti-Discrimination Law

Signage is displayed on a Coca-Cola Co. delivery truck in Frankfort, Kentucky, U.S., on Monday, Feb. 10, 2020.
Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg via Getty Images

A group of “concerned” Coca-Cola shareholders have sent a letter to the beverage corporation, alleging a recent policy aimed at diversity would actually require law firms that represent the company to violate anti-discrimination law.

Paul Mirengoff, a board member of the American Civil Rights Project (ACRP), reported at Powerline that in January 2021, “the general counsel of Coca-Cola sent a letter to the law firms that represent it. The letter demanded, among other things, that these firms ‘commit that at least 30% of each of billed associate and partner time will be from diverse attorneys, and of such amounts at least half will be from Black attorneys.’”

ACRP responded to the policy with an open letter demanding that Coca-Cola either “publicly retract the discriminatory outside-counsel policies it announced in January” or “provide access to the corporate records related to the decision of Coca-Cola’s officers and directors to adopt and retain those illegal policies,” Mirengoff wrote.

The letter notes that Coca-Cola’s policy “of contracting, refusing to contract, and altering the terms of signed contracts on the basis of the race of Coke’s counterparties, the [directors] have exposed Coke and its shareholders to material risk of liability” for potentially violating anti-discrimination laws.

The letter continues:

The Policies additionally expose the company to potential litigation on other theories, including (without waiving the right to later note more):

(a)the Policies order outside counsel to discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, and disability status in hiring, promotional decisions, firing, staffing, and internal compensation structures. In doing so, the Policies order outside counsel to violate Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964,Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

(b)in requiring the disclosure of individual outside-counsel “team member[’]s” disability status, the Policies separately compel the violation of the confidentiality provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

As Mirengoff noted, the letter adds that Coca-Cola knew or should have known the policy it enacted was illegal. In April, famed attorney Boyden Gray wrote an open letter to the company outlining how the new policy was discriminatory, so by now the company should have no questions as to whether the policy is potentially illegal.

Yet, as Daniel Morenoff, leader of the ACRP wrote in the letter to Coca-Cola, on the same day Gray wrote his letter, the company:

[Coke] executed and filed with the SEC a Form 10Q omitting any reference whatsoever to the [illegal contracting] policies or Coke’s related liabilities. Given the total omission of these material liabilities, that document, by all appearances, did not “contain[ ]” or “fairly present[ ], in all material respects, the financial condition…. of the Company.” Thus, [Coke] executed and submitted to the SEC a false “Certification Pursuant to 18 USC Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

Even though Coca-Cola didn’t report this new policy, Morenoff wrote, it has retained the policy. Concluding his letter, Morenoff issued a demand to the company:

The Stockholders therefore demand that you immediately publicly retract the Policies in their entirety. If we do not receive a response to these demands within 30 business days, we will understand. . .Coke. . .to have refused to address these matters themselves. At that point, the Stockholders will be forced to seek judicial relief to protect Coke and the Stockholders’ interests in the company from your continued breaches of your fiduciary duties.

I hope that after you have reviewed this letter, you will be in touch to inform us of how Coke will comply with these demands.

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.

Postscript. PLEASE share this with as many friends as you can, we can destroy this company and send the word to other corporations to mind their own business of running the company for its shareholders and stay out of politics.

Originally posted 2021-06-20 12:30:30.

Love our GOV!!!

Joey has to hate our Governor with a passion, but there isn’t a thing he can do about it! You gotta love this guy to do what he plans on doing. Would not be surprised if makes a trip to the southern bolder himself for a “look-see.” But where is our Veep, oh, that’s right she wants to go to Europe since she said she’s never been there. But she did go to our northern border. Still haven’t figured out what that was all about. Maybe she can’t read a map, ya think?

Brevard Sheriff Wayne Ivey Bashes Biden Administration in Fox News Interview Over Border Crisis in Texas, Arizona


ABOVE VIDEO: I was extremely proud to speak and stand with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and other Sheriff’s across the state of Florida yesterday, as Gov. DeSantis announced that Florida Law Enforcement Officers will answer a call for help from Texas Governor Abbott and Arizona Governor Ducey in combating the crisis at the border.

Sheriff told “Fox & Friends First,” it’s ‘outrageous’ that deputies from his state may reach the border before Vice President Kamala Harris does.

