Boys VS Girls

This country has lost its collective mind! If we, as Americans, don’t finally say enough is enough and take some action, our children will end up misfits, much like the latest generation that grew up during the height of the participation trophy heyday. Actually they are the ones who are pushing this equality equals participation garbage. 

I attempted to find the 13 states who allow males to complete against females, but let me merely say, it is a highly muddied topic. I was able to identify a few who do so. Of course, at the top of the list is CA, then came MI, MA, NY, OR, WA, and PA. However,  others have very confusing criteria that I could not ascertain their stand on the issue.  I was shocked to see so many states who attempted to pass laws against transgenders playing in their newly adopted gender sports, but did not pass or the Governor vetoed the law.

What is your state’s rule of law? I do know that in my state those assigned female at birth may participate in boys’ and men’s sports, but those assigned male at birth may not participate in girls’ and women’s sports. Thank you Gov DeSantis.

While You Vacationed                                                       By: G. Maresca

Once school was dismissed back in June, the U.S. Department of Education, another federal bureaucratic dinosaur that has outlived its function if it ever had one, published 700 pages of gratuitous regulations concerning Title IX.

Title IX is the civil-rights law that bans discrimination on the basis of gender in any educational program funded by the federal government. When Title IX was enacted in 1972, it was to safeguard access for women in education and said nothing about athletics. That soon changed as Title IX remedied the dearth of women’s sports teams especially on college campuses with the purpose of equalizing the field of play.

A plethora of athletic scholarships soon followed.

It is no understatement to say that Title IX has become one of the most far-reaching and controversial laws of our time. In essence, it has turned a benevolent ideal into an Orwellian flummox.

Title IX’s latest changes are being touted by the National Education Association as a great victory. Such a blatant overstatement raises it share of red flags. Allow me to hoist a few.

Celebrating its 50th anniversary Title IX is showing its age in a pathetic attempt to jump on the transgender bandwagon. As the Child and Parental Rights Campaign website clarified among those 700-pages, gender identity is now defined as transgenderism where one’s biological gender means nothing. Schools are to support transitioning children without parental consent. This is already happening in California.

Schools have no right to usurp parental authority in directing the education and medical decisions for their children.

Outright dismissed is the mutilation done to children’s bodies. It was in July that the FDA admitted how puberty blockers can cause brain swelling and loss of sight, while hormone treatments can result in sterilization. Then there are the inestimable emotional scars.

Allowing male transgenders to compete against women handcuffs women’s athletics. The left does not comprehend that Title IX was never meant to allow males to compete against female athletes all the while violating their locker room privacy.

Fairness in competition is underscored in boxing. No one wants to watch a fight between a featherweight and a heavyweight, as it is simply unfair. So, too, is a competition between a transgender male and a biological female.

In sports, biology certainly matters; it is why women’s sports exist. When biological reality is dismissed, women pay a hefty price. With women losing to transgenders who are biological males under the auspices of Title IX has to be the greatest of ironies as it makes a mockery of women’s athletics.

You can thank Obama’s administration when Joe Biden was vice president that decided Title IX should also safeguard sexual orientation and gender identity. The Supreme Court then mitigated the legal meaning of both placing women’s sports in a free fall back to their starting line.

In its wake the Title IX phenomenon has advanced the development and growth of the nation’s college sports industrial complex that begs the question of how much true intrinsic value does it bestow upon higher education. The administrative state on college campuses has metastasized under the auspices of Title IX, where an army of bureaucrats waving the flag of diversity, equity and inclusion have been hired to ensure all regulatory requirements are adhered to.

Athletic competition for women was established because physical differences between the genders should not prevent any woman from competing. Once upon a time in America if you took such an opportunity away from a woman, you were a misogynist. In Biden’s America, it is called equality.

Title IX was meant to correct sex discrimination, not enforce it.

Thirty-seven states have enacted protections to preserve women’s athletics. These Title IX proposed federal changes will challenge all prior state legislative decisions.

Before reality is turned on its head, you can make a difference.

Statements are being accepted through September 12 at the Federal Register and must be original as scripting of comments (cut and paste) are not acceptable because any identical comment will be counted as just one. The Child and Parental Rights Campaign website does provide ideas in their “comment starter letters” section.

Exercise your right to be heard as the future of America’s children lie in the balance.

Originally posted 2023-02-04 13:37:43.

9 thoughts on “Boys VS Girls”

  1. From what I read about the Grammys (I never watch), the degradation of American society continues. This well-written article only highlights this, too. Lord help us.

    1. Grammys, Ha, what a joke. I’d rather watch roadrunner cartoons. I have another post coming that really takes about the degradation of America, stay tuned.

  2. Signed into law- The Tennessee bill, which opponents have called “discriminatory,” will require students to play sports based on their birth certificate’s gender identification and only compete against other athletes of the same biological sex.

    1. Comments closed in Sept of 2022… as the column was originally published on Sept 3, 2022. Yet, the problem exists throughout the states and by no means is going away lightly. Perhaps, the best course of action at this juncture would be to contact your local state reps…who need to familiarize themselves with the 10th Amendment….

  3. Our society has so many problems today it is difficult to know where to start addressing them. Morally we are bankrupt but so are most other “civilized” countries. Private schools are the only way to go today. I don’t know how educators put up with what goes on in the classrooms of public schools today. The current administration is pushing loan forgiveness and talking about “free college education” but then they won’t raise the 529 tax deductible education contribution limit so hard working folks with larger families can set aside tax free money for education outside the public school system.

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