Seven Rings

It’s difficult to believe, but it’s true. Tom Brady at age 43 has seven, yes count them, seven super bowl rings. Is there anyone who can not claim he is the greatest QB ever?  By the time the next season begins he will be 44 (August). As you know I am not a National Father-less League fan or follower (NFL), but I am and have been for many years a Tom Brady fan. I cheered for him in NE and am now cheering for him in FL. He is one of my heroes, and it isn’t just about being a great QB; check him out, he’s one of the good guys.

The sad thing is, while he should be the perfect role model for the kids today, as should Mahomes as well, the fact that Tom beat Patrick during black history month has made Tom a racist. Is there anything in this country that is not about racism anymore? How sad. It seems we become more racist with each passing day. Everything is about black and white. Disgusting!

Personally, I believe both Tom and Patrick are perfect role models for today’s youth regardless of one’s race,. So give it up. Take your white privilege and black sorrow and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. Shut up about it and it will go away!


Many watched Tom Brady lead the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Super Bowl victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. The game marked the franchise’s second Super Bowl victory and Tom Brady’s seventh. Brady’s epic accomplishment has earned him the title of the greatest quarterback of all time, but many on Twitter appeared to have been triggered by Brady’s victory.

Brady is no stranger to criticism, of course. Last week, Nancy Armour attacked him in USA Today for not only being white, but for his apparent support for Donald Trump. Now, Twitter users are calling his victory over Patrick Mahomes “racist” … because it happened during Black History Month.

Is it possible some of these people were joking? I hope they all were because of how ridiculous this suggestion is. Were the Buccaneers not entitled to play to win the Super Bowl because they have a white quarterback? Did Tom Brady have to allow himself to be outplayed by Patrick Mahomes because of his race? Is the Left seriously so obsessed with race that activists feel that white athletes have an obligation to not outshine their black opponents during Black History Month?

I’d really like to believe these people are just joking, but there are too many tweets for that to be true.  For example:

Twitter Comments
If Tom Brady beats Patrick Mahomes during Black History Month then we have to double whatever we’re demanding from reparations

Really? That’s hilarious that this fool believes that.

there’s something racist about tom brady… a white man… winning the super bowl every year during BLACK HISTORY MONTH 🤔— 𝙟𝙖𝙢 ✰ (@jamruntz) February 8, 2021 Perhaps the National Father-less League needs to change the date of the Super Bowl, huh?

Jaegerist Cobi@Jcobi_b
Hmm. Wonder what the first two were?

Originally posted 2021-02-20 09:59:01.

19 thoughts on “Seven Rings”

  1. With all this racial animosity going on that is completely unnecessary and only serves to inflame people rather than unite them, this Jarhead is still trying to figure out why the Kansas City football team is still called the Chiefs….? Just sayin’…..

  2. Entertainers shouldn’t be role models/heros. That’s the kind of bullshit that landed us in this situation. When professional athletes and actors and politicians get the same pay as our soldiers, police officers ,fire fighters, frontline workers along with all of the other folks out in the work force busting their assess to make ends meet then maybe this crap will fade away for a bit. Till that happens, this nonsense will be here to stay. Semper Fi. Just my 2 cents

  3. The first part of these comments were talking about race! Race is a disgrace but it was brought about during the Obama administration and it now continues..he was the most divisive asshole that has ever been in office..! Soreos and his minions have fed Obama! They have fed him all through out the Trump impeachment after Trump got elected! Now the blacks have decided to go to war!! Obama is behind the LGBT development and transgender acceptance into the military. During Trumps 4 years Obama championed ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter (BLM). Obama is a treasonous piece of crap and every body knows it! Including the NFL assholes! The blacks are trying to take over this country! Why are everyone of you white guys “White Supremist”. BECAUSE ..Obama and the Democratic left wingers have taken us down and we’re not doing a damn thing about it! It is time to turn your is time to make up are minds to stop this shit! Get ready!! Get ready to go to war and take your country back form Biden and EVERY Democrat..! Look at the Democratic Party and what they stand for!

    The Black Americans are now more racist than they ever have been! We (whites) have been more beneficial to whites than ever before..but, all that has changed..! Now they are talking ,again, about reparations! I will not pay any ‘black’ one phukin’ dime! They can get their so called reparations from the blacks who sold them to our country years ago! I am done with the black race..get the phuk out!! We don’t need blacks..let them find their own way!

    The whole damn Dem Party is corrupt and anti- American. They don’t plan on us doing anything and we have been willing to take this shit! I don’t have a lot of time left..but..I am willing to die to take our country back from people like Biden..! How long can we stand back and listen to Biden threaten us and to pillage and corrupt this country! Obama has phuked this country..he has corrupted every existing Government agency..the FBI..NSA..DOJ..CIA..IRS..we can’t keep taking this crap! GOD..PLEASE HELP US!! Jack Moore

  4. Col I just wonder how much of this garbage on Twitter etc. Is just fake accounts set up by our enemies I.e Russia China Iran North Korea to foment racial discord to further erode our values and sow divisions Semper Fi

  5. Professional sports is supposed to be a three hour vacation from a 40 hour work week. Politics is poison
    and politics has poisoned the NFL and other pro sports.