“I was extremely proud to speak and stand with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and other Sheriff’s across the state of Florida yesterday, as Gov. DeSantis announced that Florida Law Enforcement Officers will answer a call for help from Texas Governor Abbott and Arizona Governor Ducey in combating the crisis at the border.

Earlier in the week, Governors Abbott and Ducey collectively requested that Governors across the country send law enforcement resources to help their respective states in securing the border, as the current administration in Washington DC is doing absolutely zero to stop the massive impact of illegal immigration that is taking place.

As part of the announcement, Governor DeSantis asked me to address the importance of border security, why our nation’s border is currently being overrun, and how failing to secure our borders has a direct impact on communities across the country.

As everyone is well aware, the impacts of illegal immigration don’t stop at the border, they filter into every community in every state. In the past 6 months, our country has not only experienced significant increases of illegal crossings at the border, but we have also seen significant increases in victims of human trafficking and smuggling of fentanyl and meth.

As you will hear during the attached video of yesterday’s press conference our agency and other agencies across the entire state are committed to assisting in any capacity our Governor needs, to assist Texas and Arizona.

“As part of the announcement, Governor DeSantis asked me to address the importance of border security, why our nation’s border is currently being overrun, and how failing to secure our borders has a direct impact on communities across the country.” – Sheriff Wayne Ivey (WPBF 25 News Video image)

This concept is no different than law enforcement agencies from across the country who have sent resources in past years to aid Florida communities in the aftermath of significant storms and hurricanes.

Let there be no doubt, Texas and Arizona are facing a significant storm and our Florida state and local law enforcement agencies stand ready to respond to protect Americans.

I think it’s important to understand that we can either go fight this battle at the border where Washington should be fighting it, or we can fight it right here in our own backyards where it should never have made it. While we shouldn’t have to be fighting this battle, for the sake of our citizens and their safety I’m sure glad that we are.


Originally posted 2021-06-19 14:32:33.

Who’s the President?

Already posted for the day, but then I received this and just had to share. Time for some levity. The problem is this would be so hilarious if it weren’t all factual. Might have turn the volume up more than normal. Whoever does this is really a smart cyber person.

Originally posted 2021-06-17 15:31:17.

A Solid Right “Cross”

I am going to ignore all the Biden FUPAH’S over the past few days because I choose to not report any more of that buffoons’ antics. I’m sure your internet is full, as is mine, of all his missteps. He’s simply lost in the world of euphorbia as he “thinks” he is the leader of the free world. Ha! That in itself is a joke; how can a puppet be a leader when it can’t move its own mouth?

Anyway, another good one from Greg takes priority over puppets.

By: G. Maresca

The brief video of Byron Cross speaking against a proposed transgender elementary school policy last month at a Loudoun County, Virginia school board public hearing was a shot over the leftist bow.

The proposed policy: “Staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence, regardless of the name and gender recorded in the student’s permanent educational record.”

Cross, a physical education teacher in the Loudoun school district stated: “It is not my intention to hurt anyone, but there are certain truths we must face when ready,” he continued. “I love all of my students, but I will never lie to them regardless of the consequences. I’m a teacher, but I serve God first, and I will not affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it’s against my religion, it’s lying to a child, it’s abuse to a child, and it’s sinning against our God.”

Natural law and biology are on Cross’s side. Various white paper studies say 75 to 90% of children struggling with gender dysphoria return to their natural gender by puberty. Moreover, it is the adults who support their dysphoria that are another hurdle for the child to revert back to their true gender.

What the left fails to understand is that resistance to the transgender movement is not about hate or phobia, it is about getting help for those in need. Much of this undertaking is indoctrination rather than dysphoria. America is a center-right nation, not the leftist daydreams of AOC and the squad.

Common sense, where art thou?

For speaking out as a private citizen the school district suspended Cross. It was their way of demonstrating to other teachers what will happen provided they dare question future board proposals. This is what now happens in the land of the free and the home of the brave when one courageously possesses the honesty and humility to cross the woke cancel culture.

Fear and intimidation are useful tools to silence those who disagree. Make no mistake our very freedoms lie in the balance. Such tyrannical behavior by publicly elected officials should result in their immediate recall. Anyone involved in Cross’s suspension has no place in office as they do not respect or value the 1st Amendment.

Leftist ideology cannot exist in truth because it is a lie. Throughout history, it has led to ample agony, anguish and death. Once upon a time in America, the national media worked to expose the left’s lies.

