Public Service Announcement

This PSA was brought to you courtesy of Trump Country. Enjoy!

Yeah, I know you are probably asking what the photo of slim bucket Kerry has to do with this post? Well, really, nothing at all. I just love that photo of him. He looks like someone ask him what he did during the big war, Vietnam that is. LOL And he is trying come up with something heroic, but can’t think of anything because he threw his medals over the WH fence. 


Originally posted 2018-10-31 16:33:48.

4 thoughts on “Public Service Announcement”

  1. A lesson on correct english language interpretation from a flyover country store.

  2. Love it Jim and he is right don’t call 911 about the sign call for the drunken driver and get him off the street, did anyone check to see if he has a license? Maybe he has one from California where they give the test in 40 languages???

  3. If I knew where that store was, I’d drive over to give him my business. Gotta support Trumpers! Plus, I suspect he’s from Georgia, so he’s probably just down the road apiece.

    Now about that douche Kerry: I think he’s still trying to figure out how in the hell he ever shot himself with an M79.

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