    1. Exactly. It is no longer “sports” but too few Americans seem to know…or care.

  6. Yawn. Although an avid sports fan at the time, I stopped paying any attention to the National felen league years ago after reading the actual court transcript of Michael Vick’s confession of the unspeakable details of the torture and killing of dogs used by him for illegal dog fighting.

    My decision has been validated repeatedly since then as such thuggish behavior has become commonplace as thugs took over nearly all professional and college sports. After a stint in the security department at the University. of GA my eyes were fully opened to the incredible criminality that his routinely covered up for football and basketball thugs, especially if they were “star” players.

    Now that it is crystal clear that our totalitarian Marxist enemies control sports and other “entertainment,” openly using it now as propaganda for their political and cultural revolutionary purposes, I am amazed and disappointed that so many Americans, especially those calling themselves “patriots,” still support our now mortal enemies by paying attention to sports, especially the “Super Bowl” which, with its propagandistic commercials, is an apt metaphor for the depravity of our current woke “culture.”

    We are our own worst enemies.

    1. While I totally agree with your assessment of our national sports (professional and even some NCAA), my post is by no means championing the NFL or the Super Bowl, It is praising two players who, if you do some due diligence you will find they both don’t fit your mold. They are great Americans who do much off the field of play. I do not watch the NFL, but I did watch the Super Bowl but only because of the two QB’s who are both great people in my view. Thank you for your comments sir.

      1. Understood—but in my view, ANY attention given these things is, at bottom, aiding and abetting the enemies of America. Just as I question the conservative and principled bona fides of such personalities as Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Shawn Hannity (although as to him his bona fides have long been in question in my view due to his increasing narcissism and self-aggrandizement) the traitorous FoxNews, I have to wonder about the supposed “paragons of virtue” in sports who, at least in my view rationalize their continued participation to make it easier to take the big bucks.

        Unless and until Americans, and especially those calling themselves “patriots,” are willing to actually put in practice “virtue” (living according to traditional Judie-Christian values of the Bible), our nation will continue on this ever-accelerating decline into the spiritual and moral sewer.

        As a nation, we have become spoiled and comfortable, with pitifully few now willing to put their principles into action since that may mean some inconvenience or loss of income etc.

        1. Hmm, sort of agree. I do not watch ANY news programs, including those you mentioned. I don’t need for a TV personality to tell me how I should think and believe. I do my own due diligence and form my opinions from facts, not from show business. Albeit Tucker does take on son=me real POS at times. I am surprised he is still on FOX considering where they have gone of late. As for Hannity, OMG, that’s pure show business and supposedly entertainment for those who seem to need that in their life. News programs became entertainment when the programing had to begin supporting themselves. There once was a time wen the national news was1/2 hour and not advertising; a full 30 minutes of pure news. But then I digress. I stand by Brady and Mahomes.

          1. We are in substantial agreement with all you said—I pay no attention to any “news” sources now—even Newsmax showed it’s true colors when it’s star reporter dramatically walked out on the pillow guy’s press conference outlining facts about the election theft. I get my “news” on my own from various sources, cross-checking and triangulating as we used to do with conflicting intell reports.

            As to the athletes in question, I guess I am a Neanderthal in terms of my all or nothing approach to anything “cultural” now. Just as I now refuse to go to or recommend other go to the Marine Corps Museum as it has now gone woke and racist with “victim” displays about black Marines.

            For the same reasons I have revised my will to not include a Marine Corps funeral as I do not wish to be associated with an institution that now welcomes perverts into its ranks and actively seeks out and destroys the careers of Christian Marines who dare speak out (or merely remain silent but neutral) about the rampant perversion throughout our military (indeed, the Army recently highlighted the promotion of the first openly homosexual—NOT as the press release said, “gay,” general officer and otherwise unseemly and disloyal behavior by not only recently retired senior officers but even those still serving in the highest positions of our military. The Marine Corps I served in for 33 years has disappeared and in so doing, abandoned me and all others who served because of our Christian and patriotic duty.

            If there is any remaining hope for our nation to survive as it was founded—on virtue—we must make hard choices between having one foot in the polluted “culture” our enemies have facilitated our creating (yes, we are all guilty in myriad ways) and one foot in Judeo-Christian belief and practice. Our Founders, and our Creator, have repeatedly warned us we cannot dance with the devil and remain unaffected.

            Our choice is not nuanced at all—it is a crystal clear bilateral one between “good” and evil. There can be no middle ground or compromise.

          2. We are in agreement Brother. I know not to we are headed. Glad I am into my eighth decade. Joe and the How cannot hurt me, but for any of my younger kin who participated in their rise to power, I simply say, good luck, you WILL pay the pauper, I won’t.

          3. Amen. I am in the same place, though worried about my middle age children and young grandchildren.

          4. Well, I don’t worry about the younger generation, kin or not as I don’t know how they voted, but I suspect they “might” have gone to the green side.

  7. Someone through their excessive supply of stupidity calls me a racist, I turn around and call them a racist. Turn about is fair play. Happened a couple of times already. I also break out my PTSD t-shirt (Pretty Tired of Stupid Democrats).

    Tom Brady did an outstanding job earning his 7th Super Bowl ring. While I don’t watch professional sports, I do appreciate that Brady worked hard, applied his talents, and did what his employers pays him to achieve. WINNING!

    If our politicians had the same work mentality this would be a much better country.

    1. Great comments Bill, than you, and I could not agree more reference our politcial scum.

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