Today, they are willing participants.

 A Virginia court rightfully reinstated Cross who spoke as a private citizen making his suspension unconstitutional. The Alliance Defending Freedom, who represented Cross, saluted the decision: “Educators are just like everybody else – they have ideas and opinions that they should be free to express.”

Despite the outcome, the obvious threat to those who resist remains clear.

President Biden omitted recalling the incredible bravery exhibited on the anniversary of D-Day this past June 6th, but he didn’t forget transgenders saying: “To transgender Americans across the country — especially the young people who are so brave — I want you to know your President has your back.”

The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro juxtaposed the stark difference saying: “Bravery circa 1944: young men charging from the choppy seas of the English Channel onto the corpse-strewn beaches of Normandy, hellfire raining down upon them, to liberate a continent. Bravery circa 2021: young men identifying as women, and vice versa.”

It was encouraging to see a God-fearing man like Cross stand up for truth and common decency, while entrenched in the belly of the beast. Cross refuses to surrender public education to the left. Hope is alive and can be found among fearless Christian conservatives who speak up and take a stand.

One stands up and then the next and it builds.

Pendulums always swing back.

But just how far remains to be seen.

Irish philosopher Edmund Burke said nobody made a greater mistake than doing nothing because they could do only a little. If we all do what we can, we can restore our nation where mutual courtesy, shared decency, and common sense become common once again.

Well, there you have it folks as far as the swamp goes for the day. I’m sure there’s more, but there is always so much I just cannot force myself to fill the pages. Thank goodness, someone had common sense and reinstated him; bet that relationship is going well. I would love to be in his shoes. Ha!

Originally posted 2021-06-17 10:43:02.

Yeonmi Park

From someone who has walked in the shoes. We are so stupid to be allowing this to happen. When will we as a Nation wake up?

Famed North Korean defector Yeonmi Park offered a chilling account of her time at Columbia University, saying that not even North Korea went to the level of brainwashing that she witnessed.

Speaking with Fox News, Park became increasingly dismayed with the cost of an education that amounted to little more than what she described as indoctrination.

“I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” she said. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.”

Like in North Korea, Park said she witnessed example after example of anti-Western sentiment and guilt-tripping. During her orientation, for instance, a staff member scolded her for liking classic literature.

“I said ‘I love those books.’ I thought it was a good thing,” Park said of her orientation. “Then she said, ‘Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.’”

When it came to gender pronouns and manipulation of the English language, Park was even more confused.

“English is my third language. I learned it as an adult. I sometimes still say ‘he’ or ‘she’ by mistake and now they are going to ask me to call them ‘they’? How the heck do I incorporate that into my sentences?” she remembered asking herself. “It was chaos. It felt like the regression in civilization.”

“Even North Korea is not this nuts,” she added. “North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy.”

Eventually, Park stopped arguing with her professors and “learned how to just shut up” so that she could graduate. She reserved her most pointed criticisms for the woke scolds who constantly lament about being oppressed.

“Because I have seen oppression, I know what it looks like,” she said. “These kids keep saying how they’re oppressed, how much injustice they’ve experienced. They don’t know how hard it is to be free.”

“I literally crossed through the middle of the Gobi Desert to be free. But what I did was nothing, so many people fought harder than me and didn’t make it,” she added.

Not being able to think critically has real-world consequences on society, noted Park as she recalled her inability to see that leader Kim Jong Un was the fattest man in the country while the people were starving.

“In North Korea I literally believed that my Dear Leader [Kim Jong-un] was starving,” she said. “He’s the fattest guy – how can anyone believe that? And then somebody showed me a photo and said ‘Look at him, he’s the fattest guy. Other people are all thin.’ And I was like, ‘Oh my God, why did I not notice that he was fat?’ Because I never learned how to think critically.”

“That is what is happening in America,” she added. “People see things but they’ve just completely lost the ability to think critically.”

Having seen the worst of humanity in North Korea only to witness brainwashing in the United States, Park admitted to feeling quite bitter and hopeless about it all.

“You guys have lost common sense to degree that I as a North Korean cannot even comprehend,” she said. “Where are we going from here? There’s no rule of law, no morality, nothing is good or bad anymore, it’s complete chaos. I guess that’s what they want, to destroy every single thing and rebuild into a Communist paradise.”

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.

Remember what university Obama’s attended?

Originally posted 2021-06-15 12:19:35.